Commit 6d010d06 authored by Travis Hance's avatar Travis Hance Committed by Travis Hance

special case and rewriting for staticmethod, classmethod, instancemethod

parent 6d873adb
......@@ -128,6 +128,7 @@ void setupDescr() {
{ None, None, None, None }));
new BoxedFunction(boxRTFunction((void*)staticmethodGet, UNKNOWN, 3, 0, false, false)));
classmethod_cls->giveAttr("__name__", boxStrConstant("classmethod"));
......@@ -136,6 +137,7 @@ void setupDescr() {
{ None, None, None, None }));
new BoxedFunction(boxRTFunction((void*)classmethodGet, UNKNOWN, 3, 0, false, false)));
void teardownDescr() {
......@@ -666,40 +666,108 @@ Box* typeLookup(BoxedClass* cls, const std::string& attr, GetattrRewriteArgs* re
bool isNondataDescriptorInstanceSpecialCase(Box* descr) {
return descr->cls == function_cls || descr->cls == method_cls;
return descr->cls == function_cls || descr->cls == instancemethod_cls || descr->cls == staticmethod_cls
|| descr->cls == classmethod_cls;
Box* nondataDescriptorInstanceSpecialCases(GetattrRewriteArgs* rewrite_args, Box* obj, Box* descr, RewriterVar* r_descr,
bool for_call, bool* should_bind_out) {
// Special case: non-data descriptor: function
if (descr->cls == function_cls || descr->cls == method_cls) {
bool for_call, Box** bind_obj_out, RewriterVar** r_bind_obj_out) {
// Special case: non-data descriptor: function, instancemethod or classmethod
// Returns a bound instancemethod
if (descr->cls == function_cls || descr->cls == instancemethod_cls || descr->cls == classmethod_cls) {
Box* im_self = NULL, * im_func = NULL;
RewriterVar* r_im_self = NULL, * r_im_func = NULL;
if (descr->cls == function_cls) {
im_self = obj;
im_func = descr;
if (rewrite_args) {
r_im_self = rewrite_args->obj;
r_im_func = r_descr;
} else if (descr->cls == classmethod_cls) {
static StatCounter slowpath("slowpath_classmethod_get");
BoxedClassmethod* cm = static_cast<BoxedClassmethod*>(descr);
im_self = obj->cls;
if (cm->cm_callable == NULL) {
raiseExcHelper(RuntimeError, "uninitialized classmethod object");
im_func = cm->cm_callable;
if (rewrite_args) {
r_im_self = rewrite_args->obj->getAttr(BOX_CLS_OFFSET);
r_im_func = r_descr->getAttr(offsetof(BoxedClassmethod, cm_callable));
} else if (descr->cls == instancemethod_cls) {
static StatCounter slowpath("slowpath_instancemethod_get");
BoxedInstanceMethod* im = static_cast<BoxedInstanceMethod*>(descr);
if (im->obj != NULL) {
if (rewrite_args) {
r_descr->addAttrGuard(offsetof(BoxedInstanceMethod, obj), 0, /* negate */ true);
return descr;
} else {
// TODO subclass check
im_self = obj;
im_func = im->func;
if (rewrite_args) {
r_descr->addAttrGuard(offsetof(BoxedInstanceMethod, obj), 0, /* negate */ false);
r_im_self = rewrite_args->obj;
r_im_func = r_descr->getAttr(offsetof(BoxedInstanceMethod, func));
} else {
if (!for_call) {
if (rewrite_args) {
// can't guard after because we make this call... the call is trivial enough
// that we can probably work around it if it's important, but otherwise, if
// this triggers, just abort rewriting, I guess
= rewrite_args->rewriter->call(false, (void*)boxInstanceMethod, rewrite_args->obj, r_descr);
= rewrite_args->rewriter->call(false, (void*)boxInstanceMethod, r_im_self, r_im_func);
rewrite_args->out_success = true;
return boxInstanceMethod(obj, descr);
return boxInstanceMethod(im_self, im_func);
} else {
*bind_obj_out = im_self;
if (rewrite_args) {
rewrite_args->out_rtn = r_descr;
rewrite_args->out_rtn = r_im_func;
rewrite_args->out_success = true;
*r_bind_obj_out = r_im_self;
return im_func;
*should_bind_out = true;
return descr;
else if (descr->cls == staticmethod_cls) {
static StatCounter slowpath("slowpath_staticmethod_get");
BoxedStaticmethod* sm = static_cast<BoxedStaticmethod*>(descr);
if (sm->sm_callable == NULL) {
raiseExcHelper(RuntimeError, "uninitialized staticmethod object");
if (rewrite_args) {
RewriterVar* r_sm_callable = r_descr->getAttr(offsetof(BoxedStaticmethod, sm_callable));
rewrite_args->out_success = true;
rewrite_args->out_rtn = r_sm_callable;
return sm->sm_callable;
return NULL;
