# Working with the bundled Consul service **[PREMIUM ONLY]**
## Overview
As part of its High Availability stack, GitLab Premium includes a bundled version of [Consul](http://consul.io) that can be managed through `/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb`.
A Consul cluster consists of multiple server agents, as well as client agents that run on other nodes which need to talk to the consul cluster.
## Operations
### Checking cluster membership
To see which nodes are part of the cluster, run the following on any member in the cluster
# /opt/gitlab/embedded/bin/consul members
Node Address Status Type Build Protocol DC
consul-b XX.XX.X.Y:8301 alive server 0.9.0 2 gitlab_consul
consul-c XX.XX.X.Y:8301 alive server 0.9.0 2 gitlab_consul
consul-c XX.XX.X.Y:8301 alive server 0.9.0 2 gitlab_consul
Ideally all nodes will have a `Status` of `alive`.
### Restarting the server cluster
**Note**: This section only applies to server agents. It is safe to restart client agents whenever needed.
If it is necessary to restart the server cluster, it is important to do this in a controlled fashion in order to maintain quorum. If quorum is lost, you will need to follow the consul [outage recovery](#outage-recovery) process to recover the cluster.
To be safe, we recommend you only restart one server agent at a time to ensure the cluster remains intact.
For larger clusters, it is possible to restart multiple agents at a time. See the [Consul consensus document](https://www.consul.io/docs/internals/consensus.html#deployment-table) for how many failures it can tolerate. This will be the number of simulateneous restarts it can sustain.
## Troubleshooting
### Consul server agents unable to communicate
By default, the server agents will attempt to [bind](https://www.consul.io/docs/agent/options.html#_bind) to '', but they will advertise the first private IP address on the node for other agents to communicate with them. If the other nodes cannot communicate with a node on this address, then the cluster will have a failed status.
You will see messages like the following in `gitlab-ctl tail consul` output if you are running into this issue:
2017-09-25_19:53:39.90821 2017/09/25 19:53:39 [WARN] raft: no known peers, aborting election
2017-09-25_19:53:41.74356 2017/09/25 19:53:41 [ERR] agent: failed to sync remote state: No cluster leader
To fix this:
1. Pick an address on each node that all of the other nodes can reach this node through.
1. Update your `/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb`
consul['configuration'] = {
bind_addr: 'IP ADDRESS'
1. Run `gitlab-ctl reconfigure`
If you still see the errors, you may have to [erase the consul database and reinitialize](#recreate-from-scratch) on the affected node.
### Consul agents do not start - Multiple private IPs
In the case that a node has multiple private IPs the agent be confused as to which of the private addresses to advertise, and then immediately exit on start.
You will see messages like the following in `gitlab-ctl tail consul` output if you are running into this issue:
2017-11-09_17:41:45.52876 ==> Starting Consul agent...
2017-11-09_17:41:45.53057 ==> Error creating agent: Failed to get advertise address: Multiple private IPs found. Please configure one.
To fix this:
1. Pick an address on the node that all of the other nodes can reach this node through.
1. Update your `/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb`
consul['configuration'] = {
bind_addr: 'IP ADDRESS'
1. Run `gitlab-ctl reconfigure`
### Outage recovery
If you lost enough server agents in the cluster to break quorum, then the cluster is considered failed, and it will not function without manual intervenetion.
#### Recreate from scratch
By default, GitLab does not store anything in the consul cluster that cannot be recreated. To erase the consul database and reinitialize
# gitlab-ctl stop consul
# rm -rf /var/opt/gitlab/consul/data
# gitlab-ctl start consul
After this, the cluster should start back up, and the server agents rejoin. Shortly after that, the client agents should rejoin as well.
#### Recover a failed cluster
If you have taken advantage of consul to store other data, and want to restore the failed cluster, please follow the [Consul guide](https://www.consul.io/docs/guides/outage.html) to recover a failed cluster.
### Provide your own PostgreSQL instance **[CORE ONLY]**
If you want to use your own deployed PostgreSQL instance(s),
see [Provide your own PostgreSQL instance](#provide-your-own-postgresql-instance-core-only)
for more details. However, you can use the GitLab Omnibus package to easily
deploy the bundled PostgreSQL.
