Products.ERP5Type.Document.BusinessTemplate BusinessTemplate _Modify_portal_content_Permission Manager __ac_local_roles__ alex Owner _action_item AAAAAAAAAAI= _catalog_method_item AAAAAAAAAAM= _catalog_related_key_item AAAAAAAAAAQ= _catalog_result_key_item AAAAAAAAAAU= _catalog_result_table_item AAAAAAAAAAY= _category_item AAAAAAAAAAc= _count AAAAAAAAAAg= _document_item AAAAAAAAAAk= _extension_item AAAAAAAAAAo= _message_translation_item AAAAAAAAAAs= _module_item AAAAAAAAAAw= _mt_index AAAAAAAAAA0= _owner nexedi acl_users alex _path_item AAAAAAAAAA4= _portal_type_item AAAAAAAAAA8= _product_item AAAAAAAAABA= _property_sheet_item AAAAAAAAABE= _role_item AAAAAAAAABI= _site_property_item AAAAAAAAABM= _skin_item AAAAAAAAABQ= _test_item AAAAAAAAABU= _tree AAAAAAAAABY= _workflow_item AAAAAAAAABc= change_log 2005-04-19 Yoshinor Okuji\n \n * Update z_update_delivery.\n \n * Add predicate, predicate_category and delivery. description This Business Template holds every Catalog Methods and Properties used by ERP5 id erp5_catalog portal_type Business Template template_action_path template_base_category template_catalog_method_id erp5_mysql/z_related_node_uid_from_stock erp5_mysql/z_create_catalog erp5_mysql/z0_drop_catalog erp5_mysql/AppliedRule_insertMovement erp5_mysql/AppliedRule_deleteCatalog erp5_mysql/z_catalog_item erp5_mysql/z_search_folder erp5_mysql/AppliedRule_createMessageTable erp5_mysql/z0_uncatalog_movement erp5_mysql/z0_drop_movement erp5_mysql/z_catalog_roles_and_users erp5_mysql/AppliedRule_deleteCategory erp5_mysql/z_create_predicate erp5_mysql/z_search_results erp5_mysql/z0_drop_delivery erp5_mysql/z_related_mirror_section_uid_from_stock erp5_mysql/z_related_security erp5_mysql/z_create_category erp5_mysql/z0_drop_item erp5_mysql/z0_drop_predicate erp5_mysql/z0_uncatalog_compatibility erp5_mysql/z_uncatalog_object erp5_mysql/z_catalog_stock erp5_mysql/z0_uncatalog_stock erp5_mysql/z0_drop_roles_and_users erp5_mysql/z_related_predicate 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building_state modified building_time _aday Tue _amon Mar _d 38066.4968981 _day 22 _dayoffset 2 _fday Tuesday _fmon March _hour 12 _millis 1111492531993 _minute 55 _month 3 _nearsec 31.0 _pday Tue. _pm pm _pmhour 12 _pmon Mar. _second 31.993 _t 1111492531.99 _tz GMT+1 _year 2005 time 0.496898067133 building_action edit building_actor alex building_comment building_state modified building_time _aday Tue _amon Mar _d 38066.5436566 _day 22 _dayoffset 2 _fday Tuesday _fmon March _hour 14 _millis 1111496571929 _minute 2 _month 3 _nearsec 51.0 _pday Tue. _pm pm _pmhour 2 _pmon Mar. _second 51.929 _t 1111496571.93 _tz GMT+1 _year 2005 time 0.543656585643 building_action build_action building_actor alex building_comment building_state modified building_time _aday Tue _amon Mar _d 38066.5439869 _day 22 _dayoffset 2 _fday Tuesday _fmon March _hour 14 _millis 1111496600469 _minute 3 _month 3 _nearsec 20.0 _pday Tue. _pm pm _pmhour 2 _pmon Mar. _second 20.469 _t 1111496600.47 _tz GMT+1 _year 2005 time 0.543986909717 building_action build building_actor alex building_comment building_state built building_time _aday Tue _amon Mar _d 38066.5439906 _day 22 _dayoffset 2 _fday Tuesday _fmon March _hour 14 _millis 1111496600786 _minute 3 _month 3 _nearsec 20.0 _pday Tue. _pm pm _pmhour 2 _pmon Mar. _second 20.786 _t 1111496600.79 _tz GMT+1 _year 2005 time 0.543990578706 building_action edit building_actor alex building_comment building_state modified building_time _aday Tue _amon Mar _d 38066.7241046 _day 22 _dayoffset 2 _fday Tuesday _fmon March _hour 18 _millis 1111512162640 _minute 22 _month 3 _nearsec 42.0 _pday Tue. _pm pm _pmhour 6 _pmon Mar. _second 42.64 _t 1111512162.64 _tz GMT+1 _year 2005 time 0.724104629633 building_action edit building_actor alex building_comment building_state modified building_time _aday Tue _amon Mar _d 38066.7254707 _day 22 _dayoffset 2 _fday Tuesday _fmon March _hour 18 _millis 1111512280665 _minute 24 _month 3 _nearsec 40.0 _pday Tue. _pm pm _pmhour 6 _pmon Mar. _second 40.665 _t 1111512280.66 _tz GMT+1 _year 2005 time 0.725470659723 building_action edit building_actor alex building_comment building_state modified building_time _aday Tue _amon Mar _d 38066.7263735 _day 22 _dayoffset 2 _fday Tuesday _fmon March _hour 18 _millis 1111512358673 _minute 25 _month 3 _nearsec 58.0 _pday Tue. _pm pm _pmhour 6 _pmon Mar. _second 58.673 _t 1111512358.67 _tz GMT+1 _year 2005 time 0.726373530095 building_action edit building_actor alex building_comment building_state modified building_time _aday Fri _amon Apr _d 38076.4804364 _day 1 _dayoffset 5 _fday Friday _fmon April _hour 13 _millis 1112355109705 _minute 31 _month 4 _nearsec 49.0 _pday Fri. _pm pm _pmhour 1 _pmon Apr. _second 49.705 _t 1112355109.7 _tz GMT+2 _year 2005 time 0.480436400459 building_action build_action building_actor alex building_comment building_state modified building_time _aday Fri _amon Apr _d 38076.4811939 _day 1 _dayoffset 5 _fday Friday _fmon April _hour 13 _millis 1112355175153 _minute 32 _month 4 _nearsec 55.0 _pday Fri. _pm pm _pmhour 1 _pmon Apr. _second 55.153 _t 1112355175.15 _tz GMT+2 _year 2005 time 0.481193900465 building_action build building_actor alex building_comment building_state built building_time _aday Fri _amon Apr _d 38076.4812006 _day 1 _dayoffset 5 _fday Friday _fmon April _hour 13 _millis 1112355175731 _minute 32 _month 4 _nearsec 55.0 _pday Fri. _pm pm _pmhour 1 _pmon Apr. _second 