Commit 75562e57 authored by Kevin Modzelewski's avatar Kevin Modzelewski Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #1363 from kmod/cpython_tests

Take a pass over the CPython tests
parents 9042baf8 a2c2b89b
......@@ -333,7 +333,7 @@ endmacro()
add_pyston_test(defaults tests --order-by-mtime -t50)
add_pyston_test(force_llvm tests -a=-n -t90)
add_pyston_test(max_compilation_tier tests -a=-O -t50)
add_pyston_test(max_compilation_tier tests -a=-L -t50)
add_pyston_test(defaults cpython --exit-code-only --skip-failing -t100)
add_pyston_test(defaults integration --exit-code-only --skip-failing -t900)
......@@ -31,8 +31,8 @@ GTEST_DIR := $(DEPS_DIR)/gtest-1.7.0
MAX_MEM_KB := 500000
MAX_DBG_MEM_KB := 500000
MAX_MEM_KB := 1500000
MAX_DBG_MEM_KB := 1500000
......@@ -411,10 +411,10 @@ $1_unittest:
$(NINJA) -C $(CMAKE_DIR_DBG) $1_unittest $(NINJAFLAGS)
ln -sf $(CMAKE_DIR_DBG)/$1_unittest .
dbg_$1_unittests: $1_unittest
zsh -c 'ulimit -m $(MAX_MEM_KB); time $(GDB) $(GDB_CMDS) --args ./$1_unittest --gtest_break_on_failure $(ARGS)'
zsh -c 'ulimit -v $(MAX_MEM_KB); time $(GDB) $(GDB_CMDS) --args ./$1_unittest --gtest_break_on_failure $(ARGS)'
unittests:: $1_unittest
run_$1_unittests: $1_unittest
zsh -c 'ulimit -m $(MAX_MEM_KB); time ./$1_unittest $(ARGS)'
zsh -c 'ulimit -v $(MAX_MEM_KB); time ./$1_unittest $(ARGS)'
run_unittests:: run_$1_unittests
......@@ -759,23 +759,23 @@ define make_target
$(eval \
.PHONY: test$1 check$1
check$1 test$1: $(PYTHON_EXE_DEPS) pyston$1
$(PYTHON) $(TOOLS_DIR)/ -R pyston$1 -j$(TEST_THREADS) -a=-S -k $(TESTS_DIR) $(ARGS)
$(PYTHON) $(TOOLS_DIR)/ -q -R pyston$1 -j$(TEST_THREADS) -a=-S -k $(TESTS_DIR) $(ARGS)
@# we pass -I to cpython tests and skip failing ones because they are sloooow otherwise
$(PYTHON) $(TOOLS_DIR)/ -R pyston$1 -j$(TEST_THREADS) -a=-S -k --exit-code-only --skip-failing -t50 $(TEST_DIR)/cpython $(ARGS)
$(PYTHON) $(TOOLS_DIR)/ -R pyston$1 -j$(TEST_THREADS) -k -a=-S --exit-code-only --skip-failing -t600 $(TEST_DIR)/integration $(ARGS)
$(PYTHON) $(TOOLS_DIR)/ -R pyston$1 -j$(TEST_THREADS) -a=-n -a=-S -t50 -k $(TESTS_DIR) $(ARGS)
$(PYTHON) $(TOOLS_DIR)/ -R pyston$1 -j$(TEST_THREADS) -a=-O -a=-S -k $(TESTS_DIR) $(ARGS)
$(PYTHON) $(TOOLS_DIR)/ -q -R pyston$1 -j$(TEST_THREADS) -a=-S -k --exit-code-only --skip-failing -t50 $(TEST_DIR)/cpython $(ARGS)
$(PYTHON) $(TOOLS_DIR)/ -q -R pyston$1 -j$(TEST_THREADS) -k -a=-S --exit-code-only --skip-failing -t600 $(TEST_DIR)/integration $(ARGS)
$(PYTHON) $(TOOLS_DIR)/ -q -R pyston$1 -j$(TEST_THREADS) -a=-n -a=-S -t50 -k $(TESTS_DIR) $(ARGS)
$(PYTHON) $(TOOLS_DIR)/ -q -R pyston$1 -j$(TEST_THREADS) -a=-L -a=-S -k $(TESTS_DIR) $(ARGS)
.PHONY: run$1 dbg$1
run$1: pyston$1 $$(RUN_DEPS)
PYTHONPATH=test/test_extension:$${PYTHONPATH} ./pyston$1 $$(ARGS)
dbg$1: pyston$1 $$(RUN_DEPS)
PYTHONPATH=test/test_extension:$${PYTHONPATH} zsh -c 'ulimit -m $$(MAX_DBG_MEM_KB); $$(GDB) $$(GDB_CMDS) --args ./pyston$1 $$(ARGS)'
