Commit 070fd264 authored by Philippe Lafoucrière's avatar Philippe Lafoucrière

Add missing `performance` to changelog type doc

parent 31733b6f
......@@ -134,13 +134,13 @@ If you're working on the GitLab EE repository, the entry will be added to
### Arguments
| Argument | Shorthand | Purpose |
| ----------------- | --------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| ----------------- | --------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| [`--amend`] | | Amend the previous commit |
| [`--force`] | `-f` | Overwrite an existing entry |
| [`--merge-request`] | `-m` | Set merge request ID |
| [`--dry-run`] | `-n` | Don't actually write anything, just print |
| [`--git-username`] | `-u` | Use Git configuration as the author |
| [`--type`] | `-t` | The category of the change, valid options are: added, fixed, changed, deprecated, removed, security, other |
| [`--type`] | `-t` | The category of the change, valid options are: `added`, `fixed`, `changed`, `deprecated`, `removed`, `security`, `performance`, `other` |
| [`--help`] | `-h` | Print help message |
[`--amend`]: #-amend
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