Commit 36673c75 authored by Alexander Schrode's avatar Alexander Schrode Committed by GitHub

Allow List,Union,Optional named fields (#1454)

* Allow List,Union,Optional named fields

Fixes #1441

* use typing
parent 8b72a632
......@@ -5,7 +5,8 @@ import uuid
import logging
import re
import keyword
from typing import Union, List, TYPE_CHECKING, Tuple, Optional, Any, Dict, Set
import typing
from typing import Union, List, TYPE_CHECKING, Tuple, Any, Dict, Set
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from asyncua import ua
......@@ -228,22 +229,22 @@ class {struct_name}{base_class}:
if sfield.ValueRank >= 1 and uatype == 'Char':
uatype = 'String'
elif sfield.ValueRank >= 1 or sfield.ArrayDimensions:
uatype = f"List[{uatype}]"
uatype = f"typing.List[{uatype}]"
if sfield.IsOptional:
uatype = f"Optional[{uatype}]"
uatype = f"typing.Optional[{uatype}]"
default_value = 'None'
fields.append((fname, uatype, default_value))
if is_union:
# Generate getter and setter to mimic opc ua union access
names = [f[1] for f in fields]
code += " _union_types = [" + ','.join(names) + "]\n"
code += " Value: Union[None, " + ','.join(names) + "] = field(default=None, init=False)"
code += " Value: typing.Union[None, " + ','.join(names) + "] = field(default=None, init=False)"
for enc_idx, fd in enumerate(fields):
name, uatype, _ = fd
code += f'''
def {name}(self) -> Optional[{uatype}]:
def {name}(self) -> typing.Optional[{uatype}]:
if self.Encoding == {enc_idx + 1}:
return self.Value
return None
......@@ -281,14 +282,10 @@ async def _generate_object(name, sdef, data_type=None, env=None, enum=False, opt
env['IntFlag'] = IntFlag
if "dataclass" not in env:
env['dataclass'] = dataclass
if "Optional" not in env:
env['Optional'] = Optional
if "List" not in env:
env['List'] = List
if "typing" not in env:
env['typing'] = typing
if "field" not in env:
env['field'] = field
if "Union" not in env:
env['Union'] = Union
# generate classe add it to env dict
if enum:
code = make_enum_code(name, sdef, option_set)
......@@ -2036,6 +2036,7 @@ async def test_custom_struct_with_strange_chars(opc):
new_struct_field('My"Bool', ua.VariantType.Boolean),
new_struct_field("My'UInt32", ua.VariantType.UInt32, array=True),
new_struct_field("List", ua.VariantType.UInt32, array=True),
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