Commit 355abf44 authored by Robert Speicher's avatar Robert Speicher Committed by Ruben Davila

Merge branch 'rs-ssh-key-title-populate' into 'master'

Restore SSH Key title auto-population behavior


See merge request !6186
parent bedae890
Please view this file on the master branch, on stable branches it's out of date. Please view this file on the master branch, on stable branches it's out of date.
v 8.12.0 (unreleased)
- Update the rouge gem to 2.0.6, which adds highlighting support for JSX, Prometheus, and others. !6251
- Only check :can_resolve permission if the note is resolvable
- Add ability to fork to a specific namespace using API. (ritave)
- Cleanup misalignments in Issue list view !6206
- Prune events older than 12 months. (ritave)
- Prepend blank line to `Closes` message on merge request linked to issue (lukehowell)
- Filter tags by name !6121
- Update gitlab shell secret file also when it is empty. !3774 (glensc)
- Give project selection dropdowns responsive width, make non-wrapping.
- Make push events have equal vertical spacing.
- Add two-factor recovery endpoint to internal API !5510
- Pass the "Remember me" value to the U2F authentication form
- Remove vendor prefixes for linear-gradient CSS (ClemMakesApps)
- Add font color contrast to external label in admin area (ClemMakesApps)
- Change logo animation to CSS (ClemMakesApps)
- Instructions for enabling Git packfile bitmaps !6104
- Use in the `GET /projects/search/:query` endpoint
- Fix pagination on user snippets page
- Fix sorting of issues in API
- Ensure specs on sorting of issues in API are deterministic on MySQL
- Escape search term before passing it to !6241 (winniehell)
- Fix pinned sidebar behavior in smaller viewports !6169
- Fix file permissions change when updating a file on the Gitlab UI !5979
- Change merge_error column from string to text type
- Reduce contributions calendar data payload (ClemMakesApps)
- Add `web_url` field to issue, merge request, and snippet API objects (Ben Boeckel)
- Enable pipeline events by default !6278
- Move parsing of sidekiq ps into helper !6245 (pascalbetz)
- Expose `sha` and `merge_commit_sha` in merge request API (Ben Boeckel)
- Set path for all JavaScript cookies to honor GitLab's subdirectory setting !5627 (Mike Greiling)
- Fix blame table layout width
- Fix bug where pagination is still displayed despite all todos marked as done (ClemMakesApps)
- Request only the LDAP attributes we need !6187
- Center build stage columns in pipeline overview (ClemMakesApps)
- Rename behaviour to behavior in bug issue template for consistency (ClemMakesApps)
- Remove suggested colors hover underline (ClemMakesApps)
- Shorten task status phrase (ClemMakesApps)
- Fix project visibility level fields on settings
- Add hover color to emoji icon (ClemMakesApps)
- Add textarea autoresize after comment (ClemMakesApps)
- Refresh todos count cache when an Issue/MR is deleted
- Fix branches page dropdown sort alignment (ClemMakesApps)
- Hides merge request button on branches page is user doesn't have permissions
- Add white background for no readme container (ClemMakesApps)
- API: Expose issue confidentiality flag. (Robert Schilling)
- Fix markdown anchor icon interaction (ClemMakesApps)
- Test migration paths from 8.5 until current release !4874
- Replace animateEmoji timeout with eventListener (ClemMakesApps)
- Optimistic locking for Issues and Merge Requests (title and description overriding prevention)
- Add `wiki_page_events` to project hook APIs (Ben Boeckel)
- Remove Gitorious import
- Fix inconsistent background color for filter input field (ClemMakesApps)
- Remove prefixes from transition CSS property (ClemMakesApps)
- Add Sentry logging to API calls
- Add BroadcastMessage API
- Use 'git update-ref' for safer web commits !6130
- Sort pipelines requested through the API
- Automatically expand hidden discussions when accessed by a permalink !5585 (Mike Greiling)
- Change pipeline duration to be jobs running time instead of simple wall time from start to end !6084
- Show queued time when showing a pipeline !6084
- Remove unused mixins (ClemMakesApps)
- Add search to all issue board lists
- Fix groups sort dropdown alignment (ClemMakesApps)
- Add horizontal scrolling to all sub-navs on mobile viewports (ClemMakesApps)
- Use JavaScript tooltips for mentions !5301 (winniehell)
- Add hover state to todos !5361 (winniehell)
- Fix icon alignment of star and fork buttons !5451 (winniehell)
- Fix alignment of icon buttons !5887 (winniehell)
- Fix markdown help references (ClemMakesApps)
- Add last commit time to repo view (ClemMakesApps)
- Fix accessibility and visibility of project list dropdown button !6140
- Fix missing flash messages on service edit page (airatshigapov)
- Added project specific enable/disable setting for LFS !5997
- Don't expose a user's token in the `/api/v3/user` API (!6047)
