import Vue from 'vue'; import * as urlUtils from '~/lib/utils/url_utility'; import store from '~/ide/stores'; import service from '~/ide/services'; import { resetStore, file } from '../helpers'; describe('Multi-file store actions', () => { afterEach(() => { resetStore(store); }); describe('redirectToUrl', () => { it('calls visitUrl', (done) => { spyOn(urlUtils, 'visitUrl'); store.dispatch('redirectToUrl', 'test') .then(() => { expect(urlUtils.visitUrl).toHaveBeenCalledWith('test'); done(); }) .catch(; }); }); describe('setInitialData', () => { it('commits initial data', (done) => { store.dispatch('setInitialData', { canCommit: true }) .then(() => { expect(store.state.canCommit).toBeTruthy(); done(); }) .catch(; }); }); describe('closeDiscardPopup', () => { it('closes the discard popup', (done) => { store.dispatch('closeDiscardPopup', false) .then(() => { expect(store.state.discardPopupOpen).toBeFalsy(); done(); }) .catch(; }); }); describe('discardAllChanges', () => { beforeEach(() => { store.state.openFiles.push(file()); store.state.openFiles[0].changed = true; }); }); describe('closeAllFiles', () => { beforeEach(() => { store.state.openFiles.push(file()); store.state.openFiles[0].opened = true; }); it('closes all open files', (done) => { store.dispatch('closeAllFiles') .then(() => { expect(store.state.openFiles.length).toBe(0); done(); }) .catch(; }); }); describe('toggleEditMode', () => { it('toggles edit mode', (done) => { store.state.editMode = true; store.dispatch('toggleEditMode') .then(() => { expect(store.state.editMode).toBeFalsy(); done(); }).catch(; }); it('sets preview mode', (done) => { store.state.currentBlobView = 'repo-editor'; store.state.editMode = true; store.dispatch('toggleEditMode') .then(Vue.nextTick) .then(() => { expect(store.state.currentBlobView).toBe('repo-preview'); done(); }).catch(; }); it('opens discard popup if there are changed files', (done) => { store.state.editMode = true; store.state.openFiles.push(file()); store.state.openFiles[0].changed = true; store.dispatch('toggleEditMode') .then(() => { expect(store.state.discardPopupOpen).toBeTruthy(); done(); }).catch(; }); it('can force closed if there are changed files', (done) => { store.state.editMode = true; store.state.openFiles.push(file()); store.state.openFiles[0].changed = true; store.dispatch('toggleEditMode', true) .then(() => { expect(store.state.discardPopupOpen).toBeFalsy(); expect(store.state.editMode).toBeFalsy(); done(); }).catch(; }); it('discards file changes', (done) => { const f = file(); store.state.editMode = true; store.state.openFiles.push(f); f.changed = true; store.dispatch('toggleEditMode', true) .then(Vue.nextTick) .then(() => { expect(f.changed).toBeFalsy(); done(); }).catch(; }); }); describe('toggleBlobView', () => { it('sets edit mode view if in edit mode', (done) => { store.dispatch('toggleBlobView') .then(() => { expect(store.state.currentBlobView).toBe('repo-editor'); done(); }) .catch(; }); it('sets preview mode view if not in edit mode', (done) => { store.state.editMode = false; store.dispatch('toggleBlobView') .then(() => { expect(store.state.currentBlobView).toBe('repo-preview'); done(); }) .catch(; }); }); describe('checkCommitStatus', () => { beforeEach(() => { store.state.currentProjectId = 'abcproject'; store.state.currentBranchId = 'master'; store.state.projects.abcproject = { branches: { master: { workingReference: '1', }, }, }; }); it('calls service', (done) => { spyOn(service, 'getBranchData').and.returnValue(Promise.resolve({ commit: { id: '123' }, })); store.dispatch('checkCommitStatus') .then(() => { expect(service.getBranchData).toHaveBeenCalledWith('abcproject', 'master'); done(); }) .catch(; }); it('returns true if current ref does not equal returned ID', (done) => { spyOn(service, 'getBranchData').and.returnValue(Promise.resolve({ commit: { id: '123' }, })); store.dispatch('checkCommitStatus') .then((val) => { expect(val).toBeTruthy(); done(); }) .catch(; }); it('returns false if current ref equals returned ID', (done) => { spyOn(service, 'getBranchData').and.returnValue(Promise.resolve({ commit: { id: '1' }, })); store.dispatch('checkCommitStatus') .then((val) => { expect(val).toBeFalsy(); done(); }) .catch(; }); }); describe('commitChanges', () => { let