Commit 23d19f6f authored by olivier R-D's avatar olivier R-D

xmlexporter: description is a child element not attribute

parent 8f029f0e
......@@ -106,11 +106,16 @@ class XmlExporter(object):
else:"Exporting node class not implemented: %s ", node_class)
def _add_sub_el(self, el, name, text):
child_el = Et.SubElement(el, name)
child_el.text = text
return child_el
def _add_node_common(self, nodetype, node):
browsename = node.get_browse_name().to_string()
nodeid = node.nodeid.to_string()
parent = node.get_parent()
displayname = node.get_display_name().Text.decode(encoding='UTF8')
displayname = node.get_display_name().Text.decode('utf-8')
desc = node.get_description().Text
print("NODE COMMON", node)
node_el = Et.SubElement(self.etree.getroot(),
......@@ -120,9 +125,8 @@ class XmlExporter(object):
if parent is not None:
node_el.attrib["ParentNodeId"] = parent.nodeid.to_string()
if desc not in (None, ""):
node_el.attrib["Description"] = str(desc)
disp_el = Et.SubElement(node_el, 'DisplayName', )
disp_el.text = displayname
self._add_sub_el(node_el, 'Description', desc.decode('utf-8'))
self._add_sub_el(node_el, 'DisplayName', displayname)
return node_el
def add_etree_object(self, obj):
......@@ -204,8 +208,7 @@ class XmlExporter(object):
nuris_el = Et.Element('NamespaceUris')
for uri in uris:
uri_el = Et.SubElement(nuris_el, 'Uri')
uri_el.text = uri
self._add_sub_el(nuris_el, 'Uri', uri)
self.etree.getroot().insert(0, nuris_el)
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