msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: ERP5 User Interface\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-06-08 14:03+UTC\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-06-08 14:03+UTC\n"
"Last-Translator:  <>\n"
"Language-Team: zh <>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"

msgid ""
"\"Calculating\" is a causality state, which indicates that the system is calculating in which state a related document will be generated, after executing an action. It will be displayed whenever ERP5 is doing calculation. After the calculation, this state will be turned to another state, such as divergent or solved.\n"
"For example, when comfirm a sale order, a \"confirmed\" sale packing list will be built. During the calculation process of ERP5, the packing list will be in \"Calculating\" causality state, which indicates that the system is calculating whether the packing list is convergent or divergent from its original sale order."
msgstr ""

msgid "${min_quantity} <= Quantity"
msgstr "${min_quantity} <= 数量"

msgid "${min_quantity} <= Quantity < ${max_quantity}"
msgstr "${min_quantity} <= 数量 < ${max_quantity}"

msgid "${number} records"
msgstr "${number} 条记录"

msgid "${this_portal_type} related to ${that_portal_type} : ${that_title}."
msgstr "${that_portal_type} : ${that_title}. 相关 ${this_portal_type}"

msgid "- ${number} items selected"
msgstr "- ${number} 项被选"

msgid "-- Any Other Document Type --"
msgstr "-- 任何其他文件类型 --"

msgid "-- Select Classification --"
msgstr "-- 选择类别 --"

msgid "-- Select Document Type --"
msgstr "-- 选择文件类型 --"

msgid "-- Select Project --"
msgstr "-- 选择项目 --"

msgid "1/3 Select one Software"
msgstr "1/3 选择一个软件"

msgid "2/3 Select one Release"
msgstr "2/3 选择一个发布"

msgid "3/3 Request Service:"
msgstr "3/3 请求服务:"

msgid "A Campaign is a marketing mini-project which keeps track of all events associated to a given marketing action. Use it for example to manage press relation campaigns, assessment campaigns, product presentation campaigns which involve contacting many customers through email, phone, etc."
msgstr "活动是一个小型营销项目,用于跟进关于一个给定的市场营销活动的所有事件。可以用它来管理媒体关系活动,评估型活动,产品演示活动,其中包括通过电子邮件,电话等联系众多的客户。"

msgid "A Currency is a resource which can be credited or debited on general ledger accounts. It defines currency information, identification and exchange rates to one or multiple reference currencies."
msgstr "货币文件是总帐科目中可贷记或借记的资源。它定义了货币信息,身份识别以及相对一个或多个参考货币的汇率。"

msgid "A Graphic file (OOo, DXF)"
msgstr "一个图片文件(OOo, DXF)"

msgid "A Letter event can be used to track incoming and outgoing letters or paper document in a customer relation or in a project process."
msgstr "信件可以用来跟进一项客户关系或一个项目进程中收发的信件或纸质文件"

msgid "A Mail Message is an event which can be used to keep track of incoming emails (ex. support requests) or to create outgoing emails (for example in a campaign)."
msgstr "邮件信息是用来跟进接收的邮件(例如客户支持请求)或用来创建发送邮件(例如在一项活动中)。"

msgid "A Meeting document defines the participants and the purpose of a meeting as well as any trade related information. It is also a way to track the events related to the organisation of a meeting or a conference."
msgstr "会议文件定义了会议的参与者,会议目的以及交易相关的信息。它同时也是跟进与该组织相关的会议信息的一种方式。"

msgid "A Note is an event which can be used to track project or tickets besides formal communication based on email, fax, etc."
msgstr "笔记是可以用来跟进项目或工单的,除了基于邮件,传真等正式沟通形式之外的事件"

msgid "A Phone Call represents an incoming or outgoing phone call. It is used to track customer relation or project processes."
msgstr "“电话”可以记录拨进和拨出的电话,用来跟进客户关系以及项目进程"

msgid "A Presentation file (OOo, PPT)"
msgstr "演示文档文件 (OOo, PPT)"

msgid "A Product is a tangible good which can be produced and traded (ex. a pen, a bicycle, a suit, etc.). Products may define multiple variations and configuration options. Trading information such as price, customer, reference, etc. may be defined on a Product, although it is recommended in complex environments to use Sale Supplies for that purpose. In a production environment, Components are procured and Products are sold."
msgstr "产品有形,可以生产和交易(如钢笔,自行车,西装等)。产品可以定义多种变量和配置选项。交易信息例如价格,客户,代码等都可以在产品中定义,但在复杂环境中建议使用销售供应列表. 在生产环境中,采购组件,销售产品"

msgid "A Purchase Invoice Transaction combines in the same document a supplier invoice and the accounting transaction deriving from it. Purchase Invoice Transactions are normally generated automatically by ERP5 simulation from delivered Purchase Packing Lists or groups thereof and are set in planned state. Upon reception of a paper invoice, it is the task of the accountant to match it to an expected invoice in planned state or to enter it manually. Accounting transaction lines are generated automatically out of invoice lines through business rules yet can be modified by accountants to fit specific accounting cases."
msgstr "采购发票交易文件中包含了供应商发票以及由其衍生的会计交易明细。采购发票交易文件一般通过ERP5的模拟运作由已交付的采购装箱单以已计划状态自动生成。在收到纸质发票的情况下,就应该由会计将其以相应的已计划发票存入,或者手工录入系统。根据商业规则,会计交易明细可由发票明细自动生成,也可以由会计根据专门会计案例进行修改。"

msgid "A Query allows for capturing questions of users about ERP5 documents. It can be used as a collaboration tool, for sharing knowledge or to provide online help."
msgstr "“质疑”使用户可以对ERP5文件提出问题。它可以作为一个协作工具,用于共享知识或提供在线帮助。"

msgid "A Sale Invoice Transaction combines in the same document a customer invoice and the accounting transaction deriving from it. Sale Invoice Transactions are normally generated automatically by ERP5 simulation from delivered Sale Packing Lists or groups thereof. They may also be entered by human intervention to fit specific invoicing cases. Accounting transaction lines are generated automatically out of invoice lines through business rules yet can be modified by accountants to fit specific accounting cases."
msgstr "销售发票交易文件中包含了客户发票以及由其衍生的会计交易明细。销售发票交易文件一般通过ERP5的模拟运作由已交付的销售装箱单以已计划状态自动生成。它们也可以根据专门会计交易事项由人工录入。根据商业规则,会计交易明细可由发票明细自动生成,也可以由会计根据专门会计案例进行修改。"

msgid "A Sale Opportunity is designed to hold information about a prospect client. It also acts as a project node to track all expenses and time spent on the sales process."
msgstr "销售机会是用来记录潜在客户信息的文件。它也作为一个项目节点来跟进销售过程中所有费用和时间花费"

msgid "A Sale packing list gathers the different shipment details regarding a sale order."
msgstr "销售装箱单包含了相对的销售订单中不同的货物运输信息"

msgid "A Service is an immaterial Resource that can be traded (eg. shipping, support ...)"
msgstr "一项服务是一种可以被交易的D最终资源(例如,运输,支持等)"

msgid "A Spreadsheet file (OOo, XLS)"
msgstr "电子表格文件 (OOo, XLS)"

msgid "A Supply defines precise pricing and shipping conditions between two trade parties for a limited selection of traded products, components, services, etc. It can be used to represent price catalogues, product referencing, pricing policy, etc."
msgstr "供应条件定义了交易双方在限定的交易产品,组件,服务等之间的精确定价和运输条件.它可以用来表示价格目录,产品参照,定价规则等。"

msgid "A Support Request document is used to track customer support requests. All emails, phone calls or documents related to the support process for a given request can be followed from it."
msgstr "支持请求文件是用来跟进客户支持请求的。所有的电子邮件,电话或与给定请求的支持程序相关的文件都可以通过该文件来跟进。"

msgid "A Telephone object can contain a telephone number."
msgstr "电话号码"

msgid "A Text file (OOo, DOC)"
msgstr "文本文件 (OOo, DOC)"

msgid "A URL allows to represent in a standard way coordinates such as web sites, emails, ftp sites, etc."
msgstr "URL链接是显示网站,电子邮件,FTP站点的标准形式"

msgid "A Visit is an event which can be used to register visits with third parties, such as customers, suppliers or prospects"
msgstr "一项“访问”是可以用来记录与第三方(客户,供应商或潜在客户)会面的事件"

msgid "A Web Message is an event which keeps the information about incoming or outgoing various online-communication except email."
msgstr "网上信息是可以用来记录所有接收和发出的网上交流信息(除了电子邮件)的事件。"

msgid "A Web Page is an HTML document which contains images and files."
msgstr "网页是一个包含图像和文件的HTML文件"

msgid "A Web Section defines an optional default web page and a predicate to select content listed in that section. It can be used to build simple content management and online shops."
msgstr "一个网络模块定义了一个可选的默认网页,以及一个謂语,用于选择该模块中列出的内容。它可以用来创建简单的内容管理和网上商店。"

msgid "A Web Site is the root of a tree of Web Sections and web documents (like web pages or any erp5 object like products, etc.)."
msgstr "网站文件是网络模块和网络文件(例如网页或任何ERP5文件,例如产品文件等等)树形结构的根基"

msgid ""
"A bank account number holds a collection of numbers and codes (ex. SWIFT, RIB, etc.) which may be used to identify a bank account. It is owned by a Person or an Organisation. A Bank Account contains Agents with Agent Privileges used by the owner to delegate the management of the bank account to trusted third-party Persons.\n"
"BankAccount inherits from Base and from the mix-in Coordinate."
msgstr ""
"Bank Account 属于 Base模块,来自混合坐标。"

msgid "A chat address is an identifier in an Instant Messaging service."
msgstr "即时通信服务的个人帐号"

msgid "A codification used to identify the category"
msgstr "用于识别类别的编码"

msgid "A credit registered in a bank and that can be used for a payment"
msgstr "在银行注册的一种信用额度,是买卖中用来支付的一种方式"

msgid "A discount consists in cutting the price of a product in a sale order."
msgstr "折扣指的是对一项订单中产品的降价行为"

msgid "A discount line bears a specific discount that will be applied to either an order or a product."
msgstr "折扣明细表示针对某个订单或产品使用的具体折扣"

msgid "A document can be associated to one or multiple entities in the function classification tree."
msgstr "一个文件可以关联到职位结构中一个或多个单位"

msgid "A document can be associated to one or multiple entities in the group classification tree."
msgstr "一个文件可以关联到集团结构中的一个或多个单位"

msgid "A document can be associated to one or multiple entities in the site  classification tree."
msgstr "一个文件可以关联到一个站点结构中一个或多个单位"

msgid "A document for which translation has been requested and which has not yet been assigned a translator or a revisor."
msgstr "一个被要求翻译的文件,但还未分配翻译人员或审阅员"

msgid "A document shared by limited people in the organisation (ex. team, project, etc.)"
msgstr "一个共享于组织中特定人的文件(例如,团队,项目等)"

msgid "A document shared by limited people in the organisation (ex. team, project, etc.). Every assigned knowledge contributor or knowledge manager may modify it depending on its classification policy."
msgstr "共享于组织中有限人员(例如团队,项目等)的文件。基于文件的分类规则,每位信息贡献者或信息管理者都可能对其进行修改"

msgid "A document that has been confirmed in ERP5"
msgstr "ERP5中已被确认的文件"

msgid "A document which has been submitted for review by the relevant reviewer."
msgstr "已被递交的文件,将接受相关审阅人的审阅"

msgid "A document which is part of another document and which acquired security from it."
msgstr "属于另一文件的一个文件,并且需要该文件的安全验证"

msgid "A document which is released and and alive. It is accessible to its associates (team, project, members, partners, etc.) based on the security definition. It is modifiable by it assignees (ex. team, project, etc. for collaborative documents) and by its assignor (ex. knowledge manager)."
msgstr "一个被发布但仍可修改的文件。根据其安全定义,相关人员可以访问它(团队,项目,组员,合伙人等)。受指派人(例如团队,项目,合作的文件)和指派人(例如信息管理者)都可以对其进行修改。"

msgid "A document which is released and becomes accessible to its associates (team, project, members, partners, etc.) based on the security definition"
msgstr "基于其安全定义,一个已发布的文件可以被相关人员(团队,项目,组员,合伙人等)浏览和操作"

msgid "A fax number that can be stored on a person or organisation document"
msgstr "传真号可以存储在人事或组织文件中"

msgid "A file, in its widest sense"
msgstr "文件,文档"

msgid "A frozen movement cannot be modified by the simulation anylonger"
msgstr "一项已冻结的操作将无法再被模拟运作更改了"

msgid "A gadget may be rendered in a page synchronous or asynchronous"
msgstr "一个配件可以在一个页面中同步或异步呈现"

msgid "A generic publication workflow which combines versioning, staging and translation management."
msgstr "一个通用的文件发布流程,包含版本,分期和翻译管理"

msgid "A geographic address holds the geographic address of a person or company."
msgstr "公司或个人的地址"

msgid "A global discount ratio depending on the context, on the options or on the variations. All discount ratios may sum up to form a higher discount ratio."
msgstr "折扣率由交易背景,订单选项或变量决定。所有折扣率可以叠加成一个更高的折扣率"

msgid "A list of ERP5Types for which we want to add the roles in the template"
msgstr "在该模板中添加角色使用的ERP5门户类型列表"

msgid "A list of Tool ids used by this template"
msgstr "该模板使用的工具ID列表"

msgid "A list of allowed content types for portal types"
msgstr "门户类型允许的内容类型列表"

msgid "A list of base categories for portal types"
msgstr "门户类型的基本类别列表"

msgid "A list of base categories to display in resource variation base category list."
msgstr "在资源变量基本类别列表中显示的基本类别表"

msgid "A list of base categories which define possible discrete variations. Variation ranges are stored as category membership. (prev. variation_category_list)."
msgstr "基本类别列表,定义可能的离散变化。变化范围被存储为类别成员。(前值为variation_category_list)。"

msgid "A list of base categories which defines possible discrete variations."
msgstr "基础类别列表,用于定义可能的离散变量。"

msgid "A list of candidate form IDs to perform assessment on CRM events."
msgstr "对CRM事件进行评估的候选表格ID列表"

msgid "A list of changes done on the document"
msgstr "该文件的更改列表"

msgid "A list of copyright holders"
msgstr "吧你权拥有者列表"

msgid "A list of hidden content types for portal types"
msgstr "门户类型的隐藏内容类型列表"

msgid "A list of ids of actions used by this template"
msgstr "该模板使用的操作ID列表"

msgid "A list of ids of base categories used by this template"
msgstr "该模板所使用的基本类别ID列表"

msgid "A list of ids of catalog DateTime keys used by this template"
msgstr "该模板使用的目录日期和时间密钥ID列表"

msgid "A list of ids of catalog full text keys used by this template"
msgstr "该模板使用的目录完整文本密钥ID列表"

msgid "A list of ids of catalog keyword keys used by this template"
msgstr "该模板使用的目录关键词密钥ID列表"

msgid "A list of ids of catalog local role keys used by this template"
msgstr "该模板使用的目录本地角色密钥ID列表"

msgid "A list of ids of catalog methods used by this template"
msgstr "该模板使用的目录方法ID列表"

msgid "A list of ids of catalog multivalue keys used by this template"
msgstr "该模板使用的目录多值密钥ID列表"

msgid "A list of ids of catalog related keys used by this template"
msgstr "该模板使用的目录相关密钥ID列表"

msgid "A list of ids of catalog request keys used by this template"
msgstr "该模板使用的目录要求密钥ID列表"

msgid "A list of ids of catalog result keys used by this template"
msgstr "该模板使用的目录结果密钥ID列表"

msgid "A list of ids of catalog result tables used by this template"
msgstr "该模板使用的目录结果表格ID列表"

msgid "A list of ids of catalog role keys used by this template"
msgstr "该模板使用的目录角色密钥ID列表"

msgid "A list of ids of catalog scriptable keys used by this template"
msgstr "该模板使用的目录可编写脚本密钥ID列表"

msgid "A list of ids of catalog search keys used by this template"
msgstr "该模板使用的目录搜索密钥ID列表"

msgid "A list of ids of catalog topic keys used by this template"
msgstr "该模板使用的目录主题密钥ID列表"

msgid "A list of ids of constraints used by this template"
msgstr "该模板使用的约束ID列表"

msgid "A list of ids of documents used by this template"
msgstr "该模板使用的文件ID列表"

msgid "A list of ids of extensions used by this template"
msgstr "该模板使用的扩展ID列表"

msgid "A list of ids of modules used by this template"
msgstr "该模板所使用的模块ID列表"

msgid "A list of ids of portal types used by this template"
msgstr "该模板使用的门户类型ID列表"

msgid "A list of ids of products used by this template"
msgstr "该模板使用的产品ID列表"

msgid "A list of ids of property sheets used by this template"
msgstr "该模板使用的属性表ID列表"

msgid "A list of ids of roles used by this template"
msgstr "该模板使用的角色ID列表"

msgid "A list of ids of site properties used by this template"
msgstr "该模板使用的站点属性ID列表"

msgid "A list of ids of skins used by this template"
msgstr "该模板使用的皮肤ID列表"

msgid "A list of ids of tests used by this template"
msgstr "该模板使用的测试ID列表"

msgid "A list of ids of workflows used by this template"
msgstr "该模板使用的流程ID列表"

msgid "A list of individual base categories which define possible discrete variations. Variation ranges are stored as category membership. (prev. variation_category_list)."
msgstr "独立的基础类别列表,定义可能的离散变化。变化范围被存储为类别成员。 (前值为variation_category_list)。"

msgid "A list of local roles used by this template"
msgstr "该模板使用的本地角色列表"

msgid "A list of maintainers"
msgstr "维护员列表"

msgid "A list of message translations used by this template"
msgstr "该模板使用的信息翻译列表"

msgid "A list of object paths that should be kept in installing this template"
msgstr "安装该模板时应被保留的对象路径列表"

msgid "A list of object paths used by this template"
msgstr "该模板使用的对象路径列表"

msgid "A list of object paths whose workflow history should be kept in installing this template"
msgstr "安装该模板时应被保留流程历史记录的对象路径"

msgid "A list of optional base categories which defines possible discrete variations."
msgstr "基础类别列表,用于定义可能的离散变量。"

msgid "A list of preferences used by this template"
msgstr "该模板使用的偏好设置列表"

msgid "A list of property sheet for portal types"
msgstr "门户类型的属性表列表"

msgid "A list of registered skin selections used by this template"
msgstr "该模板使用的已注册皮肤选项列表"

msgid "A list of registered version priority used by this template"
msgstr "该模板使用的已注册版本优先项"

msgid "A list of workflow chains of portal types used by this template"
msgstr "该模板使用的门户类型的流程链列表"

msgid "A non discountable per unit additional price which applies for example whenever certain options or variations are selected. Multiple additional prices related to different options sum up. The total of additional prices may not be discounted."
msgstr "无折扣的附加价适用于当某些选项或变量被选中时。多重附加价涉及不同选项的价格总和,最终总值不含折扣。"

msgid "A one line title which describes a product, an order, a supply, a trade condition. It may be used  in official documents."
msgstr "描述一件产品,一个订单,一项供应,一个贸易条款的名称。可被用于正式文件"

msgid "A particular account in your accounting"
msgstr "会计中一个特殊账户"

msgid "A per unit additional price that depends on a continuous property"
msgstr "基于一个持续属性的附加单价"

msgid "A per unit additional price which applies for example whenever certain options or variations are selected. Multiple additional prices related to different options sum up."
msgstr "单位附加价适用于当某些选项或变量被选中时。多重附加价涉及不同选项的价格总和。"

msgid "A public document. Everyone can access it."
msgstr "公开的文件,任何人都可以看到"

msgid "A published document which is alive. Everyone can access it, including anonymous users. Every assigned knowledge contributor or knowledge manager may modify it depending on its classification policy."
msgstr "可修改的已公布文件。任何人都可以A publ访问他,包括匿名用户。根据文件的分类规则,每位信息贡献者或信息管理者都可能对其进行修改。"

msgid "A published document. Everyone can access it."
msgstr "一个公开的文件,任何人都可以看到"

msgid "A purchase packing list gathers the different shipment details regarding a purchase order"
msgstr "采购装箱单包含了相对的采购订单中不同的货物运输信息"

msgid "A resource in ERP5 can be a product or a service. This term will be found in orders for instance, or accounting and inventories."
msgstr "ERP5的一项资源可以是一个产品或一项服务。该术语可以在订单,会计或是库存模块中找到应用。"

msgid "A revision identifier"
msgstr "修订标识符"

msgid "A slip of paper included with your pay that records how much money you have earned and how much tax or insurance etc. has been taken out"
msgstr "列明员工工资,税收和保险缴纳情况的单子"

msgid "A step in the career of a person."
msgstr "某人的一段职业生涯"

msgid "A tax document helps the user define the name and abbreviation of the different taxes that will be used in ERP5. Although, this document do not bear any ratio or % notion."
msgstr "税收文件可帮助用户定义将在ERP5中使用的不同税种的名称及缩写。然而这个文件不含有任何比率或百分比的条款。"

msgid "A typical per unit height of the resource"
msgstr "一项资源高度的标准计量单位"

msgid "A typical per unit length of the resource"
msgstr "一项资源长度的标准计量单位"

msgid "A typical per unit price"
msgstr "单位产品的价格"

msgid "A typical per unit weight of the resource"
msgstr "一项资源重量的标准单位"

msgid "A typical per unit width of the resource"
msgstr "一项资源宽度的标准计量单位"

msgid "A typical price of a unit."
msgstr "单件产品的价格"

msgid "A version identifier"
msgstr "版本标识符"

msgid "Absence Hours"
msgstr "缺席时数"

msgid "Accept"
msgstr "接受"

msgid "Accept Decision"
msgstr "承兑"

msgid "Accept Translation"
msgstr "采纳翻译"

msgid "Accept Upgrade Decision:"
msgstr "接受升级决定:"

msgid "Accept new value"
msgstr "接受新的值"

msgid "Accept the new value defined on the invoice and update the prevision accordingly"
msgstr "接受发票的新定价值并更新相应的预估文件"

msgid "Accepts a translation and sets the validation state to submitted, waiting for further approval before publication."
msgstr "采纳一项翻译,并将验证状态设为“已提交”,以等待进一步的审批以发布"

msgid "Accepts the change that has been done rather than the original prevision. This action will be available whenever a packing list is divergent."
msgstr "接受和预期装箱单的差异。在装箱单不匹配的情况下可以进行该指令的操作。"

msgid "Access Monitor"
msgstr "访问监控台"

msgid "Account"
msgstr "会计科目"

msgid "Account Balance"
msgstr "账户系统余额"

msgid "Account Code"
msgstr "会计科目代码"

msgid "Account Invalidated"
msgstr "无效的"

msgid "Account Module"
msgstr "会计模块"

msgid "Account Name"
msgstr "会计科目名称"

msgid "Account Number Method"
msgstr "帐号方式"

msgid "Account Reference"
msgstr "会计偏好设置"

msgid "Account Statement"
msgstr "财务报表"

msgid "Account Type"
msgstr "会计科目类别"

msgid "Account Workflow"
msgstr "会计流程"

msgid "Accounting"
msgstr "会计"

msgid "Accounting Line Report"
msgstr "会计明细报表"

msgid "Accounting Operation Date"
msgstr "会计操作日期"

msgid "Accounting Period"
msgstr "会计期间"

msgid "Accounting Period Workflow"
msgstr "会计期间流程"

msgid "Accounting Periods"
msgstr "会计期间"

msgid "Accounting Preference"
msgstr "会计偏好设置"

msgid "Accounting Preferences"
msgstr "会计偏好设置"

msgid "Accounting Transaction"
msgstr "会计交易"

msgid "Accounting Transaction Line"
msgstr "会计交易明细"

msgid "Accounting Transaction Lines"
msgstr "会计交易明细"

msgid "Accounting Transaction Lines added."
msgstr "会计交易明细已添加"

msgid "Accounting Transaction Title"
msgstr "会计交易标题"

msgid "Accounting Transactions"
msgstr "会计交易"

msgid "Accounting Transactions to Close"
msgstr "待终止会计交易"

msgid "Accounting Transactions to Post"
msgstr "待提交会计交易"

msgid "Accounting Transactions to Start"
msgstr "待开启会计交易"

msgid "Accounting View"
msgstr "会计概览"

msgid "Accounting Workflow"
msgstr "会计流程"

msgid "Accounting periods created."
msgstr "会计期间已创建"

msgid "Accounting preferences: The default currency when creating new transactions"
msgstr "会计偏好设置:设置的默认货币可以创建新的交易"

msgid "Accounting preferences: The default organisation to use when creating a new accounting transaction"
msgstr "会计偏好设置:创建新的会计交易时的默认组织"

msgid "Accounting preferences: The default section category for reporting"
msgstr "会计偏好设置:用于报告的默认部门类别"

msgid "Accounting preferences: The maximum (inclusive) date for transactions"
msgstr "会计偏好设置:交易的结束日期(含)"

msgid "Accounting preferences: The minimum (inclusive) date for transactions"
msgstr "会计偏好设置:交易的起始日期(含)"

msgid "Accounting preferences: The preferred account number method."
msgstr "会计偏好设置:偏好帐号法"

msgid "Accounting preferences: The preferred accounting plan"
msgstr "会计偏好设置:偏好的会计计划"

msgid "Accounting transaction lines are generated either from invoice lines, or created manually by the accountant. Each line correspond to a credit or debit of a specific account for a given transaction, for instance, a sale invoice transaction will most of the time have 3 accounting lines: 1 for the client account, one for the sold goods account, and one for the VAT account."
msgstr "会计交易明细可以由发票明细自动生成,或由会计手动创建。每一个明细对应给定交易的贷方和借方,例如,一个销售发票交易通常会有三个会计明细:客户账户,销货成本帐户以及增值税账户"

msgid "Accounts"
msgstr "会计科目"

msgid "Accounts to Validate"
msgstr "待验证账户"

msgid "Accounts to use in the third party's accounting."
msgstr "第三方所使用的账户"

msgid "Acknowledge"
msgstr "受理"

msgid "Acknowledged"
msgstr "已受理"

msgid "Acknowledgement"
msgstr "受理信息"

msgid "Acquire Local Roles"
msgstr "获取本地角色"

msgid "Acquisition Append Value"
msgstr "获取追加值"

msgid "Acquisition Base Categories"
msgstr "获取基本类别"

msgid "Acquisition Copy Value"
msgstr "获取复制值"

msgid "Acquisition Mask Value"
msgstr "获取掩码值"

msgid "Acquisition Object IDs"
msgstr "获取对象ID"

msgid "Acquisition Portal Types"
msgstr "获取门户类型"

msgid "Action"
msgstr "操作"

msgid "Action called in order to change the state of the assignment to update it"
msgstr "更新任务分配状态的指令"

msgid "Action not handled"
msgstr "操作未处理"

msgid "Action succeeded."
msgstr "操作成功。"

msgid "Action that will mark the career step of a person as stopped"
msgstr "该指令使一个人的事业阶段的状态变为“已停止”"

msgid "Action that will trigger the confirmed state of a workflow, for example for an accounting transaction or a sale packing list."
msgstr "触发流程的确认状态的指令,例如为一个会计交易流程或销售装箱单流程。"

msgid "Action used to start the treatment of a project"
msgstr "开始运行一个项目的指令"

msgid "Action used to stop a project"
msgstr "用于停止项目的指令"

msgid "Action used to suspend a project. Once a project is suspended it is not worked on anymore, but can be reopened later."
msgstr "用于暂停一个项目的指令。被暂停的项目不可再运行,但可以在将来被重新开始。"

msgid "Action which will disable the preference"
msgstr "使偏好设置无效的指令"

msgid "Action..."
msgstr "操作..."

msgid "Actions"
msgstr "操作"

msgid "Active"
msgstr "激活"

msgid "Active Preference"
msgstr "激活偏好设置"

msgid "Active Process"
msgstr "激活程序"

msgid "Active Processes"
msgstr "激活程序"

msgid "Active Sense Method"
msgstr "已激活测试方法"

msgid "Activity"
msgstr "行业"

msgid "Activity (Women's wear production/retail, etc.)"
msgstr "经营活动(例如服装生产/零售等)"

msgid "Activity Code"
msgstr "行业代码"

msgid "Actor"
msgstr "操作人"

msgid "Add"
msgstr "添加"

msgid "Add ${portal_type}"
msgstr "添加 ${portal_type}"

msgid "Add Accounting Transaction Lines"
msgstr "添加会计交易明细"

msgid "Add Blog Message"
msgstr "添加博客信息"

msgid "Add Document with Requirements"
msgstr "添加包含要求的文件"

msgid "Add Gadgets"
msgstr "添加配件"

msgid "Add Lines"
msgstr "添加明细"

msgid "Add Login"
msgstr "添加登录"

msgid "Add New User Login"
msgstr "添加新用户登录"

msgid "Add Organisation"
msgstr "添加组织"

msgid "Add Permission"
msgstr "添加许可"

msgid "Add Requirements"
msgstr "添加要求"

msgid "Add Task Related to This Project"
msgstr "添加与该项目相关的任务"

msgid "Add Tasks"
msgstr "添加任务"

msgid "Add Ticket"
msgstr "添加工单"

msgid "Add gadgets"
msgstr "添加配件"

msgid "Add new comment"
msgstr "添加新评论"

msgid "Add new tab"
msgstr "添加新标签"

msgid "Add tab"
msgstr "添加标签"

msgid "Additional Payments"
msgstr "附加支付"

msgid "Additional Price"
msgstr "附加价"

msgid "Additional Term (days)"
msgstr "附加期限(天)"

msgid "Address"
msgstr "地址"

msgid "Addresses"
msgstr "地址"

msgid "Adopt Prevision"
msgstr "采用预估"

msgid "Adopt the current prevision, the invoice will be updated with data in the packing list"
msgstr "采用现有的预估,发票将会根据装箱单信息自动更"

msgid "Advanced Document Search"
msgstr "高级文件搜索"

msgid "Advanced Search"
msgstr "高级查询"

msgid "Agent"
msgstr "代理人"

msgid "Agent Privilege"
msgstr "代理人特权"

msgid "Agents"
msgstr "人员"

msgid "Aggregate"
msgstr "合计"

msgid "Aggregation Level"
msgstr "集合层级"

msgid "Alarm"
msgstr "警报"

msgid "Alarm Configurator Item"
msgstr "警报配置器项目"

msgid "Alarm Report"
msgstr "警报报告"

msgid "Alarm Tool"
msgstr "警报工具"

msgid "Alarm solving started."
msgstr "警报解除开始"

msgid "Alarms"
msgstr "警报"

msgid "All Documents"
msgstr "所有文件"

msgid "All Languages"
msgstr "所有语言"

msgid "All Related Documents"
msgstr "所有相关文件"

msgid "All Versions"
msgstr "所有版本"

msgid "All criterions (AND)"
msgstr "符合所有(和)"

msgid "All work caught up!"
msgstr "所有的工作都完成了!"

