Commit de8269e4 authored by Alexander Schrode's avatar Alexander Schrode Committed by GitHub

Harding xml import (#1259)

* add enum/struct import for xml

* remove warning for doc elements

* respect datatype in insert order

directly import structs/enums

* fix unittest

the new import need all variables a hand . So register the the additional types before

* fix case in path

* prevent regreistration of class

* fix test because of changed import order

* Add nodeset via git submodule

* handle alias

* use submodule

* Add "Opc.Ua.PlasticsRubber.GeneralTypes.NodeSet2.xml

* prevent endlessloop in sort nodes

* Add dependabot

* correct merge error
parent eff2ef71
......@@ -19,6 +19,8 @@ jobs:
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
submodules: true
- name: Set up Python ${{ matrix.python-version }}
uses: actions/setup-python@v2
[submodule "nodeset"]
path = nodeset
url =
......@@ -381,6 +381,20 @@ async def load_custom_struct(node: Node) -> Any:
return env[name]
async def load_custom_struct_xml_import(node_id: ua.NodeId, attrs: ua.DataTypeAttributes):
This function is used to load custom structs from xmlimporter
name = attrs.DisplayName.Text
if hasattr(ua, name):
return getattr(ua, name)
sdef = attrs.DataTypeDefinition
env = await _generate_object(name, sdef, data_type=node_id)
struct = env[name]
ua.register_extension_object(name, sdef.DefaultEncodingId, struct, node_id)
return env[name]
async def _recursive_parse_basedatatypes(server, base_node, parent_datatype, new_alias) -> Any:
for desc in await base_node.get_children_descriptions(refs=ua.ObjectIds.HasSubtype):
......@@ -394,6 +408,20 @@ async def _recursive_parse_basedatatypes(server, base_node, parent_datatype, new
await _recursive_parse_basedatatypes(server, server.get_node(desc.NodeId), name, new_alias)
async def load_basetype_alias_xml_import(server, name, nodeid, parent_datatype_nid):
Insert alias for a datatype used for xml import
if hasattr(ua, name):
return getattr(ua, name)
parent = server.get_node(parent_datatype_nid)
bname = await parent.read_browse_name()
parent_datatype = clean_name(bname.Name)
env = make_basetype_code(name, parent_datatype)
ua.register_basetype(name, nodeid, env[name])
return env[name]
def make_basetype_code(name, parent_datatype):
alias basetypes
......@@ -521,3 +549,15 @@ async def load_enums(server: Union["Server", "Client"], base_node: Node = None,
ua.register_enum(name, desc.NodeId, env[name])
new_enums[name] = env[name]
return new_enums
async def load_enum_xml_import(node_id: ua.NodeId, attrs: ua.DataTypeAttributes, option_set: bool):
This function is used to load enums from xmlimporter
name = attrs.DisplayName.Text
if hasattr(ua, name):
return getattr(ua, name)
env = await _generate_object(name, attrs.DataTypeDefinition, enum=True, option_set=option_set)
ua.register_enum(name, node_id, env[name])
return env[name]
......@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import logging
import uuid
from typing import Union, Dict, List, Tuple
from dataclasses import fields, is_dataclass
from asyncua.common.structures104 import load_custom_struct_xml_import, load_enum_xml_import, load_basetype_alias_xml_import
from asyncua import ua
from import type_is_union, types_from_union, type_is_list, type_from_list
from .xmlparser import XMLParser, ua_type_to_python
......@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ class XmlImporter:
dnodes = self.parser.get_node_datas()
dnodes = self.make_objects(dnodes)
nodes_parsed = self._sort_nodes_by_parentid(dnodes)
nodes_parsed = self._sort_nodes(dnodes)
nodes = []
for nodedata in nodes_parsed: # self.parser:
......@@ -346,6 +346,8 @@ class XmlImporter:
node.NodeAttributes = attrs
res = await self._get_server().add_nodes([node])
await self._add_refs(obj)
# do not verify these nodes because some nodesets contain invalid elements
if obj.displayname != 'Default Binary' and obj.displayname != 'Default XML' and obj.displayname != 'Default Json':
return res[0].AddedNodeId
......@@ -368,6 +370,7 @@ class XmlImporter:
if obj.desc:
attrs.Description = ua.LocalizedText(obj.desc)
attrs.DisplayName = ua.LocalizedText(obj.displayname)
if obj.datatype is not None:
attrs.DataType = obj.datatype
if obj.value is not None:
