############################################################################## # # Copyright (c) 2002-2006 Nexedi SARL and Contributors. All Rights Reserved. # # WARNING: This program as such is intended to be used by professional # programmers who take the whole responsability of assessing all potential # consequences resulting from its eventual inadequacies and bugs # End users who are looking for a ready-to-use solution with commercial # garantees and support are strongly adviced to contract a Free Software # Service Company # # This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # ############################################################################## from AccessControl import ClassSecurityInfo from AccessControl.SecurityManagement import getSecurityManager, newSecurityManager, setSecurityManager from Products.CMFCore.utils import getToolByName from Products.ERP5Type import Permissions, PropertySheet,\ Constraint, Interface, Cache from Products.ERP5.Document.Domain import Domain #from Products.ERP5.Document.WebSite import WebSite from Acquisition import ImplicitAcquisitionWrapper, aq_base, aq_inner from Products.ERP5Type.Base import TempBase from Globals import get_request from zLOG import LOG, WARNING from Products.ERP5Type.Cache import getReadOnlyTransactionCache # Global keys used for URL generation WEBSECTION_KEY = 'web_section_value' WEBSITE_USER = 'web_site_user' Domain_getattr = Domain.inheritedAttribute('__getattr__') # We use a request key (CACHE_KEY) to store access attributes and prevent infinite recursion # We define a couple of reserved names for which we are not # going to try to do acquisition CACHE_KEY = 'web_site_aq_cache' DOCUMENT_NAME_KEY = 'web_section_document_name' reserved_name_dict = { 'getApplicableLayout' : 1, 'getContainerLayout': 1, 'isWebMode' : 1, 'getLayout' : 1, 'Localizer' : 1, 'field_render' : 1, 'getListItemUrl' : 1, 'getLocalPropertyManager' : 1, 'getOrderedGlobalActionList' : 1, 'allow_discussion' : 1, 'im_func' : 1, 'id' : 1, 'method_id' : 1, 'role_map' : 1, 'func_defaults': 1, } reserved_name_dict_init = 0 class WebSection(Domain): """ A Web Section is a Domain with an extended API intended to support the creation of Web front ends to server ERP5 contents through a pretty and configurable user interface. WebSection uses the following scripts for customisation: - WebSection_getBreadcrumbItemList - WebSection_getDocumentValueList - WebSection_getPermanentURL - WebSection_getDocumentValue - WebSection_getDefaultDocumentValue - WebSection_getSectionValue - WebSection_getWebSiteValue It defines the following REQUEST global variables: - current_web_section - current_web_document - is_web_section_default_document """ # CMF Type Definition meta_type = 'ERP5 Web Section' portal_type = 'Web Section' isPortalContent = 1 isRADContent = 1 # Declarative security security = ClassSecurityInfo() security.declareObjectProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation) # Default Properties property_sheets = ( PropertySheet.Base , PropertySheet.XMLObject , PropertySheet.CategoryCore , PropertySheet.DublinCore , PropertySheet.WebSection , PropertySheet.SortIndex , PropertySheet.Predicate ) web_section_key = WEBSECTION_KEY def _aq_dynamic(self, name): """ Try to find a suitable document based on the web site local naming policies as defined by the getDocumentValue method """ global reserved_name_dict_init global reserved_name_dict request = self.REQUEST # Register current web site physical path for later URL generation if not request.has_key(self.web_section_key): request[self.web_section_key] = self.getPhysicalPath() # Normalize web parameter in the request # Fix common user mistake and transform '1' string to boolean for web_param in ['ignore_layout', 'editable_mode']: if hasattr(request, web_param): if getattr(request, web_param, None) in ('1', 1, True): request.set(web_param, True) else: request.set(web_param, False) # First let us call the super method dynamic = Domain._aq_dynamic(self, name) if dynamic is not None: return dynamic # Do some optimisation here for names which can not be names of documents if reserved_name_dict.has_key(name) \ or name.endswith('_getDocumentValue') \ or name.startswith('_') or name.startswith('portal_')\ or name.startswith('aq_') or name.startswith('selection_') \ or name.startswith('sort-') or name.startswith('WebSite_') \ or name.startswith('WebSection_') or name.startswith('Base_'): return None if not reserved_name_dict_init: # Feed reserved_name_dict_init with skin names portal = self.getPortalObject() for skin_folder in portal.portal_skins.objectValues(): for id in skin_folder.objectIds(): reserved_name_dict[id] = 1 for id in portal.objectIds(): reserved_name_dict[id] = 1 reserved_name_dict_init = 1 #LOG('aq_dynamic name',0, name) if not request.has_key(CACHE_KEY): request[CACHE_KEY] = {} elif request[CACHE_KEY].has_key(name): return request[CACHE_KEY][name] try: portal = self.getPortalObject() # Use the webmaster identity to find documents if request[CACHE_KEY].has_key(WEBSITE_USER): user = request[CACHE_KEY][WEBSITE_USER] # Retrieve user from request cache else: # Cache webmaster for faster lookup if not hasattr(aq_base(self), '_v_section_webmaster'): self._v_section_webmaster = self.getWebmaster() user = portal.acl_users.getUserById(self._v_section_webmaster) request[CACHE_KEY][WEBSITE_USER] = user # Cache user per request if user is not None: old_manager = getSecurityManager() newSecurityManager(get_request(), user) else: LOG('WebSection _aq_dynamic', WARNING, 'No user defined for %s.' 