msgid "Allocation Scope"
msgstr "发布状态/范围"

msgid "Allowed Content Types"
msgstr "允许的内容类型"

msgid "Already Requested"
msgstr "已请求"

msgid "Amount"
msgstr "金额"

msgid "An Account defines a legislation independent general ledger account which can hold multiple amounts of currencies. It can be mapped to any number of national accounting nomenclatures and to financial analysis plan."
msgstr "会计科目指可以持有多重金额货币的一个独立的法定总帐科目。它可以应用于任何数量的的国家会计命名法和财务分析计划。"

msgid "An Agent Privilege allows the Bank Account owner to give permissions to an Agent for a given period of time, for a maximum amount of money."
msgstr "代理人特权允许银行帐户所有者给代理人授予权限,在给定的时间内操作一笔有上限的金额。"

msgid "An Agent is a Person who is permitted to perform some actions on the bank account according to Privileges."
msgstr "代理人是根据权限设置被允许对银行帐户进行操作的人"

msgid "An Assignment allows a person to be assigned to an organisation during a period without changing his career organisation."
msgstr "“任务指派”允许将人员在一段时间内安排到某组织机构而不改变其就职的组织机构"

msgid "An Fax Message is an event which keeps the information about incoming or outgoing fax transmissions."
msgstr "“传真信息”使用来记录收发传真的事件"

msgid "An Invoicing Rule creates simulations movements corresponding to the invoice."
msgstr "开票规则触发与发票相关的模拟运行"

msgid "An RSS feed is a text document which can populate itself with news extracted from its own content."
msgstr "RSS提要源是一个可以通过从自己的内容中提取新闻而宣传自己的文本文档。"

msgid "An account in the third party's accounting"
msgstr "第三方会计中的账户"

msgid "An account in third party's accounting"
msgstr "第三方会计中的账户"

msgid "An accounting transaction, created from scratch by the accountant or whoever entitled to create transactions in ERP5"
msgstr "一项会计交易由会计或任何有权限在ERP5里创建交易的人手工录入信息生成"

msgid "An email address identifies an email box to which email messages are delivered."
msgstr "电子邮件可以包含网络链接"

msgid "An exclusive global discount ratio. This discount ratio is exclusive of any other discount."
msgstr "独享的优先折扣率。此折扣率不包括任何其他折扣。"

msgid "An inventory line can be found in inventory documents, and bears the available stock of a certain product reference. There will be one inventory line for each product reference of the inventory."
msgstr "库存明细可以在库存文件中找到,包含了某项编号产品的可用库存。库存文件中,每个编号产品都将有一个库存明细来收集其信息。"

msgid "Answer"
msgstr "答复"

msgid "Any Documents"
msgstr "任何文件"

msgid "Anytime, Anywhere"
msgstr "随时随地  安全可靠"

msgid "Apparel Models To Validate"
msgstr "待验证服装模板"

msgid "Application Delivery Service"
msgstr "应用交付服务"

msgid "Applied Model Lines"
msgstr "已应用模式明细"

msgid "Apply Pay Sheet Model"
msgstr "应用工资单模板"

msgid "Apply Purchase Trade Condition"
msgstr "应用采购贸易条款"

msgid "Apply Sale Trade Condition"
msgstr "应用销售贸易条款"

msgid "Apply Trade Condition"
msgstr "应用贸易条款"

msgid "Archive"
msgstr "存档"

msgid "Archive Document"
msgstr "文件存档"

msgid "Archive a document which has been replaced by a more recent version by setting the validation state to archived."
msgstr "将被新近文件取代的文件的验证状态设为“已存档”,从而将其存档。"

msgid "Area"
msgstr "地区"

msgid "Ask Confirmation before Upgrade"
msgstr "升级前需请求确认"

msgid "Assign"
msgstr "指派"

msgid "Assign Bug"
msgstr "指派错误"

msgid "Assign Event"
msgstr "指派事件"

msgid "Assign Translation"
msgstr "指派翻译"

msgid "Assign for Translation"
msgstr "指派进行翻译"

msgid "Assign to Ticket"
msgstr "指派至工单"

msgid "Assigned"
msgstr "已指派"

msgid "Assigned Events"
msgstr "已指派事件"

msgid "Assigned Translations"
msgstr "已指派翻译"

msgid "Assignee"
msgstr "受指派人"

msgid "Assignment"
msgstr "任务指派"

msgid "Assignment Start Date"
msgstr "任务分配开始日期"

msgid "Assignment Validation Workflow"
msgstr "指派验证流程"

msgid "Assignments"
msgstr "任务指派"

msgid "Assignments in updated state are being updated before being reopened."
msgstr "在重新开始前已更新的分配"

msgid "Associated Servers"
msgstr "相关联的服务器"

msgid "Associated Persons"
msgstr "相关联的人员"

msgid "Associated Tickets"
msgstr "相关联的工单"

msgid "At Date"
msgstr "结束日期"

msgid "At least one (OR)"
msgstr "至少一个(或)"

msgid "Attach Document"
msgstr "附加文件"

msgid "Attachments"
msgstr "附件"

msgid "Authorization Forced"
msgstr "强制授权"

msgid "Auto Upgrade"
msgstr "自动升级"

msgid "Automated command that will create and build the invoice"
msgstr "自动指令,用于创建发票"

msgid "Available"
msgstr "可用"

msgid "Available Languages"
msgstr "可用语言"

msgid "Back"
msgstr "返回"

msgid "Balance"
msgstr "余额"

msgid "Balance Sheet"
msgstr "资产负债表"

msgid "Balance Transaction"
msgstr "结余处理"

msgid "Balance Transaction Line"
msgstr "结余处理明细"

msgid "Bank"
msgstr "银行"

msgid "Bank Account"
msgstr "银行账户"

msgid "Bank Account Number"
msgstr "银行帐号"

msgid "Bank Accounts"
msgstr "银行账户"

msgid "Bank Reconciliation"
msgstr "银行对账"

msgid "Bank Reconciliations"
msgstr "银行对账"

msgid "Bank Reconciliations to Close"
msgstr "结束银行对账"

msgid "Bank Statement Balance"
msgstr "银行结单余额"

msgid "Bank Statement Date"
msgstr "银行结单日期"

msgid "Base"
msgstr "基础"

msgid "Base Amounts"
msgstr "基本数目"

msgid "Base Application"
msgstr "基础应用"

msgid "Base Applications"
msgstr "基础应用"

msgid "Base Categories"
msgstr "基本类别"

msgid "Base Categories for Analytics on Accounting Transaction Lines"
msgstr "会计交易明细分析基本类别"

msgid "Base Category"
msgstr "基础类别"

msgid "Base Category for Function on Accounting Transaction Lines"
msgstr "会计交易明细功能基本类别"

msgid "Base Category for Funding on Accounting Transaction Lines"
msgstr "会计交易明细资金基本类别"

msgid "Base Contribution"
msgstr "影响基础"

msgid "Base Contributions"
msgstr "影响基础"

msgid "Base categories to use to specify analytics on accounting lines. Those categories will be used by direct category membership"
msgstr "用于指定对会计明细进行函数分析的基本类别。这些类别将被直接类别成员使用"

msgid "Base category to use to specify analytics by function on accounting lines"
msgstr "用于指定对会计明细功能进行函数分析的基本类别"

msgid "Base category to use to specify analytics by funding on accounting lines"
msgstr "用于指定对会计明细资金进行函数分析的基本类别"

msgid "Bears the different states of the document ingestion workflow"
msgstr "包含了文件录入流程中的不同状"

msgid "Begin"
msgstr "开始"

msgid "Begin Date"
msgstr "开始日期"

msgid "Bill of Materials and Operations"
msgstr "物料与运作清单"

msgid "Billable Client"
msgstr "发票接收人"

msgid "Billing Supplier"
msgstr "发票开票人"

msgid "Birth Name"
msgstr "曾用名"

msgid "Birthday"
msgstr "生日"

msgid "Birthplace"
msgstr "出生地"

msgid "Block Account"
msgstr "封闭账户"

msgid "Body Background"
msgstr "整体背景"

msgid "Boxes"
msgstr "板块"

msgid "Branch Number"
msgstr "支行代码"

msgid "Breadcrumb"
msgstr "浏览路径"

msgid "Browse"
msgstr "浏览"

msgid "Budget Section"
msgstr "预算科"

msgid "Budget Start Date"
msgstr "预算开始日期"

msgid "Bug"
msgstr "错误"

msgid "Bug Lines to Send"
msgstr "待发送错误明细"

msgid "Bugs to Validate"
msgstr "待验证错误"

msgid "Build / Installation State"
msgstr "生成/安装状态"

msgid "Build Business Template"
msgstr "创建业务模板"

msgid "Building"
msgstr "创建中"

msgid "Building State"
msgstr "创建状态"

msgid "Building is a causality state which will be displayed when ERP5 is creating a document from a related one. For example, when comfirm a sale order, a \"confirmed\" sale packing list will be built. During this process, the packing list's causality state is \"Building\", before turns to \"Calculating\" when ERP5 calculates if the packing list is convergent or divergent from its original sale order."
msgstr ""

msgid "Built"
msgstr "已生成"

msgid "Business Configuration"
msgstr "业务配置"

msgid "Business Configuration build / installation workflow"
msgstr "业务配置生成/安装流程"

msgid "Business Configurations"
msgstr "业务配置"

msgid "Business Links"
msgstr "业务链接"

msgid "Business Process"
msgstr "业务流程"

msgid "Business Process Model"
msgstr "业务流程模式"

msgid "Business Process Models"
msgstr "业务流程模式"

msgid "Business Processes"
msgstr "业务流程"

msgid "Business Template"
msgstr "业务模板"

msgid "Business Template Building Workflow"
msgstr "业务模板创建流程"

msgid "Business Template Installation Workflow"
msgstr "业务模板安装流程"

msgid "Business Templates"
msgstr "业务模板"

msgid "Buyer"
msgstr "买方"

msgid "CRM"
msgstr "客户关系管理"

msgid "CRM, ERP ... Core Applications"
msgstr "CRM ERP ...  各种核心数据库和应用"

msgid "Cache Duration"
msgstr "用时"

msgid "Calculate"
msgstr "计算"

msgid "Calculate Packing"
msgstr "计算装箱"

msgid "Calculate [transition in delivery_causality_workflow]"
msgstr "计算 [transition in delivery_causality_workflow]"

msgid "Calculating"
msgstr "计算中"

msgid "Calculation Order"
msgstr "计算订单"

msgid "Campaign"
msgstr "活动"

msgid "Campaign Detailed Report"
msgstr "活动详细报表"

msgid "Campaign Status"
msgstr "活动状态"

msgid "Campaign Type"
msgstr "活动类型"

msgid "Campaign Uses"
msgstr "活动用途"

msgid "Campaigns"
msgstr "活动"

msgid "Campaigns to Close"
msgstr "待终止活动"

msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "取消"

msgid "Cancel Accounting Period"
msgstr "取消会计期间"

msgid "Cancel Action"
msgstr "取消操作"

msgid "Cancel Assignment"
msgstr "取消任务指派"

msgid "Cancel Budget"
msgstr "取消预算"

msgid "Cancel Career Step"
msgstr "取消事业阶段"

msgid "Cancel Document Publication"
msgstr "取消文件发布"

msgid "Cancel Event"
msgstr "取消事件"

msgid "Cancel Inventory"
msgstr "取消库存"

msgid "Cancel Order"
msgstr "取消订单"

msgid "Cancel Order and Return"
msgstr "取消销售单并返回"

msgid "Cancel Packing List"
msgstr "取消装箱单"

msgid "Cancel Sale Opportunity"
msgstr "取消销售机会"

msgid "Cancel Task"
msgstr "取消任务"

msgid "Cancel Ticket"
msgstr "取消工单"

msgid "Cancel Transaction"
msgstr "取消交易"

msgid "Cancel a document in ERP5"
msgstr "在ERP5中取消一个文件"

msgid "Canceled"
msgstr "已取消"

msgid "Cancelled"
msgstr "已取消"

msgid "Cancelled."
msgstr "已取消。"

msgid "Captcha"
msgstr "验证码"

msgid "Captcha Password"
msgstr "验证码密码"

msgid "Captcha Service Url"
msgstr "验证码服务Url"

msgid "Captcha Username"
msgstr "验证码用户名"

msgid "Career"
msgstr "事业"

msgid "Career End Date"
msgstr "事业阶段终止日期"

msgid "Career Function"
msgstr "事业功能"

msgid "Career Start"
msgstr "事业开始"

msgid "Career Start Date"
msgstr "事业开始日期"

msgid "Career Steps"
msgstr "事业阶段"

msgid "Career Validation Workflow"
msgstr "事业验证流程"

msgid "Careers"
msgstr "事业"

msgid "Cash (if not only Credit Card)"
msgstr "现金支付金额(不只用银行卡和信用卡支付)"

msgid "Cash Register"
msgstr "收款机"

msgid "Catalog Methods"
msgstr "目录方法"

msgid "Catalog Related Keys"
msgstr "目录相关密钥"

msgid "Catalog Result Keys"
msgstr "目录结果密钥"

msgid "Catalog Result Tables"
msgstr "目录结果表格"

msgid "Categories"
msgstr "类别"

msgid "Category"
msgstr "类别"

msgid "Category Publication Workflow"
msgstr "类别发布流程"

msgid "Category Types"
msgstr "类别类型"

msgid "Category types to group categories for portal methods"
msgstr "为门户方法进行类别分组的类别类型"

msgid "Causality"
msgstr "因果整合关系"

msgid "Causality State"
msgstr "因果整合状态"

msgid "Causality Workflow"
msgstr "因果整合流程"

msgid "Causality workflow"
msgstr "因果整合流程"

msgid "Certificate is Requested."
msgstr "证书已请求。"

msgid "Certificate is Revoked."
msgstr "证书已吊销。"

msgid "Change Function"
msgstr "更改职位"

msgid "Change Language"
msgstr "更改语言"

msgid "Change Log"
msgstr "更改日志"

msgid "Change Page"
msgstr "更改页面"

msgid "Change Password"
msgstr "更改密码"

msgid "Change State"
msgstr "更改状态"

msgid "Chat Address"
msgstr "聊天帐号"

msgid "Check Site Consistency"
msgstr "检查站点一致性"

msgid "Check this to use the URL to select the language."
msgstr "勾选表示使用URL来选择语言"

msgid "Checkbox field used to determine if the metric type of the resource is the default measure"
msgstr "复选框用于确定一项资源的公制类型是默认设定"

msgid "Cheque (if not only Credit Card)"
msgstr "支票支付金额(不只用银行卡和信用卡支付)"

msgid "Chinese"
msgstr "中文"

msgid "City"
msgstr "城市"

msgid "Class"
msgstr "级别"

msgid "Classification"
msgstr "类别"

msgid "Client"
msgstr "客户"

msgid "Client Account"
msgstr "客户账户"

msgid "Client Address"
msgstr "客户地址"

msgid "Client Administrator"
msgstr "客户行政文书"

msgid "Client Bank Account"
msgstr "客户银行账户"

msgid "Client Project"
msgstr "客户方项目"

msgid "Client Reference"
msgstr "客户代码"

msgid "Client Region"
msgstr "客户区域"

msgid "Client Telephone"
msgstr "客户电话"

msgid "Client Transaction Reference"
msgstr "客户交易代码"

msgid "Clients"
msgstr "客户"

msgid "Clients Roles"
msgstr "客户角色"

msgid "Clone"
msgstr "复制"

msgid "Clone Ticket and Events"
msgstr "复制工单与事件"

msgid "Close"
msgstr "终止"

msgid "Close Accounting Period"
msgstr "关闭会计期间"

msgid "Close Accounting Period Action"
msgstr "关闭会计期间操作"

msgid "Close Accounting Transaction"
msgstr "终止会计交易"

msgid "Close Bank Reconciliation"
msgstr "结束银行对账"

msgid "Close Bug"
msgstr "终止错误"

msgid "Close Project"
msgstr "终止项目"

msgid "Close Task"
msgstr "终止任务"

msgid "Close Ticket"
msgstr "终止工单"

msgid "Close Ticket Action"
msgstr "终止工单操作"

msgid "Close:"
msgstr "终止:"

msgid "Closed"
msgstr "已终止"

msgid "Closed Accounting Period"
msgstr "已关闭会计期间"

msgid "Closed Date"
msgstr "终止日期"

msgid "Closed State is used for accounting transactions that belong to \"closed\" accounting periods"
msgstr "绝对性地终止一项会计交易,无法被“重启”而进行其他操作。"

msgid "Closed for maintenance"
msgstr "终止以维护"

msgid "Closed for termination"
msgstr "终止以不再使用"

msgid "Closed forever"
msgstr "永久终止并删除"

msgid "Closed outdated"
msgstr "因过期而终止"

msgid "Closing Date"
msgstr "闭户日期"

msgid "Codification"
msgstr "编码化"

msgid "Coefficient used to materialize different salary levels for persons who have the same qualification but not the same experience: such as 1.1 or 1.2 or 2.1 etc, the higher the figure, the higher the salary"
msgstr "系数用来对具有相同资质但不同经验的员工实行不同的薪酬水平:如1.1,1.2或2.1等,该数字越高,工资越高。"

msgid "Collect Order Group"
msgstr "收集订单集"

msgid "Collective Agreement"
msgstr "集体协议"

msgid "Colour"
msgstr "颜色"

msgid "Colour Range Created."
msgstr "色彩范围已创建"

msgid "Command Line to Run"
msgstr "执行命令行"

msgid "Comment"
msgstr "评论"

msgid "Comments"
msgstr "评论"

msgid "Comments which can be read by internal users but unlike description, are not printed out on official documents."
msgstr "内部用户可以阅读评论,但不像描述那样可以在正式文件中打印出来。"

msgid "Company Size (staff number)"
msgstr "公司员工人数"

msgid "Component"
msgstr "部件"

msgid "Component Individual Variation"
msgstr "部件独立变量"

msgid "Component Optional Variation"
msgstr "部件可选变量"

msgid "Component Variation"
msgstr "部件变量"

msgid "Components"
msgstr "元件"

msgid "Computer"
msgstr "计算机"

msgid "Computer:"
msgstr "计算机:"

msgid "Computer Network"
msgstr "计算机网络"

msgid "Computer Network is transferred."
msgstr "计算机网络已转移。"

msgid "Computer Network:"
msgstr "计算机网络:"

msgid "Computer Reference"
msgstr "计算机编号"

msgid "Computer is transferred."
msgstr "计算机已转移。"

msgid "Configuration Form"
msgstr "配置表格"

msgid "Configuration Form ID"
msgstr "配置形式ID"

msgid "Configuration Items"
msgstr "配置项目"

msgid "Configuration Parameter"
msgstr "配置参数"

msgid "Configuration State"
msgstr "配置状态"

msgid "Configuration Status"
msgstr "配置状态"

msgid "Configurator"
msgstr "配置器"

msgid "Configurator Tool"
msgstr "配置器工具"

msgid "Configure"
msgstr "配置"

msgid "Configure Alarms"
msgstr "配置警报"

msgid "Configure Categories"
msgstr "配置类别"

msgid "Configure ERP5 Preferences"
msgstr "配置ERP5偏好"

msgid "Configure Gadgets"
msgstr "配置配件"

msgid "Configure Portal Types"
msgstr "配置门户类型"

msgid "Configure Property Sheets"
msgstr "配置属性表"

msgid "Configure your Site"
msgstr "配置您的站点"

msgid "Confirm"
msgstr "确认"

msgid "Confirm Order"
msgstr "确认订单"

msgid "Confirm Order and Return"
msgstr "确认销售单并返回"

msgid "Confirm Packing List"
msgstr "确认装箱单"

msgid "Confirm Packing List Action"
msgstr "确认装箱单操作"

msgid "Confirm Transaction"
msgstr "确认交易"

msgid "Confirm your Password"
msgstr "确认您的密码"

msgid "Confirmed"
msgstr "已确认"

msgid "Connection Parameters"
msgstr "连接参数"

msgid "Connection String to be used to run Unit Tests"
msgstr "用于运行单元测试的连接字符串"

msgid "Connect"
msgstr "登录"

msgid "Constraints"
msgstr "约束"

msgid "Contact Function"
msgstr "联系方式功能"

msgid "Contact Type"
msgstr "联系方式类型"

msgid "Contact us"
msgstr "联系我们"

msgid "Contacts"
msgstr "联系方式"

msgid "Contain"
msgstr "包含"

msgid "Contained Total Quantity"
msgstr "总含量"

msgid "Container"
msgstr "货柜"

msgid "Container Layout"
msgstr "容器版面布局"

msgid "Container Line"
msgstr "货柜明细"

msgid "Container State"
msgstr "货柜状态"

msgid "Container Workflow"
msgstr "货柜流程"

msgid "Container is the term used in sales packing lists to nominate the container in which the goods will be shipped. The quantity of goods in the container that will be shipped can be different from the quantity of goods that was ordered, and in this case, it will possible for the user to take the action \"Update quantity from container\"."
msgstr "货柜是在销售装箱单里用到的术语,用来指定什么货物将打包到哪个集装箱里。将发送的货柜中货物的数量可以和订单的货物数量不一,这种情况下用户可以使用“更新货柜货物数量”指令来调整"

msgid "Container lines bear the different good references included in the container. If three different goods (e-g product references) are in the same container, there will be three container lines: one for each product reference."
msgstr "货柜明细包含了一个货柜中不同的产品编号。如果有三个不同的产品(如产品编号)在同一个货柜中,那么就将有三个货柜明细:每个编号产品一个货柜明细。"

msgid "Containers"
msgstr "货柜"

msgid "Contains"
msgstr "包含"

msgid "Content"
msgstr "内容"

msgid "Content Background"
msgstr "内容背景"

msgid "Content Border Color"
msgstr "内容边框颜色"

msgid "Content H1 Color"
msgstr "内容首标题颜色"

msgid "Content Layout"
msgstr "内容版面布局"

msgid "Content Text Color"
msgstr "内容文本颜色"

msgid "Content Widget"
msgstr "内容工具"

msgid "Content format"
msgstr "内容格式"

msgid "Content format of a document in ERP5"
msgstr "ERP5文件的内容格式"

msgid "Content of a document in ERP5"
msgstr "ERP5里文件的内容"

msgid "Contents"
msgstr "内容"

msgid "Context"
msgstr "情境"

msgid "Contextual Help"
msgstr "上下文帮助"

msgid "Continue"
msgstr "继续"

msgid "Contribute"
msgstr "贡献"

msgid "Contribute Content"
msgstr "贡献内容"

msgid "Contribute File"
msgstr "贡献文件"

msgid "Contribution Tool"
msgstr "贡献工具"

msgid "Contribution Tool provides a single place to contribute content to an ERP5 Site."
msgstr "“贡献工具”是进行ERP5站点内容添加的统一工具。"

msgid "Contributors"
msgstr "贡献者"

msgid "Convergent"
msgstr "趋同"

msgid "Convergent [transition in delivery_causality_workflow]"
msgstr "趋同 [transition in delivery_causality_workflow]"

msgid "Conversion Format for reports."
msgstr "报告转换格式"

msgid "Conversion Server Address"
msgstr "转换服务器地址"

msgid "Conversion Server Port"
msgstr "转换服务器端口"

msgid "Conversion Server Timeout"
msgstr "转换服务器超时"

msgid "Convert File"
msgstr "转换文件格式"

msgid "Convert to OpenDocument"
msgstr "转换为开源文件"

msgid "Converted"
msgstr "已转换"

msgid "Converted Inventory Report"
msgstr "已转换物料库存报表"

msgid "Converting"
msgstr "转化中"

msgid "Copied"
msgstr "已复制"

msgid "Copyright"
msgstr "版权"

msgid "Corporate Name"
msgstr "公司名称"

msgid "Corporate Registration Code"
msgstr "公司注册代码"

msgid "Counterpart Account"
msgstr "对应账户"

msgid "Country"
msgstr "国家"

msgid "Create Default Web Page"
msgstr "创建默认网页"

msgid "Create Document"
msgstr "创建文件"

msgid "Create Follow Up Ticket"
msgstr "创建跟进工单"

msgid "Create Initial Balance Transaction"
msgstr "创建初始结余处理"

msgid "Create Module"
msgstr "创建模块"

msgid "Create New"
msgstr "添加"

msgid "Create New Account"
msgstr "创建新用户"

msgid "Create New Bug"
msgstr "创建新错误"

msgid "Create New Document"
msgstr "创建新文件"

msgid "Create New Documents"
msgstr "创建新文件"

msgid "Create New Event"
msgstr "创建新事件"

msgid "Create New Events"
msgstr "创建新事件"

msgid "Create New File"
msgstr "创建新文件"

msgid "Create New Module"
msgstr "创建新模块"

msgid "Create New Web Page"
msgstr "创建新网页"

msgid "Create Pay Sheet Line"
msgstr "创建工资单明细"

msgid "Create Related Event"
msgstr "创建相关事件"

msgid "Create Related Payment"
msgstr "创建相关支付"

msgid "Create Related Payments"
msgstr "创建相关支付"

msgid "Create Response"
msgstr "创建答复"

msgid "Create Reversal Transaction"
msgstr "创建冲销交易"

msgid "Create Reversal Transactions"
msgstr "创建冲销交易"

msgid "Create Secondary Periods"
msgstr "创建二级期间"

msgid "Create Snapshot"
msgstr "创建快照"

msgid "Create Terms"
msgstr "创建术语"

msgid "Create User"
msgstr "创建用户"

msgid "Create User Action"
msgstr "创建用户操作"

msgid "Create Your New Account"
msgstr "创建您的新账户"

msgid "Create a New Event for Reply"
msgstr "为答复创建新事件"

msgid "Create a Task"
msgstr "创建一项任务"

msgid "Created After"
msgstr "创建晚于"

msgid "Created Before"
msgstr "创建早于"

msgid "Created Clone ${portal_type}."
msgstr "已创建复制 ${portal_type}."

