@@ -64,6 +64,10 @@ Libraries with the following licenses are unacceptable for use:
-[GNU AGPLv3][AGPLv3]: AGPL-licensed libraries cannot be linked to from non-GPL projects.
-[Open Software License (OSL)][OSL]: is a copyleft license. In addition, the FSF [recommend against its use][OSL-GNU].
## Requesting Approval for Licenses
Libraries that are not listed in the [Acceptable Licenses][Acceptable-Licenses] or [Unacceptable Licenses][Unacceptable-Licenses] list can be submitted to the legal team for review. Please create an issue in the [Organization Repository][Org-Repo] and cc `@gl-legal`. After a decision has been made, the original requestor is responsible for updating this document.
## Notes
Decisions regarding the GNU GPL licenses are based on information provided by [The GNU Project][GNU-GPL-FAQ], as well as [the Open Source Initiative][OSI-GPL], which both state that linking GPL libraries makes the program itself GPL.
@@ -96,3 +100,6 @@ Gems which are included only in the "development" or "test" groups by Bundler ar