55.731 _t 1112355175.73 _tz GMT+2 _year 2005 time 0.481200590279 building_action rebuild_action building_actor alex building_comment building_state built building_time _aday Fri _amon Apr _d 38076.771048 _day 1 _dayoffset 5 _fday Friday _fmon April _hour 20 _millis 1112380218547 _minute 30 _month 4 _nearsec 18.0 _pday Fri. _pm pm _pmhour 8 _pmon Apr. _second 18.547 _t 1112380218.55 _tz GMT+2 _year 2005 time 0.771047997681 building_action clean building_actor alex building_comment building_state modified building_time _aday Fri _amon Apr _d 38076.7710483 _day 1 _dayoffset 5 _fday Friday _fmon April _hour 20 _millis 1112380218571 _minute 30 _month 4 _nearsec 18.0 _pday Fri. _pm pm _pmhour 8 _pmon Apr. _second 18.571 _t 1112380218.57 _tz GMT+2 _year 2005 time 0.771048275463 building_action build building_actor alex building_comment building_state built building_time _aday Fri _amon Apr _d 38076.7710544 _day 1 _dayoffset 5 _fday Friday _fmon April _hour 20 _millis 1112380219103 _minute 30 _month 4 _nearsec 19.0 _pday Fri. _pm pm _pmhour 8 _pmon Apr. _second 19.103 _t 1112380219.1 _tz GMT+2 _year 2005 time 0.771054432866 building_action edit building_actor yo building_comment building_state modified building_time _aday Tue _amon Apr _d 38094.644882 _day 19 _dayoffset 2 _fday Tuesday _fmon April _hour 17 _millis 1113924517808 _minute 28 _month 4 _nearsec 37.0 _pday Tue. _pm pm _pmhour 5 _pmon Apr. _second 37.808 _t 1113924517.81 _tz GMT+2 _year 2005 time 0.644882037035 building_action build_action building_actor yo building_comment building_state modified building_time _aday Tue _amon Apr _d 38094.6449597 _day 19 _dayoffset 2 _fday Tuesday _fmon April _hour 17 _millis 1113924524514 _minute 28 _month 4 _nearsec 44.0 _pday Tue. _pm pm _pmhour 5 _pmon Apr. _second 44.514 _t 1113924524.51 _tz GMT+2 _year 2005 time 0.644959652775 building_action build building_actor yo building_comment building_state built building_time _aday Tue _amon Apr _d 38094.6449641 _day 19 _dayoffset 2 _fday Tuesday _fmon April _hour 17 _millis 1113924524896 _minute 28 _month 4 _nearsec 44.0 _pday Tue. _pm pm _pmhour 5 _pmon Apr. _second 44.896 _t 1113924524.9 _tz GMT+2 _year 2005 time 0.644964074076 building_action build building_actor yo building_comment building_state built building_time _aday Tue _amon Apr _d 38094.6449641 _day 19 _dayoffset 2 _fday Tuesday _fmon April _hour 17 _millis 1113924524901 _minute 28 _month 4 _nearsec 44.0 _pday Tue. _pm pm _pmhour 5 _pmon Apr. _second 44.901 _t 1113924524.9 _tz GMT+2 _year 2005 time 0.644964131941 building_action edit building_actor yo building_comment building_state modified building_time _aday Tue _amon Apr _d 38094.7118363 _day 19 _dayoffset 2 _fday Tuesday _fmon April _hour 19 _millis 1113930302660 _minute 5 _month 4 _nearsec 2.0 _pday Tue. _pm pm _pmhour 7 _pmon Apr. _second 2.66 _t 1113930302.66 _tz GMT+2 _year 2005 time 0.711836342591 building_action edit building_actor yo building_comment building_state modified building_time _aday Tue _amon Apr _d 38094.7129028 _day 19 _dayoffset 2 _fday Tuesday _fmon April _hour 19 _millis 1113930394799 _minute 6 _month 4 _nearsec 34.0 _pday Tue. _pm pm _pmhour 7 _pmon Apr. _second 34.799 _t 1113930394.8 _tz GMT+2 _year 2005 time 0.712902766201 building_action edit building_actor yo building_comment building_state modified building_time _aday Tue _amon Apr _d 38094.7134732 _day 19 _dayoffset 2 _fday Tuesday _fmon April _hour 19 _millis 1113930444081 _minute 7 _month 4 _nearsec 24.0 _pday Tue. _pm pm _pmhour 7 _pmon Apr. _second 24.081 _t 1113930444.08 _tz GMT+2 _year 2005 time 0.713473159725 building_action build_action building_actor yo building_comment building_state modified building_time _aday Tue _amon Apr _d 38094.7135792 _day 19 _dayoffset 2 _fday Tuesday _fmon April _hour 19 _millis 1113930453246 _minute 7 _month 4 _nearsec 33.0 _pday Tue. _pm pm _pmhour 7 _pmon Apr. _second 33.246 _t 1113930453.25 _tz GMT+2 _year 2005 time 0.713579236115 building_action build building_actor yo building_comment building_state built building_time _aday Tue _amon Apr _d 38094.7135831 _day 19 _dayoffset 2 _fday Tuesday _fmon April _hour 19 _millis 1113930453583 _minute 7 _month 4 _nearsec 33.0 _pday Tue. _pm pm _pmhour 7 _pmon Apr. _second 33.583 _t 1113930453.58 _tz GMT+2 _year 2005 time 0.713583136574 building_action build building_actor yo building_comment building_state built building_time _aday Tue _amon Apr _d 38094.7135832 _day 19 _dayoffset 2 _fday Tuesday _fmon April _hour 19 _millis 1113930453586 _minute 7 _month 4 _nearsec 33.0 _pday Tue. _pm pm _pmhour 7 _pmon Apr. _second 33.586 _t 1113930453.59 _tz GMT+2 _year 2005 time 0.713583171295 business_template_installation_workflow Persistence PersistentMapping _container Persistence PersistentMapping _container portal_catalog/erp5_mysql/AppliedRule_createMessageTable AAAAAAAAADg= portal_catalog/erp5_mysql/AppliedRule_deleteCatalog AAAAAAAAADk= portal_catalog/erp5_mysql/AppliedRule_deleteCategory AAAAAAAAADo= portal_catalog/erp5_mysql/AppliedRule_deleteMovement AAAAAAAAADs= portal_catalog/erp5_mysql/AppliedRule_deleteStock AAAAAAAAADw= portal_catalog/erp5_mysql/AppliedRule_insertCatalog AAAAAAAAAD0= portal_catalog/erp5_mysql/AppliedRule_insertCategory AAAAAAAAAD4= portal_catalog/erp5_mysql/AppliedRule_insertMovement AAAAAAAAAD8= portal_catalog/erp5_mysql/AppliedRule_insertStock AAAAAAAAAEA= portal_catalog/erp5_mysql/z0_drop_catalog AAAAAAAAAEE= portal_catalog/erp5_mysql/z0_drop_category