msgid "Created by"
msgstr "创建人"

msgid "Creates a simulation movement with the difference between prevision and current, allows to postpone part of delivery of a sale packing list"
msgstr "创建一个预期和现有文件之间的差异的模拟运作,以推迟一部分销售装箱单的交付。"

msgid "Creation Date"
msgstr "成立日期"

msgid "Credit"
msgstr "贷方金额"

msgid "Credit Card"
msgstr "信用卡"

msgid "Criterion Properties"
msgstr "标准属性"

msgid "Critical RSS"
msgstr "重要订阅消息"

msgid "Currencies"
msgstr "货币"

msgid "Currency"
msgstr "货币"

msgid "Currency Code"
msgstr "货币编码"

msgid "Currency Exchange Line"
msgstr "外币兑换规范"

msgid "Currency Exchange Lines"
msgstr "货币兑换明细"

msgid "Currency ISO Code"
msgstr "ISO货币代码"

msgid "Currency Symbol"
msgstr "货币符号"

msgid "Current"
msgstr "当前"

msgid "Current Editing State"
msgstr "当前编辑状态"

msgid "Current Location"
msgstr "当前地点"

msgid "Current Organisation"
msgstr "当前组织"

msgid "Current Project"
msgstr "当前项目"

msgid "Current Site"
msgstr "当前站点"

msgid "Current User"
msgstr "当前用户"

msgid "Customer"
msgstr "客户"

msgid "Customer Name"
msgstr "收件人"

msgid "Customer Phone"
msgstr "收件人电话"

msgid "Customer Reference"
msgstr "客户编号"

msgid "Customer Region"
msgstr "收件人地区"

msgid "Customer Street Address"
msgstr "收件人地址"

msgid "Cut"
msgstr "剪切"

msgid "DMS"
msgstr "文件管理系统"

msgid "DMS Preferences"
msgstr "文件管理系统偏好设置"

msgid "Dashboard"
msgstr "仪表板"

msgid "Data Updated"
msgstr "数据已更新"

msgid "Data Updated."
msgstr "数据已更新。"

msgid "Data received."
msgstr "数据已收到"

msgid "Data updated"
msgstr "数据已更新"

msgid "Data updated."
msgstr "数据已更新。"

msgid "Date"
msgstr "日期"

msgid "Date Format"
msgstr "日期格式"

msgid "Date Order"
msgstr "订单日期"

msgid "Date at which the bank account has been closed"
msgstr "银行账户闭户日期"

msgid "Date at which the bank account has been opened"
msgstr "银行账户开户日期"

msgid "Date at which the document was ingested"
msgstr "文件上传的日期"

msgid "Date at which the invoice was shipped"
msgstr "发票寄出的日期"

msgid "DateTime Keys"
msgstr "日期和时间密钥"

msgid "Day"
msgstr "天"

msgid "Days Of Month"
msgstr "月份天"

msgid "Days Of Week"
msgstr "周天"

msgid "Debit"
msgstr "借方金额"

msgid "Debit Limit"
msgstr "借贷限制"

msgid "Decision Maker"
msgstr "指令者"

msgid "Decision maker of requested requirement"
msgstr "负责对所接受的指令进行决策的人"

msgid "Declare Container Missing"
msgstr "申报货柜遗失"

msgid "Declare as Received"
msgstr "声明已接收"

msgid "Declares a packing list as packed, ready for shipment"
msgstr "标明一个装箱单已准备就绪,可以发货"

msgid "Declares a packing list as received and creates the related accounting transaction"
msgstr "标明装箱单已被接收,并建立相关的会计交易事项"

msgid "Declares a packing list as shipped"
msgstr "声明一项装箱单已运输"

msgid "Declares the last offer related to a sale opportunity as rejected by the customer"
msgstr "表明一项销售机会的最后发盘被拒绝"

msgid "Declares the packing list status as received"
msgstr "将装箱单的状态设置为已收"

msgid "Default"
msgstr "默认"

msgid "Default Accounting Currency"
msgstr "默认会计货币"

msgid "Default Address"
msgstr "默认地址"

msgid "Default Career"
msgstr "默认事业"

msgid "Default Classification"
msgstr "默认分类"

msgid "Default Email"
msgstr "默认邮箱"

msgid "Default Email Ingestion Address"
msgstr "默认邮箱录入地址"

msgid "Default Export of Each Document"
msgstr "每个文件的默认输出"

msgid "Default Language"
msgstr "默认语言"

msgid "Default Metric Type"
msgstr "默认公制类型"

msgid "Default Organisation"
msgstr "默认组织"

msgid "Default Pages"
msgstr "默认页面"

msgid "Default Price"
msgstr "默认价格"

msgid "Default Print of Each Document"
msgstr "每个文件的默认打印"

msgid "Default Purchase Price"
msgstr "默认采购价"

msgid "Default Quantity of a resource in ERP5. It can be a product or it can be time quantity like hours or minutes for example. Quantity can be found in almost every business field of ERP5 and will always have this meaning, unless the term is different or precise, such as Priced Quantity for example."
msgstr "ERP5一个对象的默认量。它可以是产品的数量,也可以是例如小时或分钟的时间量。量几乎可以ERP5的任何应用领域中看到,含义一致,除非某个术语不同于“量”,或更精确,例如“定价数量”。"

msgid "Default Resource of Derivated Event"
msgstr "推导事件的默认资源"

msgid "Default Sale Price"
msgstr "默认销售价"

msgid "Default Style used for reports."
msgstr "默认的报告类型"

msgid "Default Telephone"
msgstr "默认电话号码"

msgid "Default state of the document"
msgstr "文件的默认状态"

msgid "Define Account Balance"
msgstr "定义帐户余额"

msgid "Define a Sale Opportunity as not processed in time, and therefore lost."
msgstr "标明一个销售机会因没有及时处理从而失去"

msgid "Define list of method Ids which will be used by catalog to generate searchable text for object."
msgstr "定义将被目录用来为对象生成可检索文本的方法ID列表"

msgid "Defined Property Ids"
msgstr "已定义属性ID"

msgid "Defined if the person has the authority to exercise familly control."
msgstr "定义该人是否有权进行家庭控制"

msgid "Defined the different steps of a packing list"
msgstr "定义了装箱单操作的不同流程"

msgid "Defined when we need to notify about an ingestion (None, always, if problem)"
msgstr "定义何时需要对一项录入进行提示(从不,经常,出现问题时)"

msgid "Defines how Tax should behave."
msgstr "定义税收操作"

msgid "Defines on what kind of object a document has an effect. For instance, a tax can have an effect on \"taxable\" products if \"taxable\" is selected in the Base Contribution field of the Tax Model Line document."
msgstr "“影响基础”定义一个文档对哪种对象有效。举例来说,如果在“税收模式明细”文档的“影响基础”一栏中选择“应税”,那么,税收文档就会对“应税”产品产生影响。"

msgid "Defines the additional term (in days) allowed to the customer to pay his order"
msgstr "为客户支付订单提供一段附加期限"

msgid "Defines the base category used to save the currentstate"
msgstr "定义保存现有状态的基本类别"

msgid "Defines the different steps of the accounting period and allows user to input transactions when it is open."
msgstr "定义了会计期间的不同步骤,同时用户能够在会计期间开启的状态下录入交易"

msgid "Defines the steps of a sale opportunity"
msgstr "定义销售机会的步骤"

msgid "Defines the steps of the event workflow"
msgstr "定义事件流程的步骤"

msgid "Defines to who the invoice will be sent"
msgstr "发票的发送对象"

msgid "Defines visibility of current section."
msgstr "定义当前部分是否可见"

msgid "Defines whether the default page should be displayed."
msgstr "定义是否默认页面应该被显示"

msgid "Defines whether the documents of this section should be part of the site map."
msgstr "定义该版块的文件是否是站点地图的一部分"

msgid "Defines whether the inventory is partial or full. If this is a full inventory, any items not in the inventory will be considered as missing."
msgstr "定义库存文件是部分或完整的。如果这是一个完整的清单,任何在清单中没有库存的项目都将被视为缺失。"

msgid "Defines whether the subsections of this section should be part of the site map."
msgstr "定义该版块的子版块是否是站点地图的一部分"

msgid "Defines who will provide the bill"
msgstr "开出发票的人"

msgid "Defines who will provide the bill."
msgstr "开出发票的人"

msgid "Definitions"
msgstr "定义"

msgid "Definitively Close Transaction"
msgstr "彻底终止交易"

msgid "Definitively Close Transaction Action [transition in accounting_workflow]"
msgstr "彻底终止交易操作"

msgid "Delete"
msgstr "删除"

msgid "Delete Network:"
msgstr "删除网络: "

msgid "Delete Objects"
msgstr "删除对象"

msgid "Delete Project:"
msgstr "删除项目:"

msgid "Delete Site:"
msgstr "删除站点:"

msgid "Delete The Objects"
msgstr "删除对象"

msgid "Delete a document in ERP5"
msgstr "在ERP5中删除一个文件"

msgid "Deleted"
msgstr "已删除"

msgid "Deleted objects: ${object_ids}"
msgstr "已删除对象: ${object_ids}"

msgid "Deleted."
msgstr "已删除"

msgid "Deliver"
msgstr "传递"

msgid "Deliver Packing List"
msgstr "交付装箱单"

msgid "Delivered"
msgstr "已传递"

msgid "Delivered state is the final state of certain workflows in ERP5. For example, a sales packing list, or an outgoing event can be delivered, which means that they can not be modified anymore."
msgstr "已传递是ERP5某些流程的最终状态。例如,一个销售装箱单或一个发出事件可以被传递,之后就不能再被修改。"

msgid "Delivery"
msgstr "交付"

msgid "Delivery Builder"
msgstr "传递生成器"

msgid ""
"Delivery Builder objects allow to gather multiple Simulation Movements into\n"
"a single Delivery. The initial quantity property of the Delivery Line is\n"
"calculated by summing quantities of related Simulation Movements.\n"
"Delivery Builders are called for example whenever an order is confirmed.\n"
"They are also called globally in order to gather any confirmed or above\n"
"Simulation Movement which was not associated to any Delivery Line.  Such\n"
"movements are called orphaned Simulation Movements.\n"
"Delivery Builder objects are provided with a set of parameters to achieve\n"
"their goal:\n"
"A path definition: source, destination, etc. which defines the general\n"
"kind of movements it applies.\n"
"simulation_select_method which defines how to query all Simulation\n"
"Movements which meet certain criteria (including the above path\n"
"collect_order_list which defines how to group selected movements according\n"
"to gathering rules.\n"
"delivery_select_method which defines how to select existing Delivery  which\n"
"may eventually be updated with selected simulation movements.\n"
"delivery_module, delivery_type and delivery_line_type which define the\n"
"module and portal types for newly built Deliveries and Delivery Lines.\n"
"Delivery Builders can also be provided with optional parameters to\n"
"restrict selection to a given root Applied Rule caused by a single Order or\n"
"to Simulation Movements related to a limited set of existing Deliveries."
msgstr ""
"simulation_select_method 定义了如何查询符合若干标准的所有模拟运作(包括上面的路径定义)。\n"
"collect_order_list 定义了如何根据收集规则对所选的运作进行分组。\n"
"delivery_select_method 定义了如何选择现有的传递,它们最终可能会与选定的模拟运作一同更新。\n"
"delivery_module, delivery_type and delivery_line_type 定义了新建传递和传递行的所属模块和门户类型。\n"

msgid "Delivery Builders"
msgstr "交付生成器"

msgid "Delivery Date"
msgstr "交货日期"

msgid "Delivery Error"
msgstr "交付错误"

msgid "Delivery Mode"
msgstr "运输方式"

msgid "Delivery Ratio"
msgstr "交付率"

msgid "Delivery Tool"
msgstr "传递工具"

msgid "Delivery Tool contains delivery builders."
msgstr "传递工具包含传递生成器"

msgid "Dependencies"
msgstr "依属"

msgid "Description"
msgstr "描述"

msgid "Description of the query"
msgstr "质疑描述"

msgid "Designation"
msgstr "称号"

msgid "Destination"
msgstr "终点"

msgid "Destination Accounting Operation Date"
msgstr "终点会计操作日期"

msgid "Destination Carrier"
msgstr "货物终点运输公司"

msgid "Destination Decision"
msgstr "终点决策"

msgid "Destination Section"
msgstr "终点版块"

msgid "Destination State"
msgstr "终点状态"

msgid "Destination client of the invoice"
msgstr "发票的最终客户"

msgid "Destroy"
msgstr "销毁"

msgid "Destroy Hosting Subscription:"
msgstr "销毁托管订阅:"

msgid "Destroy Software Installation"
msgstr "销毁软件安装"

msgid "Detailed Mode"
msgstr "详细模式"

msgid "Details"
msgstr "详细信息"

msgid "Detect Converted File"
msgstr "检测转换文件"

msgid "Detect Uploaded File"
msgstr "检测上传文件"

msgid "Determines if acquired value should be copied"
msgstr "确定所获取值应被复制"

msgid ""
"Determines if related values should be indexed on target documents (i.e. in ZODB) in addition to catalog.\n"
"This is incompatible with category acquisition."
msgstr "确定相关值不仅应该在目录上,还要在目标文件上(即,在ZODB)被索引。这与类别获取不兼容。"

msgid "Determines if the acquired value should be appended"
msgstr "确定是否应该追加获取值"

msgid "Determines if the local value have priority"
msgstr "确定是否本地值优先"

msgid "Developper Mode"
msgstr "开发者模式"

msgid "Dig"
msgstr "详细查询"

msgid "Dimension"
msgstr "长度"

msgid "Disable"
msgstr "禁用"

msgid "Disable Login"
msgstr "关闭登录账号"

msgid "Disable Preference"
msgstr "禁用偏好设置"

msgid "Disabled"
msgstr "已禁用"

msgid "Discount"
msgstr "折扣"

msgid "Discount Line"
msgstr "折扣明细"

msgid "Discount Model Line"
msgstr "折扣模式明细"

msgid "Discount Ratio"
msgstr "折扣率"

msgid "Display Default Page"
msgstr "显示默认页面"

msgid "Diverged"
msgstr "互异"

msgid "Divergence Description"
msgstr "分歧描述"

msgid "Divergence Resolution"
msgstr "分歧解决办法"

msgid "Divergence solvers started in background."
msgstr "后台分歧处理开始。"

msgid "Divergent"
msgstr "不匹配"

msgid "Divergent [transition in delivery_causality_workflow]"
msgstr "互异 [transition in delivery_causality_workflow]"

msgid "Do you want to enable Periodical Check?"
msgstr "您是否要启用定期检查?"

msgid "Document"
msgstr "文件"

msgid "Document Classes"
msgstr "文件级别"

msgid "Document Component"
msgstr "文件部件"

msgid "Document Date"
msgstr "文件日期"

msgid "Document Ingestion"
msgstr "文件录入"

msgid "Document Ingestion Message"
msgstr "文件录入信息"

msgid "Document Ingestion Messages"
msgstr "文件录入信息"

msgid "Document Ingestion Module"
msgstr "文件录入模块"

msgid "Document Ingestion Workflow"
msgstr "文件录入流程"

msgid "Document Interactions"
msgstr "文件交互"

msgid "Document List"
msgstr "文件列表"

msgid "Document Module"
msgstr "文件模块"

msgid "Document Properties"
msgstr "文件属性"

msgid "Document Publication Workflow"
msgstr "文件发布流程"

msgid "Document Reference"
msgstr "文件编号"

msgid "Document Search"
msgstr "文件查询"

msgid "Document Type"
msgstr "文件类型"

msgid "Document gathering the specific needs to complete the project"
msgstr "集合完成项目的具体需求的文件"

msgid "Document gathering the specific needs to complete the project."
msgstr "完成该项目的具体要求的文件"

msgid "Document is a minimal type designed to hold flexible content. It can be used for rapid application development and prototyping. It is only provided here as an example, as a reminder and as a way to prevent creating a new portal type with such a generic name. It should not be used in normal situation."
msgstr "通过\"文件\"可以创建各种内型文档。它可用于应用程序的快速开发和原型设计。这里仅是举例作为提醒,并防止用这个通用名称来创建新的入口类型。正常的情况下不使用该词。"

msgid "Documentation"
msgstr "文档"

msgid "Documentation URL"
msgstr "文档URL"

msgid "Documents"
msgstr "文件"

msgid "Documents in this state were deleted by the user as a result of clicking on the trash button or calling the delete action"
msgstr "当用户点击垃圾桶按钮或采取删除指令后的文件状态"

msgid "Documents to Review"
msgstr "待审理文件"

msgid "Documents to Submit"
msgstr "待递交文件"

msgid "Documents which can be a follow-up to the current document."
msgstr "可以跟进当前文件的文件"

msgid "Documents which content is similar to the current document."
msgstr "和当前文件类似的文件"

msgid "Documents which serve as reference to the current document."
msgstr "作为当当前文件参考的文件"

msgid "Domain"
msgstr "领域"

msgid "Download"
msgstr "下载"

msgid "Download Invoice"
msgstr "下载账单"

msgid "Download Open Document"
msgstr "下载开源文件"

msgid "Download Open Document File"
msgstr "下载开源文件集"

msgid "Draft"
msgstr "草拟"

msgid "Draft Campaigns"
msgstr "草拟活动"

msgid "Draft Events"
msgstr "草拟事件"

msgid "Draft Events to Process"
msgstr "待处理草拟事件"

msgid "Draft Meetings"
msgstr "草拟会议"

msgid "Draft Order"
msgstr "待确认订单"

msgid "Draft Support Requests"
msgstr "草拟支持请求"

msgid "Draft To Validate"
msgstr "待验证草稿"

msgid "Drafts to Validate"
msgstr "待验证草稿"

msgid "Drawing"
msgstr "绘图文件"

msgid "EAN-13 Code"
msgstr "EAN-13位代码"

msgid "ERP5 Configuration"
msgstr "ERP5配置"

msgid "ERP5 Site"
msgstr "ERP5站点"

msgid "Edit"
msgstr "编辑"

msgid "Edit Business Template"
msgstr "编辑业务模板"

msgid "Edit Form ID"
msgstr "编辑表格ID"

msgid "Edit Workflow"
msgstr "编辑流程"

msgid "Editable"
msgstr "可编辑"

msgid "Effective Date"
msgstr "有效日期"

msgid "Efficiency"
msgstr "效率"

msgid "Efficiency (%)"
msgstr "效率 (%)"

msgid "Email"
msgstr "电子邮件"

msgid "Email Ingestion Address"
msgstr "邮件录入地址"

msgid "Email ingestion address"
msgstr "邮件录入地址"

msgid "Email notification about document ingestion"
msgstr "关于文件录入的邮件提示"

msgid "Embedded"
msgstr "已嵌入"

msgid "Embedded Document"
msgstr "嵌入式文件"

msgid "Embedded File"
msgstr "嵌入文件"

msgid "Embedded Folder"
msgstr "嵌入文件夹"

msgid "Employee Number"
msgstr "员工编号"

msgid "Employee Share"
msgstr "个人所得税"

msgid "Employee Share Rate"
msgstr "个人所得税率"

msgid "Employer Share"
msgstr "企业所得税"

msgid "Employer Share Rate"
msgstr "企业所得税率"

msgid "Empty"
msgstr "空白"

msgid "Enable"
msgstr "启用"

msgid "Enable Preference"
msgstr "启用偏好设置"

msgid "Enabled"
msgstr "已启用"

msgid "Enables a \"global\" preference"
msgstr "启用一项“通用的”偏好设置"

msgid "Enables a preference"
msgstr "启用一项偏好设置"

msgid "Encountered an unknown error. Try to resubmit."
msgstr "发生未知错误。 请尝试重新提交。"

msgid "End"
msgstr "已结束"

msgid "End Date"
msgstr "结束日期"

msgid "End of Month"
msgstr "月末"

msgid "Enquire"
msgstr "询价"

msgid "Enquired"
msgstr "已询价"

msgid "Ensure you have another login configured, else you will not be able to login anymore."
msgstr "确保您还有另一个配置过的登录用户,不然您将不再能登录。"

msgid "Equal to"
msgstr "等于"

msgid "Equal to (at least one)"
msgstr "等于(至少一个)"

msgid "Error Message"
msgstr "错误信息"

msgid "Error page"
msgstr "页面错误"

msgid "Errors"
msgstr "错误"

msgid "Estimated Time"
msgstr "预估用时"

msgid "Event"
msgstr "事件"

msgid "Event Activity"
msgstr "事件活动"

msgid "Event Assessment Forms"
msgstr "事件评估表"

msgid "Event Date"
msgstr "事件日期"

msgid "Event Detailed Report"
msgstr "事件详细报表"

msgid "Event Nature"
msgstr "事件性质"

msgid "Event Origin"
msgstr "发起事件"

msgid "Event Sender Email"
msgstr "事件发送人邮箱"

msgid "Event Type"
msgstr "事件类型"

msgid "Event Uses"
msgstr "事件用途"

msgid "Events"
msgstr "事件"

msgid "Events Workflow"
msgstr "事件流程"

msgid "Events in this state are incoming events or carbon copies of outgoing events sent to ERP5 CRM which have been acknowledged by a person, by a ticket supervisor or by a project manager. An acknowledged event means that it is or will be taken care of."
msgstr "该状态事件是指接收的事件,或通过ERP5 CRM收到的发出事件的复印件,并且已经被例如负责人或项目经理等人受理。已受理事件标明它已经或即将被处理。"

msgid "Events in this state are incoming events or carbon copies of outgoing events which have been responded and which do not need further processing through assignment. "
msgstr "该状态下的事件是指接收后已回复的事件,或者已得到回复的已发出事件的复印件,不再需要任务分配进行进一步处理"

msgid "Events in this state are incoming or carbon copies of outgoing events which have been assigned (linked) to a ticket, a project or a person and which still need to be acknowledged."
msgstr "该状态下的事件是指接收或发出事件的复印件,已被指派(链接)到一个工单,一个项目或一个人,但仍然需要被受理"

msgid "Events in this state are new incoming events or carbon copies of new outgoing events received through the email interface of ERP5 CRM."
msgstr "该状态事件是指新的接收的事件,或是新的通过ERP5 CRM的邮件界面收到的发出事件的复印件"

msgid "Events in this state are outgoing events which have been assigned and are waiting to be sent."
msgstr "该状态下的事件是已被指派的发出事件,正在等待被发出"

msgid "Events in this state are outgoing events which were posted. Some events may be delivered later, whenever the recipient confirms he received them."
msgstr "该状态下的事件是已经提交的发出事件。某些事件要等接收人确认接收后才交付。"

msgid "Events to Declare"
msgstr "待申报事件"

msgid "Events to Receive"
msgstr "待接收事件"

msgid "Events to Send"
msgstr "待发送事件"

msgid "Events to Treat"
msgstr "待处理事件"

msgid "Events to Validate"
msgstr "待验证事件"

msgid "Everything"
msgstr "所有类型"

msgid "Exact Match"
msgstr "完全符合"

msgid "Exchange"
msgstr "文件交换"

msgid "Exchange Rate"
msgstr "汇率"

msgid "Exclude"
msgstr "排除"

msgid "Exclusive Discount Ratio"
msgstr "优先折扣率"

msgid "Expanded Transformation"
msgstr "已扩大转化"

msgid "Expiration Date"
msgstr "失效日期"

msgid "Expire"
msgstr "过期"

msgid "Expired"
msgstr "已过期"

msgid "Explains what is the expected outcome of this Project Line"
msgstr "解释项目的预期成果"

msgid "Explains what is the expected outcome of this Project Line."
msgstr "说明该项目明细的预期成果"

msgid "Explanation"
msgstr "说明"

msgid "Explore the Search Result List"
msgstr "浏览结果列表"

msgid "Export"
msgstr "导出"

msgid "Export Format"
msgstr "输出格式"

msgid "Export Mode"
msgstr "输出模式"

msgid "Export to Spreadsheet"
msgstr "输出到电子表格"

msgid "Extensions"
msgstr "扩展"

msgid "External Processing Workflow"
msgstr "外部处理流程"

msgid "External Sources"
msgstr "外部资源"

msgid "Facebook Login:"
msgstr "脸书登录:"

msgid "Fail..."
msgstr "失败..."

msgid "Fallback Base Categories"
msgstr "备用基本类别"

msgid "Fast Input"
msgstr "快捷输入"

msgid "Fax"
msgstr "传真"

msgid "Fax Message"
msgstr "传真信息"

msgid "File"
msgstr "文件"

msgid "File State"
msgstr "文件状态"

msgid "Filename parsing regular expression"
msgstr "文件名称解析常规表达式"

msgid "Filter"
msgstr "筛选"

msgid "Filter Content Types"
msgstr "过滤内容类型"

msgid "Filter Editor"
msgstr "筛选编辑器"

msgid "Financial Information"
msgstr "财务信息"

msgid "Financial Section"
msgstr "财务版块"

msgid "First Name"
msgstr "名"

msgid "Fix Site Configuration"
msgstr "修复站点配置"

msgid "Folder"
msgstr "文件夹"

msgid "Follow Up"
msgstr "跟进"

msgid "Follow Up Ticket"
msgstr "跟进工单"

msgid "Follow up"
msgstr "跟进"

msgid "Footer Background"
msgstr "注脚背景"

msgid "Footer Reference"
msgstr "注脚编号"

msgid "Force Reload Promises"
msgstr "强制重新载入承诺项目"

msgid "Force authorization for anonymous user if document can not be found."
msgstr "当文档不能被找到时给匿名用户的强制授权。"

msgid "Format"
msgstr "格式"

msgid "Format in which the user want to export the document"
msgstr "用户希望文件输出的格式"

msgid "Free Trial"
msgstr "免费试用"

msgid "Frequency (weeks)"
msgstr "周期(周)"

msgid "Frequency In Days"
msgstr "周期(天)"

msgid "Frequency In Hours"
msgstr "周期(小时)"

msgid "Frequency In Minutes"
msgstr "周期(分)"

msgid "Frequency In Months"
msgstr "周期(月)"

msgid "From Date"
msgstr "起始日期"

msgid "Front"
msgstr "前端"

msgid "Frozen"
msgstr "已冻结"

msgid "Full Inventory"
msgstr "完整库存"

msgid "Full Sized Image"
msgstr "全尺寸图像"

msgid "Full Text Keys"
msgstr "完整文本密钥"

msgid "Function"
msgstr "职位"

msgid "Functions"
msgstr "职位"

msgid "Future"
msgstr "将来"

msgid "Future Organisation"
msgstr "将来的组织"

msgid "Future Location"
msgstr "将来的地点"

msgid "Future Project"
msgstr "将来的项目"

msgid "GAP"
msgstr "国际财务报告准则"

msgid "GAP - International Financial Reporting Standards"
msgstr "GAP—国际财务报告标准"

msgid "GAP ID"
msgstr "会计账户编号"

msgid "GAP Number"
msgstr "会计科目编号"

msgid "Gadget"
msgstr "配件"

msgid "Gadget Title"
msgstr "配件标题"

msgid "Gadget Tool"
msgstr "配件工具"

msgid "Gadget Type"
msgstr "配件类型"

msgid "Gadget View"
msgstr "配件概览"

msgid "Gadget added."
msgstr "配件已添加"

msgid "Gadgets"
msgstr "配件"

msgid "Gender"
msgstr "性别"

msgid "General Accounting Plan"
msgstr "通用会计计划"

msgid "General Ledger"
msgstr "总分类账"

msgid "General description of a document in ERP5. Descriptions are not supposed to be internal, and in a case of certain documents such as invoices for example, will be seen by your customers."
msgstr "ERP5文件的概述。描述不是内部的,某些文件例如发票的描述是对客户公开的。"

msgid "General description which may be printed out on official documents and read by suppliers and clients."
msgstr "关于该文件的大致描述,在正式文件中可以被打印出来,并被可供供应商和客户浏览"

msgid "Generate New Invitation Link"
msgstr "生成新的邀请链接"

msgid "Geographic Address"
msgstr "地理地址"

msgid "Geographic Incorporation Code"
msgstr "公司地理代码"

msgid "Global agreement that applies to certain types of companies, and define certain guidelines like for instance paid vacations etc, in France, Nexedi's collective agreement is called SYNTEC."
msgstr "适用于某些类型的公司的通用协议,用于定义例如带薪休假等劳资协议。在法国,Nexedi的劳资协议是SYNTEC。"

msgid "Globally Enable"
msgstr "普遍启用"

msgid "Globally Enabled"
msgstr "普遍启用的"

msgid "Google Login:"
msgstr "谷歌登录:"

msgid "Grade"
msgstr "职称"

msgid "Graph"
msgstr "图表"

msgid "Greater than"
msgstr "大于"

msgid "Greater than or Equal to"
msgstr "大于等于"

msgid "Gross Weight"
msgstr "毛重"

msgid "Gross Weight (kg)"
msgstr "毛重(千克)"

msgid "Group"
msgstr "集团"

msgid "Grouping"
msgstr "分组"

msgid "Groups"
msgstr "集团"

msgid "Handled Project"
msgstr "已处理项目"

msgid "Handled by"
msgstr "操作人"

msgid "Head of Family"
msgstr "户主"

msgid "Header Title Color"
msgstr "文首标题颜色"

msgid "Height"
msgstr "高度"

msgid "Height (m)"
msgstr "高度(米)"

msgid "Hidden"
msgstr "已隐藏"

msgid "Hidden Content Types"
msgstr "隐藏内容类型"

msgid "Hidden documents are documents which were published or released by mistake. This state models exception handling in the publication process."
msgstr "“已隐藏”文件是被误公布或发布的文。该状态处理文件发布过程中的例外"

msgid "Hide"
msgstr "隐藏"

msgid "Hide Document"
msgstr "隐藏文件"

msgid "Hide Listbox Rows (If No Search Criterion)"
msgstr "隐藏列表框的行(如果没有搜索标准)"

msgid "Hide Rows"
msgstr "隐藏列"

msgid "Hide tabs"
msgstr "隐藏标签"

msgid "Hides a document which was published or released by mistake by setting the validation_state to hidden."
msgstr "将文件的验证状态设为“已隐藏”,从而将被误公布或发布的文件隐藏起来。"

msgid "Highlight Reference"
msgstr "强调部分编号"

msgid "History"
msgstr "历史记录"

msgid "Home"
msgstr "主页"

msgid "Hosting Subscription"
msgstr "托管订阅"

msgid "Hosting Subscription:"
msgstr "托管订阅:"

msgid "Hostname of the oood server."
msgstr "oood服务器的主机名"

msgid "Hours"
msgstr "小时"

msgid "How much this currency is worth in terms of the reference currency."
msgstr "该货币相对于参考货币的价值"

msgid "IBAN Key"
msgstr "IBAN密钥"

msgid "ID"
msgstr "识别码"

msgid "ID of a page template or form which defines the rendering layout for contents"
msgstr "页面模板或表格的ID,用于定义呈现的内容版面布局"

msgid "ID of a page template or form which defines the rendering layout for the container"
msgstr "页面模板或表格的ID,用于定义呈现的容器版面布局"

msgid "ID of a page template, script, form or any callable object"
msgstr "页面模板,脚本,表格或任何可调用对象的ID"

msgid "ID of a script to test if the predicate should be applied."
msgstr "用来测试该谓语是否适用的脚本ID"

msgid "ID of a script to test if the rule should be applied."
msgstr "脚本ID,用来测试规则是否应被应用"

msgid "ISO code of the currency or something similar"
msgstr "国际标准组织货币代码或其他类似代码"

msgid "ISO code of the currency or something similar : find some help here"
msgstr "货币相关的国际标准化组织代码,参见"

