# Copyright (c) 2002 Nexedi SARL and Contributors. All Rights Reserved.
#                    Jean-Paul Smets-Solanes <jp@nexedi.com>
# WARNING: This program as such is intended to be used by professional
# programmers who take the whole responsability of assessing all potential
# consequences resulting from its eventual inadequacies and bugs
# End users who are looking for a ready-to-use solution with commercial
# garantees and support are strongly adviced to contract a Free Software
# Service Company
# This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.

import cPickle, sys
from DateTime import DateTime
from zLOG import LOG, WARNING, ERROR
from ZODB.POSException import ConflictError
import sha
from cStringIO import StringIO

  from transaction import get as get_transaction
except ImportError:

# Error values for message validation
EXCEPTION      = -1
VALID          = 0

# Time global parameters
MAX_PROCESSING_TIME = 900 # in seconds
VALIDATION_ERROR_DELAY = 30 # in seconds

def abortTransactionSynchronously():
  """Abort a transaction in a synchronous manner.
  Manual invocation of transaction abort does not synchronize
  connections with databases, thus invalidations are not cleared out.
  This may cause an infinite loop, because a read conflict error happens
  again and again on the same object.

  So, in this method, collect (potential) Connection objects used
  for current transaction, and invoke the sync method on every Connection
  object, then abort the transaction. In most cases, aborting the
  transaction is redundant, because sync should call abort implicitly.
  But if no connection is present, it is still required to call abort
  explicitly, and it does not cause any harm to call abort more than once.

  XXX this is really a hack. This touches the internal code of Transaction.
    import transaction
    # Zope 2.8 and later. sync is automatic.
  except ImportError:
    # Zope 2.7 and earlier.
    t = get_transaction()
    jar_list = t._get_jars(t._objects, 0)
    for jar in jar_list:
      if getattr(jar, 'sync', None) is not None:

class Queue:
    Step 1: use lists

    Step 2: add some object related dict which prevents calling twice the same method

    Step 3: add some time information for deferred execution

    Step 4: use MySQL as a way to store events (with locks)

    Step 5: use periodic Timer to wakeup Scheduler

    Step 6: add multiple threads on a single Scheduler

    Step 7: add control thread to kill "events which last too long"

    Some data:

    - reindexObject = 50 ms

    - calling a MySQL read = 0.7 ms

    - calling a simple method by HTTP = 30 ms

    - calling a complex method by HTTP = 500 ms



  #scriptable_method_id_list = ['appendMessage', 'nextMessage', 'delMessage']

  def __init__(self):
    self.is_alive = {}
    self.is_awake = {}
    self.is_initialized = 0
    self.max_processing_date = DateTime()

  def initialize(self, activity_tool):
    # This is the only moment when
    # we can set some global variables related
    # to the ZODB context
    if not self.is_initialized:
      self.is_initialized = 1

  def queueMessage(self, activity_tool, m):    
    activity_tool.deferredQueueMessage(self, m)  

  def deleteMessage(self, activity_tool, m):
    if not getattr(m, 'is_deleted', 0):
      # We try not to delete twice
      # However this can not be garanteed in the case of messages loaded from SQL
      activity_tool.deferredDeleteMessage(self, m)  
    m.is_deleted = 1

  def dequeueMessage(self, activity_tool, processing_node):

  def tic(self, activity_tool, processing_node):
    # Tic should return quickly to prevent locks or commit transactions at some point
    if self.dequeueMessage(activity_tool, processing_node):
      self.sleep(activity_tool, processing_node)

  def distribute(self, activity_tool, node_count):

  def sleep(self, activity_tool, processing_node):
    self.is_awake[processing_node] = 0

  def wakeup(self, activity_tool, processing_node):
    self.is_awake[processing_node] = 1

  def terminate(self, activity_tool, processing_node):
    self.is_awake[processing_node] = 0
    self.is_alive[processing_node] = 0

  def validate(self, activity_tool, message, check_order_validation=1, **kw):
      This is the place where activity semantics is implemented
      **kw contains all parameters which allow to implement synchronisation,
      constraints, delays, etc.

      Standard synchronisation parameters:

      after_method_id   --  never validate message if after_method_id
                            is in the list of methods which are
                            going to be executed

      after_message_uid --  never validate message if after_message_uid
                            is in the list of messages which are
                            going to be executed

      after_path        --  never validate message if after_path
                            is in the list of path which are
                            going to be executed
      if activity_tool.unrestrictedTraverse(message.object_path, None) is None:
        # Do not try to call methods on objects which do not exist
        LOG('CMFActivity', WARNING,
           'Object %s does not exist' % '/'.join(message.object_path))
        return INVALID_PATH
      if check_order_validation:
        for k, v in kw.iteritems():
          if activity_tool.validateOrder(message, k, v):
            return INVALID_ORDER
    except ConflictError:
      LOG('CMFActivity', WARNING,
          'Validation of Object %s raised exception' % '/'.join(message.object_path),
      # Do not try to call methods on objects which cause errors
      return EXCEPTION
    return VALID

  def getDependentMessageList(self, activity_tool, message, **kw):
    message_list = []
    for k, v in kw.iteritems():
      result = activity_tool.getDependentMessageList(message, k, v)
      if result:
    return message_list

  def getExecutableMessageList(self, activity_tool, message, message_dict,
    """Get messages which have no dependent message, and store them in the dictionary.