Box* descriptorClsSpecialCases(GetattrRewriteArgs* rewrite_args, BoxedClass* cls, Box* descr, RewriterVar* r_descr,
bool for_call, bool* should_bind_out) {
bool for_call, Box** bind_obj_out, RewriterVar** r_bind_obj_out) {
// Special case: functions
if (descr->cls == function_cls || descr->cls == method_cls) {
if (descr->cls == function_cls || descr->cls == instancemethod_cls) {
if (rewrite_args)
r_descr->addAttrGuard(BOX_CLS_OFFSET, (uint64_t)descr->cls);
......@@ -716,7 +784,6 @@ Box* descriptorClsSpecialCases(GetattrRewriteArgs* rewrite_args, BoxedClass* cls
rewrite_args->out_success = true;
rewrite_args->out_rtn = r_descr;
// leave should_bind_out set to false
return descr;
......@@ -764,7 +831,8 @@ static Box* boxStringFromCharPtr(const char* s) {
Box* dataDescriptorInstanceSpecialCases(GetattrRewriteArgs* rewrite_args, const std::string& attr_name, Box* obj,
Box* descr, RewriterVar* r_descr, bool for_call, bool* should_bind_out) {
Box* descr, RewriterVar* r_descr, bool for_call, Box** bind_obj_out,
RewriterVar** r_bind_obj_out) {
// Special case: data descriptor: member descriptor
if (descr->cls == member_cls) {
static StatCounter slowpath("slowpath_member_descriptor_get");
......@@ -908,7 +976,7 @@ Box* dataDescriptorInstanceSpecialCases(GetattrRewriteArgs* rewrite_args, const
inline Box* getclsattr_internal(Box* obj, const std::string& attr, GetattrRewriteArgs* rewrite_args) {
return getattrInternalGeneral(obj, attr, rewrite_args,
/* cls_only */ true,
/* for_call */ false, NULL);
/* for_call */ false, NULL, NULL);
extern "C" Box* getclsattr(Box* obj, const char* attr) {
......@@ -976,9 +1044,9 @@ static Box* (*runtimeCall3)(Box*, ArgPassSpec, Box*, Box*, Box*)
= (Box * (*)(Box*, ArgPassSpec, Box*, Box*, Box*))runtimeCall;
Box* getattrInternalGeneral(Box* obj, const std::string& attr, GetattrRewriteArgs* rewrite_args, bool cls_only,
bool for_call, bool* should_bind_out) {
bool for_call, Box** bind_obj_out, RewriterVar** r_bind_obj_out) {
if (for_call) {
*should_bind_out = false;
*bind_obj_out = NULL;
if (obj->cls == closure_cls) {
......@@ -1072,8 +1140,8 @@ Box* getattrInternalGeneral(Box* obj, const std::string& attr, GetattrRewriteArg
r_descr->addAttrGuard(BOX_CLS_OFFSET, (uint64_t)descr->cls);
// Special-case data descriptors (e.g., member descriptors)
Box* res
= dataDescriptorInstanceSpecialCases(rewrite_args, attr, obj, descr, r_descr, for_call, should_bind_out);
Box* res = dataDescriptorInstanceSpecialCases(rewrite_args, attr, obj, descr, r_descr, for_call, bind_obj_out,
if (res) {
return res;
......@@ -1192,7 +1260,7 @@ Box* getattrInternalGeneral(Box* obj, const std::string& attr, GetattrRewriteArg
if (val) {
Box* res = descriptorClsSpecialCases(rewrite_args, static_cast<BoxedClass*>(obj), val, r_val, for_call,
bind_obj_out, r_bind_obj_out);
if (res) {
return res;
......@@ -1252,7 +1320,8 @@ Box* getattrInternalGeneral(Box* obj, const std::string& attr, GetattrRewriteArg
// If descr and __get__ exist, then call __get__
if (descr) {
// Special cases first
Box* res = nondataDescriptorInstanceSpecialCases(rewrite_args, obj, descr, r_descr, for_call, should_bind_out);
Box* res = nondataDescriptorInstanceSpecialCases(rewrite_args, obj, descr, r_descr, for_call, bind_obj_out,
if (res) {
return res;
......@@ -1318,7 +1387,7 @@ Box* getattrInternalGeneral(Box* obj, const std::string& attr, GetattrRewriteArg
Box* getattrInternal(Box* obj, const std::string& attr, GetattrRewriteArgs* rewrite_args) {
return getattrInternalGeneral(obj, attr, rewrite_args,
/* cls_only */ false,
/* for_call */ false, NULL);
/* for_call */ false, NULL, NULL);
extern "C" Box* getattr(Box* obj, const char* attr) {
......@@ -1826,26 +1895,27 @@ extern "C" Box* callattrInternal(Box* obj, const std::string* attr, LookupScope
// Look up the argument. Pass in the arguments to getattrInternalGeneral or getclsattr_general
// that will shortcut functions by not putting them into instancemethods
bool should_bind;
Box* bind_obj;
RewriterVar* r_bind_obj;
Box* val;
RewriterVar* r_val = NULL;
if (rewrite_args) {
GetattrRewriteArgs grewrite_args(rewrite_args->rewriter, rewrite_args->obj, Location::any());