payload; beforeEach(() => { spyOn(window, 'scrollTo'); document.body.innerHTML += '<div class="flash-container"></div>'; store.state.currentProjectId = 'abcproject'; store.state.currentBranchId = 'master'; store.state.projects.abcproject = { web_url: 'webUrl', branches: { master: { workingReference: '1', }, }, }; payload = { branch: 'master', }; }); afterEach(() => { document.querySelector('.flash-container').remove(); }); describe('success', () => { beforeEach(() => { spyOn(service, 'commit').and.returnValue(Promise.resolve({ id: '123456', short_id: '123', message: 'test message', committed_date: 'date', stats: { additions: '1', deletions: '2', }, })); }); it('calls service', (done) => { store.dispatch('commitChanges', { payload, newMr: false }) .then(() => { expect(service.commit).toHaveBeenCalledWith('abcproject', payload); done(); }).catch(; }); it('shows flash notice', (done) => { store.dispatch('commitChanges', { payload, newMr: false }) .then(() => { const alert = document.querySelector('.flash-container'); expect(alert.querySelector('.flash-notice')).not.toBeNull(); expect(alert.textContent.trim()).toBe( 'Your changes have been committed. Commit 123 with 1 additions, 2 deletions.', ); done(); }).catch(; }); it('adds commit data to changed files', (done) => { const changedFile = file(); const f = file(); changedFile.changed = true; store.state.openFiles.push(changedFile, f); store.dispatch('commitChanges', { payload, newMr: false }) .then(() => { expect(changedFile.lastCommit.message).toBe('test message'); expect(f.lastCommit.message).not.toBe('test message'); done(); }).catch(; }); it('closes all files', (done) => { store.state.openFiles.push(file()); store.state.openFiles[0].opened = true; store.dispatch('commitChanges', { payload, newMr: false }) .then(Vue.nextTick) .then(() => { expect(store.state.openFiles.length).toBe(0); done(); }).catch(; }); it('scrolls to top of page', (done) => { store.dispatch('commitChanges', { payload, newMr: false }) .then(() => { expect(window.scrollTo).toHaveBeenCalledWith(0, 0); done(); }).catch(; }); it('redirects to new merge request page', (done) => { spyOn(urlUtils, 'visitUrl'); store.dispatch('commitChanges', { payload, newMr: true }) .then(() => { expect(urlUtils.visitUrl).toHaveBeenCalledWith('webUrl/merge_requests/new?merge_request%5Bsource_branch%5D=master'); done(); }).catch(; }); }); describe('failed', () => { beforeEach(() => { spyOn(service, 'commit').and.returnValue(Promise.resolve({ message: 'failed message', })); }); it('shows failed message', (done) => { store.dispatch('commitChanges', { payload, newMr: false }) .then(() => { const alert = document.querySelector('.flash-container'); expect(alert.textContent.trim()).toBe( 'failed message', ); done(); }).catch(; }); }); }); describe('createTempEntry', () => { beforeEach(() => { store.state.trees['abcproject/mybranch'] = { tree: [], }; store.state.projects.abcproject = { web_url: '', }; }); it('creates a temp tree', (done) => { const projectTree = store.state.trees['abcproject/mybranch']; store.dispatch('createTempEntry', { projectId: 'abcproject', branchId: 'mybranch', parent: projectTree, name: 'test', type: 'tree', }) .then(() => { const baseTree = projectTree.tree; expect(baseTree.length).toBe(1); expect(baseTree[0].tempFile).toBeTruthy(); expect(baseTree[0].type).toBe('tree'); done(); }) .catch(; }); it('creates temp file', (done) => { const projectTree = store.state.trees['abcproject/mybranch']; store.dispatch('createTempEntry', { projectId: 'abcproject', branchId: 'mybranch', parent: projectTree, name: 'test', type: 'blob', }) .then(() => { const baseTree = projectTree.tree; expect(baseTree.length).toBe(1); expect(baseTree[0].tempFile).toBeTruthy(); expect(baseTree[0].type).toBe('blob'); done(); }) .catch(; }); }); describe('popHistoryState', () => { }); describe('scrollToTab', () => { it('focuses the current active element', (done) => { document.body.innerHTML += '<div id="tabs"><div class="active"><div class="repo-tab"></div></div></div>'; const el = document.querySelector('.repo-tab'); spyOn(el, 'focus'); store.dispatch('scrollToTab') .then(() => { setTimeout(() => { expect(el.focus).toHaveBeenCalled(); document.getElementById('tabs').remove(); done(); }); }) .catch(; }); }); });