### High Availability with GitLab Omnibus **[PREMIUM ONLY]**
> Important notes:
> - This document will focus only on configuration supported with [GitLab Premium](https://about.gitlab.com/pricing/), using the Omnibus GitLab package.
> - If you are a Community Edition or Starter user, consider using a cloud hosted solution.
> - This document will not cover installations from source.
> - If HA setup is not what you were looking for, see the [database configuration document](http://docs.gitlab.com/omnibus/settings/database.html)
> for the Omnibus GitLab packages.
> Please read this document fully before attempting to configure PostgreSQL HA
> for GitLab.
> This configuration is GA in EE 10.2.
The recommended configuration for a PostgreSQL HA requires:
- A minimum of three database nodes
- Each node will run the following services:
-`PostgreSQL` - The database itself
-`repmgrd` - A service to monitor, and handle failover in case of a failure
-`Consul` agent - Used for service discovery, to alert other nodes when failover occurs
- A minimum of three `Consul` server nodes
- A minimum of one `pgbouncer` service node
You also need to take into consideration the underlying network topology,
making sure you have redundant connectivity between all Database and GitLab instances,
otherwise the networks will become a single point of failure.
#### Architecture

Database nodes run two services with PostgreSQL:
- Repmgrd. Monitors the cluster and handles failover when issues with the master occur. The failover consists of:
- Selecting a new master for the cluster.
- Promoting the new node to master.
- Instructing remaining servers to follow the new master node.
On failure, the old master node is automatically evicted from the cluster, and should be rejoined manually once recovered.
- Consul. Monitors the status of each node in the database cluster and tracks its health in a service definition on the consul cluster.
Alongside pgbouncer, there is a consul agent that watches the status of the PostgreSQL service. If that status changes, consul runs a script which updates the configuration and reloads pgbouncer
##### Connection flow
Each service in the package comes with a set of [default ports](https://docs.gitlab.com/omnibus/package-information/defaults.html#ports). You may need to make specific firewall rules for the connections listed below:
- Application servers connect to [PgBouncer default port](https://docs.gitlab.com/omnibus/package-information/defaults.html#pgbouncer)
- PgBouncer connects to the primary database servers [PostgreSQL default port](https://docs.gitlab.com/omnibus/package-information/defaults.html#postgresql)
- Repmgr connects to the database servers [PostgreSQL default port](https://docs.gitlab.com/omnibus/package-information/defaults.html#postgresql)
- Postgres secondaries connect to the primary database servers [PostgreSQL default port](https://docs.gitlab.com/omnibus/package-information/defaults.html#postgresql)
- Consul servers and agents connect to each others [Consul default ports](https://docs.gitlab.com/omnibus/package-information/defaults.html#consul)
#### Required information
Before proceeding with configuration, you will need to collect all the necessary
##### Network information
PostgreSQL does not listen on any network interface by default. It needs to know
which IP address to listen on in order to be accessible to other services.
Similarly, PostgreSQL access is controlled based on the network source.
This is why you will need:
> IP address of each nodes network interface
> - This can be set to `` to listen on all interfaces. It cannot
> be set to the loopack address ``
> Network Address
> - This can be in subnet (i.e. ``) or CIDR (i.e.
> ``) form.
##### User information
Various services require different configuration to secure
the communication as well as information required for running the service.
Bellow you will find details on each service and the minimum required
information you need to provide.
##### Consul information
When using default setup, minimum configuration requires:
-`CONSUL_USERNAME`. Defaults to `gitlab-consul`
-`CONSUL_DATABASE_PASSWORD`. Password for the database user.
-`CONSUL_PASSWORD_HASH`. This is a hash generated out of consul username/password pair.
Can be generated with:
sudo gitlab-ctl pg-password-md5 CONSUL_USERNAME
-`CONSUL_SERVER_NODES`. The IP addresses or DNS records of the Consul server nodes.
Few notes on the service itself:
- The service runs under a system account, by default `gitlab-consul`.