PYTHONPATH=test/test_extension:$${PYTHONPATH} zsh -c 'ulimit -v $$(MAX_DBG_MEM_KB); $$(GDB) $$(GDB_CMDS) --args ./pyston$1 $$(ARGS)'
nosearch_run$1_%: pyston$1 $$(RUN_DEPS)
$(VERB) PYTHONPATH=test/test_extension:$${PYTHONPATH} zsh -c 'ulimit -m $$(MAX_MEM_KB); time ./pyston$1 $$(ARGS) $$<'
$(VERB) PYTHONPATH=test/test_extension:$${PYTHONPATH} zsh -c 'ulimit -v $$(MAX_MEM_KB); time ./pyston$1 $$(ARGS) $$<'
$$(call make_search,run$1_%)
nosearch_dbg$1_%: pyston$1 $$(RUN_DEPS)
$(VERB) PYTHONPATH=test/test_extension:$${PYTHONPATH} zsh -c 'ulimit -m $$(MAX_DBG_MEM_KB); $$(GDB) $$(GDB_CMDS) --args ./pyston$1 $$(ARGS) $$<'
$(VERB) PYTHONPATH=test/test_extension:$${PYTHONPATH} zsh -c 'ulimit -v $$(MAX_DBG_MEM_KB); $$(GDB) $$(GDB_CMDS) --args ./pyston$1 $$(ARGS) $$<'
$$(call make_search,dbg$1_%)
ifneq ($$(ENABLE_VALGRIND),0)
......@@ -905,7 +905,7 @@ opreportcg:
.PHONY: watch_% watch wdbg_%
@ ( ulimit -t 60; ulimit -m $(MAK_MEM_KB); \
@ ( ulimit -t 60; ulimit -v $(MAK_MEM_KB); \
TARGET=$(dir $@)$(patsubst watch_%,%,$(notdir $@)); \
clear; $(MAKE) $$TARGET $(WATCH_ARGS); true; \
while inotifywait -q -e modify -e attrib -e move -e move_self -e create -e delete -e delete_self \
......@@ -921,7 +921,7 @@ wdbg_%:
$(MAKE) $(patsubst wdbg_%,watch_dbg_%,$@) GDB_POST_CMDS="--ex quit"
.PHONY: head_%
HEAD := 40
HEAD ?= 40
@ bash -c "set -o pipefail; script -e -q -c '$(MAKE) $(dir $@)$(patsubst head_%,%,$(notdir $@))' /dev/null | tail -n+$(HEAD_SKIP) | head -n$(HEAD)"
......@@ -953,7 +953,7 @@ test_cpp_ll:
.PHONY: bench_exceptions
$(CLANGPP_EXE) $(TEST_DIR)/bench_exceptions.cpp -o bench_exceptions -O3 -std=c++11
zsh -c 'ulimit -m $(MAX_MEM_KB); time ./bench_exceptions'
zsh -c 'ulimit -v $(MAX_MEM_KB); time ./bench_exceptions'
rm bench_exceptions
TEST_EXT_MODULE_NAMES := basic_test descr_test slots_test type_test api_test
# Copy any changed stdlib files to the destination:
file(GLOB STDLIB_MORE_SRCS Lib/lib2to3/*.txt)
file(GLOB STDLIB_MORE_SRCS Lib/email/test/data/*)
......@@ -181,6 +188,7 @@ add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${STDMODULES}
......@@ -15,8 +15,9 @@ a thread-local object and use its attributes:
You can also access the local-object's dictionary:
(Pyston change: changed this to dict(mydata.__dict__) to make more portable)
>>> mydata.__dict__
>>> dict(mydata.__dict__)
{'number': 42}
>>> mydata.__dict__.setdefault('widgets', [])
# -*- coding: uft-8 -*-
# skip-if: True
#coding: utf8
# skip-if: True
print '我'
......@@ -7,8 +7,7 @@ import re
import os.path
import tempfile
import subprocess
# Pyston change: we can't import this currently
# import py_compile
import py_compile
import contextlib
import shutil
# expected: fail
import ConfigParser
import StringIO
import os
# expected: fail
import test.test_support, unittest
import os
# expected: fail
"""This test checks for correct fork() behavior.
