Commit 99b9c59b authored by Kirill Smelkov's avatar Kirill Smelkov

golang_str: Demonstrate that PyArg_Parse C-API rejects bstr and ustr in many cases

It was discovered that even though bstr and ustr implement __bytes__ and
__unicode__ to coerce automatically to/from bytes, at C-API level many
functions reject them. For example on py3 PyArg_ParseTuple("s") rejects
bstr with

    TypeError: argument 1 must be str, not golang.bstr

-> Add a test to demonstrate such rejections. We will be lifting
bstr/ustr acceptance level incrementally step-by-step in small steps,

/reported-by @kazuhiko
/reported-at !21 (comment 172595)
parent 902a93e9
......@@ -26,7 +26,8 @@ from golang._golang import _udata, _bdata
from golang.gcompat import qq
from golang.strconv_test import byterange
from golang.golang_test import readfile, assertDoc, _pyrun, dir_testprog, PIPE
from pytest import raises, mark, skip
from pytest import raises, mark, skip, xfail
import _testcapi as testcapi
import sys
import six
from six import text_type as unicode, unichr
......@@ -2031,6 +2032,66 @@ def test_qq():
# it is tested e.g. in test_strings_ops2 and test_strings_mod_and_format
# ---- bstr/ustr interoperability at CAPI level ----
# verify that PyArg_Parse* handle bstr|ustr correctly.
_ = (
's', # s py2(str|unicode) py3(str)
's_star', # s* py2(s|buffer) py3(s|bytes-like)
's_hash', # s# py2(s|r-buffer) py3(s|r-bytes-like)
'z', # z py2(s|None) py3(s|None)
'z_star', # z* py2(z|buffer) py3(z|bytes-like)
'z_hash' # z# py2(z|r-buffer) py3(z|r-bytes-like)
if six.PY2:
_ += (
't_hash', # t# py2(r-buffer)
if six.PY3:
_ += (
'y', # y py3(r-bytes-like)
'y_star', # y* py3(bytes-like)
'y_hash', # y# py3(r-bytes-like)
# S bytes(PyBytesObject)
# U unicode(py2:PyUnicodeObject,py3:PyObject)
# c (char)
# C (py3:unichar)
@mark.parametrize('tx', (bstr, ustr))
@mark.parametrize('fmt', _)
def test_strings_capi_getargs_to_cstr(tx, fmt):
if six.PY2:
if tx is ustr and fmt in ('s', 's_star', 's_hash', 'z', 'z_star', 'z_hash', 't_hash'):
# UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode characters in position 0-3: ordinal not in range(128)
xfail("TODO: py2: PyArg_Parse(%s) vs ustr" % fmt)
if six.PY3:
if tx is bstr and fmt in ('s', 'z'):
# PyArg_Parse(s, bstr) currently rejects it with
# TypeError: argument 1 must be str, not golang.bstr
# because internally it insists on the type being PyUnicode_Object and only that.
# TODO we will try to handle this later
xfail("TODO: py3: PyArg_Parse(%s) vs bstr" % fmt)
if tx is ustr and fmt in ('s', 's_star', 's_hash', 'z', 'z_star', 'z_hash', 'y', 'y_star', 'y_hash'):
# UnicodeEncodeError: 'utf-8' codec can't encode character '\udcff' in position 3: surrogates not allowed
# TypeError: a bytes-like object is required, not 'golang.ustr'
xfail("TODO: py3: PyArg_Parse(%s) vs ustr" % fmt)
bmirf = xbytes('мир') + b'\xff' # invalid UTF-8 to make sure conversion
assert bmirf == b'\xd0\xbc\xd0\xb8\xd1\x80\xff' # takes our codepath instead of builtin
with raises(UnicodeDecodeError): bmirf.decode('UTF-8') # UTF-8 decoder/encoder.
x = xstr(bmirf, tx)
_ = getattr(testcapi, 'getargs_'+fmt)
assert _(x) == bmirf
# ---- deep replace ----
# deepReplace returns object's clone with replacing all internal objects selected by predicate.
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