//////////////////// ArgTypeTest.proto ////////////////////

static CYTHON_INLINE int __Pyx_ArgTypeTest(PyObject *obj, PyTypeObject *type, int none_allowed,
    const char *name, int exact); /*proto*/

//////////////////// ArgTypeTest ////////////////////

static void __Pyx_RaiseArgumentTypeInvalid(const char* name, PyObject *obj, PyTypeObject *type) {
        "Argument '%.200s' has incorrect type (expected %.200s, got %.200s)",
        name, type->tp_name, Py_TYPE(obj)->tp_name);

static CYTHON_INLINE int __Pyx_ArgTypeTest(PyObject *obj, PyTypeObject *type, int none_allowed,
    const char *name, int exact)
    if (unlikely(!type)) {
        PyErr_SetString(PyExc_SystemError, "Missing type object");
        return 0;
    if (none_allowed && obj == Py_None) return 1;
    else if (exact) {
        if (likely(Py_TYPE(obj) == type)) return 1;
        #if PY_MAJOR_VERSION == 2
        else if ((type == &PyBaseString_Type) && likely(__Pyx_PyBaseString_CheckExact(obj))) return 1;
    else {
        if (likely(PyObject_TypeCheck(obj, type))) return 1;
    __Pyx_RaiseArgumentTypeInvalid(name, obj, type);
    return 0;

//////////////////// RaiseArgTupleInvalid.proto ////////////////////

static void __Pyx_RaiseArgtupleInvalid(const char* func_name, int exact,
    Py_ssize_t num_min, Py_ssize_t num_max, Py_ssize_t num_found); /*proto*/

//////////////////// RaiseArgTupleInvalid ////////////////////

//  __Pyx_RaiseArgtupleInvalid raises the correct exception when too
//  many or too few positional arguments were found.  This handles
//  Py_ssize_t formatting correctly.

static void __Pyx_RaiseArgtupleInvalid(
    const char* func_name,
    int exact,
    Py_ssize_t num_min,
    Py_ssize_t num_max,
    Py_ssize_t num_found)
    Py_ssize_t num_expected;
    const char *more_or_less;

    if (num_found < num_min) {
        num_expected = num_min;
        more_or_less = "at least";
    } else {
        num_expected = num_max;
        more_or_less = "at most";
    if (exact) {
        more_or_less = "exactly";
                 "%.200s() takes %.8s %" CYTHON_FORMAT_SSIZE_T "d positional argument%.1s (%" CYTHON_FORMAT_SSIZE_T "d given)",
                 func_name, more_or_less, num_expected,
                 (num_expected == 1) ? "" : "s", num_found);

//////////////////// RaiseKeywordRequired.proto ////////////////////

static CYTHON_INLINE void __Pyx_RaiseKeywordRequired(const char* func_name, PyObject* kw_name); /*proto*/

//////////////////// RaiseKeywordRequired ////////////////////

static CYTHON_INLINE void __Pyx_RaiseKeywordRequired(
    const char* func_name,
    PyObject* kw_name)
        #if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3
        "%s() needs keyword-only argument %U", func_name, kw_name);
        "%s() needs keyword-only argument %s", func_name,

//////////////////// RaiseDoubleKeywords.proto ////////////////////

static void __Pyx_RaiseDoubleKeywordsError(const char* func_name, PyObject* kw_name); /*proto*/

//////////////////// RaiseDoubleKeywords ////////////////////

static void __Pyx_RaiseDoubleKeywordsError(
    const char* func_name,
    PyObject* kw_name)
        #if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3
        "%s() got multiple values for keyword argument '%U'", func_name, kw_name);
        "%s() got multiple values for keyword argument '%s'", func_name,

//////////////////// RaiseMappingExpected.proto ////////////////////

static void __Pyx_RaiseMappingExpectedError(PyObject* arg); /*proto*/

//////////////////// RaiseMappingExpected ////////////////////

static void __Pyx_RaiseMappingExpectedError(PyObject* arg) {
    PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, "'%.200s' object is not a mapping", Py_TYPE(arg)->tp_name);

