Commit 95aab64e authored by olivier R-D's avatar olivier R-D

commit generated code

parent 98cda158
......@@ -631,12 +631,18 @@ def create_standard_address_space_Part3(server):
attrs.DataType = ua.NodeId.from_string("i=7594")
value = []
extobj = ua.EnumValueType()
extobj.Description.Text = b'The BrowseName must appear in all instances of the type.'
extobj.DisplayName.Text = b'Mandatory'
extobj.Value = 1
extobj = ua.EnumValueType()
extobj.Description.Text = b'The BrowseName may appear in an instance of the type.'
extobj.DisplayName.Text = b'Optional'
extobj.Value = 2
extobj = ua.EnumValueType()
extobj.Description.Text = b'The modelling rule defines a constraint and the BrowseName is not used in an instance of the type.'
extobj.DisplayName.Text = b'Constraint'
extobj.Value = 3
attrs.Value = ua.Variant(value, ua.VariantType.ExtensionObject)
......@@ -974,30 +980,48 @@ def create_standard_address_space_Part3(server):
attrs.DataType = ua.NodeId.from_string("i=7594")
value = []
extobj = ua.EnumValueType()
extobj.Description.Text = b'No classes are selected.'
extobj.DisplayName.Text = b'Unspecified'
extobj.Value = 0
extobj = ua.EnumValueType()
extobj.Description.Text = b'The node is an object.'
extobj.DisplayName.Text = b'Object'
extobj.Value = 1
extobj = ua.EnumValueType()
extobj.Description.Text = b'The node is a variable.'
extobj.DisplayName.Text = b'Variable'
extobj.Value = 2
extobj = ua.EnumValueType()
extobj.Description.Text = b'The node is a method.'
extobj.DisplayName.Text = b'Method'
extobj.Value = 4
extobj = ua.EnumValueType()
extobj.Description.Text = b'The node is an object type.'
extobj.DisplayName.Text = b'ObjectType'
extobj.Value = 8
extobj = ua.EnumValueType()
extobj.Description.Text = b'The node is an variable type.'
extobj.DisplayName.Text = b'VariableType'
extobj.Value = 16
extobj = ua.EnumValueType()
extobj.Description.Text = b'The node is a reference type.'
extobj.DisplayName.Text = b'ReferenceType'
extobj.Value = 32
extobj = ua.EnumValueType()
extobj.Description.Text = b'The node is a data type.'
extobj.DisplayName.Text = b'DataType'
extobj.Value = 64
extobj = ua.EnumValueType()
extobj.Description.Text = b'The node is a view.'
extobj.DisplayName.Text = b'View'
extobj.Value = 128
attrs.Value = ua.Variant(value, ua.VariantType.ExtensionObject)
......@@ -905,14 +905,16 @@ def create_standard_address_space_Part9(server):
attrs.DataType = ua.NodeId.from_string("i=296")
value = []
extobj = ua.Argument()
extobj.Description.Text = b'The identifier for the event to comment.'
extobj.DataType = ua.NodeId.from_string("i=15")
extobj.Name = 'EventId'
extobj.ValueRank = -1
extobj.DataType = ua.NodeId.from_string("i=15")
extobj = ua.Argument()
extobj.Description.Text = b'The comment to add to the condition.'
extobj.DataType = ua.NodeId.from_string("i=21")
extobj.Name = 'Comment'
extobj.ValueRank = -1
extobj.DataType = ua.NodeId.from_string("i=21")
attrs.Value = ua.Variant(value, ua.VariantType.ExtensionObject)
attrs.ValueRank = 1
......@@ -974,9 +976,10 @@ def create_standard_address_space_Part9(server):
attrs.DataType = ua.NodeId.from_string("i=296")
value = []
extobj = ua.Argument()
extobj.Description.Text = b'The identifier for the suscription to refresh.'
extobj.DataType = ua.NodeId.from_string("i=288")
extobj.Name = 'SubscriptionId'
extobj.ValueRank = -1
extobj.DataType = ua.NodeId.from_string("i=288")
attrs.Value = ua.Variant(value, ua.VariantType.ExtensionObject)
attrs.ValueRank = 1
......@@ -1038,14 +1041,16 @@ def create_standard_address_space_Part9(server):
attrs.DataType = ua.NodeId.from_string("i=296")
value = []
extobj = ua.Argument()
extobj.Description.Text = b'The identifier for the suscription to refresh.'