attrs.Value = await self._add_variable_value(obj, )
......@@ -414,6 +417,8 @@ class XmlImporter:
for attname, v in val:
if attname != 'EncodingMask':
# Skip Encoding Mask used for optional types
atttype = self._get_val_type(extclass, attname)
self._set_attr(atttype, args, attname, v)
return extclass(**args)
......@@ -457,6 +462,8 @@ class XmlImporter:
elif is_dataclass(atttype):
subargs = {}
for attname2, v2 in val:
if attname2 != 'EncodingMask':
# Skip Encoding Mask used for optional types
sub_atttype = self._get_val_type(atttype, attname2)
self._set_attr(sub_atttype, subargs, attname2, v2)
if "Encoding" in subargs:
......@@ -508,9 +515,10 @@ class XmlImporter:
if obj.desc:
attrs.Description = ua.LocalizedText(obj.desc)
attrs.DisplayName = ua.LocalizedText(obj.displayname)
if obj.datatype is not None:
attrs.DataType = obj.datatype
if obj.value and len(obj.value) == 1:
attrs.Value = obj.value[0]
if obj.value:
attrs.Value = await self._add_variable_value(obj, )
if obj.rank:
attrs.ValueRank = obj.rank
if obj.abstract:
......@@ -566,6 +574,10 @@ class XmlImporter:
return res[0].AddedNodeId
async def add_datatype(self, obj, no_namespace_migration=False):
is_enum = False
is_struct = False
is_option_set = False
is_alias = False
node = self._get_add_node_item(obj, no_namespace_migration)
attrs = ua.DataTypeAttributes()
if obj.desc:
......@@ -576,20 +588,25 @@ class XmlImporter:
attrs.IsAbstract = False
if not obj.definitions:
is_alias = True
if obj.parent == self.session.nodes.enum_data_type.nodeid:
attrs.DataTypeDefinition = self._get_edef(obj)
is_enum = True
elif obj.parent == self.session.nodes.base_structure_type.nodeid:
attrs.DataTypeDefinition = self._get_sdef(obj)
is_struct = True
parent_node = self.session.get_node(obj.parent)
path = await parent_node.get_path()
if self.session.nodes.option_set_type in path:
# nodes below option_set_type are enums, not structs
attrs.DataTypeDefinition = self._get_edef(obj)
is_enum = True
is_option_set = True
elif self.session.nodes.base_structure_type in path:
attrs.DataTypeDefinition = self._get_sdef(obj)
is_struct = True
"%s has datatypedefinition and path %s"
......@@ -601,6 +618,13 @@ class XmlImporter:
res = await self._get_server().add_nodes([node])
await self._add_refs(obj)
if is_struct:
await load_custom_struct_xml_import(node.RequestedNewNodeId, attrs)
if is_enum:
await load_enum_xml_import(node.RequestedNewNodeId, attrs, is_option_set)
if is_alias:
if node.ParentNodeId != ua.NodeId(ua.ObjectIds.Structure):
await load_basetype_alias_xml_import(self.session, node.BrowseName.Name, node.RequestedNewNodeId, node.ParentNodeId)
return res[0].AddedNodeId
async def _add_refs(self, obj):
......@@ -667,29 +691,43 @@ class XmlImporter:
sdef.StructureType = ua.StructureType.Structure
return sdef
def _sort_nodes_by_parentid(self, ndatas):
def _sort_nodes(self, ndatas):
Sort the list of nodes according their parent node in order to respect
the dependency between nodes.
the dependency between nodes. Also respect the datatypes used in variables
:param nodes: list of NodeDataObjects
:returns: list of sorted nodes
sorted_ndatas = []
sorted_nodes_ids = set()
all_node_ids = set(data.nodeid for data in ndatas)
while len(sorted_nodes_ids) < len(ndatas):
for ndata in ndatas:
if ndata.nodeid in sorted_nodes_ids:
elif (ndata.parent is None or ndata.parent not in all_node_ids):
all_nodes = {data.nodeid: data for data in ndatas}
sorted_nodes = {}
def add_to_sorted(nid, ndata):
# check if a node is a datatype, if fields are imported already
for field in ndata.definitions:
if field.datatype != nid and field.datatype in all_nodes:
if field.datatype not in sorted_nodes:
sorted_nodes[nid] = ndata
last_len = 0
while len(sorted_nodes) < len(ndatas):
for nid, ndata in all_nodes.items():
if nid in sorted_nodes:
if ndata.datatype is not None and ndata.datatype in all_nodes:
if ndata.datatype not in sorted_nodes:
if (ndata.parent is None or ndata.parent not in all_nodes):
add_to_sorted(nid, ndata)
# Check if the nodes parent is already in the list of
# inserted nodes
if ndata.parent in sorted_nodes_ids:
if ndata.parent in sorted_nodes:
add_to_sorted(nid, ndata)
if last_len == len(sorted_nodes):
