"lib/api/api.rb" did not exist on "b62445813dffec92e85540ed081e4d6e12d58dc0"
Commit d487196a authored by Jean-Paul Smets's avatar Jean-Paul Smets

A first idea of how BusinessPath will look at the end (after garbage removal...

A first idea of how BusinessPath will look at the end (after garbage removal and refactoring). The ExplanationCache will be a central part of implemenation (and may need some interfaces).

git-svn-id: https://svn.erp5.org/repos/public/erp5/sandbox/amount_generator@35546 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de
parent 28ba87df
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# -*- coding: shift_jis -*-
# Copyright (c) 2009 Nexedi SA and Contributors. All Rights Reserved.
......@@ -37,6 +37,39 @@ from Products.ERP5.Document.Predicate import Predicate
import zope.interface
from zLOG import LOG
class ExplanationCache:
"""ExplanationCache provides a central access to
all parameters and values which are needed to process
an explanation. It is based on the idea that a value is calculated
once and once only, as a way to accelerate performance of algorithms
related to an explanation.
'explanation_uid': self._getExplanationUidList(explanation) # XXX-JPS why do we need explanation_uid ? and why a list
'simulation_path': simulation_path,
explanation_uid = self._getExplanationUidList(explanation) # A hint value to reduce the size of the tree
simulation_path = '/erp5/p.../%' # A list of path
def __init__(self, explanation):
self.explanation = explanation
def getRootExplanationUidList(self):
def getSimulationPathPatternList(self):
def _getExplanationCache(explanation):
# XXX-JPS Cache this in a transaction variable or better
return ExplanationCache(explanation)
class BusinessPath(Path, Predicate):
The BusinessPath class embeds all information related to
......@@ -81,9 +114,10 @@ class BusinessPath(Path, Predicate):
, PropertySheet.Comment
, PropertySheet.Arrow
, PropertySheet.Amount
, PropertySheet.Chain
, PropertySheet.Chain # XXX-JPS Why N
, PropertySheet.SortIndex
, PropertySheet.BusinessPath
, PropertySheet.FlowCapacity
, PropertySheet.Reference
......@@ -107,7 +141,7 @@ class BusinessPath(Path, Predicate):
......@@ -125,7 +159,7 @@ class BusinessPath(Path, Predicate):
Returns all categories which are used to define the destination
of this Arrow
# Naive implementation - we must use category groups instead - XXX
# Naive implementation - we must use category groups instead - XXX-JPS review this later
return ('destination',
......@@ -143,7 +177,7 @@ class BusinessPath(Path, Predicate):
def getArrowCategoryDict(self, context=None, **kw):
def getArrowCategoryDict(self, context=None, **kw): # XXX-JPS do we need it in API ?
result = {}
dynamic_category_list = self._getDynamicCategoryList(context)
for base_category in self.getSourceArrowBaseCategoryList() +\
......@@ -223,78 +257,59 @@ class BusinessPath(Path, Predicate):
return method(context)
return []
# IBusinessBuildable implementation
def isBuildable(self, explanation):
# check if there is at least one simulation movement which is not
# delivered
result = False
if self.isCompleted(explanation) or self.isFrozen(explanation):
return False # No need to build what was already built or frozen
for simulation_movement in self.getRelatedSimulationMovementValueList(
if simulation_movement.getDeliveryValue() is None:
result = True
predecessor = self.getPredecessorValue()
if predecessor is None:
return result
# For now isPartiallyCompleted is used, as it was
# assumed to not implement isPartiallyBuildable, so in reality
# isBuildable is implemented like isPartiallyBuildable
# But in some cases it might be needed to implement
# isPartiallyBuildable, than isCompleted have to be used here
# Such cases are Business Processes using sequence not related
# to simulation tree with much of compensations
if self.isStatePartiallyCompleted(explanation, predecessor):
return result
return False
# IBusinessPath implementation
def getMovementCompletionDate(self, movement):
"""Returns the date of completion of the movemnet
based on paremeters of the business path. This complete date can be
the start date, the stop date, the date of a given workflow transition
on the explaining delivery, etc.
def isPartiallyBuildable(self, explanation):
Not sure if this will exist some day XXX
movement -- a Simulation Movement
method_id = self.getCompletionDateMethodId()
method = getattr(movement, method_id) # We wish to raise if it does not exist
return method()
def _getExplanationUidList(self, explanation):
"""Helper method to fetch really explanation related movements"""
explanation_uid_list = [explanation.getUid()]
# XXX: getCausalityRelatedValueList is oversimplification, assumes
# that documents are sequenced like simulation movements, which
# is wrong
for found_explanation in explanation.getCausalityRelatedValueList(
portal_type=self.getPortalDeliveryTypeList()) + \
return explanation_uid_list
def build(self, explanation):
def getExpectedQuantity(self, amount):
"""Returns the new quantity for the provided amount taking
into account the efficiency or the quantity defined on the business path.