    If the passed message itself is executable, simply store only that message.
    Otherwise, try to find at least one message executable from dependent messages.

    This may result in no new message, if all dependent messages are already present
    in the dictionary, if all dependent messages are in different activities, or if
    the message has a circular dependency.

    The validation text dictionary is used only to cache the results of validations,
    in order to reduce the number of SQL queries.
    if message.uid in message_dict:
      # Nothing to do. But detect a circular dependency.
      if message_dict[message.uid] is None:
        LOG('CMFActivity', ERROR,
            'message uid %r has a circular dependency' % (message.uid,))

    cached_result = validation_text_dict.get(message.order_validation_text)
    if cached_result is None:
      message_list = message.getDependentMessageList(self, activity_tool)
      get_transaction().commit() # Release locks.
      if message_list:
        # The result is not empty, so this message is not executable.
        validation_text_dict[message.order_validation_text] = 0
        now_date = DateTime()
        for activity, m in message_list:
          # Note that the messages may contain ones which are already assigned or not
          # executable yet.
          if activity is self and m.processing_node == -1 and m.date <= now_date:
            # Call recursively. Set None as a marker to detect a circular dependency.
            message_dict[message.uid] = None
              self.getExecutableMessageList(activity_tool, m, message_dict,
              del message_dict[message.uid]
        validation_text_dict[message.order_validation_text] = 1
        message_dict[message.uid] = message
    elif cached_result:
      message_dict[message.uid] = message

  def isAwake(self, activity_tool, processing_node):
    return self.is_awake[processing_node]

  def hasActivity(self, activity_tool, object, processing_node=None, active_process=None, **kw):
    return 0

  def flush(self, activity_tool, object, **kw):    

  def start(self, active_process=None):
    # Start queue / activities in queue for given process

  def stop(self, active_process=None):
    # Stop queue / activities in queue for given process

  def loadMessage(self, s, **kw):
    m = cPickle.load(StringIO(s))
    return m

  def dumpMessage(self, m):
    return cPickle.dumps(m)

  def getOrderValidationText(self, message):
    # Return an identifier of validators related to ordering.
    order_validation_item_list = []
    key_list = message.activity_kw.keys()
    for key in key_list:
      method_id = "_validate_%s" % key
      if getattr(self, method_id, None) is not None:
        order_validation_item_list.append((key, message.activity_kw[key]))
    if len(order_validation_item_list) == 0:
      # When no order validation argument is specified, skip the computation
      # of the checksum for speed. Here, 'none' is used, because this never be
      # identical to SHA1 hexdigest (which is always 40 characters), and 'none'
      # is true in Python. This is important, because dtml-if assumes that an empty
      # string is false, so we must use a non-empty string for this.
      return 'none'
    return sha.new(repr(order_validation_item_list)).hexdigest()

  def getMessageList(self, activity_tool, processing_node=None,**kw):
    return []

  def countMessage(self, activity_tool,**kw):
    return 0

  def countMessageWithTag(self, activity_tool,value):
    return 0

  # Transaction Management
  def prepareQueueMessage(self, activity_tool, m):
    # Called to prepare transaction commit for queued messages

  def finishQueueMessage(self, activity_tool_path, m):
    # Called to commit queued messages

  def prepareDeleteMessage(self, activity_tool, m):
    # Called to prepare transaction commit for deleted messages

  def finishDeleteMessage(self, activity_tool_path, m):
    # Called to commit deleted messages

  # Registration Management
  def registerActivityBuffer(self, activity_buffer):

  def isMessageRegistered(self, activity_buffer, activity_tool, m):
    message_list = activity_buffer.getMessageList(self)
    return m in message_list

  def registerMessage(self, activity_buffer, activity_tool, m):
    message_list = activity_buffer.getMessageList(self)
    m.is_registered = 1

  def unregisterMessage(self, activity_buffer, activity_tool, m):
    m.is_registered = 0

  def getRegisteredMessageList(self, activity_buffer, activity_tool):
    message_list = activity_buffer.getMessageList(self)
    return [m for m in message_list if m.is_registered]

  # Required for tests (time shift)
  def timeShift(self, activity_tool, delay):
      delay is provided in fractions of day