msgid "Icon"
msgstr "图标"

msgid "Identification"
msgstr "识别码"

msgid "Identifying word or words by which someone or something is called and classified or distinguished from others"
msgstr "对人或物进行分级或区分的指定称号"

msgid "Identity Criterion"
msgstr "特性标准"

msgid "If a document is missing in order to process an action, ERP5 will warn the user that this is Missing"
msgstr "如果要一项运作程序缺少了一个文件,ERP5就会向告知用户有文件缺失。"

msgid "If enabled will not show any records if search criteria for a listbox is missing"
msgstr "如果启用,如果一个列表框搜索标准缺失,将不显示任何记录"

msgid "If set will try to generate URLs which will return respective conversion only if it is previously cached."
msgstr "如果设置,将尝试生成URLs,仅当装换被提前缓存时,它们将其返回各自的转换。"

msgid "If set, payment will occur at the end of the month of the payment term."
msgstr "如果选择该选项,付款将会在月末进行。"

msgid "Image"
msgstr "图像"

msgid "Image Thumbnail"
msgstr "缩略图"

msgid "Image View"
msgstr "图片概览"

msgid "Image type documents in ERP5. Many formats are supported"
msgstr "ERP5的图像类型文件,支持多数格式"

msgid "Images"
msgstr "图像"

msgid "Import OpenOffice Document"
msgstr "导入OpenOffice文件"

msgid "Import Report"
msgstr "输入报表"

msgid "Import from Spreadsheet"
msgstr "从电子表格输入"

msgid "In Payroll, there is generaly some taxes for the employee, and for the employer. This term is used to speak about the rate applied to the base that permit to calculate the amount of the tax paid by the employee."
msgstr "在工资单中,税收部分通常分为员工缴税和雇主缴税。该词条用于表示计算个人所得税的税率"

msgid "In Payroll, there is generaly some taxes for the employee, and for the employer. This term is used to speak about the rate applied to the base that permit to calculate the amount of the tax paid by the employer."
msgstr "在工资单中,税收部分通常分为员工缴税和雇主缴税。该词条用于表示计算企业所得税的税率"

msgid "In a Sale Opportunity, contacted means that the third party, the prospect, has been contacted. The next step will be to make an offer."
msgstr "在销售机会中,已联系标明,第三方,即潜在客户,已被联系上。下一步将是进行报价发盘"

msgid "In a purchase/sale trade condition document, a discount model line defines the discount behaviour of an order towards certain products."
msgstr "在一个采购和贸易条款文件中,折扣模式明细定义了针对特定产品的订单的折扣行为。"

msgid "Include"
msgstr "包含"

msgid "Include Documents in Site Map"
msgstr "站点地图包含文件"

msgid "Include Subsections in Site Map"
msgstr "站点地图包含子版块"

msgid "Include your close message"
msgstr "包含您的终止信息"

msgid "Include your message"
msgstr "包含您的信息"

msgid "Incoming and Outgoing Events"
msgstr "接收和发出事件"

msgid "Incoming payment and outgoing payment transactions that can be done from the accounting module."
msgstr "可以由会计模块进行的收款和付款交易"

msgid "Incoterm"
msgstr "贸易术语"

msgid "Index"
msgstr "索引"

msgid "Index Related Documents Locally"
msgstr "索引相关本地文件"

msgid "Index used to sort invoice lines in a list"
msgstr "用于在列表中排列发票的索引"

msgid "Index used to sort pages"
msgstr "用于页面排序的索引"

msgid "Indicate how often (in days) the event will happen (every x days)"
msgstr "指示事件每几天会发生"

msgid "Indicate how often (in hours) the event will happen (every x hours)"
msgstr "指示事件每几个小时会发生"

msgid "Indicate how often (in minutes) the event will happen (every x minutest)"
msgstr "指示事件每几分钟会发生"

msgid "Indicate how often (in week) the event will happen (every x weeks)"
msgstr "指示事件每几个周会发生"

msgid "Indicate if an alarm is enabled or not (working or not)"
msgstr "指示警报是否已启用(是否在运作)"

msgid "Indicate if we display useful link for developer in interface or not"
msgstr "开发员模式"

msgid "Indicate when the periodic event will stop"
msgstr "指示何时周期性事件将停止"

msgid "Indicates how often (in months) the event will happen (every x months)"
msgstr "指示事件每几个月会发生"

msgid "Indicates if an alarm is enabled or not (working or not)"
msgstr "指示警报是否已启用(是否在运作)"

msgid "Indicates if we display a link to contextual help or not"
msgstr "指示是否在显示上下文帮助的链接"

msgid "Indicates if we display link to translation system in interface or not"
msgstr "指示是否在用户界面显示翻译系统的链接"

msgid "Indicates if we display useful links for developers in interface or not"
msgstr "指示是否在用户界面为开发者显示有用的链接"

msgid "Indicates that the conversion of document to an open document is in process"
msgstr "指示文件的开源化转换正在进"

msgid "Individual Variation Base Category"
msgstr "独立变量基础类别"

msgid "Individual Variation Base Category List"
msgstr "独立变量基础类别列表"

msgid "Individual variation of a service document, that can have an influence on the price of the service for example, even if this is not compulsory."
msgstr "一个服务文件的独立变量,举例说,可以对该项服务的价格产生影响,即使这不是必须的"

msgid "Industrial Phase"
msgstr "工业阶段"

msgid "Info"
msgstr "信息"

msgid "Ingested Documents"
msgstr "已录入文件"

msgid "Initial State"
msgstr "初始状态"

msgid "Initial Value"
msgstr "初始值"

msgid "Initialised by Delivery Builder."
msgstr "通过交付生成器初始化。"

msgid "Input Loyalty Number if exist."
msgstr "输入会员号"

msgid "Input data has errors."
msgstr "输入数据有错误。"

msgid "Input is required but no input given."
msgstr "有必输入项未填写"

msgid "Install Business Template"
msgstr "安装业务模板"

msgid "Installation State"
msgstr "安装状态"

msgid "Installed"
msgstr "已安装"

msgid "Instances"
msgstr "实例"

msgid "Instance Parameter"
msgstr "实例参数"

msgid "Instance Parameters"
msgstr "实例参数"

msgid "Instance to be removed:"
msgstr "将要被移除的实例:"

msgid "Instructions"
msgstr "使用说明"

msgid "Intent not supported"
msgstr "不支持该意图。"

msgid "Interfaces"
msgstr "界面"

msgid "Internal"
msgstr "内部人员"

msgid "Internal Invoice Transaction"
msgstr "内部发票交易"

msgid "Internal Invoice Transaction Line"
msgstr "内部发票交易明细"

msgid "Internal Money Deposit"
msgstr "内部资金存款"

msgid "Internal Money Deposit Module"
msgstr "内部资金存款模块"

msgid "Internal Order"
msgstr "内部订单"

msgid "Internal Order Cell"
msgstr "内部订单单元"

msgid "Internal Order Line"
msgstr "内部订单明细"

msgid "Internal Order Lines"
msgstr "内部订单明细"

msgid "Internal Order Module"
msgstr "内部订单模块"

msgid "Internal Orders"
msgstr "内部订单"

msgid "Internal Orders to Check"
msgstr "待检查内部订单"

msgid "Internal Orders to Confirm"
msgstr "待确定内部订单"

msgid "Internal Orders to Offer"
msgstr "待发盘内部订单"

msgid "Internal Orders to Validate"
msgstr "待验证内部订单"

msgid "Internal Packing List"
msgstr "内部装箱单"

msgid "Internal Packing List Cell"
msgstr "内部装箱单单元"

msgid "Internal Packing List Line"
msgstr "内部装箱单明细"

msgid "Internal Packing List Lines"
msgstr "内部装箱单明细"

msgid "Internal Packing List Module"
msgstr "内部装箱单模块"

msgid "Internal Packing List Movements"
msgstr "内部装箱单运作"

msgid "Internal Packing Lists"
msgstr "内部装箱单"

msgid "Internal Packing Lists Workflow"
msgstr "内部装箱单流程"

msgid "Internal Packing Lists to Confirm"
msgstr "待确定内部装箱单"

msgid "Internal Packing Lists to Declare Delivered"
msgstr "待声明已运内部装箱单"

msgid "Internal Packing Lists to Prepare"
msgstr "待准备内部装箱单"

msgid "Internal Packing Lists to Receive"
msgstr "待接收内部装箱单"

msgid "Internal Packing Lists to Ship"
msgstr "待运内部装箱单"

msgid "Internal Price"
msgstr "内部价格"

msgid "Internal Reference"
msgstr "内部编号"

msgid "Internal Supplies"
msgstr "内部供应"

msgid "Internal Supply"
msgstr "内部供应条件"

msgid "Internal Supply Cell"
msgstr "内部供应条件单元"

msgid "Internal Supply Line"
msgstr "内部供应条件明细"

msgid "Internal Supply Lines"
msgstr "内部供应明细"

msgid "Internal Supply Module"
msgstr "内部供应条件模块"

msgid "Internal Trade Condition"
msgstr "内部贸易条件"

msgid "Internal Trade Condition Module"
msgstr "内部贸易条件模块"

msgid "Internal Trade Conditions"
msgstr "内部贸易条款"

msgid "Internal Uses"
msgstr "内部用途"

msgid "Invalid DateTime"
msgstr "无效的日期或时间"

msgid "Invalid Search Criteria"
msgstr "无效搜索条件"

msgid "Invalid search criteria"
msgstr "无效的搜索条件"

msgid "Invalidate"
msgstr "废止"

msgid "Invalidate Account"
msgstr "废止账户"

msgid "Invalidate action will invalidate either an accounting period, a transaction or an account. Those documents cannot be modified anymore, except the accounting period that can be reopened,"
msgstr "这项指令使一个会计期间,一项交易或者一个账户无效。这些文件将不能再被更改,除非会计期间被重新开启"

msgid "Invalidated"
msgstr "已废止"

msgid "Inventories"
msgstr "库存"

msgid "Inventories to validate"
msgstr "待验证库存"

msgid "Inventory"
msgstr "库存"

msgid "Inventory Date"
msgstr "库存日期"

msgid "Inventory Line"
msgstr "库存明细"

msgid "Inventory Lines"
msgstr "库存明细"

msgid "Inventory State"
msgstr "库存状态"

msgid "Inventory Workflow"
msgstr "库存流程"

msgid "Invisible"
msgstr "不可见"

msgid "Invite User"
msgstr "邀请用户"

msgid "Invoice"
msgstr "发票"

msgid "Invoice Cell"
msgstr "发票单元"

msgid "Invoice Date"
msgstr "发票日期"

msgid "Invoice Line"
msgstr "发票明细"

msgid "Invoice Lines"
msgstr "发票明细"

msgid "Invoice Number"
msgstr "发票号码"

msgid "Invoice Recipient"
msgstr "发票接收人"

msgid "Invoice Rule"
msgstr "发票规则"

msgid "Invoice Rule object makes sure an Invoice in the simulation is consistent with the real invoice."
msgstr "发票规则对象可以确保模拟运行的发票和真实的发票一致"

msgid "Invoice Sender"
msgstr "发票发件人"

msgid "Invoice Transaction Rule"
msgstr "发票交易规则"

msgid "Invoice Transaction Rule object make sure an Invoice in the simulation is consistent with the real invoice."
msgstr "发票交易规则对象可以确保模拟运行的发票和真实的发票一致"

msgid "Invoice View"
msgstr "发票概览"

msgid "Invoice cells are deeper level of details from invoice lines, eg when the same resource with variation is sold, you can use only one line and use cells for the variations."
msgstr "发票单元是发票明细的进一步详细信息,例如,当一项包含变量的资源被售出,你只可以用一个明细来表示该资源,但可以用单元来表示它的变量。"

msgid "Invoice:"
msgstr "发票:"

msgid "Invoices"
msgstr "账单"

msgid "Invoices Report"
msgstr "发票报表"

msgid "Invoicing Rule"
msgstr "开票规则"

msgid "Is Multiple Instance Allowed"
msgstr "允许多例"

msgid "Is Preferred Synchronous Metadata Discovery"
msgstr "是否首选的同步元数据"

msgid "Is Preferred To Redirect User To Ingested Document"
msgstr "是否首选重导用户进行文件录入"

msgid "Is User Allowed To Login?"
msgstr "用户可否登入?"

msgid "Is User Allowed To Request New Account?"
msgstr "用户可否申请新账户?"

msgid "Is User Allowed To Request Pasword Reset?"
msgstr "用户可否申请密码重设?"

msgid "Is multiple instance of a gadget allowed in one page"
msgstr "一个页面是否允许一个多例配件"

msgid "Is preferred synchronous metadata discovery"
msgstr "是否首选的同步元数据"

msgid "Is preferred to redirect user to ingested document"
msgstr "是否首选重导用户进行文件录入"

msgid "Is user allowed to request new account in web site."
msgstr "网站是否允许用户申请新账户?"

msgid "Is user allowed to request password reset in web site."
msgstr "网站是否允许用户申请密码重设?"

msgid "Is user login allowed to web site."
msgstr "网站是否允许用户登入?"

msgid "Item Type List"
msgstr "项目类型列表"

msgid "Item portal types that can be aggregated for this document"
msgstr "可以聚合到本文件的项目门户类型"

msgid "Items"
msgstr "项目"

msgid "Items copied."
msgstr "项目已复制"

msgid "Items cut."
msgstr "项目已剪切"

msgid "Items paste in progress."
msgstr "项目正在被粘帖"

msgid "I forgot my password!"
msgstr "忘记密码"

msgid "Journal"
msgstr "日记账"

msgid "Journalise"
msgstr "入账"

msgid "Journalise Transaction"
msgstr "记账"

msgid "Journalise Transaction Action"
msgstr "交易入账操作"

msgid "Journalised"
msgstr "已入账"

msgid ""
"Journalised State is use for accounting transaction that have been recorded in\n"
"a journal as a debit and a credit."
msgstr "一项会计交易已经被记入流水帐,记入借方和贷方"

msgid "Jump"
msgstr "前往"

msgid "Jump to Accounting Preference"
msgstr "跳至会计偏好设置"

msgid "Jump to Active Preference"
msgstr "跳至激活偏好"

msgid "Jump to Bank Accounts"
msgstr "跳至银行账户"

msgid "Jump to Related Payment"
msgstr "跳至相关支付"

msgid "Jump..."
msgstr "前往..."

msgid "Jumps"
msgstr "前往"

msgid "Keyword"
msgstr "关键词"

msgid "Keyword Keys"
msgstr "关键词密钥"

msgid "Keywords"
msgstr "关键词"

msgid "Kind of report"
msgstr "报告种类"

msgid "Knowledge Pad"
msgstr "知识板"

msgid "Knowledge Pad Module"
msgstr "知识板模块"

msgid "Knowledge Pads"
msgstr "知识板"

msgid "Language"
msgstr "语言"

msgid "Language in URL"
msgstr "URL中语言"

msgid "Language of the document, it uses code like en, fr, ja..."
msgstr "文件的语言,使用例如en, fr, ja等代码"

msgid "Language of the web page, it uses code like en, fr, ja..."
msgstr "网页使用的语言,使用例如 en, fr, ja等代码。"

msgid "Large Image Height"
msgstr "大图像高度"

msgid "Large Image Width"
msgstr "大图像宽度"

msgid "Last Name"
msgstr "姓"

msgid "Latest Documents"
msgstr "最新文件"

msgid "Latest News"
msgstr "热点新闻"

msgid "Latitude"
msgstr "纬度"

msgid "Layout Configuration"
msgstr "版面布局配置"

msgid "Layout of contained boxes"
msgstr "包含板块布局"

msgid "Legal Form"
msgstr "公司形式"

msgid "Legal form of business company."
msgstr "该商业公司的法律形式"

msgid "Length (m)"
msgstr "长度(米)"

msgid "Less than"
msgstr "小于"

msgid "Less than or Equal to"
msgstr "小于等于"

msgid "Letter"
msgstr "信件"

msgid "License"
msgstr "许可证"

msgid "Limit Exceed"
msgstr "超出限制"

msgid "Line"
msgstr "明细"

msgid "Lines Report"
msgstr "明细报表"

msgid "Link"
msgstr "链接"

msgid "Link to the Computer"
msgstr "连接到该计算机"

msgid "Links to Web Pages to display as default content of the current section"
msgstr "显示作为当前部分默认内容的链接"

msgid "List"
msgstr "列表"

msgid "List Setting Reseted."
msgstr "列表设置已重设"

msgid "List of Documents"
msgstr "文件列表"

msgid "List of all events related to the causality event"
msgstr "起源事件相关的所有事件列表"

msgid "List of all events related to the follow up ticket"
msgstr "被跟进工单相关的所有事件列表"

msgid "List of criterion properties used for predicate"
msgstr "用于谓词的标准属性列表"

msgid "List of the specific needs to complete the project"
msgstr "完成项目的具体要求列表"

msgid "List of the specific needs to complete the task."
msgstr "完成该项任务的详细要求"

msgid "Loading"
msgstr "加载中"

msgid "Local ID of the object in its enclosing container"
msgstr "该对象在此封闭容器中的本地ID"

msgid "Local Role Keys"
msgstr "本地角色密钥"

msgid "Local Roles"
msgstr "本地角色"

msgid "Location"
msgstr "地点"

msgid "Log out"
msgstr "注销"

msgid "Logged In as :"
msgstr "登入用户:"

msgid "Login"
msgstr "登录"

msgid "Login and/or password is incorrect."
msgstr "账号或密码错误。"

msgid "Login Account"
msgstr "登录账号"

msgid "Login Name"
msgstr "登录名"

msgid "Login is Disabled."
msgstr "不可登录。"

msgid "Login to be disabled:"
msgstr "该用户将不可登录:"

msgid "Logins"
msgstr "登录账号"

msgid "Logo"
msgstr "商标"

msgid "Logo Reference"
msgstr "商标编号"

msgid "Logout"
msgstr "退出"

msgid "Long Title"
msgstr "长标题"

msgid "Longitude"
msgstr "经度"

msgid "Lost Sale Opportunity, as it has been rejected by the customer"
msgstr "已失去的销售机会,已经被客户拒绝"

msgid "Loyalty Number or Email"
msgstr "会员号或邮箱"

msgid "Mail Message"
msgstr "邮件信息"

msgid "Main result of transformation"
msgstr "转换后的产品"

msgid "Maintainers"
msgstr "维护员"

msgid "Make Offer"
msgstr "下订单"

msgid "Make a Template"
msgstr "制作模板"

msgid "Manage Business Templates"
msgstr "管理业务模板"

msgid "Map"
msgstr "地图"

msgid "Marital Status"
msgstr "婚姻状况"

msgid ""
"Mark the beginning and the end of an Accounting Period.\n"
"Once the period is closed (i.e. the Accounting Period Delimiter is in delivered state), it is no longer possible to validate Transaction in this period"
msgstr ""

msgid "Mark transaction that belongs to \"closed\" accounting periods"
msgstr "属于关闭的会计期间的交易的状态"

msgid "Marks a sale opportunity as qualified and asks for an offer to be sent to the prospect"
msgstr "将一个销售机会标为有效的,并要求发盘给潜在客户"

msgid "Marks the transaction that has been recorded in a journal as debit and credit"
msgstr "将一项会计交易记入流水帐,记入借方和贷方"

msgid "Material"
msgstr "物料"

msgid "Materials"
msgstr "物料"

msgid "Max Criterion"
msgstr "最高标准"

msgid "Max. Delay (Day)"
msgstr "最多延迟时间(天)"

msgid "Max. Flow"
msgstr "最大流动量"

msgid "Max. Stock"
msgstr "最高库存数量"

msgid "Maximal Breadcrumb Item Length"
msgstr "导览项最大长度"

msgid "Maximal quantity to use on a movement."
msgstr "使用一个运动过程的最大数量"

msgid "Means that the container has been prepared and is ready to be shipped"
msgstr "表示货柜已经包装好准备发送"

msgid "Measure"
msgstr "度量"

msgid "Measures"
msgstr "度量"

msgid "Medium Image Height"
msgstr "中等图像高度"

msgid "Medium Image Width"
msgstr "中等图像宽度"

msgid "Meeting"
msgstr "会议"

msgid "Meeting Detailed Report"
msgstr "会议详细报表"

msgid "Meeting Module"
msgstr "会议模块"

msgid "Meeting Status"
msgstr "会议状态"

msgid "Meeting Type"
msgstr "会议类型"

msgid "Meeting Types"
msgstr "会议类型"

msgid "Meeting Uses"
msgstr "会议用途"

msgid "Meetings"
msgstr "会议"

msgid "Meetings to Submit"
msgstr "待递交会议"

msgid "Membership Criteria"
msgstr "成员标准"

msgid "Membership Criterion Documents"
msgstr "成员标准文档"

msgid "Menu"
msgstr "菜单"

msgid "Message"
msgstr "您希望咨询的信息"

msgid "Message Source"
msgstr "消息来源"

msgid "Message Translations"
msgstr "信息翻译"

msgid "Metadata"
msgstr "元数据"

msgid "Metric Type"
msgstr "度量类型"

msgid "Micro Image Height"
msgstr "微型图像高度"

msgid "Micro Image Width"
msgstr "微型图像宽度"

msgid "Middle Name"
msgstr "中间名"

msgid "Milestone:"
msgstr "里程碑:"

msgid "Milestones"
msgstr "里程碑"

msgid "Min Criterion"
msgstr "最低标准"

msgid "Min. Delay (Day)"
msgstr "最少延迟时间(天)"

msgid "Min. Flow"
msgstr "最小流动量"

msgid "Min. Stock"
msgstr "最低库存数量"

msgid "Minimal quantity to use on a movement."
msgstr "使用一个运动过程的最小数量"

msgid "Minutes"
msgstr "分钟"

msgid "Mirror Account"
msgstr "镜子账户"

msgid "Miss Container"
msgstr "缺失货柜"

msgid "Missing"
msgstr "缺失"

msgid "Mobile Telephone"
msgstr "手机号码"

msgid "Mode"
msgstr "模式"

msgid "Model"
msgstr "模式"

msgid "Model Line"
msgstr "模式明细"

msgid "Modification Date"
msgstr "修改日期"

msgid "Modified"
msgstr "已更改"

msgid "Module"
msgstr "模块"

msgid "Module ID"
msgstr "模块ID"

msgid "Module Portal Type"
msgstr "模块门户类型"

msgid "Module Property"
msgstr "模块属性"

msgid "Module Title"
msgstr "模块标题"

msgid "Modules"
msgstr "模块"

msgid "Money Amounts Fields Width"
msgstr "金额字段宽度"

msgid "Monitoring"
msgstr "监控"

msgid "Monitoring Status"
msgstr "监控状态"

msgid "Month"
msgstr "月"

msgid "Months"
msgstr "月份"

msgid "Morphology"
msgstr "形态"

msgid "Multivalue Keys"
msgstr "多值密钥"

msgid "Multivalued Membership Criteria"
msgstr "多值成员标准"

msgid "My Account"
msgstr "我的帐号"

msgid "My Contributed Content"
msgstr "我贡献的内容"

msgid "My Documents"
msgstr "我的文件"

msgid "My Favourites"
msgstr "我的菜单"

msgid "My Invoices"
msgstr "我的发票"

msgid "My Services"
msgstr "我的服务"

msgid "My Space"
msgstr "我的空间"

msgid "Name"
msgstr "名称"

msgid "Name ot the method used to display information about the result of the alarm"
msgstr "用于显示警报结果相关信息的名称或方法"

msgid "Namespace to use for url registry"
msgstr "用于URL注册的命名空间"

msgid "Nano Image Height"
msgstr "纳米图像高度"

msgid "Nano Image Width"
msgstr "纳米图像宽度"

msgid "Nationality"
msgstr "国籍"

msgid "Network"
msgstr "网络"

msgid "Network is Deleted."
msgstr "网络已删除。"

msgid "Network to be removed:"
msgstr "将要被删除的网络: "

msgid "Networks"
msgstr "网络"

msgid "Never Upgrade"
msgstr "从不升级"

msgid "New"
msgstr "新建"

msgid "New Computer"
msgstr "新的计算机"

msgid "New Computer created."
msgstr "新的计算机已创建。"

msgid "New Invitation link generated."
msgstr "新的邀请链接已生成。"

msgid "New Message"
msgstr "新的信息"

msgid "New Network"
msgstr "新的网络"

msgid "New Network created."
msgstr "已创建新的网络。"

msgid "New Organisation"
msgstr "新组织"

msgid "New Organisation created."
msgstr "新的组织已创建。"

msgid "New Project"
msgstr "新的项目"

msgid "New Project created."
msgstr "新的项目已创建。"

msgid "New Site"
msgstr "新的站点"

msgid "New Site created."
msgstr "新的站点已创建。"

msgid "New Software Installation created."
msgstr "新的软件安装已创建。"

msgid "New Ticket"
msgstr "新的工单"

msgid "New Ticket created."
msgstr "新的工单已创建。"

msgid "New Ticket related to"
msgstr "新的工单关联至"

msgid "New User Login created"
msgstr "新用户登录已创建"

msgid "New User Login created."
msgstr "新用户登录已创建。"

msgid "New organisation created"
msgstr "新组织已创建"

msgid "New organisation created."
msgstr "新的组织已创建。"

msgid "New service created."
msgstr "已创建新的服务。"

msgid "New ticket"
msgstr "新票"

msgid "News Reference"
msgstr "新闻编号"

msgid "Next"
msgstr "下一页"

msgid "Next Alarm Date"
msgstr "下次警报日期"

msgid "No ${portal_type} Related."
msgstr "无相关 ${portal_type}"

msgid "No ${portal_type} related."
msgstr "无相关 ${portal_type}。"

msgid "No Alert!"
msgstr "没有警报!"

msgid "No Sale Invoice Transaction Related"
msgstr "无相关销售发票交易"

msgid "No Sale Packing List Related"
msgstr "无相关销售装箱单"

msgid "No records"
msgstr "没有记录"

msgid "No related documents found."
msgstr "无相关文件。"

msgid "No result."
msgstr "无记录。"

msgid "No such document was found"
msgstr "未找到该文件"

msgid "No trade condition."
msgstr "无贸易条款"

msgid "Non Discountable Additional Price"
msgstr "无折扣的附加价"

msgid "Normal Credit Balance"
msgstr "普通贷方余额"

msgid "Normal Working Hours"
msgstr "正常工作时数"

msgid "Not Installed"
msgstr "未安装"

msgid "Note"
msgstr "笔记"

msgid "Notes"
msgstr "备注"

msgid "Nothing selected"
msgstr "还未选择任何选项"

msgid "Notification"
msgstr "提示"

msgid "Notification Message"
msgstr "提示信息"

msgid "Notification Message Content List"
msgstr "提示信息内容列表"

msgid "Notification Message Module"
msgstr "提示信息模块"

msgid "Notification Message Workflow"
msgstr "提示信息流程"

msgid "Notification Messages"
msgstr "提示信息"

msgid "Notification Method"
msgstr "通知方法"

msgid "Notification Mode"
msgstr "提示方式"

msgid "Notification Tool"
msgstr "提示工具"

msgid "Notified Persons (Option)"
msgstr "被通知者(选填)"

msgid "Number"
msgstr "电话号码"

msgid "Number of Children"
msgstr "子女数"

msgid "Number of Lines Displayed in List Mode ListBoxs"
msgstr "列表页中列表行数"

msgid "Number of Lines Displayed in View Mode ListBoxes"
msgstr "浏览页中列表行数"

msgid "Number of Lines Displayed in View Mode ListBoxs"
msgstr "浏览页中列表行数"

msgid "Number of Lines to Add"
msgstr "添加明细数量"

msgid "Number of Partners"
msgstr "配偶数"

msgid "Number of Related Objects"
msgstr "相关对象数量"

msgid "Number of partners"
msgstr "配偶人数"

msgid "Number of units involved in base prices. If Priced Quantity is 1, it means that this is a unit price. If 2, the price is given for two units, etc..."
msgstr "基准价格所涉及的单位数。如果定价数量是1,这意味着这是一个单价。如果是2,那么这个基准价格对应的则是两个产品,由此类推..."