This is used to implement payment conditions or splitting production
over multiple path. The total of getExpectedQuantity for all business
path which are applicable should never exceed the original quantity.
The implementation of this validation is left to rules.
builder_list = self.getDeliveryBuilderValueList() # Missing method
for builder in builder_list:
# chosen a way that builder is good enough to decide to select movements
# which shall be really build (movement selection for build is builder
# job, not business path job)
'causality_uid': self.getUid(),
'explanation_uid': self._getExplanationUidList(explanation)
if self.getQuantity():
return self.getQuantity()
elif self.getEfficiency():
return amount.getQuantity() * self.getEfficiency()
return amount.getQuantity()
# IBusinessCompletable implementation
def isCompleted(self, explanation):
Looks at all simulation related movements
and checks the simulation_state of the delivery
"""returns True if all related simulation movements for this explanation
document are in a simulation state which is considered as completed
according to the configuration of the current business path.
Completed means that it is possible to move to next step
of Business Process. This method does not check however whether previous
trade states of a given business process are completed or not.
Use instead IBusinessPathProcess.isBusinessPathCompleted for this purpose.
explanation -- the Order, Order Line, Delivery or Delivery Line which
implicitely defines a simulation subtree and a union
business process.
NOTE: simulation movements can be completed (ex. in 'started' state) but
not yet frozen (ex. in 'delivered' state).
acceptable_state_list = self.getCompletedStateList()
for movement in self.getRelatedSimulationMovementValueList(explanation):
for movement in self._getExplanationRelatedSimulationMovementValueList(
if movement.getSimulationState() not in acceptable_state_list:
return False
return True
......@@ -302,111 +317,71 @@ class BusinessPath(Path, Predicate):
def isPartiallyCompleted(self, explanation):
Looks at all simulation related movements
and checks the simulation_state of the delivery
"""returns True if some related simulation movements for this explanation
document are in a simulation state which is considered as completed
according to the configuration of the current business path.
Completed means that it is possible to move to next step
of Business Process. This method does not check however whether previous
trade states of a given business process are completed or not.
Use instead IBusinessPathProcess.isBusinessPathCompleted for this purpose.
explanation -- the Order, Order Line, Delivery or Delivery Line which
implicitely defines a simulation subtree and a union
business process.
acceptable_state_list = self.getCompletedStateList()
for movement in self.getRelatedSimulationMovementValueList(explanation):
for movement in self._getExplanationRelatedSimulationMovementValueList(
if movement.getSimulationState() in acceptable_state_list:
return True
return False
security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'isFrozen')
def isFrozen(self, explanation):
Looks at all simulation related movements
and checks if frozen
movement_list = self.getRelatedSimulationMovementValueList(explanation)
if len(movement_list) == 0:
return False # Nothing to be considered as Frozen
"""returns True if all related simulation movements for this explanation
document are in a simulation state which is considered as frozen
according to the configuration of the current business path.
Frozen means that simulation movement cannot be modified.
This method does not check however whether previous
trade states of a given business process are completed or not.
Use instead IBusinessPathProcess.isBusinessPathCompleted for this purpose.
explanation -- the Order, Order Line, Delivery or Delivery Line which
implicitely defines a simulation subtree and a union
business process.
NOTE: simulation movements can be frozen (ex. in 'stopped' state) but
not yet completed (ex. in 'delivered' state).
acceptable_state_list = self.getFrozenStateList()
movement_list = self._getExplanationRelatedSimulationMovementValueList(
if not movement_list:
return False # Frozen is True only if some delivered movements exist
for movement in movement_list:
if not movement.isFrozen():
return False
return True
def _recurseGetValueList(self, document, portal_type):
"""Helper method to recurse documents as deep as possible and returns
list of document values matching portal_type"""
return_list = []
for subdocument in document.contentValues():
if subdocument.getPortalType() == portal_type:
return_list.extend(self._recurseGetValueList(subdocument, portal_type))
return return_list
def isMovementRelatedWithMovement(self, movement_value_a, movement_value_b):
"""Checks if self is parent or children to movement_value
This logic is Business Process specific for Simulation Movements, as
sequence of Business Process is not related appearance of Simulation Tree
movement_value_a, movement_value_b - movements to check relation between
movement_a_path = '%s/' % movement_value_a.getRelativeUrl()
movement_b_path = '%s/' % movement_value_b.getRelativeUrl()
if movement_a_path == movement_b_path or \
movement_a_path.startswith(movement_b_path) or \
return True
if movement.getDelivery() and movement.getSimulationState() not in acceptable_state_list: # XXX-JPS is it acceptable optimizatoin ?
