* Our [upcoming cloud native Charts](#upcoming-cloud-native-helm-charts), which are in development but will eventually replace the current official charts.
*[Community contributed charts](#community-contributed-charts). These charts should be considered deprecated, in favor of the official charts.
*[Community contributed charts](#community-contributed-helm-charts). These charts should be considered deprecated, in favor of the official charts.
## Official GitLab Helm Charts (Recommended)
> Note: These charts will eventually be replaced by the [cloud native charts](https://gitlab.com/charts/helm.gitlab.io/), which are presently in development.
> *Note*: These charts will eventually be replaced by the [cloud native charts](#upcoming-cloud-native-helm-charts), which are presently in development.
The best way to deploy GitLab on Kubernetes is to use the [gitlab-omnibus](gitlab_omnibus.md) chart. It includes everything needed to run GitLab, including: a [Runner](https://docs.gitlab.com/runner/), [Container Registry](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/project/container_registry.html#gitlab-container-registry), [automatic SSL](https://github.com/kubernetes/charts/tree/master/stable/kube-lego), and an [Ingress](https://github.com/kubernetes/ingress/tree/master/controllers/nginx). This chart is in beta while [additional features](https://gitlab.com/charts/charts.gitlab.io/issues/68) are being completed.