msgid "OOo Document"
msgstr "OOo文件"

msgid "Object"
msgstr "对象"

msgid "Object Created."
msgstr "对象已创建"

msgid "Object Portal Type"
msgstr "对象门户类型"

msgid "Object Title"
msgstr "对象标题"

msgid "Object created."
msgstr "对象已创建。"

msgid "Offered"
msgstr "已发盘"

msgid "Offered Purchase Orders to Follow"
msgstr "待跟进已发盘采购订单"

msgid "Offered Sale Orders to Follow"
msgstr "待跟进已发盘销售订单"

msgid "Offers to Send"
msgstr "待发送发盘"

msgid "Office Document"
msgstr "Office文件"

msgid "Online Shop Sales"
msgstr "网店销售"

msgid "Open"
msgstr "已开启"

msgid "Open Account"
msgstr "开户"

msgid "Open Accounting Period"
msgstr "开启会计期间"

msgid "Open Public"
msgstr "开启(公开)"

msgid "Open Ticket"
msgstr "开启工单"

msgid "Open Ticket Action"
msgstr "开启工单操作"

msgid "Open for Friends only"
msgstr "开启(仅朋友)"

msgid "Open for Personal use only"
msgstr "开启(仅个人)"

msgid "Open for Subscribers only"
msgstr "开启(仅订阅者)"

msgid "Open the account and helps input transactions on it"
msgstr "开设账户,使交易可以被录入"

msgid "Opening Date"
msgstr "开户日期"

msgid "Opens the accounting period in order to input transactions."
msgstr "开启一个会计期间以记录交易"

msgid "Operation"
msgstr "运作"

msgid "Operation Date"
msgstr "运作日期"

msgid "Operation List"
msgstr "运作列表"

msgid "Operation Resource"
msgstr "运作资源"

msgid "Operation Title"
msgstr "运作标题"

msgid "Operations"
msgstr "运作"

msgid "Operations Manager"
msgstr "运营经理"

msgid "Operators"
msgstr "操作人"

msgid "Optional Resources"
msgstr "可选资源"

msgid "Order"
msgstr "订单"

msgid "Order Builder"
msgstr "订单生成器"

msgid "Order Builders"
msgstr "订单生成器"

msgid "Order Date"
msgstr "订单日期"

msgid "Order Index"
msgstr "订单索引"

msgid "Order Information"
msgstr "销售信息"

msgid "Order Interaction Workflow"
msgstr "订单交互流程"

msgid "Order Line"
msgstr "订单明细"

msgid "Order Lines"
msgstr "订单明细"

msgid "Order Milestone"
msgstr "订单里程碑"

msgid "Order Milestones"
msgstr "订单里程碑"

msgid "Order Movement Group"
msgstr "订单运作集"

msgid "Order Movement Interaction Workflow"
msgstr "订单运作交互流程"

msgid "Order Number"
msgstr "收据号"

msgid "Order Placed"
msgstr "订单已下"

msgid "Order Reference"
msgstr "订单编号"

msgid "Order Report"
msgstr "订单报表"

msgid "Order Rule"
msgstr "订单规则"

msgid "Order Summary"
msgstr "订单概要"

msgid "Order Task"
msgstr "订单任务"

msgid "Order Tool"
msgstr "订购工具"

msgid "Order Tool contains order builders."
msgstr "订购工具包含订单的建立"

msgid "Order Type"
msgstr "订单类型"

msgid "Order Workflow"
msgstr "订单流程"

msgid "Order date"
msgstr "订单日期"

msgid "Order has been confirmed to the customer or has been confirmed by the supplier"
msgstr "客户或供应商已经接受的订单"

msgid "Order reference"
msgstr "订单编号"

msgid "Order type"
msgstr "订单类型"

msgid "Order updated."
msgstr "订单已更新"

msgid "Ordered"
msgstr "已订购"

msgid "Ordered Quantity"
msgstr "订购数量"

msgid "Orders"
msgstr "订单"

msgid "Organisation"
msgstr "组织"

msgid "Organisation that sends the invoice"
msgstr "发送发票的机构"

msgid "Organisation to be removed:"
msgstr "将要被删除的组织:"

msgid "Organisations"
msgstr "组织"

msgid "Organisations capture the contact information (ex. name, phone number) and their classification (ex. site, group, function etc.). Organisations are supported by a standard validation workflow."
msgstr "组织文件包含联系人信息(如姓名,电话号码)以及联系人分类(如地点,集团,职能等)。组织文件由一个标准的验证流程来支持。"

msgid "Organisations to Validate"
msgstr "待验证组织"

msgid "Origin"
msgstr "来源"

msgid "Original Filename"
msgstr "原始文件名"

msgid "Original Supplier or Worker"
msgstr "原供应商或工人"

msgid "Others"
msgstr "其他"

msgid "Our Item No."
msgstr "我方产品编号"

msgid "Outcome"
msgstr "成果"

msgid "Outcome Description"
msgstr "成果说明"

msgid "Overdraft Facility"
msgstr "透支协议"

msgid "Overdraft facility of a bank account"
msgstr "银行账户的透支协议"

msgid "Overtime"
msgstr "加班"

msgid "Owner"
msgstr "所有者"

msgid "PDF"
msgstr "PDF格式文件"

msgid "PDF documents store PDF files and can convert them to HTML, Text or different image formats."
msgstr "PDF文档存储PDF文件,并可以将它们转成HTML,文本或不同的图像格式"

msgid "PDM"
msgstr "产品资料管理"

msgid "Pack Container"
msgstr "装柜"

msgid "Packed"
msgstr "已包装"

msgid "Packing List"
msgstr "装箱单"

msgid "Packing List Causality Workflow"
msgstr "装箱单因果整合流程"

msgid "Packing List Container Workflow"
msgstr "装箱单货柜流程"

msgid "Packing List Line"
msgstr "装箱单明细"

msgid "Packing List Movement"
msgstr "装箱单运作"

msgid "Packing List Workflow"
msgstr "装箱单流程"

msgid "Packing List updated."
msgstr "装箱单已更新"

msgid "Packing Lists"
msgstr "装箱单"

msgid "Packing Lists related to this invoice."
msgstr "和该发票相关的装箱单"

msgid "Packing Uses"
msgstr "装箱用途"

msgid "Packing list has been shipped"
msgstr "装箱单已经输出,表示已出货"

msgid "Packing list that has been prepared (packed), ready for shipment"
msgstr "装箱单已准备就绪,可以发货"

msgid "Pad Group"
msgstr "板组"

msgid "Pad Group is used to specify defaut pads"
msgstr "板组用于指定默认板"

msgid "Page Content"
msgstr "页面内容"

msgid "Parameter"
msgstr "参数"

msgid "Parameters"
msgstr "参数"

msgid "Parent Relative Url"
msgstr "根相对地址"

msgid "Password"
msgstr "密码"

msgid "Password Confirmation"
msgstr "确认密码"

msgid "Password for a user in ERP5"
msgstr "ERP5用户的密码"

msgid "Password is different from confirmation"
msgstr "密码不一致"

msgid "Password is managed by Facebook, so you cannot change password for this login at this site."
msgstr "您的密码由脸书管理,所以您不能在本网站上修改您的登录密码。"

msgid "Password is managed by Google, so you cannot change password for this login at this site."
msgstr "您的密码由谷歌管理,所以您不能在本网站上修改您的登录密码。"

msgid "Path"
msgstr "路径"

msgid "Paths"
msgstr "路径"

msgid "Paths of objects that should be kept"
msgstr "应被保留的对象路径"

msgid "Paths of objects whose workflow histories should be exported"
msgstr "流程历史记录应被输出的对象路径"

msgid "Pay Now"
msgstr "现在支付"

msgid "Payee"
msgstr "收款人"

msgid "Payer"
msgstr "付款人"

msgid "Payment"
msgstr "付款"

msgid "Payment Condition"
msgstr "付款条件"

msgid "Payment Date"
msgstr "付款日期"

msgid "Payment Mode"
msgstr "支付方式"

msgid "Payment Reference"
msgstr "支付编号"

msgid "Payment Rule"
msgstr "支付规则"

msgid "Payment Rule generates payment transaction simulation movement from invoice transaction simulation movements."
msgstr "支付规则从发票交易模拟运作中生成支付交易模拟运作"

msgid "Payment State"
msgstr "付款状态"

msgid "Payment Transaction"
msgstr "支付交易"

msgid "Payment Transaction related to Sale Invoice Transaction."
msgstr "销售发票交易相关支付交易"

msgid "Payment conditions can be either on a sale/purchase order or on a sale/purchase trade condition document. Payment condition describes the payment conditions that will be applied to an order, such as the payment mode, the term, etc.."
msgstr "付款条件可用于销售/采购订单文件或销售/采购贸易条件文件中。它描述了将被应用于定单的付款条件,如支付方式,期限等。"

msgid "Payslip"
msgstr "工资单"

msgid "Pending"
msgstr "待解决"

msgid "Pending Tickets to Process"
msgstr "待处理工单"

msgid "Period Start Date"
msgstr "时间期间开始日期"

msgid "Periodicity"
msgstr "周期"

msgid "Periodicity Start Date"
msgstr "周期开始日期"

msgid "Periodicity Stop Date"
msgstr "周期停止日期"

msgid "Periods (in Days)"
msgstr "周期(按天计算)"

msgid "Person"
msgstr "人"

msgid "Person Assignment View"
msgstr "个人任务指派概览"

msgid "Person Career View"
msgstr "个人事业概览"

msgid "Person or organization who provides a service for the task."
msgstr "为该项任务提供服务的人或组织"

msgid "Person who is creating the event."
msgstr "创建事件的人"

msgid "Persons"
msgstr "人事"

msgid "Persons capture the contact information (ex. name, phone number) and the relation between entities (ex. who is assigned to which function and which organisation). Persons are supported by a standard validation workflow."
msgstr "人事文件包含联系信息(例如名字,电话号码 )以及各单位间关系(例如职能分配以及所属组织机构)。人事文件由一个标准的验证流程来支持。"

msgid "Persons to Validate"
msgstr "待验证人员"

msgid "Phone Call"
msgstr "电话"

msgid "Photo"
msgstr "照片"

msgid "Place Order"
msgstr "下订单"

msgid "Plain Text"
msgstr "纯文本"

msgid "Plan"
msgstr "计划"

msgid "Plan Order"
msgstr "计划订单"

msgid "Plan will set the document State as planned in ERP5"
msgstr "“计划”指令使文件状态变为“已计划”"

msgid "Planned"
msgstr "已计划"

msgid "Planned Events to Confirm"
msgstr "待确定计划事件"

msgid "Please Update Preview to show the Receipt"
msgstr "预览小票请点更新"

msgid "Please click \"Update\" first and confirm that all parameters are fine before clicking \"Solve Divergences\"."
msgstr "单击“解决分歧”之前,请先单击“更新”并确认所有参数都填写正确。"

msgid "Please review the form."
msgstr "请检查表单。"

msgid "Port of the oood server."
msgstr "oood服务器端口"

msgid "Portal Skin Folder"
msgstr "门户皮肤文件夹"

msgid "Portal Type"
msgstr "门户类型"

msgid "Portal Type Configurator Item"
msgstr "门户类型配置项目"

msgid "Portal Type Property"
msgstr "门户类型属性"

msgid "Portal Type Roles"
msgstr "门户类型角色"

msgid "Portal Type Roles Spreadsheet Configurator Item"
msgstr "门户类型角色电子表配置项目"

msgid "Portal Types"
msgstr "门户类型"

msgid "Portal type"
msgstr "门户类型"

msgid "Possibles Transition"
msgstr "可能过渡流程"

msgid "Post"
msgstr "提交"

msgid "Post Comment"
msgstr "提交评论"

msgid "Post Event"
msgstr "提交事件"

msgid "Post Query"
msgstr "提交质疑"

msgid "Post Transaction"
msgstr "提交交易"

msgid "Post Transaction Action"
msgstr "交易提交操作"

msgid "Post Transaction to General Ledger"
msgstr "提交交易至总帐"

msgid "Post a Query"
msgstr "提交一项质疑"

msgid "Post to Ledger"
msgstr "提交至总帐"

msgid "Postal Code"
msgstr "邮编"

msgid "Posted"
msgstr "已提交"

msgid "Posted Events"
msgstr "已提交事件"

msgid "Posted State is used for accounting transactions that have been properly posted to the ledger accounts and validated by an accountant"
msgstr "“已提交”状态用于被正确提交至总帐,并被会计验证的会计交易"

msgid "Posted to General Ledger"
msgstr "已提交至总帐"

msgid "Posted to Ledger"
msgstr "已提交至总帐"

msgid "Precision"
msgstr "精准度"

msgid "Predecessor"
msgstr "前项"

msgid "Predecessors"
msgstr "前项"

msgid "Predicate"
msgstr "謂语"

msgid "Predicate Categories"
msgstr "谓语分类"

msgid "Preference"
msgstr "偏好设置"

msgid "Preference Tool"
msgstr "偏好设置工具"

msgid "Preference Tool contains user preferences and system preferences."
msgstr "“偏好设置工具”可以对用户偏好和系统偏好进行设置。"

msgid "Preference is used to store user preferences, and it is editable through the Preference Tool."
msgstr "“偏好设置”用于存储用户的软件使用偏好,并可通过“偏好设定工具”进行编辑。"

msgid "Preference priority"
msgstr "优先偏好设置"

msgid "Preferences"
msgstr "偏好设置"

msgid "Preferred Cache Factory"
msgstr "首选缓存工厂"

msgid "Preferred Classification"
msgstr "首选分类"

msgid "Preferred Conversion Cache"
msgstr "首选转换缓存"

msgid "Preferred Ingestion Namespace"
msgstr "首选录入命名空间"

msgid "Preferred Resource for Campaigns"
msgstr "活动首选资源"

msgid "Preferred Resource for Events"
msgstr "事件首选资源"

msgid "Preferred Resource for Meetings"
msgstr "会议首选资源"

msgid "Preferred Resource for Sale Opportunities"
msgstr "销售机会首选资源"

msgid "Preferred Resource for Support Requests"
msgstr "客户支持请求首选资源"

msgid "Preferred captcha service password."
msgstr "首选验证码服务密码"

msgid "Preferred captcha service url."
msgstr "首选验证码服务URL"

msgid "Preferred captcha service username."
msgstr "首选验证码服务用户名"

msgid "Preferred classification policy for newly created documents"
msgstr "新建文件首选分类规则"

msgid "Preferred email for replies sent through the CRM system."
msgstr "通过CRM系统发送答复的首选邮箱"

msgid "Preferred timezone"
msgstr "偏好设置的时区"

msgid "Preffered classification policy for newly created documents"
msgstr "新建文件首选分类规则"

msgid "Prefix"
msgstr "头衔"

msgid "Prepare Response"
msgstr "准备答复"

msgid "Presentation"
msgstr "演示文档"

msgid "Preview"
msgstr "预览"

msgid "Previous"
msgstr "上一页"

msgid "Previous Bank Statement Balance"
msgstr "上一次银行结单余额"

msgid "Previous Bank Statement Date"
msgstr "上一次银行结单日期"

msgid "Price"
msgstr "单价"

msgid "Price Currency"
msgstr "价格货币"

msgid "Price Precision"
msgstr "价格精准度"

msgid "Price Variation Axes"
msgstr "价格变量轴"

msgid "Price for one unit."
msgstr "单位产品的价格"

msgid "Price of items without label"
msgstr "没有标签产品的单价"

msgid "Priced Quantity"
msgstr "定价数量"

msgid "Print Invoice"
msgstr "打印发票"

msgid "Print Order"
msgstr "打印订单"

msgid "Print Packing List"
msgstr "打印装箱单"

msgid "Print Receipt"
msgstr "打印收据"

msgid "Printing Format"
msgstr "打印格式"

msgid "Printing format"
msgstr "打印格式"

msgid "Printing format of a document in ERP5"
msgstr "ERP5文件的打印格式"

msgid "Printouts"
msgstr "打印输出"

msgid "Priority"
msgstr "优先性"

msgid "Private"
msgstr "私人的"

msgid "Problem Detected"
msgstr "发现问题"

msgid "Procced"
msgstr "继续"

msgid "Proceed"
msgstr "进行"

msgid "Proceed to Supply Software"
msgstr "进行软件提供。"

msgid "Process File"
msgstr "操作文件"

msgid "Product"
msgstr "产品"

msgid "Product Individual Variation"
msgstr "产品独立变量"

msgid "Product Individual Variations"
msgstr "产品独立变量"

msgid "Product Interest"
msgstr "相关产品"

msgid "Product Line"
msgstr "产品线"

msgid "Product Optional Variation"
msgstr "产品可选变量"

msgid "Product Variation"
msgstr "产品变量"

msgid "Product or Service"
msgstr "产品或服务"

msgid "Product or Service Reference"
msgstr "产品或服务编号"

msgid "Products"
msgstr "产品"

msgid "Products details"
msgstr "产品明细"

msgid "Products the person is interested in."
msgstr "该人感兴趣的产品"

msgid "Products to Validate"
msgstr "待验证产品"

msgid "Profile"
msgstr "简述"

msgid "Profit and Loss"
msgstr "盈亏帐目"

msgid "Project"
msgstr "项目"

msgid "Project Constraints"
msgstr "项目约束"

msgid "Project ID"
msgstr "项目ID"

msgid "Project Line"
msgstr "项目明细"

msgid "Project Lines"
msgstr "项目明细"

msgid "Project Milestone"
msgstr "项目里程碑"

msgid "Project Milestones"
msgstr "项目里程碑"

msgid "Project Module"
msgstr "项目模块"

msgid "Project Monthly Report"
msgstr "项目月度报告"

msgid "Project Planning"
msgstr "项目计划"

msgid "Project Report"
msgstr "项目报告"

msgid "Project Report Line"
msgstr "项目报告明细"

msgid "Project Report Lines"
msgstr "项目报告明细"

msgid "Project Reports"
msgstr "项目报告"

msgid "Project Title"
msgstr "项目标题"

msgid "Project Workflow"
msgstr "项目流程"

msgid "Project is Deleted."
msgstr "项目已删除。"

msgid "Project to Open"
msgstr "待开启项目"

msgid "Project to Resume"
msgstr "待续项目"

msgid "Project to be removed:"
msgstr "将要被删除的项目:"

msgid "Project which is suspended."
msgstr "暂停项目"

msgid "Project:"
msgstr "项目:"

msgid "Projects"
msgstr "项目"

msgid "Promotional Code"
msgstr "优惠折扣"

msgid "Properties"
msgstr "属性"

msgid "Property"
msgstr "属性"

msgid "Property Criteria"
msgstr "属性标准"

msgid "Property Sheets"
msgstr "属性表"

msgid "Prospect Contacted"
msgstr "潜在客户已联系"

msgid "Protocol"
msgstr "协议"

msgid "Provision"
msgstr "供应"

msgid "Public"
msgstr "公开的"

msgid "Public description of the document."
msgstr "文件的公开描述"

msgid "Publication Date"
msgstr "发布日期"

msgid "Publication Section"
msgstr "文件发布版块"

msgid "Publication Sections describe the place from which the given page will be available."
msgstr "说明该页面设计的版块"

msgid "Publication State"
msgstr "文件发布状态"

msgid "Publication Workflow"
msgstr "文件发布流程"

msgid "Publish"
msgstr "公布"

msgid "Publish Alive"
msgstr "公布(可修改)"

msgid "Publish Document"
msgstr "公布文件"

msgid "Publish Document Alive"
msgstr "公布文件(可修改)"

msgid "Published"
msgstr "已公布"

msgid "Published Alive"
msgstr "已公布(可修改)"

msgid "Publishes a document and triggers the archival of any public document of a previous version"
msgstr "公布一个文件并将之前公布的版本存"

msgid "Purchase"
msgstr "采购"

msgid "Purchase Invoice Transaction"
msgstr "采购发票交易"

msgid "Purchase Invoice Transaction Line"
msgstr "采购发票交易明细"

msgid "Purchase Invoice Transaction Lines"
msgstr "采购发票交易明细"

msgid "Purchase Invoice Transaction related to Purchase Packing List."
msgstr "采购装箱单相关采购发票交易"

msgid "Purchase Invoices to Solve"
msgstr "待解决采购发票"

msgid "Purchase Order"
msgstr "采购订单"

msgid "Purchase Order Cell"
msgstr "采购订单单元"

msgid "Purchase Order Line"
msgstr "采购订单明细"

msgid "Purchase Order Lines"
msgstr "采购订单明细"

msgid "Purchase Order Module"
msgstr "采购订单模块"

msgid "Purchase Order related to Purchase Invoice Transaction."
msgstr "采购发票交易相关采购订单"

msgid "Purchase Order related to Purchase Packing List."
msgstr "采购装箱单相关采购订单"

msgid "Purchase Orders"
msgstr "采购订单"

msgid "Purchase Orders to Confirm"
msgstr "待确定采购订单"

msgid "Purchase Orders to Order"
msgstr "待订购采购订单"

msgid "Purchase Orders to Plan"
msgstr "待计划采购订单"

msgid "Purchase Packing List"
msgstr "采购装箱单"

msgid "Purchase Packing List Cell"
msgstr "采购装箱单"

msgid "Purchase Packing List Details"
msgstr "采购装箱单细节"

msgid "Purchase Packing List Line"
msgstr "采购装箱单明细"

msgid "Purchase Packing List Lines"
msgstr "采购装箱单明细"

msgid "Purchase Packing List Module"
msgstr "采购装箱单模块"

msgid "Purchase Packing List Movements"
msgstr "采购装箱单运作"

msgid "Purchase Packing List related to Purchase Invoice Transaction."
msgstr "采购发票交易相关采购装箱单"

msgid "Purchase Packing List related to Purchase Order."
msgstr "采购订单相关采购装箱单"

msgid "Purchase Packing List to Confirm"
msgstr "待确定采购装箱单"

msgid "Purchase Packing List to Receive"
msgstr "待接收采购装箱单"

msgid "Purchase Packing List to Solve"
msgstr "待解决采购装箱单"

msgid "Purchase Packing List to Validate"
msgstr "待验证采购装箱单"

msgid "Purchase Packing Lists"
msgstr "采购装箱单"

msgid "Purchase Price"
msgstr "采购价格"

msgid "Purchase Proposals to Approve"
msgstr "待批准采购提案"

msgid "Purchase Supplies"
msgstr "采购供应条件"

msgid "Purchase Supply"
msgstr "采购供应条件"

msgid "Purchase Supply Cell"
msgstr "采购供应条件单元"

msgid "Purchase Supply Line"
msgstr "采购供应条件明细"

msgid "Purchase Supply Lines"
msgstr "采购供应条件明细"

msgid "Purchase Supply Module"
msgstr "采购供应条件模块"

msgid "Purchase Trade Condition"
msgstr "采购贸易条款"

msgid "Purchase Trade Condition Configurator Item"
msgstr "采购贸易条款配置项目"

msgid "Purchase Trade Condition Module"
msgstr "采购供应条款模块"

msgid "Purchase Trade Conditions"
msgstr "采购贸易条款"

msgid "Purchase Trade Conditions to Validate"
msgstr "待验证采购供应条款"

msgid "Purchase Uses"
msgstr "采购用途"

msgid "Purchase order lines are part of purchase orders and bear the different product or service references that have been purchased by the company."
msgstr "采购订单明细是采购订单的一部分,列出由本公司购买不同的产品或服务编号。"

msgid "Purchase orders not confirmed"
msgstr "未确定采购订单"

msgid "Purchase packing list lines are part of purchase packing lists, and bear the different references that have been ordered. For each product/service reference there will be a purchase packing list line."
msgstr "采购装箱单明细是采购装箱单的一部分,包含已订购的不同产品或服务编号。每个产品或服务都会有一行采购​​装箱单明细。"

msgid "Purchase trade condition"
msgstr "采购贸易条款"

msgid "Purchase trade conditions are documents that gather all the details of a standard purchase order, such as the shipment or payment mode, the tax or discount behaviour. A purchase trade condition can be applied to a purchase order, and in this case, the information borne by the purchase trade condition will be imported to the purchase order. This is practical for the user, because it allows not to loose time typing the same information again and again."
msgstr "采购贸易条款是集合标准采购订单的所有细节的文件,如运输或付款方式,税务或折扣行为。一项采购贸易条款可以应用到一个采购订单,在这种情况下,该采购贸易条款承载的信息将被导入到该采购订单中。这为用户提供了便捷,避免浪费时间一次又一次地输入相同的信息。"

msgid "Qualified Sale Opportunity for which the customer is waiting for an offer."
msgstr "有效的销售机会,顾客已询价正在等待发盘"

msgid "Quantity"
msgstr "数量"

msgid "Quantity < ${max_quantity}"
msgstr "数量 < ${max_quantity}"

msgid "Quantity Divergence Tester"
msgstr "数量差异测试工具"

msgid "Quantity Fields Width"
msgstr "数量字段宽度"

msgid "Quantity Step"
msgstr "数量区间"

msgid "Quantity Unit"
msgstr "数量单位"

msgid "Quantity Unit Conversion Group"
msgstr "数量单位转换集"

msgid "Quantity Unit Conversions"
msgstr "数量单位换算"

msgid "Quantity Unit that is used as the standard quantity to define this group"
msgstr "作为标准数量来定义该组数据的数量单位"

msgid "Queries"
msgstr "质疑"

msgid "Query"
msgstr "质疑"

msgid "Query Type"
msgstr "质疑文件类型"

msgid "Question"
msgstr "问题"

msgid "Question can not be empty."
msgstr "问题不可为空"

msgid "Quick Search"
msgstr "快速查询"

msgid "RSS"
msgstr "订阅消息"

msgid "RSS (all)"
msgstr "订阅消息(全部)"

msgid "RSS Critical"
msgstr "重要订阅消息"

msgid "RSS Feed"
msgstr "订阅消息 源"

msgid "Rate"
msgstr "税率"

msgid "Ratio"
msgstr "比率"

msgid "Ready"
msgstr "已就绪"

msgid "Receipt"
msgstr "收据"

msgid "Receive"
msgstr "接收"

msgid "Receive Packing List"
msgstr "接收装箱单"

msgid "Received"
msgstr "已接收"

msgid "Recipient"
msgstr "接收人"

msgid "Recipient or Beneficiary"
msgstr "收货人"

msgid "Recipient or Beneficiary of the invoice"
msgstr "发票的接收人或受益人"

msgid "Recipient or beneficiary of the supply"
msgstr "货物的接收人"

msgid "Recipients"
msgstr "接收人"

msgid "Reconcile Transactions"
msgstr "核对交易"

msgid "Reconciled Balance"
msgstr "已对账额"

msgid "Reconciled Transactions"
msgstr "对账交易"

msgid "Recorded Properties"
msgstr "已记录属性"

msgid "Records"
msgstr "记录"

msgid "Recover your account"
msgstr "找回您的账号"

msgid "Recur every periodicity hours (ex, at 10 and at 16 )"
msgstr "每小时周期复发(例如,在10小时和16小时复发)"

msgid "Recur every periodicity minute (ex, at 10 and at 16 )"
msgstr "每个分钟周期复发(例如,在10分钟和16分钟时复发)"

msgid "Recur every periodicity week (ex, week 41 and 43)"
msgstr "每周周期复发(例如,41周和43周复发)"

msgid "Recur on some days of the month (ex 5th, and 14th)"
msgstr "在每月的某些天复发(例如,在第5天和第14天复发)"

msgid "Recur on some days of the week (ex monday and sunday)"
msgstr "每周的某些天复发(例如周一和周日)"

msgid "Recur on some months of the year (ex 5th, and 10th)"
msgstr "在每年的某些月份复发(例如,在第5个月和第10个月复发)"

msgid "Reference"
msgstr "编号"

msgid "Reference Currency"
msgstr "货币编号"

msgid "Reference Documents"
msgstr "文件编号"

msgid "Reference lookup regular expression"
msgstr "编号查找常规表达式"

msgid "Reference of a document in ERP5, whatever the module considered. Exceptions to this rule can exist, and if so, terms will be described in the appropriate business field of this glossary. For example, the reference of a Payment Transaction has a specific name, as well as the Reference of Purchase and Sale Invoice Transactions. See the appropriate Glossary for further information."
msgstr "ERP5所有模块的文件都有编号。如果存在例外,则会在词汇表中相应的应用领域给予说明。例如,支付交易的编号有个特别的名称,采购和销售发票交易也是。详细信息请参见僵硬词汇。"

msgid "Reference of a page, should be unique to retrieve a page easily"
msgstr "一个页面的编号,应是唯一的从而可以轻松地检索页面"

msgid "Reference of the Payment chosen by the accountant or the person in charge of accounting in ERP5. The payment reference can be a check number for example. Payment Reference only appears in Payment transactions"
msgstr "公司会计或是负责ERP5会计模块的人选择的代表支付交易的编号,可以是支票号码,它只出现在支付交易中"

msgid "Reference of the buyer in the purchase transaction"
msgstr "采购交易中的买方编号"

msgid "Reference of this accounting transaction"
msgstr "该会计交易的编号"

msgid "Referenced Documents"
msgstr "编号文件"

msgid "Region"
msgstr "区域"

msgid "Registered Capital"
msgstr "注册资本"

msgid "Registered Skin Selection"
msgstr "已注册皮肤选项"

msgid "Registered Version Priority Selection"
msgstr "已注册版本优先选项"

msgid "Regularisation Request:"
msgstr "正则要求:"

msgid "Reject"
msgstr "否决"

msgid "Reject Document"
msgstr "否决文件"

msgid "Reject Upgrade Decision:"
msgstr "拒绝升级决定:"

msgid "Rejected"
msgstr "已拒绝"

msgid "Rejects a document which was submitted by setting its validation state to draft."
msgstr "否决一个文件会将文件状态返回至“草拟”"

msgid "Related"
msgstr "相关的"

msgid "Related Agents"
msgstr "相关人员"

msgid "Related Apparel Cloth"
msgstr "相关服装布料"

msgid "Related Apparel Model"
msgstr "相关服装型号"

msgid "Related Apparel Shape"
msgstr "相关服装形状"

msgid "Related Balance Transaction"
msgstr "相关结余处理"

msgid "Related Bug"
msgstr "相关错误"

msgid "Related Business Template"
msgstr "相关业务模板"

msgid "Related Components"
msgstr "相关部件"

msgid "Related Computer or Service"
msgstr "相关联的计算机或服务"

msgid "Related Documents"
msgstr "相关文件"

msgid "Related Events"
msgstr "相关事件"

msgid "Related Internal Packing List"
msgstr "相关内部装箱单"

msgid "Related Invoice"
msgstr "相关发票"

msgid "Related Objects"
msgstr "相关对象"

msgid "Related Organisation"
msgstr "相关组织"

msgid "Related Payment Created"
msgstr "相关支付已创建"

msgid "Related Payment Transaction"
msgstr "相关支付交易"

msgid "Related Person"
msgstr "相关人"

msgid "Related Persons"
msgstr "相关人"

msgid "Related Purchase Invoice"
msgstr "相关采购发票"

msgid "Related Purchase Invoice Transaction"
msgstr "相关采购发票交易"

msgid "Related Purchase Order"
msgstr "相关采购订单"

msgid "Related Purchase Packing List"
msgstr "相关采购装箱单"

msgid "Related Purchase Trade Condition"
msgstr "相关采购贸易条款"

msgid "Related Returned Sale Packing List"
msgstr "相关销售退货装箱单"

msgid "Related Sale Invoice"
msgstr "相关销售发票"

msgid "Related Sale Invoice Transaction"
msgstr "相关销售发票交易"

msgid "Related Sale Order"
msgstr "相关销售订单"

msgid "Related Sale Packing List"
msgstr "相关销售装箱单"

msgid "Related Sale Trade Condition"
msgstr "相关销售贸易条款"

msgid "Related Supply Lines"
msgstr "相关供应条件明细"

msgid "Related Task Reports"
msgstr "相关任务报告"

msgid "Related Tasks"
msgstr "相关任务"

msgid "Related Tasks Report"
msgstr "相关任务报告"

msgid "Related Transactions"
msgstr "相关交易"

msgid "Related Transformation"
msgstr "相关转化"

msgid "Related payment created."
msgstr "相关支付已创建"

msgid "Relative Url"
msgstr "相关Url"

msgid "Release"
msgstr "发布"

msgid "Release Alive"
msgstr "发布(可修改)"

msgid "Release Document"
msgstr "发布文件"

msgid "Release Document Alive"
msgstr "发布文件(可修改)"

msgid "Released"
msgstr "已发布"

msgid "Released Alive"
msgstr "已发布(可修改)"

msgid "Releases a document and triggers the archival of any released document of a previous version"
msgstr "发布一个文件并将之前的版本存档"

msgid "Renderer ID"
msgstr "渲染器ID"

msgid "Reply to"
msgstr "回复"

msgid "Reply to email address, extracted from header."
msgstr "回复电子邮件,邮件地址从联系人名字链接的文件提取"

msgid "Report"
msgstr "报表"

msgid "Report Format"
msgstr "报告格式"

msgid "Report Method"
msgstr "报告方法"

msgid "Report Started"
msgstr "报告已开启"

msgid "Report Style"
msgstr "报告类型"

msgid "Reports"
msgstr "报表"

msgid "Request"
msgstr "要求"

msgid "Request Approval"
msgstr "申请批准"

msgid "Request Approval Action"
msgstr "申请批准操作"

msgid "Request Approval of Manager"
msgstr "向管理者申请批准"

msgid "Request Certificate"
msgstr "申请证书"

msgid "Request Keys"
msgstr "要求密钥"

msgid "Request New Certificate"
msgstr "请求新的证书"

msgid "Request New Token"
msgstr "请求新令牌"

msgid "Request Processing"
msgstr "要求处理"

msgid "Request Subscription"
msgstr "要求订阅"

msgid "Request Translation"
msgstr "要求翻译"

msgid "Request Translation Action"
msgstr "要求翻译操作"

msgid "Request a Trial for"
msgstr "请求试用"

msgid "Requested Project"
msgstr "已要求项目"

msgid "Requester"
msgstr "要求者"

msgid "Requesting a service..."
msgstr "正在请求一个服务..."