AAAAAAAAAEI= 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AppliedRule_insertStock 0 z0_drop_catalog 1 z0_drop_category 1 z0_drop_compatibility 1 z0_drop_delivery 1 z0_drop_item 1 z0_drop_movement 1 z0_drop_predicate 1 z0_drop_predicate_category 1 z0_drop_roles_and_users 1 z0_drop_stock 1 z0_drop_subject 1 z0_uncatalog_category 0 z0_uncatalog_compatibility 0 z0_uncatalog_item 0 z0_uncatalog_movement 0 z0_uncatalog_predicate 0 z0_uncatalog_predicate_category 0 z0_uncatalog_roles_and_users 0 z0_uncatalog_stock 0 z0_uncatalog_subject 0 z_catalog_category 0 z_catalog_category_list 0 z_catalog_compatibility 0 z_catalog_compatibility_list 0 z_catalog_item 0 z_catalog_item_list 0 z_catalog_movement 0 z_catalog_movement_list 0 z_catalog_object_list 0 z_catalog_predicate 0 z_catalog_predicate_category 0 z_catalog_roles_and_users 0 z_catalog_roles_and_users_list 0 z_catalog_stock 0 z_catalog_stock_list 0 z_catalog_subject 0 z_catalog_subject_list 0 z_count_results 0 z_create_catalog 1 z_create_category 1 z_create_compatibility 1 z_create_delivery 1 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z0_uncatalog_movement 1 z0_uncatalog_predicate 1 z0_uncatalog_predicate_category 1 z0_uncatalog_roles_and_users 1 z0_uncatalog_stock 1 z0_uncatalog_subject 1 z_catalog_category 0 z_catalog_category_list 0 z_catalog_compatibility 0 z_catalog_compatibility_list 0 z_catalog_item 0 z_catalog_item_list 0 z_catalog_movement 0 z_catalog_movement_list 0 z_catalog_object_list 0 z_catalog_predicate 0 z_catalog_predicate_category 0 z_catalog_roles_and_users 0 z_catalog_roles_and_users_list 0 z_catalog_stock 0 z_catalog_stock_list 0 z_catalog_subject 0 z_catalog_subject_list 0 z_count_results 0 z_create_catalog 0 z_create_category 0 z_create_compatibility 0 z_create_delivery 0 z_create_item 0 z_create_movement 0 z_create_predicate 0 z_create_predicate_category 0 z_create_roles_and_users 0 z_create_stock 0 z_create_subject 0 z_related_mirror_section_uid_from_stock 0 z_related_node_uid_from_stock 0 z_related_payment_uid_from_stock 0 z_related_predicate 0 z_related_resource 0 z_related_resource_uid_from_stock 0 z_related_section_uid_from_stock 0 z_related_security 0 z_related_uid 0 z_search_folder 0 z_search_results 0 z_show_category_columns 0 z_uncatalog_delivery 1 z_uncatalog_object 1 z_update_delivery 0 z_update_object 0 Persistence PersistentMapping _container AppliedRule_createMessageTable 0 AppliedRule_deleteCatalog 0 AppliedRule_deleteCategory 0 AppliedRule_deleteMovement 0 AppliedRule_deleteStock 0 AppliedRule_insertCatalog 0 AppliedRule_insertCategory 0 AppliedRule_insertMovement 0 AppliedRule_insertStock 0 z0_drop_catalog 0 z0_drop_category 0 z0_drop_compatibility 0 z0_drop_delivery 0 z0_drop_item 0 z0_drop_movement 0 z0_drop_predicate 0 z0_drop_predicate_category 0 z0_drop_roles_and_users 0 z0_drop_stock 0 z0_drop_subject 0 z0_uncatalog_category 1 z0_uncatalog_compatibility 1 z0_uncatalog_item 1 z0_uncatalog_movement 1 z0_uncatalog_predicate 1 z0_uncatalog_predicate_category 1 z0_uncatalog_roles_and_users 1 z0_uncatalog_stock 1 z0_uncatalog_subject 1 z_catalog_category 1 z_catalog_category_list 0 z_catalog_compatibility 1 z_catalog_compatibility_list 0 z_catalog_item 1 z_catalog_item_list 0 z_catalog_movement 1 z_catalog_movement_list 0 z_catalog_object_list 0 z_catalog_predicate 1 z_catalog_predicate_category 1 z_catalog_roles_and_users 1 z_catalog_roles_and_users_list 0 z_catalog_stock 1 z_catalog_stock_list 0 z_catalog_subject 1 z_catalog_subject_list 0 z_count_results 0 z_create_catalog 0 z_create_category 0 z_create_compatibility 0 z_create_delivery 0 z_create_item 0 z_create_movement 0 z_create_predicate 0 z_create_predicate_category 0 z_create_roles_and_users 0 z_create_stock 0 z_create_subject 0 z_related_mirror_section_uid_from_stock 0 z_related_node_uid_from_stock 0 z_related_payment_uid_from_stock 0 z_related_predicate 0 z_related_resource 0 z_related_resource_uid_from_stock 0 z_related_section_uid_from_stock 0 z_related_security 0 z_related_uid 0 z_search_folder 0 z_search_results 0 z_show_category_columns 0 z_uncatalog_delivery 0 z_uncatalog_object 0 z_update_delivery 1 z_update_object 1 Persistence PersistentMapping _container allowedRolesAndUsers | roles_and_users/allowedRolesAndUsers/z_related_security predicate_uid | predicate/uid/z_related_predicate resourceType | movement,catalog/portal_type/z_related_resource stock_mirrorSectionCategory | category/category_uid/z_related_mirror_section_uid_from_stock stock_nodeCategory | category/category_uid/z_related_node_uid_from_stock stock_paymentCategory | category/category_uid/z_related_payment_uid_from_stock stock_resourceCategory | category/category_uid/z_related_resource_uid_from_stock stock_sectionCategory | category/category_uid/z_related_section_uid_from_stock variationCategory | category/category_uid/z_related_uid Persistence PersistentMapping _container catalog.path catalog.uid Persistence PersistentMapping _container catalog category compatibility delivery movement predicate predicate_category roles_and_users stock Persistence PersistentMapping _container Persistence PersistentMapping _container Persistence PersistentMapping _container Persistence PersistentMapping _container Persistence PersistentMapping _container Persistence PersistentMapping _container Persistence PersistentMapping _container Persistence PersistentMapping _container Persistence PersistentMapping _container Persistence PersistentMapping _container Persistence PersistentMapping _container Persistence PersistentMapping _container Persistence PersistentMapping _container Persistence PersistentMapping _container Persistence PersistentMapping _container Persistence PersistentMapping _container Persistence PersistentMapping _container Products.ZSQLMethods.SQL SQL __ac_local_roles__ alex Owner _arg _data _keys allow_simple_one_argument_traversal arguments_src cache_time_ 0 class_file_ class_name_ connection_hook connection_id erp5_sql_connection id AppliedRule_createMessageTable max_cache_ 100 max_rows_ 1000 src # Host: localhost\n # Database: coramy\n # Table: \'message\'\n # \n CREATE TABLE `message` (\n `path` varchar(255) default NULL,\n `method_id` varchar(40) default NULL,\n `message` blob,\n KEY `path` (`path`),\n KEY `method_id` (`method_id`)\n ) TYPE=InnoDB; template __name__ ]]> _vars globals raw # Host: localhost\n # Database: coramy\n # Table: \'message\'\n # \n CREATE TABLE `message` (\n `path` varchar(255) default NULL,\n `method_id` varchar(40) default NULL,\n `message` blob,\n KEY `path` (`path`),\n KEY `method_id` (`method_id`)\n ) TYPE=InnoDB; title Products.ZSQLMethods.SQL SQL __ac_local_roles__ alex Owner _arg _data uid_query _keys uid_query allow_simple_one_argument_traversal arguments_src uid_query cache_time_ 0 class_file_ class_name_ connection_hook connection_id erp5_sql_connection id AppliedRule_deleteCatalog max_cache_ 100 max_rows_ 1000 src \n ]]> template __name__ ]]> _vars globals raw \n ]]> title Products.ZSQLMethods.SQL SQL __ac_local_roles__ alex Owner _arg _data uid_query _keys uid_query allow_simple_one_argument_traversal arguments_src uid_query cache_time_ 0 class_file_ class_name_ connection_hook connection_id erp5_sql_connection id AppliedRule_deleteCategory max_cache_ 100 max_rows_ 1000 src ]]> template __name__ ]]> _vars globals raw ]]> title Products.ZSQLMethods.SQL SQL __ac_local_roles__ alex Owner _arg _data uid_query _keys uid_query allow_simple_one_argument_traversal arguments_src uid_query cache_time_ 0 class_file_ class_name_ connection_hook connection_id erp5_sql_connection id AppliedRule_deleteMovement max_cache_ 100 max_rows_ 1000 src ]]> template __name__ ]]> _vars globals raw ]]> title Products.ZSQLMethods.SQL SQL __ac_local_roles__ alex Owner _arg _data uid_query _keys uid_query allow_simple_one_argument_traversal arguments_src uid_query cache_time_ 0 class_file_ class_name_ connection_hook connection_id erp5_sql_connection id AppliedRule_deleteStock max_cache_ 100 max_rows_ 1000 src ]]> template __name__ ]]> _vars globals raw ]]> title Products.ZSQLMethods.SQL SQL __ac_local_roles__ alex Owner _arg _data values _keys values allow_simple_one_argument_traversal arguments_src values cache_time_ 0 class_file_ class_name_ connection_hook connection_id erp5_sql_connection id AppliedRule_insertCatalog max_cache_ 100 max_rows_ 1000 src ; ]]> template __name__ ]]> _vars globals raw ; ]]> title Products.ZSQLMethods.SQL SQL __ac_local_roles__ alex Owner _arg _data values _keys values allow_simple_one_argument_traversal arguments_src values cache_time_ 0 class_file_ class_name_ connection_hook connection_id erp5_sql_connection id AppliedRule_insertCategory max_cache_ 100 max_rows_ 1000 src ; ]]> template __name__ ]]> _vars globals raw ; ]]> title Products.ZSQLMethods.SQL SQL __ac_local_roles__ alex Owner _arg _data values _keys values allow_simple_one_argument_traversal arguments_src values cache_time_ 0 class_file_ class_name_ connection_hook connection_id erp5_sql_connection id AppliedRule_insertMovement max_cache_ 100 max_rows_ 1000 src ; ]]> template __name__ ]]> _vars globals raw ; ]]> title Products.ZSQLMethods.SQL SQL __ac_local_roles__ alex Owner _arg _data values _keys values allow_simple_one_argument_traversal arguments_src values cache_time_ 0 class_file_ class_name_ connection_hook connection_id erp5_sql_connection id AppliedRule_insertStock max_cache_ 100 max_rows_ 1000 src ; ]]> template __name__ ]]> _vars globals raw ; ]]> title Products.ZSQLMethods.SQL SQL __ac_local_roles__ alex Owner _arg _data _keys allow_simple_one_argument_traversal arguments_src cache_time_ 0 class_file_ class_name_ connection_hook connection_id erp5_sql_connection id z0_drop_catalog max_cache_ 100 max_rows_ 1000 src DROP TABLE catalog template __name__ ]]> _vars globals raw DROP TABLE catalog title Products.ZSQLMethods.SQL SQL __ac_local_roles__ alex Owner _arg _data _keys allow_simple_one_argument_traversal arguments_src cache_time_ 0 class_file_ class_name_ connection_hook connection_id erp5_sql_connection id z0_drop_category max_cache_ 100 max_rows_ 1000 src DROP TABLE category template __name__ ]]> _vars globals raw DROP TABLE category title Products.ZSQLMethods.SQL SQL __ac_local_roles__ alex Owner _arg _data _keys allow_simple_one_argument_traversal arguments_src cache_time_ 0 class_file_ class_name_ connection_hook connection_id erp5_sql_connection id z0_drop_compatibility max_cache_ 100 max_rows_ 1000 src DROP TABLE compatibility template __name__ ]]> _vars globals raw DROP TABLE compatibility title Products.ZSQLMethods.SQL SQL __ac_local_roles__ jp Owner _arg _data _keys _owner nexedi acl_users jp arguments_src connection_id erp5_sql_connection id z0_drop_delivery src DROP TABLE delivery template __name__ ]]> _vars globals raw DROP TABLE delivery title Products.ZSQLMethods.SQL SQL __ac_local_roles__ alex Owner _arg _data _keys _owner nexedi acl_users jp allow_simple_one_argument_traversal