# When no change is found we are in a endlessloop
raise ValueError('Ordering of nodes is not possible')
return sorted_ndatas
......@@ -245,6 +245,9 @@ class XMLParser:
for field in el:
field = self._parse_field(field)
elif tag == "Documentation" or tag == "Category":
# Only for documentation
else:"Not implemented tag: %s", el)
......@@ -400,7 +403,6 @@ class XMLParser:
if nsval is not None:
ns = string_to_val(nsval.text, ua.VariantType.UInt16)
v = ua.QualifiedName(name, ns)
self.logger.warning("qn: %s", v)
return v
def _parse_refs(self, el, obj):
Subproject commit 526c5e59e7ba9e54f9dc7848ce2baa249395d3ef
......@@ -26,6 +26,14 @@ CUSTOM_NODES_NS_XML_PATH3 = BASE_DIR / "custom_nodesns_4.xml"
CUSTOM_NS_META_ADD_XML_PATH = BASE_DIR / "custom_ns_meta_add.xml"
CUSTOM_REQ_XML_PASS_PATH = BASE_DIR / "test_requirement_pass.xml"
CUSTOM_REQ_XML_FAIL_PATH = BASE_DIR / "test_requirement_fail.xml"
NODESET_DIR = BASE_DIR.parents[0] / "nodeset"
NODESET_DI = NODESET_DIR / "DI" / "Opc.Ua.Di.NodeSet2.xml"
NODESET_SCALES = NODESET_DIR / "Scales" / "Opc.Ua.Scales.NodeSet2.xml"
NODESET_PACK = NODESET_DIR / "PackML" / "Opc.Ua.PackML.NodeSet2.xml"
NODESET_TMC = NODESET_DIR / "TMC" / "Opc.Ua.TMC.NodeSet2.xml"
NODESET_IA = NODESET_DIR / "IA" / "Opc.Ua.IA.NodeSet2.xml"
NODESET_VISION = NODESET_DIR / "MachineVision" / "Opc.Ua.MachineVision.NodeSet2.xml"
NODESET_PLASTIC_RUBBER = NODESET_DIR / "PlasticsRubber" / "GeneralTypes" / "1.03" / "Opc.Ua.PlasticsRubber.GeneralTypes.NodeSet2.xml"
......@@ -56,6 +64,30 @@ async def test_xml_import(opc):
await opc.opc.delete_nodes([opc.opc.get_node(nodeid)])
async def test_xml_import_companion_specifications(opc):
# if not already shift the new namespaces
await opc.server.register_namespace("http://placeholder.toincrease.nsindex")
# Test against some companion specifications
nodes = await opc.opc.import_xml(NODESET_DI)
scales_nodes = await opc.opc.import_xml(NODESET_SCALES)
for nodeid in scales_nodes:
await opc.opc.delete_nodes([opc.opc.get_node(nodeid)])
if opc.opc == opc.server:
# Only load in server testcase takes to long if the networklayer is involved
pack_nodes = await opc.opc.import_xml(NODESET_PACK)
# pack_nodes += await opc.opc.import_xml(NODESET_TMC) # @TODO we have a nameming colison
for nodeid in pack_nodes:
await opc.opc.delete_nodes([opc.opc.get_node(nodeid)])
ruber_nodes = await opc.opc.import_xml(NODESET_PLASTIC_RUBBER)
for nodeid in ruber_nodes:
await opc.opc.delete_nodes([opc.opc.get_node(nodeid)])
nodes += await opc.opc.import_xml(NODESET_IA)
nodes += await opc.opc.import_xml(NODESET_VISION)
for nodeid in nodes:
await opc.opc.delete_nodes([opc.opc.get_node(nodeid)])
async def test_xml_import_additional_ns(opc):
# if not already shift the new namespaces
await opc.server.register_namespace("http://placeholder.toincrease.nsindex")
......@@ -596,8 +628,8 @@ async def test_xml_struct_in_struct_with_value(opc, tmpdir):
await opc.opc.export_xml([outer_struct, inner_struct, valnode], tmp_path, export_values=True)
await opc.opc.delete_nodes([outer_struct, inner_struct, valnode])
new_nodes = await opc.opc.import_xml(tmp_path)
imported_outer_struct = opc.opc.get_node(new_nodes[0])
imported_inner_struct = opc.opc.get_node(new_nodes[1])
imported_outer_struct = opc.opc.get_node(new_nodes[1])
imported_inner_struct = opc.opc.get_node(new_nodes[0])
imported_valnode = opc.opc.get_node(new_nodes[2])
assert outer_struct == imported_outer_struct
assert inner_struct == imported_inner_struct
......@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ import
setattr(, 'ExampleEnum', ExampleEnum)
class ExampleStruct:
IntVal1: uatypes.Int16 = 0
......@@ -27,9 +28,10 @@ class ExampleStruct:
async def add_server_custom_enum_struct(server: Server):
# import some nodes from xml
await server.import_xml(TEST_DIR / "enum_struct_test_nodes.xml")
ns = await server.get_namespace_index('')
ns = await server.register_namespace('')
uatypes.register_enum('ExampleEnum', ua.NodeId(3002, ns), ExampleEnum)
uatypes.register_extension_object('ExampleStruct', ua.NodeId(5001, ns), ExampleStruct)
await server.import_xml(TEST_DIR / "enum_struct_test_nodes.xml"),
val = ua.ExampleStruct()
val.IntVal1 = 242
val.EnumVal = ua.ExampleEnum.EnumVal2
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