msgid "Requirement Count"
msgstr "要求数量"

msgid "Requirement Coverage"
msgstr "需求覆盖面"

msgid "Requirement Description"
msgstr "要求描述"

msgid "Requirement Document"
msgstr "需求文件"

msgid "Requirement Document Fast Input"
msgstr "快速导入要求文件"

msgid "Requirement Documents"
msgstr "要求文件"

msgid "Requirement State"
msgstr "要求状态"

msgid "Requirement Title"
msgstr "要求标题"

msgid "Requirements"
msgstr "要求"

msgid "Reset"
msgstr "重设"

msgid "Reset List Setting"
msgstr "重设列表设置"

msgid "Reset Password"
msgstr "重设密码"

msgid "Reset Prices"
msgstr "重设价格"

msgid "Resource"
msgstr "资源"

msgid "Resources"
msgstr "资源"

msgid "Respond Event"
msgstr "回复事件"

msgid "Responded"
msgstr "已回复"

msgid "Response Created."
msgstr "答复已创建"

msgid "Restart"
msgstr "重启"

msgid "Restart Accounting Period"
msgstr "重启会计期间"

msgid "Restart Task"
msgstr "重启任务"

msgid "Restart Transaction (journalise)"
msgstr "重启交易(入账)"

msgid "Restart action re-opens a document that would have been closed previously in order to modify it, such as an accounting period"
msgstr ""

msgid "Results"
msgstr "结果"

msgid "Return to Invoice List"
msgstr "返回账单列表"

msgid "Returned Goods"
msgstr "退还货物"

msgid "Returned Items"
msgstr "退还货品"

msgid "Returned Purchase Orders"
msgstr "进货退货单"

msgid "Returned Purchase Packing List"
msgstr "采购退货装箱单"

msgid "Returned Purchase Packing List Cell"
msgstr "采购退货装箱单单元"

msgid "Returned Purchase Packing List Details"
msgstr "采购退货装箱单细节"

msgid "Returned Purchase Packing List Line"
msgstr "采购退货装箱单明细"

msgid "Returned Purchase Packing List Lines"
msgstr "采购退货装箱单明细"

msgid "Returned Purchase Packing List Module"
msgstr "采购退货装箱单模块"

msgid "Returned Purchase Packing List Movements"
msgstr "采购退货装箱单运作"

msgid "Returned Purchase Packing Lists"
msgstr "采购退货装箱单明细"

msgid "Returned Sale Order"
msgstr "销售退单"

msgid "Returned Sale Orders"
msgstr "销售退单"

msgid "Returned Sale Packing List"
msgstr "销售退货装箱单"

msgid "Returned Sale Packing List Cell"
msgstr "销售退货装箱单单元"

msgid "Returned Sale Packing List Details"
msgstr "销售退货装箱单细节"

msgid "Returned Sale Packing List Line"
msgstr "销售退货装箱单明细"

msgid "Returned Sale Packing List Lines"
msgstr "销售退货装箱单明细"

msgid "Returned Sale Packing List Module"
msgstr "销售退货装箱单模块"

msgid "Returned Sale Packing List Movements"
msgstr "销售退货装箱单运作"

msgid "Returned Sale Packing List to Prepare"
msgstr "待准备销售退货装箱单"

msgid "Returned Sale Packing List to Process"
msgstr "待处理销售退货装箱单"

msgid "Returned Sale Packing Lists"
msgstr "销售退货装箱单"

msgid "Returner"
msgstr "退货人"

msgid "Revision"
msgstr "修订"

msgid "Revision Number"
msgstr "修订数"

msgid "Revoke Certificate"
msgstr "吊销证书"

msgid "Revoke Computer Certificate"
msgstr "吊销计算机证书"

msgid "Revoke Person Certificate"
msgstr "吊销用户证书"

msgid "Rights"
msgstr "权限"

msgid "Role"
msgstr "角色"

msgid "Role Definition"
msgstr "角色定义"

msgid "Role Keys"
msgstr "角色密钥"

msgid "Roles"
msgstr "角色"

msgid "Roles of clients"
msgstr "客户角色"

msgid "Roles of suppliers"
msgstr "供应商角色"

msgid "Running Balance"
msgstr "收支平衡"

msgid "Salary Coefficient"
msgstr "工资系数"

msgid "Salary Level"
msgstr "薪资水平"

msgid "Sale"
msgstr "销售"

msgid "Sale Invoice Transaction"
msgstr "销售发票交易"

msgid "Sale Invoice Transaction Line"
msgstr "销售发票交易明细"

msgid "Sale Invoice Transaction related to Sale Order."
msgstr "销售订单相关销售发票交易"

msgid "Sale Invoice Transaction related to Sale Packing List."
msgstr "销售装箱单相关销售发票交易"

msgid "Sale Opportunities"
msgstr "销售机会"

msgid "Sale Opportunities to Validate"
msgstr "待验证销售机会"

msgid "Sale Opportunity"
msgstr "销售机会"

msgid "Sale Opportunity Detailed Report"
msgstr "销售机会详细报表"

msgid "Sale Opportunity Status"
msgstr "销售机会状态"

msgid "Sale Opportunity Type"
msgstr "销售机会类型"

msgid "Sale Opportunity Uses"
msgstr "销售机会用途"

msgid "Sale Opportunity converted into Sale"
msgstr "销售机会已经转为一项销售"

msgid "Sale Order"
msgstr "销售订单"

msgid "Sale Order Cell"
msgstr "销售订单单元"

msgid "Sale Order Line"
msgstr "销售订单明细"

msgid "Sale Order Lines"
msgstr "销售订单明细"

msgid "Sale Order Milestone"
msgstr "销售订单里程碑"

msgid "Sale Order Module"
msgstr "销售订单模块"

msgid "Sale Order Planning"
msgstr "销售订单计划"

msgid "Sale Order related to Sale Invoice Transaction."
msgstr "销售发票交易相关销售订单"

msgid "Sale Order related to Sale Packing List."
msgstr "销售装箱单相关销售订单"

msgid "Sale Orders"
msgstr "销售订单"

msgid "Sale Orders to Confirm"
msgstr "待确定销售订单"

msgid "Sale Orders to Order"
msgstr "待订购销售订单"

msgid "Sale Orders to Plan"
msgstr "待计划销售订单"

msgid "Sale Packing List"
msgstr "销售装箱单"

msgid "Sale Packing List Cell"
msgstr "销售装箱单单元"

msgid "Sale Packing List Details"
msgstr "销售装箱单细节"

msgid "Sale Packing List Line"
msgstr "销售装箱单明细"

msgid "Sale Packing List Lines"
msgstr "销售装箱单明细"

msgid "Sale Packing List Module"
msgstr "销售装箱单模块"

msgid "Sale Packing List Movements"
msgstr "销售装箱单运作"

msgid "Sale Packing List Workflow"
msgstr "销售装箱单流程"

msgid "Sale Packing List related to Sale Invoice Transaction."
msgstr "销售发票交易相关销售装箱单"

msgid "Sale Packing List related to Sale Order."
msgstr "销售订单相关销售装箱单"

msgid "Sale Packing List to Confirm"
msgstr "待确定销售装箱单"

msgid "Sale Packing List to Prepare"
msgstr "待准备销售装箱单"

msgid "Sale Packing List to Process"
msgstr "待处理销售装箱单"

msgid "Sale Packing List to Receive"
msgstr "待接收销售装箱单"

msgid "Sale Packing List to Ship"
msgstr "待运输销售装箱单"

msgid "Sale Packing List to Solve"
msgstr "待解决销售装箱单"

msgid "Sale Packing List to Validate"
msgstr "待验证销售装箱单"

msgid "Sale Packing List to process"
msgstr "待处理销售装箱单"

msgid "Sale Packing List to ship"
msgstr "待运输销售装箱单"

msgid "Sale Packing Lists"
msgstr "销售装箱单"

msgid "Sale Price"
msgstr "销售价格"

msgid "Sale Proposals to Approve"
msgstr "待批准销售提案"

msgid "Sale Supplies"
msgstr "销售供应条件"

msgid "Sale Supply"
msgstr "销售供应条件"

msgid "Sale Supply Cell"
msgstr "销售供应条件单元"

msgid "Sale Supply Line"
msgstr "销售供应条件明细"

msgid "Sale Supply Lines"
msgstr "销售供应条件明细"

msgid "Sale Supply Module"
msgstr "销售供应条件模块"

msgid "Sale Trade Condition"
msgstr "销售贸易条款"

msgid "Sale Trade Condition Configurator Item"
msgstr "销售贸易条款配置项目"

msgid "Sale Trade Condition List"
msgstr "销售贸易条款列表"

msgid "Sale Trade Condition Module"
msgstr "销售贸易条款模块"

msgid "Sale Trade Conditions"
msgstr "销售贸易条款"

msgid "Sale Trade Conditions to Validate"
msgstr "待验证销售贸易条款"

msgid "Sale opportunity that has been offered and is now waiting for the customer decision"
msgstr "销售机会已经发出,正在等待客户的决定"

msgid "Sale order lines are part of sale orders and bear the different product or service references that have been sold by the company."
msgstr "销售订单明细是销售订单的一部分,列出由本公司销售的不同的产品或服务编号。"

msgid "Sale orders not confirmed"
msgstr "未确定销售订单"

msgid "Sale packing list lines are part of sale packing lists, and bear the different references that have been sold. For each product/service reference there will be a sale packing list line."
msgstr "销售装箱单明细是销售装箱单的一部分,包含已销售的不同产品或服务编号。每个产品或服务都会有一行销售​​装箱单明细。"

msgid "Sale trade condition"
msgstr "销售贸易条款"

msgid "Sale trade conditions are documents that gather all the details of a standard sale order, such as the shipment or payment mode, the tax or discount behaviour. A sale trade condition can be applied to a sale order, and in this case, the information borne by the sale trade condition will be imported to the sale order. This is practical for the user, because it allows not to loose time typing the same information again and again."
msgstr "销售贸易条款是集合标准销售订单的所有细节的文件,如运输或付款方式,税务或折扣行为。一项销售贸易条款可以应用到一个销售订单,在这种情况下,该销售贸易条款承载的信息将被导入到该销售订单中。这为用户提供了便捷,避免浪费时间一次又一次地输入相同的信息。"

msgid "Sales"
msgstr "销售"

msgid "Sales Price"
msgstr "销售价格"

msgid "Sales Uses"
msgstr "销售用途"

msgid "Save"
msgstr "保存"

msgid "Schedule delivery of the remaining at later time"
msgstr "计划稍后交付缺少产品的日程"

msgid "Scriptable Keys"
msgstr "可编写脚本密钥"

msgid "Search"
msgstr "查询"

msgid "Search Expression"
msgstr "搜索表达式"

msgid "Search Keys"
msgstr "搜索密钥"

msgid "Search Transactions"
msgstr "查询交易事项"

msgid "Searchable Text"
msgstr "检索文本"

msgid "Searchable Text Method Ids"
msgstr "可检索的文本方法ID"

msgid "Searchable Text Property Ids"
msgstr "可检索的文本属性ID"

msgid "Section"
msgstr "版块"

msgid "Section Bank Account"
msgstr "银行账户"

msgid "Section Category"
msgstr "部门类别"

msgid "Section Contents"
msgstr "版块内容"

msgid "Section Transaction Reference"
msgstr "版块交易编号"

msgid "Secure, Reliable, Fast"
msgstr "多种应用 分发加速"

msgid "Security Uid Columns"
msgstr "安全Uid列"

msgid "Select"
msgstr "选择"

msgid "Select Actions"
msgstr "选择操作"

msgid "Select Exchange"
msgstr "选择交互形式"

msgid "Select Fast Input"
msgstr "选择快速输入"

msgid "Select Non Reconciled Transactions"
msgstr "选择尚未核对交易"

msgid "Select Report"
msgstr "选择报表"

msgid "Select Template"
msgstr "选择模板"

msgid "Sell"
msgstr "销售"

msgid "Sell Items"
msgstr "销售"

msgid "Sell Items by Reference"
msgstr "销售单"

msgid "Sell Itens"
msgstr "销售产品"

msgid "Seller"
msgstr "销售人"

msgid "Send"
msgstr "发送"

msgid "Send Mail"
msgstr "发送邮件"

msgid "Send Offer"
msgstr "进行发盘"

msgid "Send by Email"
msgstr "通过邮件发送"

msgid "Sender"
msgstr "发送人"

msgid "Sender / Caller"
msgstr "发送人/呼叫人"

msgid "Sender or Caller"
msgstr "发送人"

msgid "Sender or Provider"
msgstr "发货人"

msgid "Sender or Provider must be defined"
msgstr "必须定义发送人或供应人"

msgid "Sends an offer to the prospect and waits for the decision"
msgstr "将报价发给潜在客户并等待其决定"

msgid "Sense Method"
msgstr "检测方法"

msgid "Sent"
msgstr "已发送"

msgid "Serial Number"
msgstr "编号"

msgid "Serve Conversion Only If Already Converted In Cache"
msgstr "服务转换仅当已转换缓存"

msgid "Servers"
msgstr "服务器"

msgid "Service"
msgstr "服务"

msgid "Service Condition"
msgstr "服务条款"

msgid "Service Individual Variation"
msgstr "服务独立变量"

msgid "Service Optional Variation"
msgstr "服务可选变量"

msgid "Service Variation"
msgstr "服务变量"

msgid "Service is Destroyed."
msgstr "服务已销毁。"

msgid "Services"
msgstr "服务"

msgid "Services to Validate"
msgstr "待验证服务"

msgid "Set List Setting"
msgstr "设置列表"

msgid "Set Packing List Ready"
msgstr "装箱单设为已就绪"

msgid "Set Relation"
msgstr "设置关联"

msgid "Set ready"
msgstr "设为就绪"

msgid "Set to True if inventory contains everything, False if it's only a partial inventory."
msgstr "勾选表示库存包含所有货物,留空表示知识一部分货物的库存"

msgid "Sets the document state as started"
msgstr "将文件状态设置为“开始”"

msgid "Severity"
msgstr "严重性"

msgid "Share"
msgstr "共享"

msgid "Share Alive"
msgstr "共享(可修改)"

msgid "Share Document"
msgstr "共享文件"

msgid "Share Document Alive"
msgstr "共享文件(可修改)"

msgid "Shared"
msgstr "已共享"

msgid "Shared Alive"
msgstr "已共享(可修改)"

msgid "Ship"
msgstr "发货"

msgid "Ship From"
msgstr "送出地"

msgid "Ship Packing List"
msgstr "运输装箱单"

msgid "Ship To"
msgstr "送达地"

msgid "Ship the packing list and declares a packing list as shipped"
msgstr "将装箱单发出并标明“已发货”"

msgid "Shipped"
msgstr "已出货"

msgid "Shipping Date"
msgstr "发送日期"

msgid "Shop Sales"
msgstr "门店销售"

msgid "Short Message"
msgstr "短信息"

msgid "Short Title"
msgstr "短标题"

msgid "Short titles are a precision of Titles in ERP5"
msgstr "短标题是ERP5标题的精简形式。"

msgid "Show Accounts Without Transactions"
msgstr "显示无交易账户"

msgid "Show All"
msgstr "显示全部"

msgid "Show All Tickets"
msgstr "显示所有工单"

msgid "Sign in or Login with Google"
msgstr "使用谷歌账号登录或注册"

msgid "Sign in or Login with Facebook"
msgstr "使用脸书账号登录或注册"

msgid "Similar Documents"
msgstr "类似文件"

msgid "Simulation Movement"
msgstr "模拟运作"

msgid "Simulation State"
msgstr "模拟状态"

msgid "Site"
msgstr "站点"

msgid "Site Configuration Problems"
msgstr "站点配置问题"

msgid "Site Message"
msgstr "站内信息"

msgid "Site Properties"
msgstr "站点属性"

msgid "Site Property Configurator Item"
msgstr "站点属性配置项目"

msgid "Site Sections"
msgstr "站点版块"

msgid "Site is Deleted."
msgstr "站点已删除。"

msgid "Site or Warehouse"
msgstr "站点或仓库"

msgid "Site:"
msgstr "站点:"

msgid "Sitemap"
msgstr "站点地图"

msgid "Sites"
msgstr "站点"

msgid "Size"
msgstr "大小"

msgid "Skills"
msgstr "技能"

msgid "Skin Folders"
msgstr "皮肤文件夹"

msgid "Skin Selection"
msgstr "皮肤选项"

msgid "SlapOS Master API"
msgstr "SlapOS主应用程序接口API"

msgid "SlapOS Master Web UI"
msgstr "SlapOS主网络用户界面"

msgid "Small Image Height"
msgstr "小图像高度"

msgid "Small Image Width"
msgstr "小图像宽度"

msgid "Social Security Identification Number"
msgstr "社会保险号码"

msgid "Software Installation:"
msgstr "软件安装:"

msgid "Software Products"
msgstr "软件产品"

msgid "Software Release"
msgstr "软件发布"

msgid "Software Release URL"
msgstr "软件发行URL"

msgid "Software Release Version"
msgstr "软件发布版本"

msgid "Software Release to be Installed"
msgstr "将要安装发布软件"

msgid "Software Releases"
msgstr "软件发布"

msgid "Software Type"
msgstr "软件类型"

msgid "Sold"
msgstr "已销售"

msgid "Sold Items or Products"
msgstr "销售产品编码或条码"

msgid "Solve Alarm"
msgstr "解除警报"

msgid "Solve Automatically"
msgstr "自动解决"

msgid "Solve Divergence"
msgstr "解决分歧"

msgid "Solve Divergences"
msgstr "解决分歧"

msgid "Solve Divergences [transition in delivery_causality_workflow]"
msgstr "解决分歧 [transition in delivery_causality_workflow]"

msgid "Solve Method"
msgstr "解决方法"

msgid "Solved"
msgstr "已解决"

msgid "Solving"
msgstr "解决中"

msgid "Solving means that an action has been taken to correct the divergent state of a document in ERP5. During the calculations, the state will be displayed as Solving. Once the calculations are over, the state will become Solved."
msgstr "“解决中”意味着系统正在采取行动纠正ERP5里一个文件“不匹配”的整合状态。在计算过程中,该文件的整合状态将显示为“解决中”。一旦计算结束,文件的整合状态将变为“已解决”。"

msgid "Sort"
msgstr "排序"

msgid "Sort Editor"
msgstr "排序编辑器"

msgid "Sort Index"
msgstr "排序索引"

msgid "Sort Index will either give a calculation order or a sorting order of a document in a list that contains many documents."
msgstr "排序索引在包含许多文件的列表中进行计算排序或分类排序"

msgid "Source"
msgstr "来源"

msgid "Source Account"
msgstr "来源账户"

msgid "Source Accounting Operation Date"
msgstr "来源会计操作日期"

msgid "Source Carrier"
msgstr "货物来源运输公司"

msgid "Source Decision"
msgstr "决策来源"

msgid "Source Section"
msgstr "来源版块"

msgid "Specialise Reference"
msgstr "专门编号"

msgid "Specialised Business Process Models"
msgstr "专门业务流程模式"

msgid "Specialised Trade Conditions and Business Processes"
msgstr "专门贸易条款及业务流程"

msgid "Split Document"
msgstr "拆分文件"

msgid "Split Prevision"
msgstr "拆分预期文件"

msgid "Split and Defer [transition in delivery_causality_workflow]"
msgstr "拆分和推迟 [transition in delivery_causality_workflow]"

msgid "Splits a document in multiple subdocuments to accelerate translation. Sets validation_state to split."
msgstr "将一个文件拆分成若干子文件J以加速翻译,并将验证状态设为\"以拆分\"."

msgid "Spreadsheet"
msgstr "电子表格"

msgid "Stakeholder"
msgstr "利益共享者"

msgid "Start"
msgstr "开始"

msgid "Start Accounting Period"
msgstr "开启会计期间"

msgid "Start Accounting Period Action [transition in accounting_period_workflow]"
msgstr "开启会计期间操作"

msgid "Start After"
msgstr "开始不早于"

msgid "Start Assignment"
msgstr "开始任务分配"

msgid "Start Before"
msgstr "开始不晚于"

msgid "Start Building"
msgstr "开始创建"

msgid "Start Career Step"
msgstr "开始事业阶段"

msgid "Start Date"
msgstr "开始日期"

msgid "Start Hosting Subscription"
msgstr "开始托管订阅:"

msgid "Start Periods ?"
msgstr "开启期间?"

msgid "Start Project"
msgstr "开启项目"

msgid "Start Task"
msgstr "开启任务"

msgid "Start date is after stop date."
msgstr "开始日期晚于停止日期"

msgid "Start the created periods"
msgstr "开启已创建期间"

msgid "Start to Work on It"
msgstr "开始对其操作"

msgid "Start using your new ERP5 system"
msgstr "开始使用您新的ERP5系统"

msgid "Started"
msgstr "已开启"

msgid "Started Project"
msgstr "已开启项目"

msgid "State"
msgstr "状态"

msgid "State Variable Name"
msgstr "状态变量名称"

msgid "State of a career which has been closed"
msgstr "一段被终止的事业的状态"

msgid "State of a document that has been cancelled"
msgstr "被取消的文件状态"

msgid "State of a document that has been invalidated in ERP5"
msgstr "ERP5中被废止的文件的状态"

msgid "State of a document that has been planned in ERP5"
msgstr "ERP5中已计划的文件"

msgid "State of a document that has been validated in ERP5"
msgstr "经验证的ERP5文件的状态"

msgid "State of a preference that is enabled for a complete site"
msgstr "启用于整个站点的偏好设置的状态"

msgid "State of the document when converted to an open document"
msgstr "已转换成开放文件的文件状态"

msgid "State of the preference when not used"
msgstr "不使用的偏好设置的状态"

msgid "States"
msgstr "状态"

msgid "Status"
msgstr "状态"

msgid "Stock"
msgstr "库存"

msgid "Stock Report"
msgstr "存货报表"

msgid "Stock per Variation"
msgstr "单项变量库存"

msgid "Stop"
msgstr "停止"

msgid "Stop Accounting Period"
msgstr "停止交易期间"

msgid "Stop After"
msgstr "结束不早于"

msgid "Stop Assignment"
msgstr "停止任务指派"

msgid "Stop Before"
msgstr "结束不晚于"

msgid "Stop Career Step"
msgstr "停止事业阶段"

msgid "Stop Date"
msgstr "停止日期"

msgid "Stop Hosting Subscription"
msgstr "停止托管订阅:"

msgid "Stop Hosting Subscription:"
msgstr "停止托管订阅:"

msgid "Stop Project"
msgstr "停止项目"

msgid "Stopped"
msgstr "已停止"

msgid "Stopped Project"
msgstr "已停止项目"

msgid "Stopped is a state of a document for which the treatment has been stopped in ERP5"
msgstr "ERP5中处理程序已被停止的文件状态"

msgid "Street Address"
msgstr "街道地址"

msgid "String Fields Width"
msgstr "字符串字段宽度"

msgid "StringField with custom ExternalValidator which is able to tell if user input is valid against TALES Compiler."
msgstr "配有自定义外部验证器的字符串字段,它能够判断相对于TALES编译器的用户输入是否有效。"

msgid "Sub-Requirement Count"
msgstr "子要求数量"

msgid "Subcategories"
msgstr "子类别"

msgid "Subdivision of a product that helps define variations of this product based on different axis such as colour or size for instance. Each variation can have its own price."
msgstr "产品文件的子文件可以根据不同的坐标例如颜色和尺寸,来定义不同的产品变量.每个变量可以设置各自的价格"

msgid "Subject"
msgstr "主题"

msgid "Submit"
msgstr "提交"

msgid "Submit Document for Review"
msgstr "递交文件以供审阅"

msgid "Submit for Review"
msgstr "递交审阅"

msgid "Submits a document for review by setting validation_state to submitted."
msgstr "将验证状态设为“已提交”从而使文件接受审阅"

msgid "Submitted"
msgstr "已递交"

msgid "Submitted Sale Opportunities to Validate"
msgstr "待验证的已递交销售机会"

msgid "Submitted Support Requests"
msgstr "递交支持请求"

msgid "Subscribe"
msgstr "注册"

msgid "Subscription"
msgstr "订阅"

msgid "Subscriptions"
msgstr "订阅"

msgid "Success..."
msgstr "成功..."