# expected: fail
# Check that multiple features can be enabled.
from __future__ import unicode_literals, print_function
import sys
import unittest
from . import test_support
# Pyston change: changed to absolute import
from test import test_support
class TestMultipleFeatures(unittest.TestCase):
# expected: fail
from test import test_support as support
# If we end up with a significant number of tests that don't require
# threading, this test module should be split. Right now we skip
......@@ -11,7 +10,8 @@ import os.path
import SocketServer
import time
from test_support import reap_threads, verbose, transient_internet
# Pyston change: changed to absolute import
from test.test_support import reap_threads, verbose, transient_internet
import unittest
# expected: fail
# fails because capifunc's don't have __name__ attributes,
# which causes from_cpython/Lib/ to error
import unittest
from test import test_support
from itertools import *
......@@ -140,11 +138,6 @@ class TestBasicOps(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(result, list(combinations2(values, r))) # matches second pure python version
self.assertEqual(result, list(combinations3(values, r))) # matches second pure python version
def test_combinations_overflow(self):
with self.assertRaises((OverflowError, MemoryError)):
combinations("AA", 2**29)
@test_support.impl_detail("tuple reuse is specific to CPython")
def test_combinations_tuple_reuse(self):
self.assertEqual(len(set(map(id, combinations('abcde', 3)))), 1)
......@@ -216,11 +209,6 @@ class TestBasicOps(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(result, list(cwr1(values, r))) # matches first pure python version
self.assertEqual(result, list(cwr2(values, r))) # matches second pure python version
def test_combinations_with_replacement_overflow(self):
with self.assertRaises((OverflowError, MemoryError)):
combinations_with_replacement("AA", 2**30)
@test_support.impl_detail("tuple reuse is specific to CPython")
def test_combinations_with_replacement_tuple_reuse(self):
cwr = combinations_with_replacement
......@@ -287,11 +275,6 @@ class TestBasicOps(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(result, list(permutations(values, None))) # test r as None
self.assertEqual(result, list(permutations(values))) # test default r
def test_permutations_overflow(self):
with self.assertRaises((OverflowError, MemoryError)):
permutations("A", 2**30)
@test_support.impl_detail("tuple reuse is specific to CPython")
def test_permutations_tuple_reuse(self):
self.assertEqual(len(set(map(id, permutations('abcde', 3)))), 1)
......@@ -376,8 +359,7 @@ class TestBasicOps(unittest.TestCase):
c = count(value)
self.assertEqual(next(copy.copy(c)), value)
self.assertEqual(next(copy.deepcopy(c)), value)
for proto in range(pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL + 1):
self.assertEqual(next(pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(c, proto))), value)
self.assertEqual(next(pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(c))), value)
def test_count_with_stride(self):
self.assertEqual(zip('abc',count(2,3)), [('a', 2), ('b', 5), ('c', 8)])
......@@ -710,11 +692,6 @@ class TestBasicOps(unittest.TestCase):
args = map(iter, args)
self.assertEqual(len(list(product(*args))), expected_len)
def test_product_overflow(self):
with self.assertRaises((OverflowError, MemoryError)):
product(*(['ab']*2**5), repeat=2**25)
@test_support.impl_detail("tuple reuse is specific to CPython")
def test_product_tuple_reuse(self):
self.assertEqual(len(set(map(id, product('abc', 'def')))), 1)
......@@ -722,9 +699,6 @@ class TestBasicOps(unittest.TestCase):
def test_repeat(self):
self.assertEqual(list(repeat(object='a', times=3)), ['a', 'a', 'a'])
self.assertEqual(list(repeat(object='a', times=0)), [])
self.assertEqual(list(repeat(object='a', times=-1)), [])
self.assertEqual(list(repeat(object='a', times=-2)), [])
[(0, 'a'), (1, 'a'), (2, 'a')])
self.assertEqual(list(repeat('a', 3)), ['a', 'a', 'a'])
......@@ -741,12 +715,6 @@ class TestBasicOps(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(repr(r), 'repeat((1+0j), 0)')
def test_repeat_with_negative_times(self):
self.assertEqual(repr(repeat('a', -1)), "repeat('a', 0)")
self.assertEqual(repr(repeat('a', -2)), "repeat('a', 0)")
self.assertEqual(repr(repeat('a', times=-1)), "repeat('a', 0)")
self.assertEqual(repr(repeat('a', times=-2)), "repeat('a', 0)")
def test_imap(self):
self.assertEqual(list(imap(operator.pow, range(3), range(1,7))),
[0**1, 1**2, 2**3])
......@@ -832,7 +800,6 @@ class TestBasicOps(unittest.TestCase):
it = islice(it, 1)
list(it) # exhaust the iterator
def test_takewhile(self):
# expected: fail
# skip-if: not IS_OPTIMIZED
# Skipping test_parser and test_all_fixers
# because of running
from lib2to3.tests import (test_fixers, test_pytree, test_util, test_refactor,
......@@ -2,7 +2,8 @@
""" Test suite for the code in msilib """
import unittest
import os
from test_support import run_unittest, import_module
# Pyston change: changed to an absolute import due to our changed way of running the tests
from test.test_support import run_unittest, import_module
msilib = import_module('msilib')
class Test_make_id(unittest.TestCase):
# skip-if: True
# - This test hangs and the tester fails to clean it up.
# Unit tests for the multiprocessing package
# expected: fail
# Tests for rich comparisons
import unittest
# expected: fail
# skip-if: True
# - this isn't an actual test file
"""Supporting definitions for the Python regression tests."""
if __name__ != 'test.test_support':
# expected: fail
# -*- coding: iso-8859-15 -*-
import sys
# expected: fail
# unit tests.
import tempfile
import errno
# expected: fail
import os
import unittest
import random
# expected: fail
import unittest
from doctest import DocTestSuite
from test import test_support
# expected: fail
doctests = """
Tests for the tokenize module.