//////////////////// KeywordStringCheck.proto ////////////////////

static CYTHON_INLINE int __Pyx_CheckKeywordStrings(PyObject *kwdict, const char* function_name, int kw_allowed); /*proto*/

//////////////////// KeywordStringCheck ////////////////////

//  __Pyx_CheckKeywordStrings raises an error if non-string keywords
//  were passed to a function, or if any keywords were passed to a
//  function that does not accept them.

static CYTHON_INLINE int __Pyx_CheckKeywordStrings(
    PyObject *kwdict,
    const char* function_name,
    int kw_allowed)
    PyObject* key = 0;
    Py_ssize_t pos = 0;
    /* PyPy appears to check keywords at call time, not at unpacking time => not much to do here */
    if (!kw_allowed && PyDict_Next(kwdict, &pos, &key, 0))
        goto invalid_keyword;
    return 1;
    while (PyDict_Next(kwdict, &pos, &key, 0)) {
        #if PY_MAJOR_VERSION < 3
        if (unlikely(!PyString_CheckExact(key)) && unlikely(!PyString_Check(key)))
            if (unlikely(!PyUnicode_Check(key)))
                goto invalid_keyword_type;
    if ((!kw_allowed) && unlikely(key))
        goto invalid_keyword;
    return 1;
        "%.200s() keywords must be strings", function_name);
    return 0;
    #if PY_MAJOR_VERSION < 3
        "%.200s() got an unexpected keyword argument '%.200s'",
        function_name, PyString_AsString(key));
        "%s() got an unexpected keyword argument '%U'",
        function_name, key);
    return 0;

//////////////////// ParseKeywords.proto ////////////////////

static int __Pyx_ParseOptionalKeywords(PyObject *kwds, PyObject **argnames[], \
    PyObject *kwds2, PyObject *values[], Py_ssize_t num_pos_args, \
    const char* function_name); /*proto*/

//////////////////// ParseKeywords ////////////////////
//@requires: RaiseDoubleKeywords

//  __Pyx_ParseOptionalKeywords copies the optional/unknown keyword
//  arguments from the kwds dict into kwds2.  If kwds2 is NULL, unknown
//  keywords will raise an invalid keyword error.
//  Three kinds of errors are checked: 1) non-string keywords, 2)
//  unexpected keywords and 3) overlap with positional arguments.
//  If num_posargs is greater 0, it denotes the number of positional
//  arguments that were passed and that must therefore not appear
//  amongst the keywords as well.
//  This method does not check for required keyword arguments.

static int __Pyx_ParseOptionalKeywords(
    PyObject *kwds,
    PyObject **argnames[],
    PyObject *kwds2,
    PyObject *values[],
    Py_ssize_t num_pos_args,
    const char* function_name)
    PyObject *key = 0, *value = 0;
    Py_ssize_t pos = 0;
    PyObject*** name;
    PyObject*** first_kw_arg = argnames + num_pos_args;

    while (PyDict_Next(kwds, &pos, &key, &value)) {
        name = first_kw_arg;
        while (*name && (**name != key)) name++;
        if (*name) {
            values[name-argnames] = value;

