Commit 3c9e556b authored by Douwe Maan's avatar Douwe Maan

Add more SyntaxHighlightFilter and MathFilter tests

parent 6089ece0
......@@ -3,9 +3,11 @@
(() => {
const gfmRules = {
// The filters referenced in lib/banzai/pipeline/gfm_pipeline.rb convert GitLab Flavored Markdown (GFM) to HTML.
// The filters referenced in lib/banzai/pipeline/gfm_pipeline.rb convert
// GitLab Flavored Markdown (GFM) to HTML.
// These handlers consequently convert that same HTML to GFM to be copied to the clipboard.
// Every filter in lib/banzai/pipeline/gfm_pipeline.rb that generates HTML from GFM should have a handler here, in reverse order.
// Every filter in lib/banzai/pipeline/gfm_pipeline.rb that generates HTML
// from GFM should have a handler here, in reverse order.
// The GFM-to-HTML-to-GFM cycle is tested in spec/features/copy_as_gfm_spec.rb.
InlineDiffFilter: {
'span.idiff.addition'(el, text) {
......@@ -113,7 +115,7 @@
return backticks + spaceOrNoSpace + text + spaceOrNoSpace + backticks;
'blockquote'(el, text) {
return text.trim().split('\n').map((s) => (`> ${s}`).trim()).join('\n');
return text.trim().split('\n').map((s) => `> ${s}`.trim()).join('\n');
'img'(el, text) {
return `![${el.getAttribute('alt')}](${el.getAttribute('src')})`;
......@@ -2,8 +2,10 @@ module Banzai
module Pipeline
class GfmPipeline < BasePipeline
# These filters convert GitLab Flavored Markdown (GFM) to HTML.
# The handlers defined in app/assets/javascripts/copy_as_gfm.js.es6 consequently convert that same HTML to GFM to be copied to the clipboard.
# Every filter that generates HTML from GFM should have a handler in app/assets/javascripts/copy_as_gfm.js.es6, in reverse order.
# The handlers defined in app/assets/javascripts/copy_as_gfm.js.es6
# consequently convert that same HTML to GFM to be copied to the clipboard.
# Every filter that generates HTML from GFM should have a handler in
# app/assets/javascripts/copy_as_gfm.js.es6, in reverse order.
# The GFM-to-HTML-to-GFM cycle is tested in spec/features/copy_as_gfm_spec.rb.
def self.filters
@filters ||= FilterArray[
......@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ describe 'Copy as GFM', feature: true, js: true do
# The filters referenced in lib/banzai/pipeline/gfm_pipeline.rb convert GitLab Flavored Markdown (GFM) to HTML.
# The handlers defined in app/assets/javascripts/copy_as_gfm.js.es6 consequently convert that same HTML to GFM.
# To make sure these filters and handlers are properly aligned, this spec tests the GFM-to-HTML-to-GFM cycle
# by verifying (`html_to_gfm(gfm_to_html(gfm)) == gfm`) for a number of examples of GFM for every filter.
# by verifying (`html_to_gfm(gfm_to_html(gfm)) == gfm`) for a number of examples of GFM for every filter, using the `verify` helper.
it 'supports nesting' do
verify '> 1. [x] **[$`2 + 2`$ {-=-}{+=+} 2^2 ~~:thumbsup:~~](**'
......@@ -107,9 +107,11 @@ describe 'Copy as GFM', feature: true, js: true do
verify '![Video]('
it 'supports MathFilter' do
context 'MathFilter' do
it 'supports math as converted from GFM to HTML' do
'$`c = \pm\sqrt{a^2 + b^2}`$',
# math block
......@@ -119,14 +121,136 @@ describe 'Copy as GFM', feature: true, js: true do
it 'supports math as transformed from HTML to KaTeX' do
gfm = '$`c = \pm\sqrt{a^2 + b^2}`$'
html = <<-HTML.strip_heredoc
<span class="katex">
<span class="katex-mathml">
<annotation encoding="application/x-tex">c = \\pm\\sqrt{a^2 + b^2}</annotation>
<span class="katex-html" aria-hidden="true">
<span class="strut" style="height: 0.913389em;"></span>
<span class="strut bottom" style="height: 1.04em; vertical-align: -0.126611em;"></span>
<span class="base textstyle uncramped">
<span class="mord mathit">c</span>
<span class="mrel">=</span>
<span class="mord">±</span>
<span class="sqrt mord"><span class="sqrt-sign" style="top: -0.073389em;">
<span class="style-wrap reset-textstyle textstyle uncramped">√</span>
<span class="vlist">
<span class="" style="top: 0em;">
<span class="fontsize-ensurer reset-size5 size5">
<span class="" style="font-size: 1em;">​</span>
<span class="mord textstyle cramped">
<span class="mord">
<span class="mord mathit">a</span>
<span class="msupsub">
<span class="vlist">
<span class="" style="top: -0.289em; margin-right: 0.05em;">
<span class="fontsize-ensurer reset-size5 size5">
<span class="" style="font-size: 0em;">​</span>
<span class="reset-textstyle scriptstyle cramped">
<span class="mord mathrm">2</span>
<span class="baseline-fix">
<span class="fontsize-ensurer reset-size5 size5">
<span class="" style="font-size: 0em;">​</span>
<span class="mbin">+</span>
<span class="mord">
<span class="mord mathit">b</span>
<span class="msupsub">
<span class="vlist">
<span class="" style="top: -0.289em; margin-right: 0.05em;">
<span class="fontsize-ensurer reset-size5 size5">
<span class="" style="font-size: 0em;">​</span>
<span class="reset-textstyle scriptstyle cramped">
<span class="mord mathrm">2</span>
<span class="baseline-fix">
<span class="fontsize-ensurer reset-size5 size5">
<span class="" style="font-size: 0em;">​</span>
<span class="" style="top: -0.833389em;">
<span class="fontsize-ensurer reset-size5 size5">
<span class="" style="font-size: 1em;">​</span>
<span class="reset-textstyle textstyle uncramped sqrt-line"></span>
<span class="baseline-fix">
<span class="fontsize-ensurer reset-size5 size5">
<span class="" style="font-size: 1em;">​</span>
output_gfm = html_to_gfm(html)
expect(output_gfm.strip).to eq(gfm.strip)
it 'supports SyntaxHighlightFilter' do
verify <<-GFM.strip_heredoc
Plain text
def foo
it 'supports MarkdownFilter' do
......@@ -135,6 +259,7 @@ describe 'Copy as GFM', feature: true, js: true do
'`` code with ` ticks ``',
'> Quote',
# multiline quote
> Multiline
Markdown is supported
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