- If you are using a different username, you will have to specify it. We
will refer to it with `CONSUL_USERNAME`,
- There will be a database user created with read only access to the repmgr
- Passwords will be stored in the following locations:
-`PGBOUNCER_NODE`, is the IP address or a FQDN of the node running Pgbouncer.
Few notes on the service itself:
- The service runs as the same system account as the database
- In the package, this is by default `gitlab-psql`
- If you use a non-default user account for Pgbouncer service (by default `pgbouncer`), you will have to specify this username. We will refer to this requirement with `PGBOUNCER_USERNAME`.
- The service will have a regular database user account generated for it
- This defaults to `repmgr`
- Passwords will be stored in the following locations:
-`/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb`: hashed, and in plain text
-`/var/opt/gitlab/pgbouncer/pg_auth`: hashed
##### Repmgr information
When using default setup, you will only have to prepare the network subnets that will
be allowed to authenticate with the service.
Few notes on the service itself:
- The service runs under the same system account as the database
- In the package, this is by default `gitlab-psql`
- The service will have a superuser database user account generated for it
- This defaults to `gitlab_repmgr`
#### Installing Omnibus GitLab
First, make sure to [download/install](https://about.gitlab.com/installation)
GitLab Omnibus **on each node**.
Make sure you install the necessary dependencies from step 1,
add GitLab package repository from step 2.
When installing the GitLab package, do not supply `EXTERNAL_URL` value.
#### Configuring the Consul nodes
On each Consul node perform the following:
1. Make sure you collect [`CONSUL_SERVER_NODES`](#consul-information) before executing the next step.
1. Edit `/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb` replacing values noted in the `# START user configuration` section:
# Disable all components except Consul
roles ['consul_role']
# START user configuration
# Replace placeholders:
# Y.Y.Y.Y consul1.gitlab.example.com Z.Z.Z.Z
# with the addresses gathered for CONSUL_SERVER_NODES
1. [Reconfigure GitLab] for the changes to take effect.
##### Consul Checkpoint
Before moving on, make sure Consul is configured correctly. Run the following
command to verify all server nodes are communicating:
/opt/gitlab/embedded/bin/consul members
The output should be similar to:
Node Address Status Type Build Protocol DC
CONSUL_NODE_ONE XXX.XXX.XXX.YYY:8301 alive server 0.9.2 2 gitlab_consul
CONSUL_NODE_TWO XXX.XXX.XXX.YYY:8301 alive server 0.9.2 2 gitlab_consul
CONSUL_NODE_THREE XXX.XXX.XXX.YYY:8301 alive server 0.9.2 2 gitlab_consul
If any of the nodes isn't `alive` or if any of the three nodes are missing,
check the [Troubleshooting section](#troubleshooting) before proceeding.
#### Configuring the Database nodes
1. Make sure you collect [`CONSUL_SERVER_NODES`](#consul-information), [`PGBOUNCER_PASSWORD_HASH`](#pgbouncer-information), [`POSTGRESQL_PASSWORD_HASH`](#postgresql-information), the [number of db nodes](#postgresql-information), and the [network address](#network-information) before executing the next step.
1. On the master database node, edit `/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb` replacing values noted in the `# START user configuration` section:
# Disable all components except PostgreSQL and Repmgr and Consul
If the 'Role' column for any node says "FAILED", check the
[Troubleshooting section](#troubleshooting) before proceeding.
Also, check that the check master command works successfully on each node:
su - gitlab-consul
gitlab-ctl repmgr-check-master || echo 'This node is a standby repmgr node'
This command relies on exit codes to tell Consul whether a particular node is a master
or secondary. The most important thing here is that this command does not produce errors.
If there are errors it's most likely due to incorrect `gitlab-consul` database user permissions.
Check the [Troubleshooting section](#troubleshooting) before proceeding.
#### Configuring the Pgbouncer node
1. Make sure you collect [`CONSUL_SERVER_NODES`](#consul-information), [`CONSUL_PASSWORD_HASH`](#consul-information), and [`PGBOUNCER_PASSWORD_HASH`](#pgbouncer-information) before executing the next step.