        name = first_kw_arg;
        #if PY_MAJOR_VERSION < 3
        if (likely(PyString_CheckExact(key)) || likely(PyString_Check(key))) {
            while (*name) {
                if ((CYTHON_COMPILING_IN_PYPY || PyString_GET_SIZE(**name) == PyString_GET_SIZE(key))
                        && _PyString_Eq(**name, key)) {
                    values[name-argnames] = value;
            if (*name) continue;
            else {
                // not found after positional args, check for duplicate
                PyObject*** argname = argnames;
                while (argname != first_kw_arg) {
                    if ((**argname == key) || (
                            (CYTHON_COMPILING_IN_PYPY || PyString_GET_SIZE(**argname) == PyString_GET_SIZE(key))
                             && _PyString_Eq(**argname, key))) {
                        goto arg_passed_twice;
        } else
        if (likely(PyUnicode_Check(key))) {
            while (*name) {
                int cmp = (**name == key) ? 0 :
                #if !CYTHON_COMPILING_IN_PYPY && PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3
                    (PyUnicode_GET_SIZE(**name) != PyUnicode_GET_SIZE(key)) ? 1 :
                    // need to convert argument name from bytes to unicode for comparison
                    PyUnicode_Compare(**name, key);
                if (cmp < 0 && unlikely(PyErr_Occurred())) goto bad;
                if (cmp == 0) {
                    values[name-argnames] = value;
            if (*name) continue;
            else {
                // not found after positional args, check for duplicate
                PyObject*** argname = argnames;
                while (argname != first_kw_arg) {
                    int cmp = (**argname == key) ? 0 :
                    #if !CYTHON_COMPILING_IN_PYPY && PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3
                        (PyUnicode_GET_SIZE(**argname) != PyUnicode_GET_SIZE(key)) ? 1 :
                        // need to convert argument name from bytes to unicode for comparison
                        PyUnicode_Compare(**argname, key);
                    if (cmp < 0 && unlikely(PyErr_Occurred())) goto bad;
                    if (cmp == 0) goto arg_passed_twice;
        } else
            goto invalid_keyword_type;

        if (kwds2) {
            if (unlikely(PyDict_SetItem(kwds2, key, value))) goto bad;
        } else {
            goto invalid_keyword;
    return 0;
    __Pyx_RaiseDoubleKeywordsError(function_name, key);
    goto bad;
        "%.200s() keywords must be strings", function_name);
    goto bad;
    #if PY_MAJOR_VERSION < 3
        "%.200s() got an unexpected keyword argument '%.200s'",
        function_name, PyString_AsString(key));
        "%s() got an unexpected keyword argument '%U'",
        function_name, key);
    return -1;

//////////////////// MergeKeywords.proto ////////////////////

static int __Pyx_MergeKeywords(PyObject *kwdict, PyObject *source_mapping); /*proto*/

//////////////////// MergeKeywords ////////////////////
//@requires: RaiseDoubleKeywords
//@requires: Optimize.c::dict_iter

static int __Pyx_MergeKeywords(PyObject *kwdict, PyObject *source_mapping) {
    PyObject *iter, *key = NULL, *value = NULL;
    int source_is_dict, result;
    Py_ssize_t orig_length, ppos = 0;

    iter = __Pyx_dict_iterator(source_mapping, 0, PYIDENT("items"), &orig_length, &source_is_dict);
    if (unlikely(!iter)) {
        // slow fallback: try converting to dict, then iterate
        PyObject *args;
        if (!PyErr_ExceptionMatches(PyExc_AttributeError)) goto bad;
        args = PyTuple_Pack(1, source_mapping);
        if (likely(args)) {
            PyObject *fallback = PyObject_Call((PyObject*)&PyDict_Type, args, NULL);
            if (likely(fallback)) {
                iter = __Pyx_dict_iterator(fallback, 1, PYIDENT("items"), &orig_length, &source_is_dict);
        if (unlikely(!iter)) goto bad;

    while (1) {
        result = __Pyx_dict_iter_next(iter, orig_length, &ppos, &key, &value, NULL, source_is_dict);
        if (unlikely(result < 0)) goto bad;
        if (!result) break;

        if (unlikely(PyDict_Contains(kwdict, key))) {
            __Pyx_RaiseDoubleKeywordsError("function", key);
            result = -1;
        } else {
            result = PyDict_SetItem(kwdict, key, value);
        if (unlikely(result < 0)) goto bad;
    return 0;

    return -1;