arguments_src cache_time_ 0 class_file_ class_name_ connection_hook connection_id erp5_sql_connection id z0_drop_item max_cache_ 100 max_rows_ 1000 src DROP TABLE item template __name__ ]]> _vars globals raw DROP TABLE item title Products.ZSQLMethods.SQL SQL __ac_local_roles__ alex Owner _arg _data _keys allow_simple_one_argument_traversal arguments_src cache_time_ 0 class_file_ class_name_ connection_hook connection_id erp5_sql_connection id z0_drop_movement max_cache_ 100 max_rows_ 1000 src DROP TABLE movement template __name__ ]]> _vars globals raw DROP TABLE movement title Products.ZSQLMethods.SQL SQL __ac_local_roles__ yo Owner _arg _data _keys _owner nexedi acl_users yo arguments_src connection_id erp5_sql_connection id z0_drop_predicate src DROP TABLE predicate template __name__ ]]> _vars globals raw DROP TABLE predicate title Products.ZSQLMethods.SQL SQL __ac_local_roles__ yo Owner _arg _data _keys _owner nexedi acl_users yo arguments_src connection_id erp5_sql_connection id z0_drop_predicate_category src DROP TABLE predicate_category template __name__ ]]> _vars globals raw DROP TABLE predicate_category title Products.ZSQLMethods.SQL SQL __ac_local_roles__ alex Owner _arg _data _keys allow_simple_one_argument_traversal arguments_src cache_time_ 0 class_file_ class_name_ connection_hook connection_id erp5_sql_connection id z0_drop_roles_and_users max_cache_ 100 max_rows_ 1000 src DROP TABLE roles_and_users template __name__ ]]> _vars globals raw DROP TABLE roles_and_users title Products.ZSQLMethods.SQL SQL __ac_local_roles__ alex Owner _arg _data _keys allow_simple_one_argument_traversal arguments_src cache_time_ 0 class_file_ class_name_ connection_hook connection_id erp5_sql_connection id z0_drop_stock max_cache_ 100 max_rows_ 1000 src DROP TABLE stock template __name__ ]]> _vars globals raw DROP TABLE stock title Products.ZSQLMethods.SQL SQL __ac_local_roles__ alex Owner _arg _data _keys allow_simple_one_argument_traversal arguments_src cache_time_ 0 class_file_ class_name_ connection_hook connection_id erp5_sql_connection id z0_drop_subject max_cache_ 100 max_rows_ 1000 src DROP TABLE subject template __name__ ]]> _vars globals raw DROP TABLE subject title Products.ZSQLMethods.SQL SQL __ac_local_roles__ alex Owner _arg _data uid _keys uid allow_simple_one_argument_traversal arguments_src uid cache_time_ 0 class_file_ class_name_ connection_hook connection_id erp5_sql_connection id z0_uncatalog_category max_cache_ 100 max_rows_ 1000 src ]]> template __name__ ]]> _vars globals raw ]]> title Products.ZSQLMethods.SQL SQL __ac_local_roles__ alex Owner _arg _data uid _keys uid allow_simple_one_argument_traversal arguments_src uid cache_time_ 0 class_file_ class_name_ connection_hook connection_id erp5_sql_connection id z0_uncatalog_compatibility max_cache_ 100 max_rows_ 1000 src ]]> template __name__ ]]> _vars globals raw ]]> title Products.ZSQLMethods.SQL SQL __ac_local_roles__ alex Owner _arg _data uid _keys uid _owner nexedi acl_users jp allow_simple_one_argument_traversal arguments_src uid cache_time_ 0 class_file_ class_name_ connection_hook connection_id erp5_sql_connection id z0_uncatalog_item max_cache_ 100 max_rows_ 1000 src ]]> template __name__ ]]> _vars globals raw ]]> title Products.ZSQLMethods.SQL SQL __ac_local_roles__ alex Owner _arg _data uid _keys uid allow_simple_one_argument_traversal arguments_src uid cache_time_ 0 class_file_ class_name_ connection_hook connection_id erp5_sql_connection id z0_uncatalog_movement max_cache_ 100 max_rows_ 1000 src ]]> template __name__ ]]> _vars globals raw ]]> title Products.ZSQLMethods.SQL SQL __ac_local_roles__ yo Owner _arg _data uid _keys uid _owner nexedi acl_users yo arguments_src uid connection_id erp5_sql_connection id z0_uncatalog_predicate src ]]> template __name__ ]]> _vars globals raw ]]> title Products.ZSQLMethods.SQL SQL __ac_local_roles__ yo Owner _arg _data uid _keys uid _owner nexedi acl_users yo arguments_src uid connection_id erp5_sql_connection id z0_uncatalog_predicate_category src ]]> template __name__ ]]> _vars globals raw ]]> title Products.ZSQLMethods.SQL SQL __ac_local_roles__ alex Owner _arg _data uid _keys uid allow_simple_one_argument_traversal arguments_src uid cache_time_ 0 class_file_ class_name_ connection_hook connection_id erp5_sql_connection id z0_uncatalog_roles_and_users max_cache_ 100 max_rows_ 1000 src ]]> template __name__ ]]> _vars globals raw ]]> title Products.ZSQLMethods.SQL SQL __ac_local_roles__ alex Owner _arg _data uid _keys uid allow_simple_one_argument_traversal arguments_src uid cache_time_ 0 class_file_ class_name_ connection_hook connection_id erp5_sql_connection id z0_uncatalog_stock max_cache_ 100 max_rows_ 1000 src ]]> template __name__ ]]> _vars globals raw ]]> title Products.ZSQLMethods.SQL SQL __ac_local_roles__ alex Owner _arg _data uid _keys uid allow_simple_one_argument_traversal arguments_src uid cache_time_ 0 class_file_ class_name_ connection_hook connection_id erp5_sql_connection id z0_uncatalog_subject max_cache_ 100 max_rows_ 1000 src ]]> template __name__ ]]> _vars globals raw ]]> title Products.ZSQLMethods.SQL SQL __ac_local_roles__ alex Owner _arg _data getAcquiredCategoryList getCategoryList isMovement uid _keys uid getAcquiredCategoryList getCategoryList isMovement allow_simple_one_argument_traversal arguments_src uid\r\n getAcquiredCategoryList\r\n getCategoryList\r\n isMovement cache_time_ 0 class_file_ class_name_ connection_hook