Commit 9becbf05 authored by Sebastien Robin's avatar Sebastien Robin

erp5_calendar: customize _getDatePeriodDataList instead of asMovementList

This makes less code to customize in GroupCalendarAssignment
parent 26dc71b6
......@@ -38,26 +38,13 @@ class GroupCalendarAssignment(PresencePeriod):
security = ClassSecurityInfo()
security.declareProtected( Permissions.AccessContentsInformation,
def asMovementList(self):
Generate multiple movement from a single one.
It is used for cataloging a movement multiple time in
the movement/stock tables.
Ex: a movement have multiple destinations.
asMovementList returns a list a movement context with different
single destination.
def _getDatePeriodDataList(self):
result = []
group_calendar = self.getSpecialiseValue()
if None in (self.getDestinationUid(), group_calendar):
return result
presence_period_list = group_calendar.objectValues(portal_type="Group Presence Period")
if not(None in (self.getDestinationUid(), group_calendar)):
presence_period_list = group_calendar.objectValues(
portal_type="Group Presence Period")
for presence_period in presence_period_list:
for date_period_data in presence_period._getDatePeriodDataList():
if date_period_data['start_date'].greaterThanEqualTo(self.getStartDate()) and \
date_period_data['stop_date'].lessThanEqualTo(self.getStopDate() or group_calendar.getStopDate()):
result.append(self.asContext(self, **date_period_data))
return result
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