# expected: fail
# test_pickle dumps and loads pickles via
# test_cpickle does the same, but via the cPickle module.
# This test covers the other two cases, making pickles with one module and
# expected: fail
# We can test part of the module without zlib.
import zlib
# skip-if: True
# - not a test file itself
# Helper script for argv[2] is the number of a file
# descriptor which should _not_ be open. Check this by attempting to
# write to it -- if we succeed, something is wrong.
......@@ -436,7 +436,7 @@ w_object(PyObject *v, WFILE *p)
else if (PyCode_Check(v)) {
// Pyston change: not implemented
assert(0 && "not implemented");
assert(0 && "Marshalling of code objects not implemented");
PyCodeObject *co = (PyCodeObject *)v;
......@@ -452,6 +452,8 @@ Box* ASTInterpreter::executeInner(ASTInterpreter& interpreter, CFGBlock* start_b
Box* ASTInterpreter::execute(ASTInterpreter& interpreter, CFGBlock* start_block, BST_stmt* start_at) {
UNAVOIDABLE_STAT_TIMER(t0, "us_timer_in_interpreter");
RECURSIVE_BLOCK(CXX, " in function call");
return executeInnerAndSetupFrame(interpreter, start_block, start_at);
......@@ -182,9 +182,11 @@ static void enableGdbSegfaultWatcher() {
int handleArg(char code) {
if (code == 'O')
if (code == 'O') {
} else if (code == 'L') {
else if (code == 'q')
} else if (code == 'q')
else if (code == 'v') {
......@@ -219,6 +221,8 @@ int handleArg(char code) {
} else if (code == 'E') {
Py_IgnoreEnvironmentFlag = 1;
} else if (code == 'B') {
} else if (code == 'P') {
} else if (code == 'F') {
......@@ -327,7 +331,7 @@ static int main(int argc, char** argv) noexcept {
// Suppress getopt errors so we can throw them ourselves
opterr = 0;
while ((code = getopt(argc, argv, "+:OqdIibpjtrTRSUvnxXEac:FuPTGm:")) != -1) {
while ((code = getopt(argc, argv, "+:OLqdIibpjtrTRSUvnxXEBac:FuPTGm:")) != -1) {
if (code == 'c') {
command = optarg;
......@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
#include "pythread.h"
#include "capi/typeobject.h"
#include "capi/types.h"
#include "core/threading.h"
#include "core/types.h"
#include "runtime/objmodel.h"
......@@ -79,6 +80,7 @@ static void* thread_start(STOLEN(Box*) target, STOLEN(Box*) varargs, STOLEN(Box*
try {
autoDecref(runtimeCall(target, ArgPassSpec(0, 0, true, kwargs != NULL), varargs, kwargs, NULL, NULL, NULL));
} catch (ExcInfo e) {
if (!e.matches(SystemExit))
......@@ -198,14 +200,36 @@ Box* getIdent() {
return boxInt(pthread_self());
Box* stackSize() {
Box* stackSize(Box* arg) {
if (arg) {
if (PyInt_Check(arg) && PyInt_AS_LONG(arg) == 0) {
raiseExcHelper(ThreadError, "Changing initial stack size is not supported in Pyston");
return boxInt(0);
Box* threadCount() {
return boxInt(nb_threads);
static PyObject* thread_PyThread_exit_thread(PyObject* self) noexcept {
return NULL;
PyDoc_STRVAR(exit_doc, "exit()\n\
(exit_thread() is an obsolete synonym)\n\
This is synonymous to ``raise SystemExit''. It will cause the current\n\
thread to exit silently unless the exception is caught.");
static PyMethodDef thread_methods[] = {
{ "exit_thread", (PyCFunction)thread_PyThread_exit_thread, METH_NOARGS, exit_doc },
{ "exit", (PyCFunction)thread_PyThread_exit_thread, METH_NOARGS, exit_doc },
void setupThread() {
// Hacky: we want to use some of CPython's implementation of the thread module (the threading local stuff),
// and some of ours (thread handling). Start off by calling a cut-down version of initthread, and then
......@@ -227,7 +251,7 @@ void setupThread() {
"get_ident", new BoxedBuiltinFunctionOrMethod(BoxedCode::create((void*)getIdent, BOXED_INT, 0, "get_ident")));
thread_module->giveAttr("stack_size", new BoxedBuiltinFunctionOrMethod(
BoxedCode::create((void*)stackSize, BOXED_INT, 0, "stack_size")));
BoxedCode::create((void*)stackSize, UNKNOWN, 1, "stack_size"), { NULL }));
"_count", new BoxedBuiltinFunctionOrMethod(BoxedCode::create((void*)threadCount, BOXED_INT, 0, "_count")));
......@@ -254,5 +278,10 @@ void setupThread() {
ThreadError = (BoxedClass*)PyErr_NewException("thread.error", NULL, NULL);
thread_module->giveAttrBorrowed("error", ThreadError);
auto thread_str = getStaticString("thread");
for (auto& md : thread_methods) {
thread_module->giveAttr(md.ml_name, new BoxedCApiFunction(&md, NULL, thread_str));
......@@ -628,7 +628,15 @@ extern "C" PyObject* PyExceptionInstance_Class(PyObject* o) noexcept {
return PyInstance_Check(o) ? (Box*)static_cast<BoxedInstance*>(o)->inst_cls : o->cls;
// With optimizations turned off, we can handle much fewer Python stack frames
// in the same amount of C-stack space.
// Use NDEBUG as a proxy for whether optimizations are turned on.