connection_id erp5_sql_connection id z_catalog_category max_cache_ 100 max_rows_ 1000 src \n \n \n \n INSERT INTO category VALUES \n \n (, , , )\n ,\n \n ;\n \n INSERT INTO category VALUES (, NULL, NULL,1);\n \n \n \n INSERT INTO category VALUES (, NULL, NULL,1);\n \n \n \n \n \n INSERT INTO category VALUES \n \n (, , , )\n ,\n \n ;\n \n INSERT INTO category VALUES (, NULL, NULL,1);\n \n \n \n INSERT INTO category VALUES (, NULL, NULL,1);\n \n ]]> template __name__ ]]> _vars globals raw \n \n \n \n INSERT INTO category VALUES \n \n (, , , )\n ,\n \n ;\n \n INSERT INTO category VALUES (, NULL, NULL,1);\n \n \n \n INSERT INTO category VALUES (, NULL, NULL,1);\n \n \n \n \n \n INSERT INTO category VALUES \n \n (, , , )\n ,\n \n ;\n \n INSERT INTO category VALUES (, NULL, NULL,1);\n \n \n \n INSERT INTO category VALUES (, NULL, NULL,1);\n \n ]]> title Products.ZSQLMethods.SQL SQL __ac_local_roles__ alex Owner _arg _data getAcquiredCategoryList getCategoryList isMovement uid _keys uid isMovement getCategoryList getAcquiredCategoryList allow_simple_one_argument_traversal arguments_src uid\r\n isMovement\r\n getCategoryList\r\n getAcquiredCategoryList cache_time_ 0 class_file_ class_name_ connection_hook connection_id erp5_sql_connection id z_catalog_category_list max_cache_ 100 max_rows_ 1000 src \n ,\n \n \n \n \n \n ,\n (\n ,\n ,\n ,\n \n )\n \n \n (\n ,\n NULL,\n NULL,\n 1\n )\n \n \n \n (\n ,\n NULL,\n NULL,\n 1\n )\n \n \n \n \n \n \n ,\n (\n ,\n ,\n ,\n \n )\n \n \n (\n ,\n NULL,\n NULL,\n 1\n )\n \n \n \n (\n ,\n NULL,\n NULL,\n 1\n )\n \n \n \n ]]> template __name__ ]]> _vars globals raw \n ,\n \n \n \n \n \n ,\n (\n ,\n ,\n ,\n \n )\n \n \n (\n ,\n NULL,\n NULL,\n 1\n )\n \n \n \n (\n ,\n NULL,\n NULL,\n 1\n )\n \n \n \n \n \n \n ,\n (\n ,\n ,\n ,\n \n )\n \n \n (\n ,\n NULL,\n NULL,\n 1\n )\n \n \n \n (\n ,\n NULL,\n NULL,\n 1\n )\n \n \n \n ]]> title Products.ZSQLMethods.SQL SQL __ac_local_roles__ alex Owner _arg _data Creator Date EffectiveDate ExpiresDate ModificationDate PrincipiaSearchSource SearchableText Type bobobase_modification_time created effective expires getIcon in_reply_to modified review_state summary uid _keys uid Creator Date PrincipiaSearchSource SearchableText EffectiveDate ExpiresDate ModificationDate Type bobobase_modification_time created effective expires getIcon in_reply_to modified review_state summary allow_simple_one_argument_traversal arguments_src uid\r\n Creator\r\n Date\r\n PrincipiaSearchSource\r\n SearchableText\r\n EffectiveDate\r\n ExpiresDate\r\n ModificationDate\r\n Type\r\n bobobase_modification_time\r\n created\r\n effective\r\n expires\r\n getIcon\r\n in_reply_to\r\n modified\r\n review_state\r\n summary\r\n cache_time_ 0 class_file_ class_name_ connection_hook connection_id erp5_sql_connection id z_catalog_compatibility max_cache_ 100 max_rows_ 1000 src ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n \n ); ]]> template __name__ ]]> _vars globals raw ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n \n ); ]]> title Products.ZSQLMethods.SQL SQL __ac_local_roles__ alex Owner _arg _data Creator Date EffectiveDate ExpiresDate ModificationDate PrincipiaSearchSource SearchableText Type bobobase_modification_time created effective expires getIcon in_reply_to modified review_state summary uid _keys uid Creator Date PrincipiaSearchSource SearchableText EffectiveDate ExpiresDate ModificationDate Type bobobase_modification_time created effective expires getIcon in_reply_to modified review_state summary allow_simple_one_argument_traversal arguments_src uid\r\n Creator\r\n Date\r\n PrincipiaSearchSource\r\n SearchableText\r\n EffectiveDate\r\n ExpiresDate\r\n ModificationDate\r\n Type\r\n bobobase_modification_time\r\n created\r\n effective\r\n expires\r\n getIcon\r\n in_reply_to\r\n modified\r\n review_state\r\n summary\r\n cache_time_ 0 class_file_ class_name_ connection_hook connection_id erp5_sql_connection id z_catalog_compatibility_list max_cache_ 100 max_rows_ 1000 src \n (\n , \n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n \n )\n \n \n ,\n \n \n ]]> template __name__ ]]> _vars globals raw \n (\n , \n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n \n )\n \n \n ,\n \n \n ]]> title Products.ZSQLMethods.SQL SQL __ac_local_roles__ alex Owner _arg _data getAggregateUidList getDestinationSectionUid getDestinationUid getResourceUid getStopDate getVariationText isMovement uid _keys isMovement uid getAggregateUidList getDestinationUid getDestinationSectionUid getResourceUid getStopDate getVariationText _owner nexedi acl_users jp allow_simple_one_argument_traversal arguments_src isMovement\r\n uid\r\n getAggregateUidList\r\n getDestinationUid\r\n getDestinationSectionUid\r\n getResourceUid\r\n getStopDate\r\n getVariationText cache_time_ 0 class_file_ class_name_ connection_hook connection_id erp5_sql_connection id z_catalog_item max_cache_ 100 max_rows_ 1000 src \n \n \n INSERT INTO item VALUES ( \n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n \n ),;\n \n \n ]]> template __name__ ]]> _vars globals raw \n \n \n INSERT INTO item VALUES ( \n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n \n ),;\n \n \n ]]> title Products.ZSQLMethods.SQL SQL __ac_local_roles__ alex Owner _arg _data getAggregateUidList getDestinationSectionUid getDestinationUid getResourceUid getStopDate getVariationText isMovement uid _keys isMovement uid getStopDate getDestinationUid getDestinationSectionUid getResourceUid getVariationText