1. Edit `/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb` replacing values noted in the `# START user configuration` section:
# Disable all components except Pgbouncer and Consul agent
1. [Reconfigure GitLab] for the changes to take effect.
##### Application node post-configuration
Ensure that all migrations ran:
gitlab-rake gitlab:db:configure
> **Note**: If you encounter a `rake aborted!` error stating that PGBouncer is failing to connect to
PostgreSQL it may be that your PGBouncer node's IP address is missing from
PostgreSQL's `trust_auth_cidr_addresses` in `gitlab.rb` on your database nodes. See
[PGBouncer error `ERROR: pgbouncer cannot connect to server`](#pgbouncer-error-error-pgbouncer-cannot-connect-to-server)
in the Troubleshooting section before proceeding.
##### Ensure GitLab is running
At this point, your GitLab instance should be up and running. Verify you are
able to login, and create issues and merge requests. If you have troubles check
the [Troubleshooting section](#troubleshooting).
#### Example configuration
Here we'll show you some fully expanded example configurations.
##### Example recommended setup
This example uses 3 consul servers, 3 postgresql servers, and 1 application node.
We start with all servers on the same private network range, they
can connect to each freely other on those addresses.
Here is a list and description of each machine and the assigned IP:
*``: Consul 1
*``: Consul 2
*``: Consul 3
*``: PostgreSQL master
*``: PostgreSQL secondary
*``: PostgreSQL secondary
*``: GitLab application
All passwords are set to `toomanysecrets`, please do not use this password or derived hashes.
The external_url for GitLab is `http://gitlab.example.com`
Please note that after the initial configuration, if a failover occurs, the PostgresSQL master will change to one of the available secondaries until it is failed back.
##### Example recommended setup for Consul servers
On each server edit `/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb`:
# Disable all components except Consul
server: true,
retry_join: %w(
[Reconfigure Omnibus GitLab][reconfigure GitLab] for the changes to take effect.
##### Example recommended setup for PostgreSQL servers
###### Primary node
On primary node edit `/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb`:
# Disable all components except PostgreSQL and Repmgr and Consul
This example uses 3 postgresql servers, and 1 application node.
It differs from the [recommended setup](#example-recommended-setup) by moving the consul servers into the same servers we use for PostgreSQL.
The trade-off is between reducing server counts, against the increased operational complexity of needing to deal with postgres [failover](#failover-procedure) and [restore](#restore-procedure) procedures in addition to [consul outage recovery](consul.md#outage-recovery) on the same set of machines.
In this example we start with all servers on the same private network range, they can connect to each freely other on those addresses.
Here is a list and description of each machine and the assigned IP:
*``: PostgreSQL master
*``: PostgreSQL secondary
*``: PostgreSQL secondary
*``: GitLab application
All passwords are set to `toomanysecrets`, please do not use this password or derived hashes.
The external_url for GitLab is `http://gitlab.example.com`
Please note that after the initial configuration, if a failover occurs, the PostgresSQL master will change to one of the available secondaries until it is failed back.
##### Example minimal configuration for database servers
##### Primary node
On primary database node edit `/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb`:
# Disable all components except PostgreSQL, Repmgr, and Consul
1. On each pgbouncer node, edit `/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb`:
1. Ensure `gitlab_rails['db_password']` is set to the plaintext password for
the `gitlab` database user
1. [Reconfigure GitLab] for the changes to take effect
## Troubleshooting
#### Consul and PostgreSQL changes not taking effect.
Due to the potential impacts, `gitlab-ctl reconfigure` only reloads Consul and PostgreSQL, it will not restart the services. However, not all changes can be activated by reloading.
To restart either service, run `gitlab-ctl restart SERVICE`
For PostgreSQL, it is usually safe to restart the master node by default. Automatic failover defaults to a 1 minute timeout. Provided the database returns before then, nothing else needs to be done. To be safe, you can stop `repmgrd` on the standby nodes first with `gitlab-ctl stop repmgrd`, then start afterwards with `gitlab-ctl start repmgrd`.