#ifndef NDEBUG
static int recursion_limit = Py_DEFAULT_RECURSION_LIMIT;
extern "C" {
int _Py_CheckRecursionLimit = Py_DEFAULT_RECURSION_LIMIT;
......@@ -4747,7 +4747,7 @@ Box* callFunc(BoxedFunctionBase* func, CallRewriteArgs* rewrite_args, ArgPassSpe
template <ExceptionStyle S>
static Box* callChosenCF(CompiledFunction* chosen_cf, BoxedClosure* closure, BoxedGenerator* generator, Box* globals,
Box* oarg1, Box* oarg2, Box* oarg3, Box** oargs) noexcept(S == CAPI) {
// TODO: this should be done in the rewrite as well
// TODO: this should go into the emitted code
RECURSIVE_BLOCK(S, " in function call");
if (S != chosen_cf->exception_style) {
......@@ -1631,7 +1631,9 @@ static Box* function_new(BoxedClass* cls, Box* _code, Box* globals, Box** _args)
RELEASE_ASSERT(code->source, "");
if (code->source->scoping.areGlobalsFromModule()) {
RELEASE_ASSERT(unwrapAttrWrapper(globals) == code->source->parent_module, "");
RELEASE_ASSERT(globals->cls == attrwrapper_cls && unwrapAttrWrapper(globals) == code->source->parent_module,
"Pyston doesn't support creating functions with overridden globals on code objects that weren't "
"compiled for it");
globals = NULL;
} else {
RELEASE_ASSERT(PyDict_Check(globals) || globals->cls == attrwrapper_cls, "");
......@@ -3475,10 +3477,23 @@ static int object_set_class(PyObject* self, PyObject* value, void* closure) noex
static PyObject* object_sizeof(PyObject* self, PyObject* args) noexcept {
Py_ssize_t res, isize;
res = 0;
isize = self->cls->tp_itemsize;
if (isize > 0)
res = self->cls->ob_size * isize;
res += self->cls->tp_basicsize;
return PyInt_FromSsize_t(res);
static PyMethodDef object_methods[] = {
{ "__reduce_ex__", object_reduce_ex, METH_VARARGS, NULL }, //
{ "__reduce__", object_reduce, METH_VARARGS, NULL }, //
{ "__format__", object_format, METH_VARARGS, PyDoc_STR("default object formatter") },
{ "__sizeof__", object_sizeof, METH_NOARGS, PyDoc_STR("__sizeof__() -> int\nsize of object in memory, in bytes") },
{ NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
......@@ -20,20 +20,19 @@ test_aepack No module named aetypes
test_aifc Unsupported subclassing from file?
test_al No module named al
test_applesingle Not really a failure, but it tries to skip itself and we don't support that
test_audioop [unknown]
test_bigmem [unknown]
test_bisect somehow sys.modules['_bisect'] is getting set to 0
test_bsddb185 [unknown]
test_bsddb3 [unknown]
test_bsddb [unknown]
test_builtin execfile scoping issue
test_capi [unknown]
test_cd [unknown]
test_cfgparser works when run from inside the from_cpython dir
test_class needs ellipsis
test_cl [unknown]
test_cmd_line_script [unknown]
test_cmd_line [unknown]
test_audioop No module named audioop
test_bigmem not sure
test_bisect `sys.modules['foo'] = 0; import foo; print foo' should print "0"
test_bsddb185 No module named _bsddb185
test_bsddb3 No module named _bsddb
test_bsddb No module named _bsddb
test_builtin Can't use unicode attribute names; leaked refs
test_capi No module named _testcapi
test_cd No module named cd
test_class "exec foo in <old style class>.__dict__"
test_cl No module named cl
test_cmd_line_script A number of issues
test_cmd_line Missing a number of command line flags
test_codecencodings_cn [unknown]
test_codecencodings_hk [unknown]
test_codecencodings_iso2022 [unknown]
......@@ -45,123 +44,111 @@ test_codecmaps_hk [unknown]
test_codecmaps_jp [unknown]
test_codecmaps_kr [unknown]
test_codecmaps_tw [unknown]
test_codecs [unknown]
test_codeop [unknown]
test_code [unknown]
test_coding works when run from inside the from_cpython dir
test_codecs Missing _codecs_tw, maybe others
test_codeop code.__eq__?
test_code 'code' object has no attribute 'co_names'
test_coercion 1**1L, divmod(1, 1L); some unknown bug
test_compileall Not sure if this test makes sense for us (wants to check the details of pyc files)
test_compiler [unknown]
test_compile [unknown]
test_compiler "import compiler" fails
test_compile Missing some code-object fields
test_cprofile [unknown]
test_crypt [unknown]
test_ctypes [unknown]
test_curses [unknown]
test_datetime needs _PyObject_GetDictPtr
test_dbm [unknown]
test_decorators decorator bug -- we evaluate decorator obj and its args in wrong order
test_crypt No module named crypt
test_ctypes No module named _testcapi
test_curses No module named _curses_panel
test_datetime Wants _PyObject_GetDictPtr for hcattrs
test_dbm No module named dbm
test_decorators callattr issue: we evaluate the args first then do the callattr, but if the getattr has side-effects this is the wrong order
test_descrtut `exec in DefaultDict()`
test_descr wontfix: crashes at "self.__dict__ = self"
test_dict misc failures related to things like gc, abc, comparisons, detecting mutations during iterations
test_dictviews segfault calling repr on recursive dictview. remove test/tests/ when the orig test passes
test_difflib [unknown]
test_distutils [unknown]
test_dis [unknown]
test_dl [unknown]
test_difflib wrong diff output?