msgid "Successor"
msgstr "后项"

msgid "Suffix"
msgstr "后缀"

msgid "Summary"
msgstr "概要"

msgid "Supervisor"
msgstr "负责人"

msgid "Supplied Softwares"
msgstr "提供的软件"

msgid "Supplier"
msgstr "发票开票人"

msgid "Supplier Account"
msgstr "供应商账户"

msgid "Supplier Administrator"
msgstr "供应商行政文书"

msgid "Supplier Bank Account"
msgstr "供应商银行账户"

msgid "Supplier Project"
msgstr "供应方项目"

msgid "Supplier Reference"
msgstr "供应商编号"

msgid "Supplier Transaction Reference"
msgstr "供应商交易编号"

msgid "Suppliers Roles"
msgstr "供应商角色"

msgid "Supply"
msgstr "供应"

msgid "Supply Line"
msgstr "供应条件明细"

msgid "Support Request"
msgstr "客户支持请求"

msgid "Support Request Detailed Report"
msgstr "客户支持请求详细报表"

msgid "Support Request Module"
msgstr "客户支持请求模块"

msgid "Support Request Status"
msgstr "客户支持请求状态"

msgid "Support Request Type"
msgstr "支持请求类型"

msgid "Support Request Types"
msgstr "支持请求类型"

msgid "Support Request Uses"
msgstr "客户支持请求用途"

msgid "Support Requests"
msgstr "客户支持请求"

msgid "Support Requests to Close"
msgstr "待终止支持请求"

msgid "Surcharge Ratio"
msgstr "附加费率"

msgid "Suspend Project"
msgstr "暂停项目"

msgid "Suspend Ticket"
msgstr "暂停工单"

msgid "Suspended"
msgstr "已暂停"

msgid "Suspended Campaigns"
msgstr "已暂停活动"

msgid "Suspended Project"
msgstr "已暂停项目"

msgid "System Preference"
msgstr "系统偏好设置"

msgid "Target Computer Reference"
msgstr "目标计算机编号"

msgid "Target Computer Title"
msgstr "目标计算机标题"

msgid "Target Conversion Format"
msgstr "目标转化格式"

msgid "Target Product"
msgstr "目标产品"

msgid "Task"
msgstr "任务"

msgid "Task Constraints"
msgstr "任务约束"

msgid "Task Fast Input Dialog"
msgstr "任务快速输入对话框"

msgid "Task Items"
msgstr "任务项目"

msgid "Task Line"
msgstr "任务明细"

msgid "Task Line Title"
msgstr "任务明细名称"

msgid "Task Lines"
msgstr "任务明细"

msgid "Task Module"
msgstr "任务模块"

msgid "Task Report"
msgstr "任务报告"

msgid "Task Report Line"
msgstr "任务报告明细"

msgid "Task Report Lines"
msgstr "任务报告明细"

msgid "Task Report Module"
msgstr "任务报告模块"

msgid "Task Report State"
msgstr "任务报告状态"

msgid "Task Report Workflow"
msgstr "任务报告流程"

msgid "Task Reports"
msgstr "任务报告"

msgid "Task Reports to Close"
msgstr "待终止任务报告"

msgid "Task Reports to Finish"
msgstr "待完成任务报告"

msgid "Task Reports to Follow"
msgstr "待跟进任务报告"

msgid "Task Reports to Start"
msgstr "待开启任务报告"

msgid "Task Reports to Validate"
msgstr "待验证任务报告"

msgid "Task Title"
msgstr "任务名称"

msgid "Task Workflow"
msgstr "任务流程"

msgid "Tasks"
msgstr "任务"

msgid "Tasks Reports"
msgstr "任务报告"

msgid "Tasks Summary"
msgstr "任务概要"

msgid "Tasks can not be created, start date is empty."
msgstr "不可创建任务,因开始日期空白。"

msgid "Tasks to Confirm"
msgstr "待确定任务"

msgid "Tasks to Order"
msgstr "待订购任务"

msgid "Tasks to Validate"
msgstr "待验证任务"

msgid "Tax"
msgstr "税收"

msgid "Tax Code"
msgstr "税务代码"

msgid "Tax Line"
msgstr "税收明细"

msgid "Tax Model Line"
msgstr "税收模式明细"

msgid "Tax Model Lines"
msgstr "税收模式明细"

msgid "Tax Price"
msgstr "税"

msgid "Tax Rule"
msgstr "税收规则"

msgid "Tax Uses"
msgstr "税收用途"

msgid "Tax lines can be included in sale or purchase orders in order to define the tax rate that will be applied to taxable products and services of the order."
msgstr "税收明细可以包含在销售或采购订单中,以定义将被应用到该订单的应税产品和服务的税率。"

msgid "Tax model lines are the equivalent of tax lines, only they are used in purchase and trade conditions instead of purchase and trade orders."
msgstr "税收模式明细等同于税收明细,只是前者用于采购和销售贸易条款,后者则用于采购和销售订单。"

msgid "Taxes paid by the employee"
msgstr "由员工支付的税收"

msgid "Taxes paid by the employer"
msgstr "有雇主支付的税收"

msgid "Tel"
msgstr "电话号码"

msgid "Telephone"
msgstr "电话号码"

msgid "Telephone Number"
msgstr "联系电话"

msgid "Tell when we need to notify users of alarm's result"
msgstr "说明何时需要通知用户警报结果"

msgid "Tells who requested the ticket"
msgstr "一个工单的申请人"

msgid "Template Tool"
msgstr "模板工具"

msgid "Temporarily Stop Accounting Period"
msgstr "暂停交易期间"

msgid "Temporarily Stopped"
msgstr "已暂停"

msgid "Temporary Closed"
msgstr "暂时终止"

msgid "Temporary close"
msgstr "临时关闭"

msgid "Temporary closed"
msgstr "已临时关闭"

msgid "Term (days)"
msgstr "期限(天)"

msgid "Terminate the Current Career Step"
msgstr "终止当前事业阶段"

msgid "Terminated"
msgstr "已终止"

msgid "Terms of Service"
msgstr "服务条款"

msgid "Test Component"
msgstr "测试部件"

msgid "Test Method ID"
msgstr "测试方式ID"

msgid "Text"
msgstr "文本"

msgid "Text Editor"
msgstr "文本编辑器"

msgid "Text Format"
msgstr "文本格式"

msgid "Text area field"
msgstr "文本区"

msgid "TextArea Field Height"
msgstr "文本区字段高度"

msgid "TextArea Field Width"
msgstr "文本区字段宽度"

msgid "Thank You"
msgstr "谢谢您"

msgid "The Accounting Period is closed. It is no longer possible to add accounting transactions in this period. A balance transaction has been created."
msgstr "当一个交易期间终止时,就无法再该期间写入交易,同时结余处理将被建立。"

msgid "The Accounting Period is open. It is therefore possible to post accounting."
msgstr "会计期间已开启,可以在此期间提交会计信息。"

msgid "The Accounting Period is temporary closed, but can be opened back. In this state it is not possible to post transactions during this period."
msgstr "一个会计期间被临时关闭,但可以被再次开启。在这个状态的会计期间内无法提交交易信息。"

msgid "The Accounting Period will be temporary closed, but can be reopened. In this state it is not possible to post transactions during this period."
msgstr "该指令将临时关闭一个会计期间,但它可以被再次开启。在这个状态的会计期间内无法提交交易信息。"

msgid "The Closed State notifies that either the accounting period, the account or the transaction has been closed, and cannot be modified anymore."
msgstr "已终止状态表示无论是会计期间,会计账户或交易已经终止,不能再修改。"

msgid "The Date"
msgstr "日期"

msgid "The Default Quantity."
msgstr "默认数量"

msgid "The EAN-13 code of this document"
msgstr "该文件的EAN-13位代码"

msgid "The End date of an operation"
msgstr "操作程序停止的日期"

msgid "The ID of a form which can be used to configure layout preferences."
msgstr "用于配置版面布局偏好的表格ID"

msgid "The ID of the configuration form."
msgstr "配置表格的ID"

msgid "The Id of the callable ERP5 form used to edit gadget preferences"
msgstr "用于编辑配件偏好设置的可调用ERP5表ID"

msgid "The Id of the callable ERP5 form used to view gadget"
msgstr "用于查看配件的可调用ERP5表ID"

msgid "The Invoice Reference"
msgstr "发票编号"

msgid "The Location where the project is handled, most of the time the name of an organisation."
msgstr "项目进行的地点,多数时候是指公司或组织的名称"

msgid "The Order which generated this Packing List."
msgstr "生成该装箱单的订单"

msgid "The Payment Mode used."
msgstr "使用的支付方式"

msgid "The Sale Opportunity has expired."
msgstr "销售机会已过期"

msgid "The Share Alive workflow method sets the document validation state to shared_alive and archives any previously shared document with same version and same language."
msgstr "“共享(可修改)流程”法将文件的验证状态设为“已共享(可修改)”,并将之前版本以相同代码和语言存档"

msgid "The Share workflow method sets the document validation state to shared and archive any previous shared document with same reference and same language."
msgstr "“共享流程”法将文件的验证状态设为“已共享”,并将之前版本以相同编号和语言存档"

msgid "The Social Security Identification Number of the organisation"
msgstr "公司社会保险识别码"

msgid "The Social Security Identification Number of the organisation."
msgstr "该组织的社会保险识别码"

msgid "The Social Security Identification Number of the person"
msgstr "个人社会保险识别码"

msgid "The Social Security Identification Number of the person."
msgstr "该人的社会保险识别码"

msgid "The Status"
msgstr "状态"

msgid "The Transformation Version"
msgstr "转换版本"

msgid "The Version of the Business Template"
msgstr "业务模板的版本"

msgid "The Version of the Rule"
msgstr "规则的版本"

msgid "The absolute date at which payment is expected to be made."
msgstr "确定的付款日期"

msgid "The absolute references of the document (our reference)"
msgstr "该文件的独有编号"

msgid "The account is open and can be used to input transactions."
msgstr "账户已开启,并可以用来录入交易"

msgid "The accountable project on the client side."
msgstr "客户方面问责的项目"

msgid "The accountable project on the requester side."
msgstr "提请人方面问责的项目"

msgid "The accountable project on the supplier side."
msgstr "供应商方面问责的项目"

msgid "The acknowledge workflow method is the last logical transition for incoming events. It sets the state to acknowledged."
msgstr "“受理流程”法是接收事件的最后一项逻辑过渡指令,将事件的状态设置为“已受理”"

msgid ""
"The activity code of the organisation.\n"
"This code is specific to the local legislation. For instance, in France this is called \"Code APE\""
msgstr ""
"这个代码由地方立法特定。例如,在法国称为“Code APE”"

msgid "The activity of the person."
msgstr "该人从事的行业"

msgid "The agents."
msgstr "该人员"

msgid "The amount limit an agent is allowed to debit on a bank account"
msgstr "代理可以向一个银行帐户借贷的限制数量"

msgid "The assign logical transition sets the workflow state to assigned."
msgstr "该逻辑过渡指令将流程状态设置为已分配指派"

msgid "The bank organisation which delivered the credit card"
msgstr "开出信用卡的银行"

msgid "The base categories to browse"
msgstr "用于浏览的基本类别"

msgid "The base categories to test"
msgstr "用于测试的基本类别"

msgid "The base categories which allow multiple values and required AND test"
msgstr "允许多个值并要求AND测试的基本类别"

msgid "The birth name, or maiden name of the person."
msgstr "出生时的名字,或该人的娘家姓"

msgid "The branch number is a 6 digit number as part of a bank account number that indicates the bank and the branch where the account is held."
msgstr "支行代码是银行账户号码中的一部分,为6位数字,指示持有该帐户的银行及其分行"

msgid "The city."
msgstr "市县名"

msgid "The content of the document considered as a text string"
msgstr "文件的内容视为文本字符串"

msgid "The corporate registration code of this organisation"
msgstr "组织机构的注册代码"

msgid "The currency that is used for the accounting transaction."
msgstr "该会计交易使用的货币"

msgid "The currency that will be used for this company accounting."
msgstr "该公司会计使用的货币"

msgid "The current editing state of the document"
msgstr "文件当前编辑状态"

msgid "The current state of the document."
msgstr "该文件的当前状态"

msgid "The date at which an operation starts in ERP5"
msgstr "ERP5中一项操作开始的日期"

msgid "The date at which products were shipped or the date at which a service started."
msgstr "货物运出或服务开始的日期"

msgid "The date at which shipped products were delivered or the date at which a service was completed."
msgstr "货物交付或服务实现的日期"

msgid "The date at which the agent has no right anymore on the bank account"
msgstr "代理人无权再对银行帐户进行操作的日期"

msgid "The date at which the event was created"
msgstr "事件创建的日期"

msgid "The date at which the ticket is supposed to stop."
msgstr "工单预计结束的日期"

msgid "The date at which the ticket was created."
msgstr "一项工单开始的日期"

msgid "The date from which the offer is valid."
msgstr "订单生效的日期"

msgid "The date of birth for the person."
msgstr "该人的出生日期"

msgid "The date of the inventory."
msgstr "产品入库的日期"

msgid "The date the organisation was registered."
msgstr "公司注册日期"

msgid "The date when a document is published."
msgstr "一个文件发布的日期"

msgid "The date when the document expires."
msgstr "文件失效的日期"

msgid "The date when the document starts being valid."
msgstr "文件开始生效的日期"

msgid "The default contained object id to look up"
msgstr "用于查找的默认包含对象ID"

msgid "The default height of text area fields"
msgstr "默认的文本区字段高度"

msgid "The default price"
msgstr "默认价格"

msgid "The default price for the task"
msgstr "一项任务的默认价格"

msgid "The default price for the task."
msgstr "该任务的默认价格"

msgid "The default width of text area fields"
msgstr "默认的文本区字段宽度"

msgid "The document is private and can be seen only by its owner."
msgstr "私人文件只有文件所有人可见"

msgid "The entity that emits the invoice."
msgstr "开发票的单位"

msgid "The first name of the person."
msgstr "该人的名字"

msgid "The format in which the document should be converted"
msgstr "一个文件应被转换的格式"

msgid "The function assigned to the person."
msgstr "该人的职能"

msgid "The function of the organisation."
msgstr "该组织的职能"

msgid "The geographic incorporate code of this organisation, sometimes derivated from corporate code"
msgstr "该组织的地理代码,有时来自公司的注册代码"

msgid "The grade of the person."
msgstr "该人的职称评定"

msgid "The group which the organisation is member of."
msgstr "该组织所属的集团"

msgid "The heigh in pixel of extra-small image"
msgstr "超小图像高度(像素)"

msgid "The heigh in pixel of thumbnail image."
msgstr "缩略图图像高度(像素)"

msgid "The height in pixel of extra-large image"
msgstr "超大图像高度(像素)"

msgid "The height in pixel of small image"
msgstr "小图像高度(像素)"

msgid "The inventory module helps the user make a full inventory of the available products in the different warehouses of the company. There will be an inventory line for each product reference that is part of the inventory."
msgstr "库存模块可以帮助用户作出公司不同仓库可用产品的完整库存清单。库存文件中,每个编号产品都将有一个库存明细来收集其信息。"

msgid "The invoice date for the client in the case of a Purchase Invoice Transaction"
msgstr "采购发票交易情况下给客户的发票日期"

msgid "The invoice date for the supplier."
msgstr "供应商的发票日期"

msgid "The invoiced person or organisation"
msgstr "发票开给的人或组织"

msgid "The invoiced person or organisation."
msgstr "发票对象:人或组织"

msgid "The invoicing person or organisation."
msgstr "开出发票的人"

msgid "The last name of the person."
msgstr "该人的姓"

msgid "The list of project lines that need to be fulfilled before this one is treated"
msgstr "需要在开始处理该项目前完成的项目明细列表"

msgid "The list of skills for the person."
msgstr "该人的技能列表"

msgid "The list of skills for this company."
msgstr "该公司拥有的技能列表"

msgid "The list of tasks that need to be fulfilled before this one is treated."
msgstr "应该在该任务开始前完成的任务列表"

msgid "The list of the resources involved in the project. Most of the time, it is a supplier's worker."
msgstr "参与该项目的资源。通常指的是供应商的员工。"

msgid "The list of the resources involved in the project. Most of the time, it's a supplier's worker"
msgstr "项目所包含的人力物力资源。通常是指供应商的员工"

msgid "The location of the person or organization for which the services are being provided."
msgstr "接受服务的人或组织的所在地"

msgid "The logistic company in charge of delivering goods at the destination warehouse."
msgstr "负责将货物运至终点处仓库的物流公司"

msgid "The logistic company in charge of taking goods at the source warehouse."
msgstr "负责从货物来源处仓库运出货物的物流公司"

msgid "The marital status of the person."
msgstr "该人的婚姻状况"

msgid "The maximal delay of a resource."
msgstr "一项资源的最多延迟时间"

msgid "The maximal delay time of a movement process."
msgstr "一个运动过程的最多延迟时间。"

msgid "The maximal quantity to use on a movement."
msgstr "使用一个运动过程的最大数量"

msgid "The maximal stock quantity of a resource."
msgstr "一项资源的最大库存数量"

msgid "The method used to check things"
msgstr "用于检查事项的方法"

msgid "The method used to know if there is a problem or not reported by the alarm"
msgstr "用于检测是否存在问题或警报未进行报告的方法"

msgid "The method used to solve the problem detected by the alarm if any"
msgstr "用于解决由警报发现的问题的方法"

msgid "The middle name of the person."
msgstr "该人的中间名"

msgid "The minimal delay of a resource."
msgstr "一项资源的最少延迟时间"

msgid "The minimal delay time of a movement process."
msgstr "一个运动过程的最少延迟时间。"

msgid "The minimal quantity to use on a movement."
msgstr "使用一个运动过程的最小数量"

msgid "The minimal stock quantity of a resource."
msgstr "一项资源的最低库存数量"

msgid "The name of a document in ERP5"
msgstr "ERP5文件的标题"

msgid "The name of a skin selection to be used for rendering a web site"
msgstr "皮肤选项,用于呈现一个网站"

msgid "The name of the Account"
msgstr "该会计科目的名称"

msgid "The name of the business template, must not change between revision as this is the property used to retrieve old one when upgrading"
msgstr "业务模板的名称,不可根据校订而改变,因为这是升级时用来检索旧版本的属性"

msgid "The name of the project."
msgstr "该项目名称"

msgid "The name of the task."
msgstr "该任务的名称"

msgid "The next date at which alarm will be executed"
msgstr "警报下一个执行日期"

msgid "The number of children this person have."
msgstr "该人子女的数量"

msgid "The number of digit after the comma for the given currency, for example 2 means we can have cents (0,00)"
msgstr "给定货币数字各位后的数位,例如2表示有百分位(0.00)"

msgid "The number of partner for the person."
msgstr "一个人的配偶数目"

msgid "The number of partners for the person."
msgstr "该人配偶的数量"

msgid "The official name of this organisation"
msgstr "组织机构的正式名称"

msgid "The organisation code for Value Added Tax."
msgstr "该组织的增值税代码"

msgid "The organisation for which the currency exchange line is applied for."
msgstr "货币兑换字段对应的兑换行"

msgid "The organisation for which the person works."
msgstr "该人工作的组织"

msgid "The organisation or person in charge of paying for the client."
msgstr "负责客户的付款事宜的人或组织"

msgid "The organisation or person in charge of receiving the payment for the supplier."
msgstr "负责供应商的收款事宜的人或组织"

msgid "The organisation or person who is delivered goods or services in this operation"
msgstr "一项运营中货物或服务的接收人或组织"

msgid "The organisation or person who sends merchandise or provides service."
msgstr "发送货物或提供服务的人或组织"

msgid "The organisation or person who sends merchandise or provides the service."
msgstr "发送商品或提供服务的人或组织"

msgid "The organisation where the person is affected."
msgstr "影响人事的组织"

msgid "The organisation's activity."
msgstr "该组织的行业"

msgid "The original filename of the document"
msgstr "文件的最初名字"

msgid "The party involved in making the payment for the task"
msgstr "为任务进行付款事宜的人或组织"

msgid "The password of the user.Leaving this password empty will not modify existing password."
msgstr "用户使用的密码。该栏留白将不会改变现有密码。"

msgid "The person in charge of making all decision for this requirement."
msgstr "负责对提出的要求进行决策的人"

msgid "The person in charge of taking the decision to make the request."
msgstr "负责进行指派决策的人"

msgid "The person or organisation in charge of handling all administrative paperwork for the supplier."
msgstr "负责供应商所有行政文书事宜的人或组织"

msgid "The person or organisation in charge of handling the sales process or of taking the sales decision."
msgstr "负责处理销售程序或进行销售决策的人或组织"

msgid "The person or organisation in charge of selecting the supplier or taking the decision to place the order."
msgstr "负责选择供货方,或决定下定单的人或组织"

msgid "The person or organisation in charge of sending the invoice or handling administrative paperwork for the supplier."
msgstr "负责为供应商发送发票以及处理行政文书工作的人或组织"

msgid "The person or organisation in charge of taking the decision to make the request."
msgstr "负责指派该项任务的人或组织"

msgid "The person or organisation which the invoice should be sent to and who is in charge of handling administrative paperwork for the client."
msgstr "发票应发给的人或组织,以及负责为客户处理行政文书工作的人。"

msgid "The person or organisation who is responsible of handling all administrative paperwork for the client"
msgstr "负责客户所有行政文书事宜的人或组织"

msgid "The person or organisation who is responsible of handling all administrative paperwork for the client."
msgstr "负责客户所有行政文书事宜的人或组织"

msgid "The person who is handling the ticket."
msgstr "运行工单的管理人"

msgid "The person's gender."
msgstr "该人的性别"

msgid "The person's nationality."
msgstr "该人的国籍"

msgid "The phone number"
msgstr "电话号码"

msgid "The postal code"
msgstr "邮政编码"

msgid "The preferred date order in which datetime field will be displayed (dd/mm/yyyy, yyyy/mm/dd, ...)"
msgstr "日期字段中偏好的数目显示顺序(日/月/年,年/月/日,...)"

msgid ""
"The prefix for the person's full name.\n"
"Usually something like Dr. or Mr."
msgstr "完整人名的之前的头衔,例如Dr. 或 Mr."

msgid "The printing format of the invoice."
msgstr "发票的打印格式"

msgid "The priority of the preference : in ascending order : user, site, global"
msgstr "偏好设置的优先级, 按升序排列:用户,地点,全球"

msgid "The product or service which is traded"
msgstr "贸易中的产品或服务"

msgid "The project for the assignment."
msgstr "一个将被分配的项目"

msgid "The project has been started"
msgstr "项目已开始"

msgid "The project has been stopped"
msgstr "已被停止的项目"

msgid "The project in which the client is involved in"
msgstr "客户参与的项目"

msgid "The project in which the client is involved in."
msgstr "客户参与的项目"

msgid "The project to which this transaction is related to on the client side."
msgstr "客户方面和该交易相关的项目"

msgid "The project to which this transaction is related to on the supplier side."
msgstr "供应商方面和该交易相关的项目"

msgid "The properties to test identity or range on"
msgstr "测试身份或进行排列的属性"

msgid "The publish_alive workflow method sets the validation state of the document to published_alive and archives any other published version (alive or not) of the same document in the same language."
msgstr "“公布(可修改)流程”法将文件的验证状态设为“已公布(可修改)”,并将之前公布的版本(可修改与否)以相同代码和语言存"

msgid "The ratio used to surcharge the supply line price"
msgstr "附加价和供应明细价格的比率"

msgid ""
"The ration of resource that will at the end being transformed.\n"
"If efficiency is 90, it means we lost 10% in the transformation"
msgstr "最终将被转化的资源的比率。如果比率是90,这意味着转化中损失10%的资源。"

msgid "The receive logical transition sets the event state to received"
msgstr "该逻辑过渡指令将流程状态设置为已接收"

msgid "The reference of the client."
msgstr "客户编号"

msgid "The reference of the supplier."
msgstr "供应商编号"

msgid "The reference of transaction for the third party."
msgstr "第三方交易编号"

msgid "The references of the document for default destinations"
msgstr "默认为终点的文件编号"

msgid "The references of the document for default sources"
msgstr "默认为来源的文件编号"

msgid "The region."
msgstr "地区"

msgid "The registered capital of this organisation."
msgstr "该公司的注册资本"

msgid "The release_alive worklow method sets the document state to released_alive and archives all previously released documents with same reference in the same language."
msgstr "“发布流程”法将文件状态设为“已发布(可修改)”,并将之前版本以相同编号和语言存档"

msgid "The respond logical action sets the event state to responded."
msgstr "回复流程的指令,将事件的状态设置为“已回复”"

msgid "The role."
msgstr "该角色"

msgid "The roles of the organisation."
msgstr "该组织的角色"

msgid "The roles of the person in the organisation."
msgstr "该人在其工作的组织中的角色"

msgid "The section Organisation for documents."
msgstr "文件中的组织部分"

msgid "The section category for documents; usually something like group/nexedi."
msgstr "文件所属的部门类别,例如 group/nexedi"

msgid "The security checking key for this bank account. IBAN stands for International Bank Account Number"
msgstr "银行帐户的安全检查密钥。 IBAN代表“国际银行账户号码”"

msgid "The site where this organisation is located."
msgstr "该组织所在的地点"

msgid "The smallest transferrable amount expressed in the default unit"
msgstr "默认单位的最小转换金额"

msgid "The smallest unit of price."
msgstr "价格的最小数位"

msgid "The solved state is displayed whenever a divergent state has been corrected by a user of ERP5. A divergent state can strike a sales packing list for example, or an invoice, whenever the ordered and delivered quantities are different. Unless a user would take an action to solve this situation, the document could not be processed. When an action has been taken and the divergent state has been corrected, the document will display the Solved state, and users will be able to process it again."
msgstr "当一个文件“不匹配”的整合状态由ERP5用户纠正后,就会显示为“已解决”。一旦订购和交付的数量不同,不匹配状态就会阻碍相关文件的自动生成,例如销售装箱单或发票。除非用户采取措施解决这种情况,否则该文件就不能被处理。一但不匹配的情况被纠正后,该文件就将显示为“已解决”,从而使用户将能够再次处理它。"

msgid "The street address.This usually contains the street name, building number and apartment number (if any)."
msgstr "街道的地址,通常包含街道名称,门牌和房间号(如果存在)"

msgid "The submit logical transition sets the Ticket state to submitted."
msgstr "该逻辑过渡指令将票据状态设置为已提交"

msgid ""
"The suffix for the person full name.\n"
"Can be something like 'Jr.'"
msgstr "完整人名的后缀,例如 'Jr.'"

msgid "The supplier of the invoice"
msgstr "发票的供应方"

msgid ""
"The symbol used to represent the currency.\n"
"It is for example $, ¥, €, £..."
msgstr ""
"例如, $, ¥, €, £..."

msgid "The telephone area"
msgstr "电话号码的地区代号"

msgid "The telephone country code"
msgstr "电话号码的国家代码"

msgid "The telephone number suffix (extension)"
msgstr "分机号码"

msgid "The telephone region."
msgstr "电话号码的区号"

msgid "The term (days) allowed to the customer for the payment of the order"
msgstr "期限(天)为客户提供了订单的付款期限"

msgid "The text content of an answer to a query"
msgstr "答复一个质疑的文本内容"

msgid "The text editor used by default"
msgstr "默认的文本编辑器"

msgid "The text format used by default"
msgstr "默认的文本格式"

msgid "The ticket workflow keeps track of ticket processing. A ticket is created in draft state. It is then submitted by its author (Owner) or operator (Assignee) and waits for further approval. The ticket manager (Assignor) eventually approves the ticket. The ticket is then open. The ticket can be closed by the ticket manager or by the ticket operator."
msgstr "工单流程记录了工单操作流程。一个工单文件创建于草拟状态,然后由其创建人(所有人)或操作人(受指派人)递交,以等待进一步的批准。工单管理人(指派人)最终决定是否批准该工单。工单可以由工单管理人或操作人关闭。"

msgid "The title of the Invoice."
msgstr "发票名称"

msgid "The title of the accounting transaction."
msgstr "该会计交易的标题"

msgid "The title of the resource involved"
msgstr "相关资源的名称"

msgid "The unit price at which a product or service is traded. This price is a net price which has been applied all pricing conditions defined in supply documents."
msgstr "产品或服务买卖的单价。此价格是满足供货商文件中所有定价条件的净价。"

msgid "The unit price for the base product, not taking into account options or discounts."
msgstr "基本产品的单价,不考虑会计明细和产品折扣。"

msgid "The username this person will use to log in the system. The system will check that there isn't another user with the same username."
msgstr "用户通过用户名来登录系统。系统会检查没有其他用户使用相同的用户名。"

msgid "The usual name of the organisation."
msgstr "该组织的常用名"

msgid "The usual name of the person or the organisation."
msgstr "该人或组织的常用名字"

msgid "The usual name of the person."
msgstr "该人的常用名字"

msgid "The values above are the parameters of the transaction list displayed below.<br/>Those parameters have a portal wide scope and can be edited in the <a href='${url}'>preference screen</a>."
msgstr "上面的值是下面显示的交易事项列表的参数。这些参数有一个门户范围,并可以在偏好设置中进行编辑。"

msgid "The width in pixel of a thumbnail image"
msgstr "缩略图图像宽度(像素)"

msgid "The width in pixel of extra-large image"
msgstr "超大图像宽度(像素)"

msgid "The width in pixel of extra-small image"
msgstr "超小图像宽度(像素)"

msgid "The width in pixel of micro image."
msgstr "微型图像宽度(像素)"

msgid "The width in pixel of small image"
msgstr "小图像宽度(像素)"

msgid "The width of field that displays a quantity"
msgstr "显示数量的字段宽度"

msgid "The width of field that displays money amount"
msgstr "显示金额的字段宽度"

msgid "The width of field which displays strings"
msgstr "字符串字段的宽度"

msgid "Third Parties"
msgstr "第三方"

msgid "Third Party"
msgstr "第三方"

msgid "Third Party / Product"
msgstr "第三方 / 产品"

msgid "Third Party Account"
msgstr "第三方账户"

msgid "Third Party Reference"
msgstr "第三方编号"

msgid "Third Party/Product"
msgstr "第三方/产品"

msgid "Third party associated to the payment transaction"
msgstr "支付交易中第三方"

msgid "This Causality state appears when the goods shipped are different from the initial previsions. This means that the user must make a decision such as Adopt Prevision or Split and Defer the Sales Packing List. Before a divergent Document can be processed, it must be taken care of by a user in order to be set as convergent, using one of the actions explained above."
msgstr "当运送的货物和预期不同时,就会显示该因果整合状态。这意味着用户必须采取行动,如采纳预期设定或拆分和推迟预期的销售装箱单。在一个不匹配的文件被继续处理之前,用户必须采取上诉一项指令使其和预期文件趋同。"

msgid "This action invalidates a document in ERP5"
msgstr "这项指令使ERP5一个文件无效"

msgid "This action will post the transaction to the General Ledger. It can be journalised again thanks to the restart action"
msgstr "该项指令将一项交易记录提交至总帐。它可以通过“重启”指令回到“已入账”状态。"

msgid "This action will post the transaction to the General Ledger. It can be journalized again thanks to the restart action"
msgstr "该项操作将一项交易记录提交至总帐。它可以通过“重启”指令回到“已入账”状态。"

msgid "This computer already has one certificate, please revoke it before request a new one."
msgstr "该计算机已拥有一个证书,请在请求新的证书之前吊销已有证书。"

msgid "This computer already has one certificate, please revoke it before request a new one.."
msgstr "该计算机已拥有一个证书,请在请求新的证书之前吊销已有证书。"

msgid "This computer has no certificate to revoke."
msgstr "该计算机没有可吊销的证书。"

msgid "This dialog has already been submitted. Do you want to submit again ?"
msgstr "该请求已提交,确定重复提交该请求吗?"