getAggregateUidList _owner nexedi acl_users jp allow_simple_one_argument_traversal arguments_src isMovement\r\n uid\r\n getStopDate\r\n getDestinationUid\r\n getDestinationSectionUid\r\n getResourceUid\r\n getVariationText\r\n getAggregateUidList cache_time_ 0 class_file_ class_name_ connection_hook connection_id erp5_sql_connection id z_catalog_item_list max_cache_ 100 max_rows_ 1000 src \n \n \n \n \n \n \n INSERT INTO\n item\n VALUES\n \n \n ( \n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n )\n ,\n ,\n \n \n \n ]]> template __name__ ]]> _vars globals raw \n \n \n \n \n \n \n INSERT INTO\n item\n VALUES\n \n \n ( \n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n )\n ,\n ,\n \n \n \n ]]> title Products.ZSQLMethods.SQL SQL __ac_local_roles__ alex Owner _arg _data getDeliveryUid getDestinationUid getNetConvertedQuantity getNetConvertedTargetQuantity getPrice getResourceUid getSourceUid getStartDate getStopDate getTargetStartDate getTargetStopDate getTargetTotalPrice getTotalPrice getVariationText hasCellContent isAccountable isDeliverable isMovement isOrderable uid _keys isMovement uid getDeliveryUid getSourceUid getDestinationUid getResourceUid getNetConvertedQuantity getStartDate getStopDate getNetConvertedTargetQuantity getTargetStartDate getTargetStopDate getPrice getTotalPrice getTargetTotalPrice hasCellContent isAccountable isOrderable isDeliverable getVariationText allow_simple_one_argument_traversal arguments_src isMovement\r\n uid\r\n getDeliveryUid\r\n getSourceUid\r\n getDestinationUid\r\n getResourceUid\r\n getNetConvertedQuantity\r\n getStartDate\r\n getStopDate\r\n getNetConvertedTargetQuantity\r\n getTargetStartDate\r\n getTargetStopDate\r\n getPrice\r\n getTotalPrice\r\n getTargetTotalPrice\r\n hasCellContent\r\n isAccountable\r\n isOrderable\r\n isDeliverable\r\n getVariationText cache_time_ 0 class_file_ class_name_ connection_hook connection_id erp5_sql_connection id z_catalog_movement max_cache_ 100 max_rows_ 1000 src \n INSERT INTO movement VALUES ( \n ,\n NULL,\n NULL,\n NULL,\n NULL,\n NULL,\n NULL,\n NULL,\n NULL,\n NULL,\n NULL,\n NULL,\n NULL,\n NULL,\n NULL,\n NULL,\n NULL,\n NULL,\n NULL,\n NULL\n );\n ]]> template __name__ ]]> _vars globals raw \n INSERT INTO movement VALUES ( \n ,\n NULL,\n NULL,\n NULL,\n NULL,\n NULL,\n NULL,\n NULL,\n NULL,\n NULL,\n NULL,\n NULL,\n NULL,\n NULL,\n NULL,\n NULL,\n NULL,\n NULL,\n NULL,\n NULL\n );\n ]]> title Products.ZSQLMethods.SQL SQL __ac_local_roles__ alex Owner _arg _data getDestinationUid getExplanationUid getInventoriatedStartDate getInventoriatedStopDate getNetConvertedQuantity getNetConvertedTargetQuantity getPrice getResourceUid getSourceUid getTargetStartDate getTargetStopDate getTargetTotalPrice getTotalPrice getVariationText hasCellContent isAccountable isDeliverable isMovement isOrderable uid _keys isMovement uid getExplanationUid getSourceUid getDestinationUid getResourceUid getNetConvertedQuantity getInventoriatedStartDate getInventoriatedStopDate getNetConvertedTargetQuantity getTargetStartDate getTargetStopDate getPrice getTotalPrice getTargetTotalPrice hasCellContent isAccountable isOrderable isDeliverable getVariationText allow_simple_one_argument_traversal arguments_src isMovement\r\n uid\r\n getExplanationUid\r\n getSourceUid\r\n getDestinationUid\r\n getResourceUid\r\n getNetConvertedQuantity\r\n getInventoriatedStartDate\r\n getInventoriatedStopDate\r\n getNetConvertedTargetQuantity\r\n getTargetStartDate\r\n getTargetStopDate\r\n getPrice\r\n getTotalPrice\r\n getTargetTotalPrice\r\n hasCellContent\r\n isAccountable\r\n isOrderable\r\n isDeliverable\r\n getVariationText cache_time_ 0 class_file_ class_name_ connection_hook connection_id erp5_sql_connection id z_catalog_movement_list max_cache_ 100 max_rows_ 1000 src \n \n \n \n \n \n \n INSERT INTO\n movement\n VALUES\n \n ( \n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n NULL,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n \n )\n ,\n \n \n \n ]]> template __name__ ]]> _vars globals raw \n \n \n \n \n \n \n INSERT INTO\n movement\n VALUES\n \n ( \n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n NULL,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n \n )\n ,\n \n \n \n ]]> title Products.ZSQLMethods.SQL SQL __ac_local_roles__ alex Owner _arg _data CreationDate causality_state discussion_state event_state getDefaultCausalityId getDefaultDestinationReference getDefaultDestinationSectionTitle getDefaultDestinationTitle getDefaultSourceReference getDefaultSourceSectionTitle getDefaultSourceTitle getDescription getDestinationReference getEan13Code getFloatIndex getIntIndex getLocation getOrderId getParentUid getPath getPortalType getReference getRelativeUrl getSourceReference getStringIndex getTitle id invoice_state meta_type opportunity_state payment_state security_uid simulation_state uid validation_state _keys uid security_uid getPath getRelativeUrl getParentUid id CreationDate getDescription getTitle meta_type getPortalType opportunity_state getDefaultSourceReference getDefaultDestinationReference getDefaultSourceTitle getDefaultDestinationTitle getDefaultSourceSectionTitle getDefaultDestinationSectionTitle getDefaultCausalityId getLocation getEan13Code simulation_state causality_state discussion_state invoice_state getOrderId validation_state payment_state event_state getReference getSourceReference getDestinationReference getStringIndex getIntIndex getFloatIndex allow_simple_one_argument_traversal