On the consul server nodes, it is important to restart the consul service in a controlled fashion. Read our [consul documentation](consul.md#restarting-the-server-cluster) for instructions on how to restart the service.
**Note**: We recommend that you follow the instructions here for a full [PostgreSQL cluster](#high-availability-with-gitlab-omnibus-premium-only).
If you are reading this section due to an old bookmark, you can find that old documentation [in the repository](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/blob/v10.1.4/doc/administration/high_availability/database.md#configure-using-omnibus).
@@ -114,3 +1165,6 @@ Read more on high-availability configuration:
@@ -114,3 +1165,6 @@ Read more on high-availability configuration:
1.[Configure NFS](nfs.md)
1.[Configure NFS](nfs.md)
1.[Configure the GitLab application servers](gitlab.md)
1.[Configure the GitLab application servers](gitlab.md)
1.[Configure the load balancers](load_balancer.md)
1.[Configure the load balancers](load_balancer.md)
# Configuring Gitaly for Scaled and High Availability
Gitaly does not yet support full high availability. However, Gitaly is quite
stable and is in use on GitLab.com. Scaled and highly available GitLab environments
should consider using Gitaly on a separate node.
See the [Gitaly HA Epic](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/-/epics/289) to
track plans and progress toward high availability support.
This document is relevant for [Scaled Architecture](./README.md#scalable-architecture-examples)
environments and [High Availability Architecture](./README.md#high-availability-architecture-examples).
## Running Gitaly on its own server
Starting with GitLab 11.4, Gitaly is a replacement for NFS except
when the [Elastic Search indexer](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-elasticsearch-indexer)
is used.
NOTE: **Note:** While Gitaly can be used as a replacement for NFS, we do not recommend using EFS as it may impact GitLab's performance. Please review the [relevant documentation](nfs.md#avoid-using-awss-elastic-file-system-efs) for more details.
NOTE: **Note:** Gitaly network traffic is unencrypted so we recommend a firewall to
restrict access to your Gitaly server.
The steps below are the minimum necessary to configure a Gitaly server with
1. SSH into the Gitaly server.
1.[Download/install](https://about.gitlab.com/installation) the Omnibus GitLab
package you want using **steps 1 and 2** from the GitLab downloads page.
- Do not complete any other steps on the download page.
1. Edit `/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb` and add the contents:
Gitaly must trigger some callbacks to GitLab via GitLab Shell. As a result,
the GitLab Shell secret must be the same between the other GitLab servers and
the Gitaly server. The easiest way to accomplish this is to copy `/etc/gitlab/gitlab-secrets.json`
from an existing GitLab server to the Gitaly server. Without this shared secret,
Git operations in GitLab will result in an API error.
> **NOTE:** In most or all cases the storage paths below end in `repositories` which is
different than `path` in `git_data_dirs` of Omnibus installations. Check the
directory layout on your Gitaly server to be sure.
# Enable Gitaly
gitaly['enable'] = true
## Disable all other services
sidekiq['enable'] = false
gitlab_workhorse['enable'] = false
unicorn['enable'] = false
postgresql['enable'] = false
nginx['enable'] = false
prometheus['enable'] = false
alertmanager['enable'] = false
pgbouncer_exporter['enable'] = false
redis_exporter['enable'] = false
gitlab_monitor['enable'] = false
# Prevent database connections during 'gitlab-ctl reconfigure'
gitlab_rails['rake_cache_clear'] = false
gitlab_rails['auto_migrate'] = false
# Configure the gitlab-shell API callback URL. Without this, `git push` will
# fail. This can be your 'front door' GitLab URL or an internal load
Setting up NFS for a GitLab HA setup allows all applications nodes in a cluster
to share the same files and maintain data consistency. Application nodes in an HA
setup act as clients while the NFS server plays host.
> Note: The instructions provided in this documentation allow for setting a quick
proof of concept but will leave NFS as potential single point of failure and
therefore not recommended for use in production. Explore options such as [Pacemaker
and Corosync](http://clusterlabs.org/) for highly available NFS in production.
Below are instructions for setting up an application node(client) in an HA cluster
to read from and write to a central NFS server(host).
