Commit a0b1d2d1 authored by Fabian Beitler's avatar Fabian Beitler

fix typo mentioned in #334

parent cd8b41d8
......@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ async def test_opc_type_dict_append_struct_1(srv):
assert result.attrib == case
@pytest.mark.skip("support for theat currently removed")
@pytest.mark.skip("Support for that feature currently removed")
async def test_opc_type_dict_append_struct_2(srv):
case = {'BaseType': 'ua:ExtensionObject',
'Name': 'CustomizedStruct'}
......@@ -318,7 +318,7 @@ async def test_get_ua_class_1(srv):
@pytest.mark.skip("support for theat currently removed")
@pytest.mark.skip("Support for that feature currently removed")
async def test_get_ua_class_2(srv):
struct_name = '*c*u_stom-ized&Stru#ct'
struct_node = await srv.dict_builder.create_data_type(struct_name)
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