val = getattrInternalGeneral(obj, *attr, &grewrite_args, scope == CLASS_ONLY, true, &should_bind);
val = getattrInternalGeneral(obj, *attr, &grewrite_args, scope == CLASS_ONLY, true, &bind_obj, &r_bind_obj);
if (!grewrite_args.out_success) {
rewrite_args = NULL;
} else if (val) {
r_val = grewrite_args.out_rtn;
} else {
val = getattrInternalGeneral(obj, *attr, NULL, scope == CLASS_ONLY, true, &should_bind);
val = getattrInternalGeneral(obj, *attr, NULL, scope == CLASS_ONLY, true, &bind_obj, &r_bind_obj);
if (val == NULL) {
return val;
if (should_bind) {
if (bind_obj != NULL) {
if (rewrite_args) {
......@@ -1857,7 +1927,7 @@ extern "C" Box* callattrInternal(Box* obj, const std::string* attr, LookupScope
Box* rtn;
if (rewrite_args) {
CallRewriteArgs srewrite_args(rewrite_args->rewriter, r_val, rewrite_args->destination);
srewrite_args.arg1 = rewrite_args->obj;
srewrite_args.arg1 = r_bind_obj;
// should be no-ops:
if (npassed_args >= 1)
......@@ -1870,7 +1940,7 @@ extern "C" Box* callattrInternal(Box* obj, const std::string* attr, LookupScope
rtn = runtimeCallInternal(val, &srewrite_args, ArgPassSpec(argspec.num_args + 1, argspec.num_keywords,
argspec.has_starargs, argspec.has_kwargs),
obj, arg1, arg2, NULL, keyword_names);
bind_obj, arg1, arg2, NULL, keyword_names);
if (!srewrite_args.out_success) {
rewrite_args = NULL;
......@@ -1880,7 +1950,7 @@ extern "C" Box* callattrInternal(Box* obj, const std::string* attr, LookupScope
} else {
rtn = runtimeCallInternal(val, NULL, ArgPassSpec(argspec.num_args + 1, argspec.num_keywords,
argspec.has_starargs, argspec.has_kwargs),
obj, arg1, arg2, NULL, keyword_names);
bind_obj, arg1, arg2, NULL, keyword_names);
if (rewrite_args)
......@@ -1896,7 +1966,7 @@ extern "C" Box* callattrInternal(Box* obj, const std::string* attr, LookupScope
Box* rtn;
if (rewrite_args) {
CallRewriteArgs srewrite_args(rewrite_args->rewriter, r_val, rewrite_args->destination);
srewrite_args.arg1 = rewrite_args->obj;
srewrite_args.arg1 = r_bind_obj;
srewrite_args.arg2 = rewrite_args->arg1;
srewrite_args.arg3 = rewrite_args->arg2;
srewrite_args.args = rewrite_args->rewriter->allocateAndCopyPlus1(
......@@ -1907,7 +1977,7 @@ extern "C" Box* callattrInternal(Box* obj, const std::string* attr, LookupScope
rtn = runtimeCallInternal(val, &srewrite_args, ArgPassSpec(argspec.num_args + 1, argspec.num_keywords,
argspec.has_starargs, argspec.has_kwargs),
obj, arg1, arg2, new_args, keyword_names);
bind_obj, arg1, arg2, new_args, keyword_names);
if (!srewrite_args.out_success) {
rewrite_args = NULL;
......@@ -1919,7 +1989,7 @@ extern "C" Box* callattrInternal(Box* obj, const std::string* attr, LookupScope
} else {
rtn = runtimeCallInternal(val, NULL, ArgPassSpec(argspec.num_args + 1, argspec.num_keywords,
argspec.has_starargs, argspec.has_kwargs),
obj, arg1, arg2, new_args, keyword_names);
bind_obj, arg1, arg2, new_args, keyword_names);
return rtn;
......@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ struct CompareRewriteArgs;
Box* compareInternal(Box* lhs, Box* rhs, int op_type, CompareRewriteArgs* rewrite_args);
Box* getattrInternal(Box* obj, const std::string& attr, GetattrRewriteArgs* rewrite_args);
Box* getattrInternalGeneral(Box* obj, const std::string& attr, GetattrRewriteArgs* rewrite_args, bool cls_only,
bool for_call, bool* should_bind_out);
bool for_call, Box** bind_obj_out, RewriterVar** r_bind_obj_out);
Box* typeLookup(BoxedClass* cls, const std::string& attr, GetattrRewriteArgs* rewrite_args);
......@@ -213,6 +213,33 @@ extern "C" void instancemethodGCHandler(GCVisitor* v, Box* b) {
extern "C" void propertyGCHandler(GCVisitor* v, Box* b) {
BoxedProperty* prop = (BoxedProperty*)b;
if (prop->prop_get)
if (prop->prop_set)
if (prop->prop_del)
if (prop->prop_doc)
extern "C" void staticmethodGCHandler(GCVisitor* v, Box* b) {
BoxedStaticmethod* sm = (BoxedStaticmethod*)b;
if (sm->sm_callable)
extern "C" void classmethodGCHandler(GCVisitor* v, Box* b) {
BoxedClassmethod* cm = (BoxedClassmethod*)b;
if (cm->cm_callable)
// This probably belongs in list.cpp?
