# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' describe Gitlab::Utils do delegate :to_boolean, :boolean_to_yes_no, :slugify, :random_string, :which, :ensure_array_from_string, :bytes_to_megabytes, :append_path, :check_path_traversal!, to: :described_class describe '.check_path_traversal!' do it 'detects path traversal at the start of the string' do expect { check_path_traversal!('../foo') }.to raise_error(/Invalid path/) end it 'detects path traversal at the start of the string, even to just the subdirectory' do expect { check_path_traversal!('../') }.to raise_error(/Invalid path/) end it 'detects path traversal in the middle of the string' do expect { check_path_traversal!('foo/../../bar') }.to raise_error(/Invalid path/) end it 'detects path traversal at the end of the string when slash-terminates' do expect { check_path_traversal!('foo/../') }.to raise_error(/Invalid path/) end it 'detects path traversal at the end of the string' do expect { check_path_traversal!('foo/..') }.to raise_error(/Invalid path/) end it 'does nothing for a safe string' do expect(check_path_traversal!('./foo')).to eq('./foo') end end describe '.slugify' do { 'TEST' => 'test', 'project_with_underscores' => 'project-with-underscores', 'namespace/project' => 'namespace-project', 'a' * 70 => 'a' * 63, 'test_trailing_' => 'test-trailing' }.each do |original, expected| it "slugifies #{original} to #{expected}" do expect(slugify(original)).to eq(expected) end end end describe '.nlbr' do it 'replaces new lines with <br>' do expect(described_class.nlbr("<b>hello</b>\n<i>world</i>".freeze)).to eq("hello<br>world") end end describe '.remove_line_breaks' do using RSpec::Parameterized::TableSyntax where(:original, :expected) do "foo\nbar\nbaz" | "foobarbaz" "foo\r\nbar\r\nbaz" | "foobarbaz" "foobar" | "foobar" end with_them do it "replace line breaks with an empty string" do expect(described_class.remove_line_breaks(original)).to eq(expected) end end end describe '.to_boolean' do it 'accepts booleans' do expect(to_boolean(true)).to be(true) expect(to_boolean(false)).to be(false) end it 'converts a valid string to a boolean' do expect(to_boolean(true)).to be(true) expect(to_boolean('true')).to be(true) expect(to_boolean('YeS')).to be(true) expect(to_boolean('t')).to be(true) expect(to_boolean('1')).to be(true) expect(to_boolean('ON')).to be(true) expect(to_boolean('FaLse')).to be(false) expect(to_boolean('F')).to be(false) expect(to_boolean('NO')).to be(false) expect(to_boolean('n')).to be(false) expect(to_boolean('0')).to be(false) expect(to_boolean('oFF')).to be(false) end it 'converts an invalid string to nil' do expect(to_boolean('fals')).to be_nil expect(to_boolean('yeah')).to be_nil expect(to_boolean('')).to be_nil expect(to_boolean(nil)).to be_nil end end describe '.boolean_to_yes_no' do it 'converts booleans to Yes or No' do expect(boolean_to_yes_no(true)).to eq('Yes') expect(boolean_to_yes_no(false)).to eq('No') end end describe '.random_string' do it 'generates a string' do expect(random_string).to be_kind_of(String) end end describe '.which' do it 'finds the full path to an executable binary' do expect(File).to receive(:executable?).with('/bin/sh').and_return(true) expect(which('sh', 'PATH' => '/bin')).to eq('/bin/sh') end end describe '.ensure_array_from_string' do it 'returns the same array if given one' do arr = ['a', 4, true, { test: 1 }] expect(ensure_array_from_string(arr)).to eq(arr) end it 'turns comma-separated strings into arrays' do str = 'seven, eight, 9, 10' expect(ensure_array_from_string(str)).to eq(%w[seven eight 9 10]) end end describe '.bytes_to_megabytes' do it 'converts bytes to megabytes' do bytes = 1.megabyte expect(bytes_to_megabytes(bytes)).to eq(1) end end describe '.append_path' do using RSpec::Parameterized::TableSyntax where(:host, :path, :result) do 'http://test/' | '/foo/bar' | 'http://test/foo/bar' 'http://test/' | '//foo/bar' | 'http://test/foo/bar' 'http://test//' | '/foo/bar' | 'http://test/foo/bar' 'http://test' | 'foo/bar' | 'http://test/foo/bar' 'http://test//' | '' | 'http://test/' 'http://test//' | nil | 'http://test/' '' | '/foo/bar' | '/foo/bar' nil | '/foo/bar' | '/foo/bar' end with_them do it 'makes sure there is only one slash as path separator' do expect(append_path(host, path)).to eq(result) end end end describe '.ensure_utf8_size' do context 'string is has less bytes than expected' do it 'backfills string with null characters' do transformed = described_class.ensure_utf8_size('a' * 10, bytes: 32) expect(transformed.bytesize).to eq 32 expect(transformed).to eq(('a' * 10) + ('0' * 22)) end end context 'string size is exactly the one that is expected' do it 'returns original value' do transformed = described_class.ensure_utf8_size('a' * 32, bytes: 32) expect(transformed).to eq 'a' * 32 expect(transformed.bytesize).to eq 32 end end context 'when string contains a few multi-byte UTF characters' do it 'backfills string with null characters' do transformed = described_class.ensure_utf8_size('❤' * 6, bytes: 32) expect(transformed).to eq '❤❤❤❤❤❤' + ('0' * 14) expect(transformed.bytesize).to eq 32 end end context 'when string has multiple multi-byte UTF chars exceeding 32 bytes' do it 'truncates string to 32 characters and backfills it if needed' do transformed = described_class.ensure_utf8_size('❤' * 18, bytes: 32) expect(transformed).to eq(('❤' * 10) + ('0' * 2)) expect(transformed.bytesize).to eq 32 end end end describe '.deep_indifferent_access' do let(:hash) do { "variables" => [{ "key" => "VAR1", "value" => "VALUE2" }] } end subject { described_class.deep_indifferent_access(hash) } it 'allows to access hash keys with symbols' do expect(subject[:variables]).to be_a(Array) end it 'allows to access array keys with symbols' do expect(subject[:variables].first[:key]).to eq('VAR1') end end describe '.try_megabytes_to_bytes' do context 'when the size can be converted to megabytes' do it 'returns the size in megabytes' do size = described_class.try_megabytes_to_bytes(1) expect(size).to eq(1.megabytes) end end context 'when the size can not be converted to megabytes' do it 'returns the input size' do size = described_class.try_megabytes_to_bytes('foo') expect(size).to eq('foo') end end end describe '.string_to_ip_object' do it 'returns nil when string is nil' do expect(described_class.string_to_ip_object(nil)).to eq(nil) end it 'returns nil when string is invalid IP' do expect(described_class.string_to_ip_object('invalid ip')).to eq(nil) expect(described_class.string_to_ip_object('')).to eq(nil) end it 'returns IP object when string is valid IP' do expect(described_class.string_to_ip_object('')).to eq(IPAddr.new('')) expect(described_class.string_to_ip_object('::ffff:a9fe:a864')).to eq(IPAddr.new('::ffff:a9fe:a864')) expect(described_class.string_to_ip_object('[::ffff:a9fe:a864]')).to eq(IPAddr.new('::ffff:a9fe:a864')) expect(described_class.string_to_ip_object('')).to eq(IPAddr.new('')) expect(described_class.string_to_ip_object('1:0:0:0:0:0:0:0/124')).to eq(IPAddr.new('1:0:0:0:0:0:0:0/124')) end end end