Commit f9fcd85f authored by Kevin Modzelewski's avatar Kevin Modzelewski

Merge pull request #1200 from kmod/extra_refs

Some work on the numpy test suite
parents a32afb2d 0d111f89
......@@ -722,6 +722,7 @@ PROFILE_TARGET := ./pyston $(SRC_DIR)/minibenchmarks/
$(CMAKE_DIR_RELEASE_GCC_PGO)/.trained: pyston_release_gcc_pgo_instrumented
@echo "Training pgo"
rm -rf $(CMAKE_DIR_RELEASE_GCC_PGO)/from_cpython/{Lib,Modules,Objects,Python,Parser} $(CMAKE_DIR_RELEASE_GCC_PGO)/src
pyston_pgo: pyston_release_gcc_pgo
......@@ -1248,7 +1248,7 @@ std::vector<Location> Rewriter::getDecrefLocations() {
ASSERT(var->locations.size() == 1, "this code only looks at one location");
Location l = *var->locations.begin();
assert(l.type == Location::Scratch);
assert(l.type == Location::Scratch || l.type == Location::Stack);
int offset1 = indirectFor(l).offset;
int offset2 = p.second;
......@@ -872,7 +872,7 @@ static PyObject* call_attribute(PyObject* self, PyObject* attr, PyObject* name)
template <ExceptionStyle S, Rewritable rewritable>
Box* slotTpGetattrHookInternal(Box* self, BoxedString* name, GetattrRewriteArgs* rewrite_args, bool for_call,
Box** bind_obj_out, RewriterVar** r_bind_obj_out) noexcept(S == CAPI) {
BORROWED(Box**) bind_obj_out, RewriterVar** r_bind_obj_out) noexcept(S == CAPI) {
if (rewritable == NOT_REWRITABLE) {
rewrite_args = NULL;
......@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ int compatible_for_assignment(PyTypeObject* oldto, PyTypeObject* newto, const ch
class GetattrRewriteArgs;
template <ExceptionStyle S, Rewritable rewritable>
Box* slotTpGetattrHookInternal(Box* self, BoxedString* attr, GetattrRewriteArgs* rewrite_args, bool for_call,
Box** bind_obj_out, RewriterVar** r_bind_obj_out) noexcept(S == CAPI);
BORROWED(Box**) bind_obj_out, RewriterVar** r_bind_obj_out) noexcept(S == CAPI);
......@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@
#include "runtime/generator.h"
#include "runtime/hiddenclass.h"
#include "runtime/ics.h"
#include "runtime/import.h"
#include "runtime/iterobject.h"
#include "runtime/long.h"
#include "runtime/rewrite_args.h"
......@@ -1807,7 +1808,7 @@ bool isNondataDescriptorInstanceSpecialCase(Box* descr) {
template <Rewritable rewritable>
Box* nondataDescriptorInstanceSpecialCases(GetattrRewriteArgs* rewrite_args, Box* obj, Box* descr, RewriterVar* r_descr,
bool for_call, Box** bind_obj_out, RewriterVar** r_bind_obj_out) {
bool for_call, BORROWED(Box**) bind_obj_out, RewriterVar** r_bind_obj_out) {
if (rewritable == NOT_REWRITABLE) {
rewrite_args = NULL;
......@@ -1888,7 +1889,7 @@ Box* nondataDescriptorInstanceSpecialCases(GetattrRewriteArgs* rewrite_args, Box
return boxInstanceMethod(im_self, im_func, im_class);
} else {
*bind_obj_out = incref(im_self);
*bind_obj_out = im_self;
if (rewrite_args) {
rewrite_args->setReturn(r_im_func, ReturnConvention::HAS_RETURN);
*r_bind_obj_out = r_im_self;
......@@ -1915,7 +1916,7 @@ Box* nondataDescriptorInstanceSpecialCases(GetattrRewriteArgs* rewrite_args, Box
rewrite_args->setReturn(r_descr, ReturnConvention::HAS_RETURN);
*r_bind_obj_out = rewrite_args->obj;
*bind_obj_out = incref(obj);
*bind_obj_out = obj;
return incref(descr);
} else {
BoxedWrapperDescriptor* self = static_cast<BoxedWrapperDescriptor*>(descr);
......@@ -1944,7 +1945,7 @@ Box* nondataDescriptorInstanceSpecialCases(GetattrRewriteArgs* rewrite_args, Box
// r_descr must represent a valid object.