NOTE: **Note:**
Using EFS may negatively impact performance. Please review the [relevant documentation](nfs.md#avoid-using-awss-elastic-file-system-efs) for additional details.
## NFS Server Setup
> Follow the instructions below to set up and configure your NFS server.
### Step 1 - Install NFS Server on Host
Installing the nfs-kernel-server package allows you to share directories with the clients running the GitLab application.
apt-get update
apt-get install nfs-kernel-server
### Step 2 - Export Host's Home Directory to Client
In this setup we will share the home directory on the host with the client. Edit the exports file as below to share the host's home directory with the client. If you have multiple clients running GitLab you must enter the client IP addresses in line in the `/etc/exports` file.
As part of its High Availability stack, GitLab Premium includes a bundled version of [Pgbouncer](https://pgbouncer.github.io/) that can be managed through `/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb`.
In a High Availability setup, Pgbouncer is used to seamlessly migrate database connections between servers in a failover scenario.
Additionally, it can be used in a non-HA setup to pool connections, speeding up response time while reducing resource usage.
It is recommended to run pgbouncer alongside the `gitlab-rails` service, or on its own dedicated node in a cluster.
## Operations
### Running Pgbouncer as part of an HA GitLab installation
See our [HA documentation for PostgreSQL](database.md) for information on running pgbouncer as part of a HA setup
### Running Pgbouncer as part of a non-HA GitLab installation
1. Generate PGBOUNCER_USER_PASSWORD_HASH with the command `gitlab-ctl pg-password-md5 pgbouncer`
1. Generate SQL_USER_PASSWORD_HASH with the command `gitlab-ctl pg-password-md5 gitlab`. We'll also need to enter the plaintext SQL_USER_PASSWORD later
1. On your database node, ensure the following is set in your `/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb`
postgresql['listen_address'] = 'XX.XX.XX.Y' # Where XX.XX.XX.Y is the ip address on the node postgresql should listen on
postgresql['md5_auth_cidr_addresses'] = %w(AA.AA.AA.B/32) # Where AA.AA.AA.B is the IP address of the pgbouncer node
1. Run `gitlab-ctl reconfigure`
**Note:** If the database was already running, it will need to be restarted after reconfigure by running `gitlab-ctl restart postgresql`.
1. On the node you are running pgbouncer on, make sure the following is set in `/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb`
pgbouncer['enable'] = true
pgbouncer['databases'] = {
gitlabhq_production: {
user: 'pgbouncer',
1. Run `gitlab-ctl reconfigure`
1. On the node running unicorn, make sure the following is set in `/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb`
gitlab_rails['db_host'] = 'PGBOUNCER_HOST'
gitlab_rails['db_port'] = '6432'
gitlab_rails['db_password'] = 'SQL_USER_PASSWORD'
1. Run `gitlab-ctl reconfigure`
1. At this point, your instance should connect to the database through pgbouncer. If you are having issues, see the [Troubleshooting](#troubleshooting) section
### Interacting with pgbouncer
#### Administrative console
As part of omnibus-gitlab, we provide a command `gitlab-ctl pgb-console` to automatically connect to the pgbouncer administrative console. Please see the [pgbouncer documentation](https://pgbouncer.github.io/usage.html#admin-console) for detailed instructions on how to interact with the console.
To start a session, run
# gitlab-ctl pgb-console
Password for user pgbouncer:
psql (9.6.8, server 1.7.2/bouncer)
Type "help"for help.
The password you will be prompted for is the PGBOUNCER_USER_PASSWORD
To get some basic information about the instance, run
pgbouncer=# show databases; show clients; show servers;
name | host | port | database | force_user | pool_size | reserve_pool | pool_mode | max_connections | current_connections
In case you are experiencing any issues connecting through pgbouncer, the first place to check is always the logs:
# gitlab-ctl tail pgbouncer
Additionally, you can check the output from `show databases` in the [Administrative console](#administrative-console). In the output, you would expect to see values in the `host` field for the `gitlabhq_production` database. Additionally, `current_connections` should be greater than 1.