msgid "This field contains layout of contained boxes. It should not (generally) be altered manually but by the system itself"
msgstr "该区域包含所含板块的版面布局。通常,除了系统自身,它不可被手动更改。"

msgid "This is a generic workflow which manages the causality state of a delivery."
msgstr "这是一个管理产品交付的因果整合状态的通用流程。"

msgid "This is the official code of the city in which the company has been registered. Those codes can be found on different websites, depending upon the country needed. In France for instance, it is available on the INSEE website. ("
msgstr "这是该公司注册地城市的官方代码。这些代码可以在不同的网站上找到,取决于具体国家。例如法国可在INSEE网站上查到。 ("

msgid "This line can be included in a Purchase or Sale Invoice transaction and bears  information about the product or service that is sold, such as the quantity and the price. This line will be displayed in the final printed invoice."
msgstr "发票明细可以用于采购或销售发票交易,包含所销售产品或服务的信息,例如数量和价格。该明细会在打印出的发票中显示。"

msgid "This line can define the value of a currency towards another currency"
msgstr "定义一种货币对另一种货币的币值"

msgid "This method is invoked each time a file is uploaded"
msgstr "用于上传文件的指令"

msgid "This movement will contribute to the selected bases."
msgstr "该项选择会影响所选基础"

msgid "This option helps define whether an account is normally Credit or Debit balanced. Any asset and expense account will have a normal debit balance, while any liability, equity, and revenue account will have a normal credit balance. Checking this box will define the account as being a Normal Credit Balance"
msgstr "该选项帮助定义一个账户通常是贷方余额账户还是借方余额账户。任何资产和费用帐户都会有一个普通贷方余额,而任何一个负债账户,权益账户或收入账户都会有一个普通借方余额。如果勾选该选项,该账户就会被定义为普通贷余额账户"

msgid "This page contains unsaved changes, do you really want to leave the page ?"
msgstr "此页面包含未保存的更改,您是否真的想离开页面?"

msgid "This person already has one certificate, please revoke it before request a new one."
msgstr "该用户已拥有一个证书,请在请求新的证书之前吊销已有证书。"

msgid "This person already has one certificate, please revoke it before request a new one.."
msgstr "该用户已拥有一个证书,请在请求新的证书之前吊销已有证书。"

msgid "This person already has one token, please revoke it before request a new one."
msgstr "该用户已拥有一个令牌,请在请求新的令牌之前吊销已有证书。"

msgid "This person has no certificate to revoke."
msgstr "该用户没有可吊销的证书。"

msgid "This state is shown when the goods that are shipped equal the previsions"
msgstr "该整合状态在交付货物的数量和预期的一致时显示"

msgid "This workflow controls who can set user ids and passwords."
msgstr "此流程控制谁可以设置用户ID和密码"

msgid "This workflow defines the different steps of an accounting transaction"
msgstr "该流程定义了会计交易的不同步骤"

msgid "This workflow defines validation steps of an account."
msgstr "该流程定义一个账户的验证程序"

msgid "This workflow method is called to convert a file to a certain format"
msgstr "该指令可将文件转化成一定的格式"

msgid "Those lines belong to Purchase Invoice Transactions and can be generated either when the related Purchase Packing List is delivered, or by the accountant manually. Those lines will generate the accounting transaction lines of the accounting transaction."
msgstr "这些明细属于采购发票交易,它们可以由已交付的采购装箱单自动生成,或由会计手动创建。这些明细将生成会计交易中的会计交易明细。"

msgid "Those lines belong to Sale Invoice Transactions and can be generated either when the related Sales Packing List is delivered, or by the accountant manually. Those lines will generate the accounting transaction lines of the accounting transaction."
msgstr "这些明细属于销售发票交易,它们可以由已交付的销售装箱单自动生成,或由会计手动创建。这些明细将生成会计交易中的会计交易明细。"

msgid "Thumbnail Image Height"
msgstr "缩略图图像高度"

msgid "Thumbnail Image Width"
msgstr "缩略图图像宽度"

msgid "Ticket"
msgstr "工单"

msgid "Ticket Preview"
msgstr "票据预览"

msgid "Ticket Type"
msgstr "工单类型"

msgid "Ticket Workflow"
msgstr "工单流程"

msgid "Ticket and events are cloned."
msgstr "工单和事件已复制"

msgid "Tickets"
msgstr "工单"

msgid "Tickets in this state are waiting for approval from the Ticket manager before being further processed."
msgstr "该状态下的工单正在等待工单管理人的批准,已进行进一步的处理"

msgid "Tickets in this state have been fully processed and no longer need further processing."
msgstr "该状态下的工单已经被完全处理,不需进一步的操作"

msgid "Tickets in this state require processing. They can be filled with events, and will remain open until their treatment is not entirely over."
msgstr "在此状态下的工单需要进行处理。可以添加事件,并保持打开状态直至该工单得到完全处理。"

msgid "Time"
msgstr "时间"

msgid "Timeout when connecting to the document conversion server (in seconds)"
msgstr "当连接文件转换服务器(以秒为单位)时的超时"

msgid "Timezone"
msgstr "时区"

msgid "Title"
msgstr "标题"

msgid "Title of the document which is at the origin of the event"
msgstr "一项事件文件的发起文件"

msgid "Title of the entity which is responsible for issuing the requirement."
msgstr "负责提出要求的单位名称"

msgid "Title of the entity which is responsible of accepting the ticket request"
msgstr "负责接受所要求工单的单位名称"

msgid "Title of the entity who has interest to have informations about the project."
msgstr "对该项目的信息感兴趣的单位名称"

msgid "Title of the entity who is responsible of supervising the project"
msgstr "负责监管项目的单位名称"

msgid "Title of the entity who is responsible of supervising the project."
msgstr "负责监督该项目运行的单位名称"

msgid "Title of the entity who is responsible of supervising the task."
msgstr "负责发出指令的单位"

msgid "Title of the gadget."
msgstr "该配件的标题"

msgid "Title of the party to which the task is paid to"
msgstr "项目的收款单位"

msgid "Title of the task which is at the origin of the task report."
msgstr "任务报告的任务来源"

msgid "To whom the task had been assigned."
msgstr "受指派完成该项任务的人"

msgid "Token"
msgstr "令牌"

msgid "Token is Requested."
msgstr "令牌已请求。"

msgid "Tools"
msgstr "工具"

msgid "Topic Keys"
msgstr "主题密钥"

msgid "Total"
msgstr "总和"

msgid "Total Excluding Tax"
msgstr "税前总计"

msgid "Total Excluding VAT"
msgstr "不含税总价"

msgid "Total Including Tax"
msgstr "含税总价"

msgid "Total Including VAT"
msgstr "含税总价"

msgid "Total Price"
msgstr "总价"

msgid "Total Quantity"
msgstr "总量"

msgid "Total With Discount"
msgstr "折后总价"

msgid "Trade"
msgstr "贸易"

msgid "Trade Condition"
msgstr "贸易条款"

msgid "Trade Condition Type"
msgstr "贸易条款类型"

msgid "Trade Date"
msgstr "交易日期"

msgid "Trade Model"
msgstr "贸易模式"

msgid "Trade Model Line"
msgstr "贸易模式明细"

msgid "Trade Model Lines"
msgstr "贸易模式明细"

msgid "Trade Model Path"
msgstr "贸易模式路径"

msgid "Trade Model Paths"
msgstr "贸易模式路径"

msgid "Trade Phase"
msgstr "贸易阶段"

msgid "Transaction Reference"
msgstr "交易编号"

msgid "Transaction Reference appears in Sale Invoice Transaction and Purchase Invoice Transaction, and is the Reference of the Transaction chosen by the accountant or the person in charge of accounting in ERP5. This is the equivalent of Payment Reference on a Payment Transaction."
msgstr "出现在采购和销售发票交易的交易编号, 是公司会计或是负责ERP5会计模块的人选择的代表支付交易的代码。它和支付交易中的支付编号等价"

msgid "Transaction Type"
msgstr "交易类型"

msgid "Transactions"
msgstr "交易事项"

msgid "Transactions Related To This Account"
msgstr "该账户相关交易"

msgid "Transactions Related To This Bank Account"
msgstr "该银行账户相关交易"

msgid "Transactions Related To This Entity"
msgstr "该单位相关交易"

msgid "Transactions Related to This Account"
msgstr "与该会计科目相关的交易事项"

msgid "Transactions Related to This Bank Account"
msgstr "该银行账户相关交易"

msgid "Transactions Related to This Entity"
msgstr "相关交易事项"

msgid "Transactions Related to this Bank Account"
msgstr "与该银行账户相关的交易"

msgid "Transactions to Reconcile"
msgstr "待核对交易"

msgid "Transfer"
msgstr "转移"

msgid "Transfer Computer"
msgstr "转移计算机"

msgid "Transfer Computer Network"
msgstr "转移计算机网络"

msgid "Transfer Service"
msgstr "转移服务"

msgid "Transformation"
msgstr "物料转化"

msgid "Transformation Module"
msgstr "转化模块"

msgid "Transformation Operation"
msgstr "转化运行"

msgid "Transformation Operation Cell"
msgstr "转化运行单元"

msgid "Transformation Optional Resource"
msgstr "转化可选资源"

msgid "Transformation Report"
msgstr "转化报告"

msgid "Transformation Template"
msgstr "转换模板"

msgid "Transformation Transformed Resource"
msgstr "转化的已转化资源"

msgid "Transformation Transformed Resource Cell"
msgstr "转化的已转化资源单元"

msgid "Transformations"
msgstr "物料转换"

msgid "Transformations to Validate"
msgstr "待验证转化"

msgid "Transformed Inventory Report"
msgstr "已转化物料库存报表"

msgid "Transitions"
msgstr "过渡流程"

msgid "Translation Requested"
msgstr "已要求翻译"

msgid "Translations"
msgstr "翻译"

msgid "Translations to Assign"
msgstr "待指派翻译"

msgid "Translations to Collate"
msgstr "待对照翻译"

msgid "Translations to Revise"
msgstr "待校对翻译"

msgid "Translator Mode"
msgstr "翻译模式"

msgid "Trial Balance"
msgstr "试算平衡表"

msgid "Type"
msgstr "类别"

msgid "Type of rendering"
msgstr "呈现类型"

msgid "Type or Title of the query posted by a user"
msgstr "用户提交的质疑文件的类型"

msgid "Uncheck All"
msgstr "全部反选"

msgid "Undo"
msgstr "还原"

msgid "Undo Reconciliation"
msgstr "取消核对交易"

msgid "Unit"
msgstr "单位"

msgid "Unit Base Price"
msgstr "基准单价"

msgid "Unit Conversions"
msgstr "单位换算"

msgid "Unit Price"
msgstr "单价"

msgid "Unit Test Classes"
msgstr "单元测试级别"

msgid "Unit Test SQL Connection String"
msgstr "单元测试SQL连接字符串"

msgid "Units"
msgstr "单位"

msgid "Unknown action to take:"
msgstr "采取未知操作:"

msgid "Unpublish"
msgstr "取消发布"

msgid "Unpublishes the document"
msgstr "取消一个文件的发布"

msgid "Update"
msgstr "更新"

msgid "Update Assignment"
msgstr "更新任务指派"

msgid "Update Fields"
msgstr "更新区域"

msgid "Update Frequency"
msgstr "更新频率"

msgid "Update Lines"
msgstr "更新明细"

msgid "Update Local Roles"
msgstr "更新本地角色"

msgid "Update On Every Transition"
msgstr "每项过渡流程的更新"

msgid "Update Quantity from Container"
msgstr "根据货柜文件更新数量"

msgid "Update Relation"
msgstr "更新关系"

msgid "Update Tools"
msgstr "升级工具"

msgid "Update Translation ?"
msgstr "更新翻译?"

msgid "Update Variations"
msgstr "更新变量"

msgid "Update Workflows"
msgstr "更新流程"

msgid "Update quantity"
msgstr "更新数量"

msgid "Update variations"
msgstr "更新变量"

msgid "Updated"
msgstr "已更新"

msgid "Updated Business Templates"
msgstr "更新业务模板"

msgid "Upgrade"
msgstr "升级"

msgid "Upgrade Decision :"
msgstr "升级决定:"

msgid "Upload"
msgstr "上传"

msgid "Upload Business Template"
msgstr "上传业务模板"

msgid "Upload Date"
msgstr "上传日期"

msgid "Upload File"
msgstr "上传文件"

msgid "Upload Image"
msgstr "上传图像"

msgid "Upload Module"
msgstr "上传模块"

msgid "Upload a file that will replace the current one."
msgstr "上传一个文件以取代现有文件"

msgid "Upload an image for the logo."
msgstr "上传商标图片"

msgid "Upload file"
msgstr "上传文件"

msgid "Upload the photo for this Business Configuration."
msgstr "为该业务配置上传图片"

msgid "Upload the photo for this Product."
msgstr "上传该产品的图片"

msgid "Upload the photo for this gadget."
msgstr "上传该配件图片"

msgid "Upload the photo for this person."
msgstr "将该人的照片上传"

msgid "Uploaded"
msgstr "已上传"

msgid "Url of the document"
msgstr "文件的Url"

msgid "Usage"
msgstr "用途"

msgid "Use"
msgstr "使用"

msgid "Use Current Selection"
msgstr "仅使用检索出的对象"

msgid "Use Loyalty Reward"
msgstr "会员积分返惠"

msgid "Use Project Line to build project architecture."
msgstr "运用项目明细来建立项目构架"

msgid "Use Project Milestone to define main steps of a project."
msgstr "运用项目里程碑来定义项目的不同步骤"

msgid "Use Project to define projects in consulting firm."
msgstr "咨询公司通常应用项目文件来定义各个项目"

msgid "Use Sale Order Milestone to define main steps of a sale order."
msgstr "使用销售订单里程碑来定义一个销售订单的主要步骤"

msgid "Use Task Line to detail the element of a Task. It is useful to create the complete hierarchy of a Project."
msgstr "任务明细用于说明每项任务的具体元素。可以用于创建项目的完整层次结构。"

msgid "Use Task Report Line to detail different steps of task operations."
msgstr "任务报告明细用于阐述任务操作的详细步骤"

msgid "Use Task to define tasks of a project."
msgstr "任务文件用于定义一个项目的各项任务"

msgid "Use the Post action to send a message, place a phone call or post a note."
msgstr "使用“提交”指令来发送信息,记录电话或提交记录"

msgid "Use this action to notify that a task has been validated and can be closed"
msgstr "该项指令表明任务已经被验证,可以将其终止"

msgid "Use this action to notify that task processing has begun"
msgstr "该指令表明任务的处理已开始"

msgid "Use this state to close the account. No transactions can be input on this account after closing."
msgstr "该状态下的账户不可再录入任何交易,因它已被终止"

msgid "Use values to filter list of resource for Campaigns"
msgstr "使用值来为活动过滤资源列表"

msgid "Use values to filter list of resource for Events"
msgstr "使用值来为事件过滤资源列表"

msgid "Use values to filter list of resource for Meetings"
msgstr "使用值来为会议过滤资源列表"

msgid "Use values to filter list of resource for Support Requests"
msgstr "使用值来为客户支持请求过滤资源列表"

msgid "Use values to filter list of resources for Sale Opportunities"
msgstr "使用值来为销售机会过滤资源列表"

msgid "User"
msgstr "用户"

msgid "User Account Workflow"
msgstr "用户账户流程"

msgid "User Login"
msgstr "用户登陆"

msgid "User Name"
msgstr "用户名"

msgid "User Password"
msgstr "用户密码"

msgid "User Preference Workflow"
msgstr "用户偏好设置流程"

msgid "Uses of base amounts for trade"
msgstr "基本数目在贸易中的用途"

msgid "Uses of movements for which the price will be a ratio applied to the base instead of an unit price"
msgstr "该运作的用途,价格将是被作为一个比率应用于基础,而非单位价格"

msgid "Uses of resources that are packing containers"
msgstr "装箱货柜的资源的用途"

msgid "Uses of resources that are purchased"
msgstr "被采购的资源的用途"

msgid "Uses of resources that are sold"
msgstr "被销售的资源的用途"

msgid "Uses of taxes"
msgstr "税收的用途"

msgid "Uses with Price as Ratio"
msgstr "价格为比率的用途"

msgid "Usual Name"
msgstr "常用名"

msgid "Usual name"
msgstr "常用名"

msgid "VAT Code"
msgstr "增值税编码"

msgid "Valid From"
msgstr "生效日期"

msgid "Valid Until"
msgstr "失效日期"

msgid "Validate"
msgstr "验证"

msgid "Validate Account"
msgstr "验证账户"

msgid "Validate Accounting Transaction"
msgstr "验证会计交易"

msgid "Validate Action"
msgstr "验证操作"

msgid "Validate Analysis"
msgstr "验证分析"

msgid "Validate Budget"
msgstr "验证预算"

msgid "Validate Installation"
msgstr "验证安装"

msgid "Validate Inventory"
msgstr "验证库存"

msgid "Validate Pricing"
msgstr "验证定价"

msgid "Validate Transaction"
msgstr "验证交易"

msgid "Validated"
msgstr "已验证"

msgid "Validated by Configurator"
msgstr "由配置器验证"

msgid "Validated by configurator"
msgstr "已由配置器验证"

msgid "Validates a document in ERP5"
msgstr "对ERP5文件的有效性进行验证"

msgid "Validation State"
msgstr "验证状态"

msgid "Validation Workflow"
msgstr "验证流程"

msgid "Validation helps confirming the entered data by relevant agents before it is shared."
msgstr "在共享之前验证由相关方面输入的数据"

msgid "Validity Beginning Date"
msgstr "有效期开始日"

msgid "Validity End Date"
msgstr "有效期终止日"

msgid "Validity Start Date"
msgstr "有效期开始日期"

msgid "Validity Stop Date"
msgstr "有效期停止日期"

msgid "Value"
msgstr "值"

msgid "Variable Additional Price"
msgstr "可调附加价"

msgid "Variables"
msgstr "变量"

msgid "Variation"
msgstr "变量"

msgid "Variation Axes"
msgstr "变量轴"

msgid "Vendor"
msgstr "卖方"

msgid "Vendor Transaction Reference"
msgstr "卖方交易编号"

msgid "Vendor of the transaction"
msgstr "交易中的卖方"

msgid "Vendor reference of the sale transaction"
msgstr "销售交易中的卖方编号"

msgid "Version"
msgstr "版本"

msgid "Version of the document"
msgstr "文件版本"

msgid "Version of the document. It increases each time major modifications are done"
msgstr "文件的版本,每当有重要改动时,文件的版本就会增加"

msgid "Version of the web page"
msgstr "该网络页面的版本"

msgid "View"
msgstr "概览"

msgid "View ${portal_type}"
msgstr "浏览 ${portal_type}"

msgid "View Accounting"
msgstr "浏览会计页面"

msgid "View Form ID"
msgstr "浏览表格ID"

msgid "View Planning Report"
msgstr "浏览计划报告"

msgid "View Related Documents"
msgstr "浏览相关文件"

msgid "View Source"
msgstr "浏览来源"

msgid "View Web Site"
msgstr "浏览网站"

msgid "View report"
msgstr "浏览报告"

msgid "Viewable"
msgstr "预览"

msgid "Views"
msgstr "概览"

msgid "Visible"
msgstr "可见"

msgid "Visit"
msgstr "访问"

msgid "Virtual Machines"
msgstr "虚拟机"

msgid "Volume (m&#179;)"
msgstr "体积(m&#179;)"

msgid "Warehouse"
msgstr "仓库"

msgid "Warning"
msgstr "警告"

msgid "Warnings"
msgstr "警告"

msgid "Web Message"
msgstr "网站信息"

msgid "Web Page"
msgstr "网页"

msgid "Web Pages"
msgstr "网页"

msgid "Web Section"
msgstr "网络版块"

msgid "Web Site"
msgstr "网站"

msgid "Web Site Module"
msgstr "网站模块"

msgid "Web Site Preference"
msgstr "网站偏好设置"

msgid "Web Site Preferences"
msgstr "网站偏好设置"

msgid "Web Sites"
msgstr "网站"

msgid "Web View"
msgstr "网页概览"

msgid "Week"
msgstr "周"

msgid "Weeks"
msgstr "周"

msgid "Weight (kg)"
msgstr "重量 (千克)"

msgid "What are you looking for?"
msgstr "您在寻找什么?"

msgid "When a user of ERP5 wants to materialize a purchase that has been done by his company, he or she should use a purchase order. Purchase orders contain some general information about the buyer and the seller, and contain purchase order lines."
msgstr "当ERP5用户想要实现一项其公司已经完成的采购,他就应该使用采购订单。采购订单包含了关于买方和卖方的基本信息,并包含采购订单明细。"

msgid "When a user of ERP5 wants to materialize a sale that has been done by his company, he or she should use a sale order. Sale orders contain some general information about the buyer and the seller, and contain sale order lines."
msgstr "当ERP5用户想要实现一项其公司已经完成的销售,他就应该使用销售订单。销售订单包含了关于买方和卖方的基本信息,并包含销售订单明细。"

msgid "When the employee is not present physically at work"
msgstr "雇员没有到岗的时数"

msgid "When the employee is present physically at work, and he is not in overtime"
msgstr "雇员正常在岗时数,不包含加班时数"

msgid "Widget Background"
msgstr "工具背景"

msgid "Widget Border Color"
msgstr "工具边框颜色"

msgid "Widget Legend Background"
msgstr "工具图例背景"

msgid "Widget Legend Color"
msgstr "工具图例颜色"

msgid "Width"
msgstr "宽度"

msgid "Width (m)"
msgstr "宽度 (米)"

msgid "Will set the sale opportunity state as sold. This means that the sale opportunity is successful and that the customer has accepted the offer that has been made to him/her"
msgstr "将销售机会的状态设置为“已销售”。标明销售机会成功,客户已经接受对其的发盘"

msgid "Will update the quantity of invoiced products depending upon the quantity of products that have been packed in the container."
msgstr "根据装箱的货物数量更新开出发票的货物数量"

msgid "Worflow that defines the edition of a document."
msgstr "定义如何编辑一个文件的流程"

msgid "Work Period Start"
msgstr "工作期间开始"

msgid "Work done in addition to regular working hours"
msgstr "在正常工作时数外进行工作"

msgid "Work period start must be defined"
msgstr "必须定义工作开始期间"

msgid "Workflow"
msgstr "流程"

msgid "Workflow Chains"
msgstr "流程链"

msgid "Workflow Report"
msgstr "流程报表"

msgid "Workflow of a user preference"
msgstr "用户偏好设置的流程"

msgid "Workflow that defines the steps of a career for a person"
msgstr "定义一个人的事业阶段的流程"

msgid "Workflow used to determine the status of assignments for a given person"
msgstr "确定指定人的指派状态的流程"

msgid "Workflow used to verify the consistency of packing list with the invoice."
msgstr "用于验证装箱单与相应发票一致性的流程"

msgid "Workflow-Transitions"
msgstr "流程-过渡流程"

msgid "Workflows"
msgstr "工作流程"

msgid "Worklist"
msgstr "工作列表"

msgid "Worklists"
msgstr "工作列表"

msgid "Xlarge Image Height"
msgstr "超大图像高度"

msgid "Xlarge Image Width"
msgstr "超大图像宽度"

msgid "Xsmall Image Height"
msgstr "超小图像高度"

msgid "Xsmall Image Width"
msgstr "超小图像宽度"

msgid "You are not allowed to access this content, please login with an user which has the right permission"
msgstr "您没有权限查看此内容,请以有权限的用户登录。"

msgid "You are offline."
msgstr "您已离线。"

msgid "You cannot delete this object because you have associated Computers and/or services."
msgstr "您不能删除该网络,因为您已将它关联至计算机和/或服务。"

msgid "You do not have the permissions to edit the object."
msgstr "您没有编辑该对象的权限。"

msgid "You sucessfully request destruction."
msgstr "您成功请求销毁。"

msgid "Your Account"
msgstr "您的登录账号"

msgid "Your Certificate"
msgstr "您的证书"

msgid "Your Close Message"
msgstr "您的终止信息"

msgid "Your Critical RSS Feed Link"
msgstr "您的重要订阅RSS源链接"

msgid "Your Email"
msgstr "您的电子邮件"

msgid "Your Friends email"
msgstr "您朋友的邮箱"

msgid "Your Invitation Link"
msgstr "您的邀请链接"

msgid "Your Item No."
msgstr "对方产品编号"

msgid "Your Message"
msgstr "您的消息"

msgid "Your RSS Feed Link"
msgstr "您的订阅消息RSS源链接"

msgid "Your RSS URL"
msgstr "您的订阅消息RSS地址"

msgid "Your Token"
msgstr "您的令牌"

msgid "Your name"
msgstr "姓名"

msgid "Your organisation"
msgstr "公司名称"

msgid "Zope Products"
msgstr "Zope产品"

msgid "Zope Roles"
msgstr "Zope角色"

msgid "a list of template names provided by this template"
msgstr "由该模板提供的模板名称列表"

msgid "a list of template names required by this template"
msgstr "该模板所需求的模板名称列表"

msgid "a string which can be used to sort objects in a list"
msgstr "可用于在一个列表中排序对象的字符串"

msgid "action called when editing a document"
msgstr "编辑文件时的指令"

msgid "an int which can be used to sort objects in a list"
msgstr "可用于在列表中的对象进行排序的整数"

msgid "another base category to get if everything else fails"
msgstr "当其他类别不成功时所获取的另一基本类别"

msgid "ascending"
msgstr "升序"

msgid "build"
msgstr "生成"

msgid "calcultes the state of container"
msgstr "计算货柜状态"

msgid "closed"
msgstr "已终止"

msgid "default state of the document in the converting process"
msgstr "格式转换过程中文件的默认状态"

msgid "defines state of a container"
msgstr "定义货柜的操作流程"

msgid "defines the base url where documentation will be reachable"
msgstr "定义了到达文档的基本URL"

msgid "defines which email address is used by default for ingestion"
msgstr "定义录入的默认邮箱地址"

msgid "descending"
msgstr "降序"

msgid "if checked, if will install all the missing tools in the site when installing the business template"
msgstr "如果勾选,在该站点安装该业务模板时就会安装所有缺失的工具"

msgid "install"
msgstr "安装"

msgid "instructions in order to explain how to use the resource"
msgstr "资源的使用说明"

msgid "loading"
msgstr "加载中"

msgid "marks the container as missing"
msgstr "申报货柜遗失"

msgid "marks the container as packed"
msgstr "标明货柜已装"

msgid "marks the document as it has been confirmed to the customer or it has been confirmed by the supplier"
msgstr "标明客户或供应商方面已经明确下了订单"

msgid "number of line displayed by a listbox when used in list mode (in a module for example)"
msgstr "列表页中显示的列表行数(例如在一个模块的列表页中)"

msgid "number of line displayed by a listbox when used in view mode (in a document for example)"
msgstr "浏览页中列表行数 (例如在一个文件的浏览页中)"

msgid "of"
msgstr "共"

msgid "planned"
msgstr "已计划"

msgid "portal type"
msgstr "门户类型"

msgid "project related to ticket"
msgstr "工单相关的项目"

msgid "requested"
msgstr "已要求"

msgid "sample of"
msgstr "样本"

msgid "serial number of the container"
msgstr "货柜编号"

msgid "started"
msgstr "已开启"

msgid "submit"
msgstr "提交"

msgid "tell for which protocol does the url hold"
msgstr "说明该url拥有的协议"

msgid "text"
msgstr "文本"

msgid "the deliver action will change the state of a document to delivered or posted, which are the final states of most documents in ERP5. Once a document is delivered or posted, it cannot be modified anymore. It can be used for example for sales packing lists or outgoing events."
msgstr "传递指令将文件的状态更改为已传递或已提交,这是ERP5大多文件的最后状态。一旦一个文件被传递或提交,它将不能再被修改。该指令可用于例如销售装箱单或发出事件。"

msgid "the employee number of a person"
msgstr "人事文件的员工编号"

msgid "the heigh in pixel of nano image"
msgstr "纳米图像高度(像素)"

msgid "the height in pixel for large image"
msgstr "大图像高度(像素)"

msgid "the height in pixel of medium image"
msgstr "中等图像高度(像素)"

msgid "the height in pixel of micro image"
msgstr "微型图像高度(像素)"

msgid "the method used to notify results."
msgstr "进行结果通知的方法"

msgid "the number of revision used by the business template. This number increases each time we commit a modification"
msgstr "修订数用于业务模板模块。每当提交一次文件修改,文件的修订数就会自动增加。"

msgid "the width in pixel for large image"
msgstr "大图像宽度(像素)"

msgid "the width in pixel of medium image"
msgstr "中等图像宽度(像素)"

msgid "the width in pixel of nano image"
msgstr "纳米图像宽度(像素)"

msgid "title"
msgstr "标题"

msgid "transacion to carry forward the balance in order to open a new accounting period"
msgstr "为开启一个新的会计期间而进行前期余额更新"

msgid "url value"
msgstr "url值"

msgid "will automatically detect when file is completely converted"
msgstr "当文件转换完成时会自动检测该文件"

msgid "will automatically detect when file is completely uploaded"
msgstr "当文件上传完成时会自动检测该文件"