module SharedMarkdown include Spinach::DSL def header_should_have_correct_id_and_link(level, text, id, parent = ".wiki") find(:css, "#{parent} h#{level}##{id}").text.should == text find(:css, "#{parent} h#{level}##{id} > :last-child")[:href].should =~ /##{id}$/ end def create_taskable(type, title) desc_text = <<EOT.gsub(/^ {6}/, '') * [ ] Task 1 * [x] Task 2 EOT case type when :issue, :closed_issue options = { project: project } when :merge_request options = { source_project: project, target_project: project } end create( type, options.merge(title: title, author: project.users.first, description: desc_text) ) end step 'Header "Description header" should have correct id and link' do header_should_have_correct_id_and_link(1, 'Description header', 'description-header') end step 'I should see task checkboxes in the description' do expect(page).to have_selector( 'div.description li.task-list-item input[type="checkbox"]' ) end step 'I should see the task status for the Taskable' do expect(find(:css, 'span.task-status').text).to eq( '2 tasks (1 done, 1 unfinished)' ) end step 'Task checkboxes should be enabled' do expect(page).to have_selector( 'div.description li.task-list-item input[type="checkbox"]:enabled' ) end step 'Task checkboxes should be disabled' do expect(page).to have_selector( 'div.description li.task-list-item input[type="checkbox"]:disabled' ) end step 'I should not see the Markdown preview' do expect(find('.gfm-form .js-md-preview')).not_to be_visible end step 'The Markdown preview tab should say there is nothing to do' do within('.gfm-form') do find('.js-md-preview-button').click expect(find('.js-md-preview')).to have_content('Nothing to preview.') end end step 'I should not see the Markdown text field' do expect(find('.gfm-form textarea')).not_to be_visible end step 'I should see the Markdown write tab' do expect(find('.gfm-form')).to have_css('.js-md-write-button', visible: true) end step 'I should see the Markdown preview' do expect(find('.gfm-form')).to have_css('.js-md-preview', visible: true) end step 'The Markdown preview tab should display rendered Markdown' do within('.gfm-form') do find('.js-md-preview-button').click expect(find('.js-md-preview')).to have_css('img.emoji', visible: true) end end step 'I write a description like ":+1: Nice"' do find('.gfm-form').fill_in 'Description', with: ':+1: Nice' end step 'I preview a description text like "Bug fixed :smile:"' do within('.gfm-form') do fill_in 'Description', with: 'Bug fixed :smile:' find('.js-md-preview-button').click end end step 'I haven\'t written any description text' do find('.gfm-form').fill_in 'Description', with: '' end end