template <Rewritable rewritable>
Box* descriptorClsSpecialCases(GetattrRewriteArgs* rewrite_args, BoxedClass* cls, Box* descr, RewriterVar* r_descr,
bool for_call, Box** bind_obj_out, RewriterVar** r_bind_obj_out) {
bool for_call, BORROWED(Box**) bind_obj_out, RewriterVar** r_bind_obj_out) {
if (rewritable == NOT_REWRITABLE) {
rewrite_args = NULL;
......@@ -1999,7 +2000,7 @@ Box* boxChar(char c) {
// r_descr needs to represent a valid object
template <Rewritable rewritable>
Box* dataDescriptorInstanceSpecialCases(GetattrRewriteArgs* rewrite_args, BoxedString* attr_name, Box* obj, Box* descr,
RewriterVar* r_descr, bool for_call, Box** bind_obj_out,
RewriterVar* r_descr, bool for_call, BORROWED(Box**) bind_obj_out,
RewriterVar** r_bind_obj_out) {
if (rewritable == NOT_REWRITABLE) {
......@@ -2214,7 +2215,7 @@ static void ensureValidCapiReturn(Box* r) {
template <ExceptionStyle S, Rewritable rewritable>
Box* getattrInternalEx(Box* obj, BoxedString* attr, GetattrRewriteArgs* rewrite_args, bool cls_only, bool for_call,
Box** bind_obj_out, RewriterVar** r_bind_obj_out) noexcept(S == CAPI) {
BORROWED(Box**) bind_obj_out, RewriterVar** r_bind_obj_out) noexcept(S == CAPI) {
if (rewritable == NOT_REWRITABLE) {
rewrite_args = NULL;
......@@ -2431,7 +2432,7 @@ Box* processDescriptor(Box* obj, Box* inst, Box* owner) {
template <bool IsType, Rewritable rewritable>
Box* getattrInternalGeneric(Box* obj, BoxedString* attr, GetattrRewriteArgs* rewrite_args, bool cls_only, bool for_call,
Box** bind_obj_out, RewriterVar** r_bind_obj_out) {
BORROWED(Box**) bind_obj_out, RewriterVar** r_bind_obj_out) {
if (rewritable == NOT_REWRITABLE) {
rewrite_args = NULL;
......@@ -3745,8 +3746,6 @@ Box* callattrInternal(Box* obj, BoxedString* attr, LookupScope scope, CallattrRe
return val;
if (bind_obj != NULL) {
Box** new_args = NULL;
if (npassed_args >= 3) {
......@@ -4214,13 +4213,20 @@ Box* rearrangeArgumentsAndCallInternal(ParamReceiveSpec paramspec, const ParamNa
// Clear any increfs we did for when we throw an exception:
int positional_to_positional = std::min(argspec.num_args, paramspec.num_args);
auto clear_refs = [&]() {
switch (positional_to_positional) {
case 0:
case 1:
case 2:
for (int i = 0; i < num_output_args - 3; i++) {
for (int i = std::max(positional_to_positional - 3, 0); i < num_output_args - 3; i++) {
ExceptionCleanup<decltype(clear_refs)> cleanup(
clear_refs); // I feel like there should be some way to automatically infer the decltype
......@@ -4274,9 +4280,8 @@ Box* rearrangeArgumentsAndCallInternal(ParamReceiveSpec paramspec, const ParamNa
// First, match up positional parameters to positional/varargs:
int positional_to_positional = std::min(argspec.num_args, paramspec.num_args);
for (int i = 0; i < positional_to_positional; i++) {
getArg(i, oarg1, oarg2, oarg3, oargs) = incref(getArg(i, arg1, arg2, arg3, args));
getArg(i, oarg1, oarg2, oarg3, oargs) = getArg(i, arg1, arg2, arg3, args);
int varargs_to_positional = std::min((int)varargs_size, paramspec.num_args - positional_to_positional);
......@@ -4960,7 +4965,7 @@ Box* callCLFunc(FunctionMetadata* md, CallRewriteArgs* rewrite_args, int num_out
// We check for this assertion later too - by checking it twice, we know
// if the error state was set before calling the chosen CF or after.
ASSERT(!PyErr_Occurred(), "");
ASSERT(imported_foreign_cextension || !PyErr_Occurred(), "");
Box* r;
// we duplicate the call to callChosenCf here so we can
......@@ -4985,7 +4990,7 @@ Box* callCLFunc(FunctionMetadata* md, CallRewriteArgs* rewrite_args, int num_out
ASSERT(chosen_cf->spec->rtn_type->isFitBy(r->cls), "%s (%p) was supposed to return %s, but gave a %s",
g.func_addr_registry.getFuncNameAtAddress(chosen_cf->code, true, NULL).c_str(), chosen_cf->code,
chosen_cf->spec->rtn_type->debugName().c_str(), r->cls->tp_name);
ASSERT(!PyErr_Occurred(), "%p", chosen_cf->code);
ASSERT(imported_foreign_cextension || !PyErr_Occurred(), "%p", chosen_cf->code);
return r;
......@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ template <ExceptionStyle S> inline Box* getattrInternal(Box* obj, BoxedString* a
// __getattribute__.
template <bool IsType, Rewritable rewritable>
Box* getattrInternalGeneric(Box* obj, BoxedString* attr, GetattrRewriteArgs* rewrite_args, bool cls_only, bool for_call,
Box** bind_obj_out, RewriterVar** r_bind_obj_out);
BORROWED(Box**) bind_obj_out, RewriterVar** r_bind_obj_out);
extern "C" PyObject* type_getattro(PyObject* o, PyObject* name) noexcept;
import os
import sys
import subprocess
sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(__file__) + "/../lib")
import test_helper
def print_progress_header(text):
print "\n>>>"
print ">>> " + text + "..."