'This will prevent accessing object through their permanent URL' % self.getWebmaster()) #LOG('Lookup', 0, str(name)) document = self.getDocumentValue(name=name, portal=portal) request[CACHE_KEY][name] = document if user is not None: setSecurityManager(old_manager) except: # Cleanup non recursion dict in case of exception if request[CACHE_KEY].has_key(name): del request[CACHE_KEY][name] raise if document is not None: request[DOCUMENT_NAME_KEY] = name document = aq_base(document.asContext(id=name, # Hide some properties to permit location the original original_container=document.getParentValue(), original_id=document.getId(), editable_absolute_url=document.absolute_url())) return document security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'getWebSectionValue') def getWebSectionValue(self): """ Returns the current web section (ie. self) though containment acquisition. To understand the misteries of acquisition and how the rule containment vs. acquisition works, please look at XXXX (Zope web site) """ return self # Default view display security.declareProtected(Permissions.View, '__call__') def __call__(self): """ If a Web Section has a default document, we render the default document instead of rendering the Web Section itself. The implementation is based on the presence of specific variables in the REQUEST (besides editable_mode and ignore_layout). current_web_section -- defines the Web Section which is used to display the current document. current_web_document -- defines the Document (ex. Web Page) which is being displayed within current_web_section. is_web_section_default_document -- a boolean which is set each time we display a default document as a section. We use REQUEST parameters so that they are reset for every Web transaction and can be accessed from widgets. """ self.REQUEST.set('current_web_section', self) if not self.REQUEST.get('editable_mode') and not self.REQUEST.get('ignore_layout'): document = self.getDefaultDocumentValue() if document is not None: self.REQUEST.set('current_web_document', document) self.REQUEST.set('is_web_section_default_document', 1) return document.__of__(self)() return Domain.__call__(self) # Layout Selection API security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'getApplicableLayout') def getApplicableLayout(self): """ The applicable layout on a section is the container layout. """ return self.getContainerLayout() # WebSection API security.declareProtected(Permissions.View, 'getDocumentValue') def getDocumentValue(self, name=None, portal=None): """ Return the default document with the given name. The name parameter may represent anything such as a document reference, an identifier, etc. If name is not provided, the method defaults to returning the default document by calling getDefaultDocumentValue. This method must be implemented through a portal type dependent script: WebSection_getDocumentValue """ if name is None: return self.getDefaultDocumentValue() cache = getReadOnlyTransactionCache(self) method = None if cache is not None: key = ('getDocumentValue', self) try: method = cache[key] except KeyError: pass if method is None: method = self._getTypeBasedMethod('getDocumentValue', fallback_script_id='WebSection_getDocumentValue') if cache is not None: if not cache.has_key(key): cache[key] = method return method(name, portal=portal) security.declareProtected(Permissions.View, 'getDefaultDocumentValue') def getDefaultDocumentValue(self): """ Return the default document of the current section. This method must be implemented through a portal type dependent script: WebSection_getDefaultDocumentValue """ cache = getReadOnlyTransactionCache(self) if cache is not None: key = ('getDefaultDocumentValue', self) try: return cache[key] except KeyError: pass result = self._getTypeBasedMethod('getDefaultDocumentValue', fallback_script_id='WebSection_getDefaultDocumentValue')() if cache is not None: cache[key] = result return result security.declareProtected(Permissions.View, 'getDocumentValueList') def getDocumentValueList(self, **kw): """ Return the list of documents which belong to the current section. The API is designed to support additional parameters so that it is possible to group documents by reference, version, language, etc. or to implement filtering of documents. This method must be implemented through a portal type dependent script: WebSection_getDocumentValueList """ cache = getReadOnlyTransactionCache(self) if cache is not None: key = ('getDocumentValueList', self) + tuple(kw.items()) try: return cache[key] except KeyError: pass result = self._getTypeBasedMethod('getDocumentValueList', fallback_script_id='WebSection_getDocumentValueList')(**kw) if cache is not None: cache[key] = result return result security.declareProtected(Permissions.View, 'getPermanentURL') def getPermanentURL(self, document): """ Return a permanent URL of document in the context of the current section. This method must be implemented through a portal type dependent script: WebSection_getPermanentURL """ cache = getReadOnlyTransactionCache(self) if cache is not None: key = ('getDocumentValueList', self, document.getPath()) try: return cache[key] except KeyError: pass result = self._getTypeBasedMethod('getPermanentURL', fallback_script_id='WebSection_getPermanentURL')(document) if cache is not None: cache[key] = result return result security.declareProtected(Permissions.View, 'getBreadcrumbItemList') def getBreadcrumbItemList(self, document): """ Return a section dependent breadcrumb in the form of a list of (title, document) tuples. This method must be implemented through a portal type dependent script: WebSection_getBreadcrumbItemList """ cache = getReadOnlyTransactionCache(self) if cache is not None: key = ('getDocumentValueList', self, document.getPath()) try: return cache[key] except KeyError: pass result = self._getTypeBasedMethod('getBreadcrumbItemList', fallback_script_id='WebSection_getBreadcrumbItemList')(document) if cache is not None: cache[key] = result return result