extobj.DataType = ua.NodeId.from_string("i=288")
extobj.Name = 'SubscriptionId'
extobj.ValueRank = -1
extobj.DataType = ua.NodeId.from_string("i=288")
extobj = ua.Argument()
extobj.Description.Text = b'The identifier for the monitored item to refresh.'
extobj.DataType = ua.NodeId.from_string("i=288")
extobj.Name = 'MonitoredItemId'
extobj.ValueRank = -1
extobj.DataType = ua.NodeId.from_string("i=288")
attrs.Value = ua.Variant(value, ua.VariantType.ExtensionObject)
attrs.ValueRank = 1
......@@ -1465,9 +1470,10 @@ def create_standard_address_space_Part9(server):
attrs.DataType = ua.NodeId.from_string("i=296")
value = []
extobj = ua.Argument()
extobj.Description.Text = b'The response to the dialog condition.'
extobj.DataType = ua.NodeId.from_string("i=6")
extobj.Name = 'SelectedResponse'
extobj.ValueRank = -1
extobj.DataType = ua.NodeId.from_string("i=6")
attrs.Value = ua.Variant(value, ua.VariantType.ExtensionObject)
attrs.ValueRank = 1
......@@ -1811,14 +1817,16 @@ def create_standard_address_space_Part9(server):
attrs.DataType = ua.NodeId.from_string("i=296")
value = []
extobj = ua.Argument()
extobj.Description.Text = b'The identifier for the event to comment.'
extobj.DataType = ua.NodeId.from_string("i=15")
extobj.Name = 'EventId'
extobj.ValueRank = -1
extobj.DataType = ua.NodeId.from_string("i=15")
extobj = ua.Argument()
extobj.Description.Text = b'The comment to add to the condition.'
extobj.DataType = ua.NodeId.from_string("i=21")
extobj.Name = 'Comment'
extobj.ValueRank = -1
extobj.DataType = ua.NodeId.from_string("i=21")
attrs.Value = ua.Variant(value, ua.VariantType.ExtensionObject)
attrs.ValueRank = 1
......@@ -1880,14 +1888,16 @@ def create_standard_address_space_Part9(server):
attrs.DataType = ua.NodeId.from_string("i=296")
value = []
extobj = ua.Argument()
extobj.Description.Text = b'The identifier for the event to comment.'
extobj.DataType = ua.NodeId.from_string("i=15")
extobj.Name = 'EventId'
extobj.ValueRank = -1
extobj.DataType = ua.NodeId.from_string("i=15")
extobj = ua.Argument()
extobj.Description.Text = b'The comment to add to the condition.'
extobj.DataType = ua.NodeId.from_string("i=21")
extobj.Name = 'Comment'
extobj.ValueRank = -1
extobj.DataType = ua.NodeId.from_string("i=21")
attrs.Value = ua.Variant(value, ua.VariantType.ExtensionObject)
attrs.ValueRank = 1
......@@ -2612,9 +2622,10 @@ def create_standard_address_space_Part9(server):
attrs.DataType = ua.NodeId.from_string("i=296")
value = []
extobj = ua.Argument()
extobj.Description.Text = b'If not 0, this parameter specifies a fixed time for which the Alarm is to be shelved.'
extobj.DataType = ua.NodeId.from_string("i=290")
extobj.Name = 'ShelvingTime'
extobj.ValueRank = -1
extobj.DataType = ua.NodeId.from_string("i=290")
attrs.Value = ua.Variant(value, ua.VariantType.ExtensionObject)
attrs.ValueRank = 1
......@@ -3477,9 +3488,10 @@ def create_standard_address_space_Part9(server):
attrs.DataType = ua.NodeId.from_string("i=296")
value = []
extobj = ua.Argument()
extobj.Description.Text = b'If not 0, this parameter specifies a fixed time for which the Alarm is to be shelved.'
extobj.DataType = ua.NodeId.from_string("i=290")
extobj.Name = 'ShelvingTime'
extobj.ValueRank = -1
extobj.DataType = ua.NodeId.from_string("i=290")
attrs.Value = ua.Variant(value, ua.VariantType.ExtensionObject)
attrs.ValueRank = 1
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