Commit 2941882c authored by Tejas Shastry's avatar Tejas Shastry Committed by oroulet

Fix function signature

Fixed a function signature of `read_array_dimensions` in asyncua/common/node.

ArrayDimentions is always a list of ints because OPC UA has support for multidimentional arrays. But the return type was is specified as int.
parent 1fe61dfe
......@@ -227,7 +227,7 @@ class Node:
v = ua.Variant(value, ua.VariantType.UInt32)
await self.write_attribute(ua.AttributeIds.ArrayDimensions, ua.DataValue(v))
async def read_array_dimensions(self) -> int:
async def read_array_dimensions(self) -> list[int]:
Read and return ArrayDimensions attribute of node
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