Commit 46cfd642 authored by Annabel Dunstone's avatar Annabel Dunstone

Update MR pipeline view

parent d71d3b8c
- status = pipeline.status
- if pipelines.blank?
.nothing-here-block No pipelines to show
- else
%th Status
%th Commit
- pipelines.stages.each do |stage|
%span.has-tooltip{ title: "#{stage.titleize}" }
= stage.titleize
= link_to namespace_project_pipeline_path(@project.namespace, @project, do
= ci_status_with_icon(status)
= link_to namespace_project_pipeline_path(@project.namespace, @project, do
%span ##{}
- if pipeline.ref
= pipeline.tag? ? icon('tag') : icon('code-fork')
= link_to pipeline.ref, namespace_project_commits_path(@project.namespace, @project, pipeline.ref), class: "monospace branch-name"
= custom_icon("icon_commit")
= link_to pipeline.short_sha, namespace_project_commit_path(@project.namespace, @project, pipeline.sha), class: "commit-id monospace"
- if pipeline.latest?
%span.label.label-success.has-tooltip{ title: 'Latest build for this branch' } latest
- if pipeline.triggered?
%span.label.label-primary triggered
- if pipeline.yaml_errors.present?
%span.label.label-danger.has-tooltip{ title: "#{pipeline.yaml_errors}" } yaml invalid
- if pipeline.builds.any?(&:stuck?)
%span.label.label-warning stuck
- if commit = pipeline.commit
= author_avatar(commit, size: 20)
= link_to_gfm truncate(commit.title, length: 60), namespace_project_commit_path(@project.namespace, @project,, class: "commit-row-message"
- else
Cant find HEAD commit for this branch
-# - stages_status = pipeline.statuses.latest.stages_status
-# - stages.each do |stage|
-# %td.stage-cell
-# - status = stages_status[stage]
-# - tooltip = "#{stage.titleize}: #{status || 'not found'}"
-# - if status
-# = link_to namespace_project_pipeline_path(@project.namespace, @project,, anchor: stage), class: "has-tooltip ci-status-icon-#{status}", title: tooltip do
-# = ci_icon_for_status(status)
-# - else
-# .light.has-tooltip{ title: tooltip }
-# \-
= render pipelines, commit_sha: true, stage: true, allow_retry: true, stages: stages
= render "projects/commit/pipelines_list", pipeline: @pipeline, link_to_commit: true
= render "projects/commit/pipelines_list", pipelines: @pipelines, link_to_commit: true
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