test_distutils Doesn't like our extension; we need to copy in wininst-6.0.exe and similar
test_dis dis not really supported in Pyston
test_dl No module named dl
test_doctest hard to know. also missing some input files
test_dumbdbm [unknown]
test_email_codecs [unknown]
test_email_renamed [unknown]
test_email [unknown]
test_email_codecs Missing 'euc-jp' codec, maybe others
test_email_renamed crlf_separation failing
test_email crlf_separation failing, missing codecs
test_enumerate assert instead of exception in BoxedEnumerate
test_exceptions we are missing recursion-depth checking
test_extcall f(**kw) crashes if kw isn't a dict
test_fork1 [unknown]
test_frozen [unknown]
test_frozen "No module named __hello__"
test_funcattrs we don't allow changing numing of function defaults
test_future5 [unknown]
test_future [unknown]
test_gc [unknown]
test_gdbm [unknown]
test_gdb [unknown]
test_future missing error messages
test_gc Wrong number of gc collections, gc.is_tracked issue?
test_gdbm No module named gdbm
test_gdb sysconfig missing PY_CFLAGS var
test_generators crash when sending non-None to a just-started generator
test_genexps parser not raising a SyntaxError when assigning to a genexp
test_getargs2 [unknown]
test_getargs2 No module named _testcapi
test_global SyntaxWarnings for global statements after uses
test_gl [unknown]
test_gl No module named gl
test_grammar bug in our tokenizer
test_hotshot [unknown]
test_idle [unknown]
test_imageop [unknown]
test_imaplib [unknown]
test_imgfile [unknown]
test_importhooks [unknown]
test_import [unknown]
test_inspect [unknown]
test_hotshot No module named _hotshot
test_idle No module named Tkinter
test_imageop No module named imageop
test_imgfile no module named imgfile
test_importhooks "import compiler" doesnt work
test_import Marshaling code objects not supported
test_inspect missing sys.exc_traceback
test_io memory/gc issue?
test_iterlen [unknown]
test_itertools [unknown]
test_json 'from test.script_helper import assert_python_ok' fails; sounds like it is trying to look at pycs
test_itertools range(sys.maxint-5, sys.maxint+5)
test_json "throw called on generator last advanced with __hasnext__"
test_kqueue Not really a failure, but it tries to skip itself and we don't support that
test_lib2to3 [unknown]
test_linuxaudiodev [unknown]
test_linuxaudiodev No module named audioop
test_list longs as slice indices
test_long_future [unknown]
test_long_future Rounding issues for long.__truediv__ (we convert to doubles then round; should do a full-precision division and then round)
test_macos Not really a failure, but it tries to skip itself and we don't support that
test_macostools Not really a failure, but it tries to skip itself and we don't support that
test_marshal [unknown]
test_modulefinder [unknown]
test_marshal Can't marshal code objects
test_modulefinder Wants to scan code objects
test_module unicode docstrings
test_msilib [unknown]
test_multibytecodec [unknown]
test_multiprocessing [unknown]
test_msilib No module named _msi
test_multibytecodec No module named _multibytecodec
test_mutants unknown failure
test_new [unknown]
test_nis [unknown]
test_new Tries `new.function(f.func_code, {}, "blah")` on a code that didn't expect custom globals
test_nis "no module named nis"
test_optparse assertion instead of exceptions for long("invalid number")
test_ossaudiodev [unknown]
test_pdb [unknown]
test_peepholer [unknown]
test_peepholer tries to disassemble code objects
test_pep352 various unique bugs
test_pkg unknown bug
test_pprint [unknown]
test_profile [unknown]
test_pkg we don't import quite the right names for "import *"?
test_pprint Dict ordering, some other issues
test_profile sys has no attribute setprofile
test_py3kwarn [unknown]
test_pyclbr This test passes but takes a very long time in debug mode (60s vs 5s for release mode).
test_pydoc [unknown]
test_pydoc Not sure, not generating the right docstrings
test_random long("invalid number")
test_repr complex.__hash__; some unknown issues
test_resource fails on travis-ci: setrlimit RLIMIT_CPU not allowed to raise maximum limit
test_runpy [unknown]
test_richcmp Assertion `ovarargs->cls == tuple_cls' failed
test_runpy recursion-depth sisues on debug, 'imp has no attribute "get_magic"'
test_scope eval of code object from existing function (not currently supported)
test_scriptpackages [unknown]
test_site [unknown]
test_startfile [unknown]
test_str memory leak?