extern "C" void listGCHandler(GCVisitor* v, Box* b) {
boxGCHandler(v, b);
......@@ -438,6 +465,18 @@ extern "C" Box* sliceNew(Box* cls, Box* start, Box* stop, Box** args) {
return createSlice(start, stop, step);
Box* instancemethodGet(BoxedInstanceMethod* self, Box* obj, Box* type) {
RELEASE_ASSERT(self->cls == instancemethod_cls, "");
if (self->obj != NULL) {
return self;
// TODO subclass test
return new BoxedInstanceMethod(obj, self->func);
Box* instancemethodRepr(BoxedInstanceMethod* self) {
if (self->obj)
return boxStrConstant("<bound instancemethod object>");
......@@ -701,9 +740,10 @@ void setupRuntime() {
member_cls = new BoxedClass(type_cls, object_cls, NULL, 0, sizeof(BoxedMemberDescriptor), false);
closure_cls = new BoxedClass(type_cls, object_cls, &closureGCHandler, offsetof(BoxedClosure, attrs),
sizeof(BoxedClosure), false);
property_cls = new BoxedClass(type_cls, object_cls, NULL, 0, sizeof(BoxedProperty), false);
staticmethod_cls = new BoxedClass(type_cls, object_cls, NULL, 0, sizeof(BoxedStaticmethod), false);
classmethod_cls = new BoxedClass(type_cls, object_cls, NULL, 0, sizeof(BoxedClassmethod), false);
property_cls = new BoxedClass(type_cls, object_cls, &propertyGCHandler, 0, sizeof(BoxedProperty), false);
= new BoxedClass(type_cls, object_cls, &staticmethodGCHandler, 0, sizeof(BoxedStaticmethod), false);
classmethod_cls = new BoxedClass(type_cls, object_cls, &classmethodGCHandler, 0, sizeof(BoxedClassmethod), false);
attrwrapper_cls = new BoxedClass(type_cls, object_cls, &AttrWrapper::gcHandler, 0, sizeof(AttrWrapper), false);
STR = typeFromClass(str_cls);
......@@ -786,6 +826,8 @@ void setupRuntime() {
instancemethod_cls->giveAttr("__name__", boxStrConstant("instancemethod"));
instancemethod_cls->giveAttr("__repr__", new BoxedFunction(boxRTFunction((void*)instancemethodRepr, STR, 1)));
instancemethod_cls->giveAttr("__eq__", new BoxedFunction(boxRTFunction((void*)instancemethodEq, UNKNOWN, 2)));
"__get__", new BoxedFunction(boxRTFunction((void*)instancemethodGet, UNKNOWN, 3, 0, false, false)));
slice_cls->giveAttr("__name__", boxStrConstant("slice"));
# run_args: -n
# statcheck: noninit_count('slowpath_classmethod_get') <= 10
# statcheck: noninit_count('slowpath_staticmethod_get') <= 10
# statcheck: noninit_count('slowpath_instancemethod_get') <= 10
def _f_plain(self, a, b, c, d):
print 'in f', type(self), a, b, c, d
def _g(a, b, c, d):
print 'in g', a, b, c, d
def _h(cls, a, b, c, d):
print 'in h', cls, a, b, c, d
class C(object):
f_plain = _f_plain
g = _g
h = _h
_f = C.f_plain
C.f = _f
def run():
c = C()
c.f(1, 2, 3, 4)
c.g(1, 2, 3, 4)
c.h(1, 2, 3, 4)
f1 = c.f
g1 = c.g
h1 = c.h
_f.__get__(c, C)(1,2,3,4)
_g.__get__(c, C)(1,2,3,4)
_h.__get__(c, C)(1,2,3,4)
for i in xrange(1000):
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