- Remove redundant js-timeago-pending from user activity log (ClemMakesApps)
- Ability to manage project issues, snippets, wiki, merge requests and builds access level
- Remove inconsistent font weight for sidebar's labels (ClemMakesApps)
- Align add button on repository view (ClemMakesApps)
- Fix contributions calendar month label truncation (ClemMakesApps)
- Import release note descriptions from GitHub (EspadaV8)
- Added tests for diff notes
- Add pipeline events to Slack integration !5525
- Add a button to download latest successful artifacts for branches and tags !5142
- Remove redundant pipeline tooltips (ClemMakesApps)
- Expire commit info views after one day, instead of two weeks, to allow for user email updates
- Add delimiter to project stars and forks count (ClemMakesApps)
- Fix badge count alignment (ClemMakesApps)
- Remove green outline from `New branch unavailable` button on issue page !5858 (winniehell)
- Fix repo title alignment (ClemMakesApps)
- Change update interval of contacted_at
- Fix branch title trailing space on hover (ClemMakesApps)
- Don't include 'Created By' tag line when importing from GitHub if there is a linked GitLab account (EspadaV8)
- Award emoji tooltips containing more than 10 usernames are now truncated !4780 (jlogandavison)
- Fix duplicate "me" in award emoji tooltip !5218 (jlogandavison)
- Order award emoji tooltips in order they were added (EspadaV8)
- Fix spacing and vertical alignment on build status icon on commits page (ClemMakesApps)
- Update with a simpler way to check out a merge request. !5944
- Fix button missing type (ClemMakesApps)
- Gitlab::Checks is now instrumented
- Move to project dropdown with infinite scroll for better performance
- Fix leaking of submit buttons outside the width of a main container !18731 (originally by @pavelloz)
- Load branches asynchronously in Cherry Pick and Revert dialogs.
- Convert datetime coffeescript spec to ES6 (ClemMakesApps)
- Add merge request versions !5467
- Change using size to use count and caching it for number of group members. !5935
- Replace play icon font with svg (ClemMakesApps)
- Added 'only_allow_merge_if_build_succeeds' project setting in the API. !5930 (Duck)
- Reduce number of database queries on builds tab
- Wrap text in commit message containers
- Capitalize mentioned issue timeline notes (ClemMakesApps)
- Fix inconsistent checkbox alignment (ClemMakesApps)
- Use the default branch for displaying the project icon instead of master !5792 (Hannes Rosenögger)
- Adds response mime type to transaction metric action when it's not HTML
- Fix hover leading space bug in pipeline graph !5980
- Avoid conflict with admin labels when importing GitHub labels
- User can edit closed MR with deleted fork (Katarzyna Kobierska Ula Budziszewska) !5496
- Fix repository page ui issues
- Avoid protected branches checks when verifying access without branch name
- Add information about user and manual build start to runner as variables !6201 (Sergey Gnuskov)
- Fixed invisible scroll controls on build page on iPhone
- Fix error on raw build trace download for old builds stored in database !4822
- Refactor the triggers page and documentation !6217
- Show values of CI trigger variables only when clicked (Katarzyna Kobierska Ula Budziszewska)
- Use default clone protocol on "check out, review, and merge locally" help page URL
- API for Ci Lint !5953 (Katarzyna Kobierska Urszula Budziszewska)
- Allow bulk update merge requests from merge requests index page
- Add notification_settings API calls !5632 (mahcsig)
- Remove duplication between project builds and admin builds view !5680 (Katarzyna Kobierska Ula Budziszewska)
- Deleting source project with existing fork link will close all related merge requests !6177 (Katarzyna Kobierska Ula Budziszeska)
v 8.11.6 (unreleased)
- Fix an error where we were unable to create a CommitStatus for running state
- Restore SSH Key title auto-population behavior. !6186
v 8.11.5 v 8.11.5
- Optimize branch lookups and force a repository reload for Repository#find_branch. !6087 - Optimize branch lookups and force a repository reload for Repository#find_branch. !6087
- Fix member expiration date picker after update. !6184 - Fix member expiration date picker after update. !6184
- page_title "SSH Keys" - page_title "SSH Keys"
= render 'profiles/head'
.row.prepend-top-default .row.prepend-top-default
.col-lg-3.profile-settings-sidebar .col-lg-3.profile-settings-sidebar
require 'rails_helper'
describe 'Profile > SSH Keys', feature: true do
let(:user) { create(:user) }
before do
visit profile_keys_path
describe 'User adds an SSH key' do
it 'auto-populates the title', js: true do
fill_in('Key', with: attributes_for(:key).fetch(:key))
expect(find_field('Title').value).to eq ''
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