Commit c2205acc authored by Roque's avatar Roque

erp5_test_result: ERP5ScalabilityDistributor refactoring

- code for generateConfigurationList moved to scalability distributor
- general code refactoring and cleanup
parent 35cadb66
......@@ -32,6 +32,8 @@ from zLOG import LOG,ERROR
from AccessControl import ClassSecurityInfo
from Products.ERP5Type import Permissions
import json
import jinja2
from Products.ERP5.Tool.TaskDistributionTool import TaskDistributionTool
class ERP5ScalabilityDistributor(ERP5ProjectUnitTestDistributor):
security = ClassSecurityInfo()
......@@ -42,7 +44,6 @@ class ERP5ScalabilityDistributor(ERP5ProjectUnitTestDistributor):
Do master testnode selection and associate testsuites.
# Get modules
test_node_module = self._getTestNodeModule()
test_suite_module = self._getTestSuiteModule()
......@@ -50,22 +51,25 @@ class ERP5ScalabilityDistributor(ERP5ProjectUnitTestDistributor):
# Get lists of test node wich belong to the current distributor
all_test_node_list = test_node_module.searchFolder(
portal_type="Test Node", specialise_uid=self.getUid())
test_node_list = [ x.getObject() for x in all_test_node_list if x.getValidationState() == 'validated' ]
invalid_test_node_list = [ x.getObject() for x in all_test_node_list if x.getValidationState() != 'validated' ]
test_node_list = [ x.getObject() for x in all_test_node_list
if x.getValidationState() == 'validated' ]
invalid_test_node_list = [ x.getObject() for x in all_test_node_list
if x.getValidationState() != 'validated' ]
# Set master property to False for all invalid testnode
for node in invalid_test_node_list:
# Get all valid slave testnodes
slave_test_node_list = [ x.getObject() for x in test_node_list if x.getMaster()!=True ]
master_test_node_list = [ x.getObject() for x in test_node_list if x.getMaster()==True ]
slave_test_node_list = [ x.getObject() for x in test_node_list
if x.getMaster()!=True ]
master_test_node_list = [ x.getObject() for x in test_node_list
if x.getMaster()==True ]
# Set to 'False' slaves
for node in slave_test_node_list:
# if there is validated testnodes
if len(test_node_list) > 0:
# Only one testnode must be the master
......@@ -80,8 +84,10 @@ class ERP5ScalabilityDistributor(ERP5ProjectUnitTestDistributor):
# Update testnode lists
slave_test_node_list = [ x.getObject() for x in test_node_list if x.getMaster()!=True ]
master_test_node_list = [ x.getObject() for x in test_node_list if x.getMaster()==True ]
slave_test_node_list = [ x.getObject() for x in test_node_list
if x.getMaster()!=True ]
master_test_node_list = [ x.getObject() for x in test_node_list
if x.getMaster()==True ]
# Get test suites and aggregate them to all valid testnode
test_suite_list = [ x.getRelativeUrl() for x in test_suite_module.searchFolder(
......@@ -97,8 +103,9 @@ class ERP5ScalabilityDistributor(ERP5ProjectUnitTestDistributor):
test_node_module = self._getTestNodeModule()
distributor_title = self.getTitle()
involved_nodes = []
involved_nodes = involved_nodes + [ x.getObject() for x in test_node_module.searchFolder(validation_state='validated') if ( x.getSpecialiseTitle() == distributor_title ) ]
involved_nodes = [ x.getObject() for x in test_node_module.searchFolder(
if ( x.getSpecialiseTitle() == distributor_title ) ]
return involved_nodes
......@@ -130,10 +137,12 @@ class ERP5ScalabilityDistributor(ERP5ProjectUnitTestDistributor):
def isMasterTestnode(self,title, batch_mode=0):
isMasterTestnode : return True if the node given in parameter exists and is a validated master
isMasterTestnode : return True if the node given in
parameter exists and is a validated master
test_node_module = self._getTestNodeModule()
test_node_master = [ node for node in test_node_module.searchFolder(portal_type="Test Node",
test_node_master = [ node for node in test_node_module.searchFolder(
portal_type="Test Node",
title=SimpleQuery(comparison_operator='=', title=title),
validation_state="validated") if node.getMaster() == 1 ]
......@@ -142,7 +151,6 @@ class ERP5ScalabilityDistributor(ERP5ProjectUnitTestDistributor):
return False
def getTestType(self, batch_mode=0):
......@@ -150,21 +158,34 @@ class ERP5ScalabilityDistributor(ERP5ProjectUnitTestDistributor):
return 'ScalabilityTest'
def createTestResult(self, name, revision, test_name_list, allow_restart,
test_title=None, node_title=None, project_title=None):
Here this is only a proxy to the task distribution tool
LOG('[ERP5ScalabilityDistributor] createTestResult', 0, (node_title, test_title))
portal = self.getPortalObject()
return portal.portal_task_distribution.createTestResult(name,
revision, test_name_list, allow_restart,
test_title=test_title, node_title=node_title,
def startTestSuite(self,title, computer_guid='unknown', batch_mode=0):
startTestSuite : subscribe node + return testsuite list to the master
self).subscribeNode(title=title, computer_guid=computer_guid, batch_mode=batch_mode)
super(ERP5ScalabilityDistributor, self).subscribeNode(
title=title, computer_guid=computer_guid, batch_mode=batch_mode)
