2008-06-07 fabien * move all web page and web site to safi_egov bt 2008-06-04 fabien * enhance EGov_Base_editAndNextStep script, now it should be possible to not have a modified Base_edit script * moved here some script from safi_tva bt 2008-05-26 fabien bt refactoring : * change portal_types names * add functionality (captcha, contextual help,...) * enhance security, ... 2008-03-11 fabien * hide Preference button on the workspace for annonymous users * add a login_form sript to override the existing one and permit to redirect on the appropriate page 2008-03-10 fabien * add some controls on validation state, add two widgets to see pending requests and users documents, align the form on the right, but all other pages are centered, enhance listbox page template to handle custom listbox fields. 2008-03-07 fabien * set up security and bring lot of change on all the bt 2007-12-27 fabien * Initial prototype