return False
def _isDeliverySimulationMovementRelated(self, simulation_movement,
"""Helper method, which checks if simulation_movement is BPM like related
with delivery"""
for delivery_simulation_movement in delivery_simulation_movement_list:
if self.isMovementRelatedWithMovement(delivery_simulation_movement,
return True
return False
# IBusinessPath implementation
def getRelatedSimulationMovementValueList(self, explanation):
Returns recursively all Simulation Movements indirectly related to explanation and self
As business sequence is not related to simulation tree need to built
full simulation trees per applied rule
portal_catalog = self.getPortalObject().portal_catalog
root_applied_rule_list = []
delivery_simulation_movement_list = portal_catalog(
delivery_uid=[x.getUid() for x in explanation.getMovementList()])
for simulation_movement in delivery_simulation_movement_list:
applied_rule = simulation_movement.getRootAppliedRule().getPath()
if applied_rule not in root_applied_rule_list:
simulation_movement_list = portal_catalog(
portal_type='Simulation Movement', causality_uid=self.getUid(),
path=['%s/%%' % x for x in root_applied_rule_list])
return [simulation_movement.getObject() for simulation_movement
in simulation_movement_list
# related with explanation
if self._isDeliverySimulationMovementRelated(
simulation_movement, delivery_simulation_movement_list)]
def build(self, explanation):
"""Builds all related movements in the simulation using the builders
defined on the Business Path.
def getExpectedQuantity(self, explanation, *args, **kwargs):
explanation -- the Order, Order Line, Delivery or Delivery Line which
implicitely defines a simulation subtree and a union
business process.
Returns the expected stop date for this
path based on the explanation.
builder_list = self.getDeliveryBuilderValueList()
explanation_cache = _getExplanationCache(explanation)
for builder in builder_list:
# Call build on each builder
# Provide 2 parameters: self and and explanation_cache
'business_path': self,
'explanation_cache': explanation_cache,
XXX predecessor_quantity argument is required?
if self.getQuantity():
return self.getQuantity()
elif self.getEfficiency():
return explanation.getQuantity() * self.getEfficiency()
return explanation.getQuantity()
def getExpectedStartDate(self, explanation, predecessor_date=None, *args, **kwargs):
......@@ -527,3 +502,76 @@ class BusinessPath(Path, Predicate):
return successor_expected_date
def _recurseGetValueList(self, document, portal_type):
"""Helper method to recurse documents as deep as possible and returns
list of document values matching portal_type"""
return_list = []
for subdocument in document.contentValues():
if subdocument.getPortalType() == portal_type:
return_list.extend(self._recurseGetValueList(subdocument, portal_type))
return return_list
def _isMovementRelatedWithMovement(self, movement_value_a, movement_value_b): # XXX-JPS not in API
"""Checks if self is parent or children to movement_value
This logic is Business Process specific for Simulation Movements, as
sequence of Business Process is not related appearance of Simulation Tree
movement_value_a, movement_value_b - movements to check relation between
movement_a_path = '%s/' % movement_value_a.getRelativeUrl()
movement_b_path = '%s/' % movement_value_b.getRelativeUrl()
if movement_a_path == movement_b_path or \
movement_a_path.startswith(movement_b_path) or \
return True
return False
def _isDeliverySimulationMovementRelated(self, simulation_movement,
"""Helper method, which checks if simulation_movement is BPM like related
with delivery"""
for delivery_simulation_movement in delivery_simulation_movement_list:
if self.isMovementRelatedWithMovement(delivery_simulation_movement,
return True
return False
# IBusinessPath implementation
def _getRelatedSimulationMovementValueList(self, explanation): # XXX-JPS purpose ? NOT IN API
Returns recursively all Simulation Movements indirectly related to explanation and self
As business sequence is not related to simulation tree need to built
full simulation trees per applied rule
portal_catalog = self.getPortalObject().portal_catalog
root_applied_rule_list = []
if getattr(self, 'getMovementList', None) is None: # XXX-JPS temp hack
return []
delivery_simulation_movement_list = portal_catalog(
delivery_uid=[x.getUid() for x in explanation.getMovementList()]) # XXX-JPS it seems explanation is not understood as it should - only the root
for simulation_movement in delivery_simulation_movement_list:
applied_rule = simulation_movement.getRootAppliedRule().getPath()
if applied_rule not in root_applied_rule_list:
simulation_movement_list = portal_catalog(
portal_type='Simulation Movement', causality_uid=self.getUid(),
path=['%s/%%' % x for x in root_applied_rule_list])
return [simulation_movement.getObject() for simulation_movement
in simulation_movement_list
# related with explanation
if self._isDeliverySimulationMovementRelated(
simulation_movement, delivery_simulation_movement_list)]
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