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Commit 090d24ba authored by Georgios Dagkakis's avatar Georgios Dagkakis

BusinessTemplate: In guessExtensionOfDocument allow

to use content_type or reference even if the object is broken.
parent 923bd362
......@@ -765,12 +765,17 @@ class ObjectTemplateItem(BaseTemplateItem):
- '.bin' is returned for binary files
- '.txt' is returned for text
# Try to guess the extension based on the content_type of the document
# XXX Zope items like DTMLMethod would not
# implement getContentType method
extension = None
binary = 'not_identified'
content_type = None
if hasattr(document, 'getContentType'):
content_type = document.getContentType()
elif isinstance(document, ERP5BaseBroken):
content_type = getattr(document, "content_type", None)
if content_type:
lookup_result = self.getMimetypesRegistryLookupResultOfContenType(content_type)
if lookup_result:
# return first registered Extension (if any)
......@@ -793,15 +798,19 @@ class ObjectTemplateItem(BaseTemplateItem):
return extension
# Try to guess the extension based on the reference of the document
mime = MimeTypes()
reference = None
if hasattr(document, 'getReference'):
reference = document.getReference()
elif isinstance(document, ERP5BaseBroken):
reference = getattr(document, "reference", None)
if reference:
mime_type = mime.guess_type(reference)
if mime_type[0]:
extension = guess_extension(mime_type[0])
return extension
# Try to guess the extension based on the title of the document
if hasattr(document, 'title'):
title = getattr(document, "title", None)
if title:
mime_type = mime.guess_type(document.title)
if mime_type[0]:
extension = guess_extension(mime_type[0])
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