Commit 108fe4c1 authored by Stefan Behnel's avatar Stefan Behnel

Do not hijack "@asyncio.coroutine" to make async-def functions iterable, since...

Do not hijack "@asyncio.coroutine" to make async-def functions iterable, since this is really just a legacy feature that users should not overuse. Instead, provide a dedicated and explicit "cython.iterable_coroutine" directive.
parent 857251b7
......@@ -27,10 +27,10 @@ Features added
them to depend on module declarations themselves.
Patch by Jeroen Demeyer. (Github issue #1896)
* Decorating an async coroutine with ``@types.coroutine`` or ``@asyncio.coroutine``
changes its type at compile time to make it iterable. While this is not
strictly in line with PEP-492, it improves the interoperability with old-style
coroutines that use ``yield from`` instead of ``await``.
* Decorating an async coroutine with ``@cython.iterable_coroutine`` changes its
type at compile time to make it iterable. While this is not strictly in line
with PEP-492, it improves the interoperability with old-style coroutines that
use ``yield from`` instead of ``await``.
* The new TSS C-API in CPython 3.7 is supported and has been backported.
Patch by Naotoshi Seo. (Github issue #1932)
......@@ -171,6 +171,7 @@ _directive_defaults = {
'language_level': 2,
'fast_getattr': False, # Undocumented until we come up with a better way to handle this everywhere.
'py2_import': False, # For backward compatibility of Cython's source code in Py3 source mode
'iterable_coroutine': False, # Make async coroutines backwards compatible with the old asyncio yield-from syntax.
'c_string_type': 'bytes',
'c_string_encoding': '',
'type_version_tag': True, # enables Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_VERSION_TAG on extension types
......@@ -320,6 +321,7 @@ directive_scopes = { # defaults to available everywhere
'old_style_globals': ('module',),
'np_pythran': ('module',),
'fast_gil': ('module',),
'iterable_coroutine': ('module', 'function'),
......@@ -2601,21 +2601,7 @@ class MarkClosureVisitor(CythonTransform):
coroutine_type = Nodes.AsyncGenNode
for yield_expr in collector.yields + collector.returns:
yield_expr.in_async_gen = True
elif node.decorators:
# evaluate @asyncio.coroutine() decorator at compile time if it's the inner-most one
# TODO: better decorator validation: should come from imported module
decorator = node.decorators[-1].decorator
if decorator.is_name and == 'coroutine':
elif decorator.is_attribute and decorator.attribute == 'coroutine':
if decorator.obj.is_name and in ('types', 'asyncio'):
decorator = None
decorator = None
if decorator is not None:
elif self.current_directives['iterable_coroutine']:
coroutine_type = Nodes.IterableAsyncDefNode
elif collector.has_await:
found = next(y for y in collector.yields if y.is_await)
......@@ -577,6 +577,16 @@ Cython code. Here is the list of currently supported directives:
``unraisable_tracebacks`` (True / False)
Whether to print tracebacks when suppressing unraisable exceptions.
``iterable_coroutine`` (True / False)
`PEP 492 <>`_ specifies that async-def
coroutines must not be iterable, in order to prevent accidental misuse in
non-async contexts. However, this makes it difficult and inefficient to write
backwards compatible code that uses async-def coroutines in Cython but needs to
interact with async Python code that uses the older yield-from syntax, such as
asyncio before Python 3.5. This directive can be applied in modules or
selectively as decorator on an async-def coroutine to make the affected
coroutine(s) iterable and thus directly interoperable with yield-from.
Configurable optimisations
......@@ -3,7 +3,8 @@
# tag: pep492, asyncfor, await
def run_async(coro):
def run_async(coro, ignore_type=False):
if not ignore_type:
#assert coro.__class__ is types.GeneratorType
assert coro.__class__.__name__ in ('coroutine', 'GeneratorWrapper'), coro.__class__.__name__
......@@ -87,3 +88,69 @@ def await_cyobject():
return await awaitable
return simple, awaiting
cimport cython
def yield_from_cyobject():
>>> async def py_simple_nonit():
... return 10
>>> async def run_await(awaitable):
... return await awaitable
>>> def run_yield_from(it):
... return (yield from it)
>>> simple_nonit, simple_it, awaiting, yield_from = yield_from_cyobject()
>>> buffer, result = run_async(run_await(simple_it()))
>>> result
>>> buffer, result = run_async(run_await(awaiting(simple_it())))
>>> result
>>> buffer, result = run_async(awaiting(run_await(simple_it())), ignore_type=True)
>>> result
>>> buffer, result = run_async(run_await(py_simple_nonit()))
>>> result
>>> buffer, result = run_async(run_yield_from(awaiting(run_await(simple_it()))), ignore_type=True)
>>> result
>>> buffer, result = run_async(run_yield_from(simple_it()), ignore_type=True)
>>> result
>>> buffer, result = run_async(yield_from(simple_it()), ignore_type=True)
>>> result
>>> next(run_yield_from(simple_nonit())) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: ...
>>> next(run_yield_from(py_simple_nonit())) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: ...
>>> next(yield_from(py_simple_nonit()))
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: 'coroutine' object is not iterable
async def simple_nonit():
return 10
async def simple_it():
return 10
async def awaiting(awaitable):
return await awaitable
def yield_from(it):
return (yield from it)
return simple_nonit, simple_it, awaiting, yield_from
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