test_structmembers [unknown]
test_scriptpackages No module named aetools
test_site We're missing the '-s' command line flag
test_startfile Only works on windows
test_str A few misc errors
test_structmembers No module named _testcapi
test_subprocess exit code 141 [sigpipe?], no error message
test_sunaudiodev [unknown]
test_sunau [unknown]
test_support [unknown]
test_symtable [unknown]
test_syntax [unknown]
test_sys_setprofile [unknown]
test_sys_settrace [unknown]
test_sys [unknown]
test_tarfile [unknown]
test_tcl [unknown]
test_tempfile [unknown]
test_threading_local [unknown]
test_threading [unknown]
test_thread [unknown]
test_tk [unknown]
test_tokenize [unknown]
test_tools [unknown]
test_traceback [unknown]
test_trace [unknown]
test_transformer [unknown]
test_ttk_guionly [unknown]
test_ttk_textonly [unknown]
test_sunaudiodev No module named sunaudiodev
test_sunau No module named audioop, some other issues
test_symtable No module named _symtable
test_syntax We're missing "too many statically nested blocks" check; a couple error messages don't look right to the tests
test_sys_setprofile Not supported yet in pyston
test_sys_settrace Not supported yet in pyston
test_sys we're missing some attributes in the sys module (call_tracing, __excepthook__, setrecursionlimit, etc)
test_tcl No module named _tkinter
test_threading Multiple issues, including not having sys.settrace
test_tk No module named _tkinter
test_tools Skips itself because it's an "installed python"
test_traceback Missing sys.exc_traceback
test_trace sys.settrace not supported yet
test_transformer "import compiler" not supported yet
test_ttk_guionly No module named _tkinter
test_ttk_textonly No module named _tkinter
test_undocumented_details function.func_closure
test_unicode argument passing issue?
test_userdict segfault: repr of recursive dict?
......@@ -169,16 +156,14 @@ test_userlist slice(1L, 1L)
test_userstring float(1L); hangs in test_replace
test_warnings Among other things, we don't support the -W flag
test_weakref weird function-picking bug (something around float.__add__), plase also fix the weakref issue in test_abc
test_winreg [unknown]
test_winsound [unknown]
test_xml_etree_c [unknown]
test_xml_etree [unknown]
test_xmlrpc [unknown]
test_xpickle [unknown]
test_winreg No module named _winreg
test_winsound No module named winsound
test_xml_etree_c _elementtree.c does a bunch of CAPI calls without checking for exceptions, which ends up tripping some asserts
test_xml_etree Missing sys.exc_value, unknown encoding "gbk"
test_xmlrpc Cannot re-init internal module sys (`import sys; del sys.modules['sys']; import sys`)
test_zipfile64 [unknown]
test_zipfile [unknown]
test_zipimport_support [unknown]
test_zipimport [unknown]
test_zipimport_support leaks; missing sys.settrace
test_zipimport Marshalling of code objects not supported
### Getting regrtest to work is hard
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
# skip-if: IS_OPTIMIZED
# Skipping test_parser and test_all_fixers
# because of running
from lib2to3.tests import (test_fixers, test_pytree, test_util, test_refactor,
test_parser, test_main as test_main_)
import unittest
from test.test_support import run_unittest
def suite():
tests = unittest.TestSuite()
loader = unittest.TestLoader()
for m in (test_parser,):
return tests
def test_main():
if __name__ == '__main__':
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
# run_args: -n
# statcheck: ("-O" in EXTRA_JIT_ARGS) or (1 <= stats["num_osr_exits"] <= 2)
# statcheck: ("-L" in EXTRA_JIT_ARGS) or (1 <= stats["num_osr_exits"] <= 2)
# statcheck: noninit_count('slowpath_binop') <= 10
x = 100000
# skip-if: '-n' in EXTRA_JIT_ARGS or '-O' in EXTRA_JIT_ARGS
# skip-if: '-n' in EXTRA_JIT_ARGS or '-L' in EXTRA_JIT_ARGS
# Tests to see if we add any extra refs to function arguments.
import sys
# statcheck: '-O' in EXTRA_JIT_ARGS or 1 <= stats['num_osr_exits'] <= 5
# statcheck: '-L' in EXTRA_JIT_ARGS or 1 <= stats['num_osr_exits'] <= 5
def f(x):
def inner():