print ">>>"
ENV_NAME = "numpy_fulltest_env_" + os.path.basename(sys.executable)
DEPENDENCIES = ["nose==1.3.7"]
import platform
USE_CUSTOM_PATCHES = (platform.python_implementation() == "Pyston")
test_helper.create_virtenv(ENV_NAME, DEPENDENCIES)
ENV_DIR = os.path.abspath(ENV_NAME)
PYTHON_EXE = os.path.abspath(ENV_NAME + "/bin/python")
CYTHON_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(SRC_DIR, "Cython-0.22"))
NUMPY_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(SRC_DIR, "numpy"))
print_progress_header("Setting up Cython...")
if not os.path.exists(CYTHON_DIR):
url = ""
subprocess.check_call(["wget", url], cwd=SRC_DIR)
subprocess.check_call(["tar", "-zxf", "Cython-0.22.tar.gz"], cwd=SRC_DIR)
PATCH_FILE = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "../integration/Cython-0.22.patch"))
subprocess.check_call(["patch", "-p1", "--input=" + PATCH_FILE], cwd=CYTHON_DIR)
print ">>> Applied Cython patch"
subprocess.check_call([PYTHON_EXE, "", "install"], cwd=CYTHON_DIR)
subprocess.check_call([PYTHON_EXE, "-c", "import Cython"], cwd=CYTHON_DIR)
subprocess.check_call(["rm", "-rf", CYTHON_DIR])
print ">>> Cython already installed."
NUMPY_PATCH_FILE = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "../integration/numpy_patch.patch"))
print_progress_header("Cloning up NumPy...")
if not os.path.exists(NUMPY_DIR):
url = ""
subprocess.check_call(["git", "clone", "--depth", "1", "--branch", "v1.11.0", url], cwd=SRC_DIR)
print ">>> NumPy already installed."
PATCH_FILE = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "../integration/numpy_patch.patch"))
print_progress_header("Patching NumPy...")
subprocess.check_call(["patch", "-p1", "--input=" + PATCH_FILE], cwd=NUMPY_DIR)
env = os.environ
CYTHON_BIN_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(ENV_NAME + "/bin"))
env["PATH"] = CYTHON_BIN_DIR + ":" + env["PATH"]
# Should be able to do this:
# subprocess.check_call([os.path.join(SRC_DIR, "bin/pip"), "install", NUMPY_DIR])
# but they end up naming f2py "f2py_release"/"f2py_dbg"
print_progress_header("Setting up NumPy...")
subprocess.check_call([PYTHON_EXE, "", "build"], cwd=NUMPY_DIR, env=env)
print_progress_header("Installing NumPy...")
subprocess.check_call([PYTHON_EXE, "", "install"], cwd=NUMPY_DIR, env=env)
print_progress_header("Unpatching NumPy...")
cmd = ["patch", "-p1", "--forward", "-i", NUMPY_PATCH_FILE, "-R", "-d", NUMPY_DIR]
subprocess.check_output(cmd, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
# TODO: I'm not sure we need to do this:
subprocess.check_call(["rm", "-rf", NUMPY_DIR + "/build"])
subprocess.check_call(["rm", "-rf", NUMPY_DIR + "/dist"])
test_helper.run_test(['sh', '-c', '. %s/bin/activate && python %s/numpy/tools/' % (ENV_DIR, ENV_DIR)],
ENV_NAME, [dict(ran=5781, errors=2, failures=3)])
print_progress_header("Unpatching NumPy...")
cmd = ["patch", "-p1", "--forward", "-i", NUMPY_PATCH_FILE, "-R", "-d", NUMPY_DIR]
subprocess.check_output(cmd, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
print "PASSED"
......@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ NUMPY_PATCH_FILE = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "nump
print_progress_header("Cloning up NumPy...")
if not os.path.exists(NUMPY_DIR):
url = ""
subprocess.check_call(["git", "clone", "--branch", "v1.11.0", url], cwd=SRC_DIR)
subprocess.check_call(["git", "clone", "--depth", "1", "--branch", "v1.11.0", url], cwd=SRC_DIR)
print ">>> NumPy already installed."
......@@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ def parse_output(output):
return result
def run_test(cmd, cwd, expected, env = None):
print "Running", cmd
process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, cwd=cwd, env=env)
output, unused_err = process.communicate()
errcode = process.poll()
# skip-if: '-n' in EXTRA_JIT_ARGS or '-O' in EXTRA_JIT_ARGS
# Tests to see if we add any extra refs to function arguments.
import sys
......@@ -7,4 +8,13 @@ def f(o):
print sys.getrefcount(o)
# This gives 3 for CPython and our interpreter, but 2 for the llvm tier:
# f(object())
import sys
class C(object):
def foo(self, *args):
print sys.getrefcount(self)
c = C()
a = (
print sys.getrefcount(c)
# skip-if: True
# - sadly, we have now inherited CPython's buggy behavior here
# This segfaults under python-dbg
# (In a release build it "works" since the use-after-free happens without penalty.)
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