Commit a334d7a3 authored by Alexander Schrode's avatar Alexander Schrode Committed by oroulet

allow instantiate methods

parent 8b802fcd
......@@ -26,13 +26,13 @@ async def instantiate(parent, node_type, nodeid: ua.NodeId=None, bname: Union[st
If they exists children of the node type, such as components, variables and
properties are also instantiated
rdesc = await _rdesc_from_node(parent, node_type)
rdesc.TypeDefinition = node_type.nodeid
if rdesc.NodeClass in (ua.NodeClass.DataType, ua.NodeClass.ReferenceType, ua.NodeClass.ObjectType, ua.NodeClass.ReferenceType):
# Only some nodes can be abstract
abstract = await is_abstract(node_type)
if abstract:
raise ua.UaError(f"InstantiationError NodeId: {node_type.nodeid} is abstract and cant be instantiated!")
rdesc = await _rdesc_from_node(parent, node_type)
rdesc.TypeDefinition = node_type.nodeid
if nodeid is None:
nodeid = ua.NodeId(NamespaceIndex=idx) # will trigger automatic node generation in namespace idx
if bname is None:
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