# skip-if: '-O' in EXTRA_JIT_ARGS or '-n' in EXTRA_JIT_ARGS
# skip-if: '-L' in EXTRA_JIT_ARGS or '-n' in EXTRA_JIT_ARGS
# statcheck: 4 <= noninit_count('num_deopt') < 50
# statcheck: 1 <= stats["num_osr_exits"] <= 2
# skip-if: '-O' in EXTRA_JIT_ARGS
# skip-if: '-L' in EXTRA_JIT_ARGS
# expected: statfail
# statcheck: 4 <= noninit_count('num_deopt') < 50
# statcheck: 1 <= stats["num_osr_exits"] <= 2
# skip-if: '-O' in EXTRA_JIT_ARGS or '-n' in EXTRA_JIT_ARGS
# skip-if: '-L' in EXTRA_JIT_ARGS or '-n' in EXTRA_JIT_ARGS
# statcheck: 4 <= noninit_count('num_deopt') < 50
# statcheck: 1 <= stats["num_osr_exits"] <= 2
# skip-if: '-O' in EXTRA_JIT_ARGS or '-n' in EXTRA_JIT_ARGS
# skip-if: '-L' in EXTRA_JIT_ARGS or '-n' in EXTRA_JIT_ARGS
# statcheck: 4 == noninit_count('num_deopt')
# this used to hit an abort in our LLVM tier codegen
# skip-if: '-O' in EXTRA_JIT_ARGS or '-n' in EXTRA_JIT_ARGS
# skip-if: '-L' in EXTRA_JIT_ARGS or '-n' in EXTRA_JIT_ARGS
# statcheck: noninit_count('num_deopt') == 2
# statcheck: ("-O" in EXTRA_JIT_ARGS) or (1 <= stats["num_osr_exits"] <= 2)
# statcheck: ("-L" in EXTRA_JIT_ARGS) or (1 <= stats["num_osr_exits"] <= 2)
# While perhaps not required in practice, we should have the ability to
# OSR from inside a list comprehension.
# statcheck: '-O' in EXTRA_JIT_ARGS or 1 <= stats['num_osr_exits'] <= 5
# statcheck: '-L' in EXTRA_JIT_ARGS or 1 <= stats['num_osr_exits'] <= 5
# "big osr" in terms of lots of live variables needing to be passed through:
# statcheck: '-O' in EXTRA_JIT_ARGS or 1 <= stats['num_osr_exits'] <= 5
# statcheck: '-L' in EXTRA_JIT_ARGS or 1 <= stats['num_osr_exits'] <= 5
# Try to trick the JIT into OSR'ing into an optimized version with a speculation
# that has already failed.
# statcheck: '-O' in EXTRA_JIT_ARGS or 1 <= stats['num_osr_exits'] <= 5
# statcheck: '-L' in EXTRA_JIT_ARGS or 1 <= stats['num_osr_exits'] <= 5
# Regression test to make sure we can do an OSR if one of the live variables
# is potentially-undefined.
# statcheck: '-O' in EXTRA_JIT_ARGS or 1 <= stats['num_osr_exits'] <= 5
# statcheck: '-L' in EXTRA_JIT_ARGS or 1 <= stats['num_osr_exits'] <= 5
# Regression test to make sure we can do an OSR if one of the live variables
# is potentially-undefined.
# skip-if: '-n' not in EXTRA_JIT_ARGS and '-O' not in EXTRA_JIT_ARGS
# skip-if: '-n' not in EXTRA_JIT_ARGS and '-L' not in EXTRA_JIT_ARGS
# statcheck: noninit_count('slowpath_setattr') < 50
class MyDescr(object):
# skip-if: '-n' not in EXTRA_JIT_ARGS and '-O' not in EXTRA_JIT_ARGS
# disable this test because the interpreter (with disabled bjit) currently uses too much stack
# Make sure we can recurse at least 900 times on the three different types
# of stacks that we have:
import sys
TEST_DEPTH = sys.getrecursionlimit() - 20
def recurse(n):
print n
if n > 0:
return recurse(n - 1)
return n
print "Recursing on main thread..."
print "Recursing in a generator..."
def gen():
yield recurse(900)
yield recurse(TEST_DEPTH)
print list(gen())
print "Recursing in a thread..."
......@@ -26,10 +25,17 @@ done = 0
def thread_target():
global done
done = 1
start_new_thread(thread_target, ())
while not done:
s = """
if depth < TEST_DEPTH:
depth += 1
exec s
exec s in {'depth': 0, 's': s, 'TEST_DEPTH': TEST_DEPTH}
# skip-if: '-n' in EXTRA_JIT_ARGS or '-O' in EXTRA_JIT_ARGS
# skip-if: '-n' in EXTRA_JIT_ARGS or '-L' in EXTRA_JIT_ARGS
# Make sure that we can fork from a threaded environment
# Running this test with -n or -O has horrible performance, since
# Running this test with -n or -L has horrible performance, since
# we will freshly JIT all of the post-fork code after every fork.
import subprocess
# fail-if: '-n' not in EXTRA_JIT_ARGS and '-O' not in EXTRA_JIT_ARGS
# fail-if: '-n' not in EXTRA_JIT_ARGS and '-L' not in EXTRA_JIT_ARGS
# - This test needs type profiling to be enabled to trigger the bug
# This test throws an irgen assertion.
# run_args: -n
# statcheck: "-O" in EXTRA_JIT_ARGS or 'slowpath_getclsattr' in stats or 'slowpath_callattr' in stats
# statcheck: "-L" in EXTRA_JIT_ARGS or 'slowpath_getclsattr' in stats or 'slowpath_callattr' in stats
# statcheck: noninit_count('slowpath_getclsattr') <= 20
# statcheck: noninit_count('slowpath_callattr') <= 22
......@@ -188,6 +188,8 @@ def get_test_options(fn, check_stats, run_memcheck):
l = l.strip()
if not l:
if l.startswith("\xef\xbb\xbf"): # BOM
l = l[3:]
if not l.startswith("#"):
if l.startswith("# statcheck:"):
......@@ -512,6 +514,7 @@ def main(orig_dir):
run_memcheck = False
......@@ -535,6 +538,8 @@ def main(orig_dir):
EXTMODULE_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(IMAGE)) + "/test/test_extension/build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.7/")
patterns = opts.pattern
IS_OPTIMIZED = int(subprocess.check_output([IMAGE, "-c", 'import sysconfig; print int("-O0" not in sysconfig.get_config_var(\"CFLAGS\"))']))
if not patterns and not TESTS_TO_SKIP:
TESTS_TO_SKIP = ["t", "t2", "t3"]
......@@ -573,7 +578,7 @@ def main(orig_dir):
tests = filtered_tests
if not tests:
print >>sys.stderr, "No tests matched the given patterns. OK by me!"
# print >>sys.stderr, "No tests matched the given patterns. OK by me!"
# this can happen legitimately in e.g. `make check_test_foo` if is a CPython regression test.
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