Commit 5a2be4c8 authored by Evan Read's avatar Evan Read

Merge branch 'patch-43' into 'master'

Update U2F recommendations, fix #57656

Closes #57656

See merge request gitlab-org/gitlab-ce!25709
parents 0795a27f ce26d7f5
......@@ -18,9 +18,10 @@ the second factor of authentication. Once enabled, in addition to supplying your
password to login, you'll be prompted to activate your U2F device (usually by pressing
a button on it), and it will perform secure authentication on your behalf.
The U2F workflow is only [supported by]( Google Chrome, Opera and Firefox at this point, so we _strongly_ recommend
that you set up both methods of two-factor authentication, so you can still access your account
from other browsers.
The U2F workflow is [supported by]( Google Chrome, Opera, and Firefox.
We recommend that you set up 2FA with both a [one-time password authenticator](#enable-2fa-via-one-time-password-authenticator) and a [U2F device](#enable-2fa-via-u2f-device), so you can still access your account
if you lose your U2F device.
## Enabling 2FA
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