test_node_module = self._getTestNodeModule()
# If the testnode wich request testsuites is not the master
# he does not have to receive any testsuites
master_test_node_title_list = [x.getTitle() for x in test_node_module.searchFolder(
validation_state = 'validated') if (x.getMaster() == True) ]
validation_state = 'validated',
if (x.getMaster() == True) ]
if len(master_test_node_title_list) == 1 and title == master_test_node_title_list[0]:
return super(ERP5ScalabilityDistributor,
......@@ -174,13 +195,13 @@ class ERP5ScalabilityDistributor(ERP5ProjectUnitTestDistributor):
return []
return json.dumps([])
def generateConfiguration(self, test_suite_title, batch_mode=0):
generateConfiguration : this is just a proxy to an external method
generated_configuration = self.ScalabilityTestSuiteUtils_generateConfigurationList(self, test_suite_title)
portal = self.getPortalObject()
generated_configuration = self._generateConfigurationList(test_suite_title, portal)
if batch_mode:
return generated_configuration
return json.dumps(generated_configuration)
......@@ -201,14 +222,13 @@ class ERP5ScalabilityDistributor(ERP5ProjectUnitTestDistributor):
if state == "started":
relative_path = test_result_line.getRelativeUrl()
title = test_result_line.getTitle()
return None
next_test = {"relative_path": relative_path,
"title": title, "count" : count,
if batch_mode:
return next_test
return json.dumps(next_test)
......@@ -221,3 +241,113 @@ class ERP5ScalabilityDistributor(ERP5ProjectUnitTestDistributor):
portal = self.getPortalObject()
test_result_line = portal.restrictedTraverse(test_result_line_path)
return test_result_line.getSimulationState() == "started"
def _unvalidateConfig(self, my_dict):
my_dict['launchable'] = False
if 'launcher_nodes_computer_guid' in my_dict:
my_dict['launcher_nodes_computer_guid'] = {}
if 'involved_nodes_computer_guid' in my_dict:
my_dict['involved_nodes_computer_guid'] = {}
if 'configuration_list' in my_dict:
my_dict['configuration_list'] = []
def _getInvolvedNodes(self, available_nodes, return_dict):
Get the list of all nodes involved in the test
def _isContained(my_value, my_container):
def _isInMyDictOrList(current_container):
if current_container == my_value :
return True
elif isinstance(current_container, dict):
for k,v in current_container.items():
if str(my_value) in str(k):
return True
if _isInMyDictOrList(current_container[k]) :
return True
elif isinstance(current_container, list):
for sub_container in current_container:
if _isInMyDictOrList(sub_container) :
return True
return False
return _isInMyDictOrList(my_container)
involved_nodes_computer_guid = []
for node in available_nodes:
if _isContained(node, return_dict):
return involved_nodes_computer_guid
def _getAvailableNodes(self, test_suite_specialise_title, portal):
gets testnodes available for this distributor
distributor_uid = self.getUid()
test_node_module = portal.test_node_module
available_nodes = test_node_module.searchFolder(
portal_type="Test Node", validation_state="validated",
available_nodes = [ node.getComputerGuid() for node in available_nodes ]
return available_nodes
def _generateConfigurationList(self, test_suite_title, portal):
generateConfigurationList : generate a dict wich contains a list
of cluster configurations for testnodes, using a test_suite and
available testnodes.
If it is not possible to generate a configuration, the 'launchable'
entry is False, otherwise it is True.
return_dict = {}
# Get test_suite informations from his title given in parameter
test_suite = portal.test_suite_module.searchFolder(title=test_suite_title)[0]
cluster_configuration = test_suite.getClusterConfiguration()
number_configuration_list = test_suite.getGraphCoordinate()
randomized_path = test_suite.getRandomizedPath()
except Exception as e:
return_dict['error_message'] = 'Error getting test suite information. \
Bad test suite title? ' + str(e)
return return_dict
available_nodes = self._getAvailableNodes(test_suite.getSpecialiseTitle(), portal)
remaining_nodes = list(available_nodes)
launcher_nodes = [ remaining_nodes.pop() ]
if len(remaining_nodes) == 0: # if there is only one computer, use launcher
except Exception:
return_dict['error_message'] = 'Error getting available nodes. \
No test nodes for test suite?'
return return_dict
configuration_list_json = []
return_dict['error_message'] = 'No error.'
return_dict['randomized_path'] = randomized_path
template = jinja2.Template(cluster_configuration)
for index in xrange(0, len(number_configuration_list)):
template_vars = { "count" : number_configuration_list[index],
"comp" : remaining_nodes }
configuration_list_json.append( json.loads(
return_dict['launchable'] = True
return_dict['configuration_list'] = configuration_list_json
return_dict['launcher_nodes_computer_guid'] = launcher_nodes
except Exception:
return_dict['error_message'] = 'Bad json cluster_configuration?'
return return_dict
return_dict['involved_nodes_computer_guid'] = self._getInvolvedNodes(available_nodes,
return return_dict
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