arguments_src uid\r\n security_uid\r\n getPath\r\n getRelativeUrl\r\n getParentUid\r\n id\r\n CreationDate\r\n getDescription\r\n getTitle\r\n meta_type\r\n getPortalType\r\n opportunity_state\r\n getDefaultSourceReference\r\n getDefaultDestinationReference\r\n getDefaultSourceTitle\r\n getDefaultDestinationTitle\r\n getDefaultSourceSectionTitle\r\n getDefaultDestinationSectionTitle\r\n getDefaultCausalityId\r\n getLocation\r\n getEan13Code\r\n simulation_state\r\n causality_state\r\n discussion_state\r\n invoice_state\r\n getOrderId\r\n validation_state\r\n payment_state\r\n event_state\r\n getReference\r\n getSourceReference\r\n getDestinationReference\n getStringIndex\n getIntIndex\n getFloatIndex cache_time_ 0 class_file_ class_name_ connection_hook connection_id erp5_sql_connection id z_catalog_object_list max_cache_ 100 max_rows_ 1000 src \n (\n , \n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n \n \n )\n ,\n \n ]]> template __name__ ]]> _vars globals raw \n (\n , \n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n ,\n \n \n )\n ,\n \n ]]> title Products.ZSQLMethods.SQL SQL __ac_local_roles__ yo Owner _arg _data isPredicate predicate_property_dict uid _keys uid isPredicate predicate_property_dict _owner nexedi acl_users yo arguments_src uid\r\n isPredicate\r\n predicate_property_dict connection_id erp5_sql_connection id z_catalog_predicate src \n INSERT INTO predicate VALUES (\n ,\n NULL,\n NULL,\n NULL\n );\n \n ]]> template __name__ ]]> _vars globals raw \n INSERT INTO predicate VALUES (\n ,\n NULL,\n NULL,\n NULL\n );\n \n ]]> title Products.ZSQLMethods.SQL SQL __ac_local_roles__ yo Owner _arg _data getMembershipCriterionCategoryList isPredicate uid _keys uid getMembershipCriterionCategoryList isPredicate _owner nexedi acl_users yo arguments_src uid\r\n getMembershipCriterionCategoryList\r\n isPredicate connection_id erp5_sql_connection id z_catalog_predicate_category src \n \n \n \n INSERT INTO predicate_category VALUES\n \n (, , , )\n ,\n \n ;\n \n INSERT INTO predicate_category VALUES (, NULL, NULL, 1);\n \n \n \n INSERT INTO predicate_category VALUES (, NULL, NULL, 1);\n \n \n ]]> template __name__ ]]> _vars globals raw \n \n \n \n INSERT INTO predicate_category VALUES\n \n (, , , )\n ,\n \n ;\n \n INSERT INTO predicate_category VALUES (, NULL, NULL, 1);\n \n \n \n INSERT INTO predicate_category VALUES (, NULL, NULL, 1);\n \n \n ]]> title Products.ZSQLMethods.SQL SQL __ac_local_roles__ alex Owner _arg _data optimised_roles_and_users security_uid _keys security_uid optimised_roles_and_users allow_simple_one_argument_traversal arguments_src security_uid\r\n optimised_roles_and_users cache_time_ 0 class_file_ class_name_ connection_hook connection_id erp5_sql_connection id z_catalog_roles_and_users max_cache_ 100 max_rows_ 1000 src \n INSERT INTO roles_and_users VALUES\n \n (, )\n ,\n \n ;\n \n ]]> template __name__ ]]> _vars globals raw \n INSERT INTO roles_and_users VALUES\n \n (, )\n ,\n \n ;\n \n ]]> title Products.ZSQLMethods.SQL SQL __ac_local_roles__ alex Owner _arg _data optimised_roles_and_users security_uid _keys security_uid optimised_roles_and_users allow_simple_one_argument_traversal arguments_src security_uid\r\n optimised_roles_and_users cache_time_ 0 class_file_ class_name_ connection_hook connection_id erp5_sql_connection id z_catalog_roles_and_users_list max_cache_ 100 max_rows_ 1000 src \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n INSERT INTO\n roles_and_users\n VALUES\n \n (, )\n ,\n \n \n \n ]]> template __name__ ]]> _vars globals raw \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n INSERT INTO\n roles_and_users\n VALUES\n \n (, )\n ,\n \n \n \n ]]> title Products.ZSQLMethods.SQL SQL __ac_local_roles__ alex Owner _arg _data getDestinationPaymentUid getDestinationSectionUid getDestinationUid getInventoriatedQuantity getPortalType getPrice getResourceUid getSimulationState getSourcePaymentUid getSourceSectionUid getSourceUid getStartDate getStopDate getVariationText isAccountable isMovement uid _keys uid getResourceUid getInventoriatedQuantity getSourceUid getDestinationUid getSourceSectionUid getDestinationSectionUid isMovement getSourcePaymentUid getDestinationPaymentUid getSimulationState getPrice getStartDate getStopDate isAccountable getPortalType getVariationText allow_simple_one_argument_traversal arguments_src uid\r\n getResourceUid\r\n getInventoriatedQuantity\r\n getSourceUid\r\n getDestinationUid\r\n getSourceSectionUid\r\n getDestinationSectionUid\r\n isMovement\r\n getSourcePaymentUid\r\n getDestinationPaymentUid\r\n getSimulationState\r\n getPrice\r\n getStartDate\r\n getStopDate\r\n isAccountable\r\n getPortalType\r\n getVariationText cache_time_ 0 class_file_ class_name_ connection_hook connection_id erp5_sql_connection id z_catalog_stock max_cache_ 100 max_rows_ 1000 src \n \n \n INSERT INTO\n stock\n VALUES\n (\n ,\n ,\n NULL,\n NULL,\n NULL, \n ,\n NULL,\n NULL,\n NULL,\n NULL,\n NULL,\n NULL,\n NULL\n )\n \n ,\n (\n ,\n , \n NULL, \n NULL, \n NULL,\n , \n NULL, \n NULL,\n NULL,\n NULL,\n NULL,\n NULL,\n NULL\n )\n \n \n \n INSERT INTO\n stock\n VALUES\n (\n ,\n , \n NULL, \n NULL, \n NULL,\n , \n NULL, \n NULL,\n NULL,\n NULL,\n NULL,\n NULL,\n NULL\n )\n \n \n \n \n ]]> template __name__ ]]> _vars globals raw \n \n \n INSERT INTO\n stock\n VALUES\n (\n ,\n ,\n NULL,\n NULL,\n NULL, \n ,\n NULL,\n NULL,\n NULL,\n NULL,\n NULL,\n NULL,\n NULL\n )\n \n ,\n (\n ,\n , \n NULL, \n NULL, \n NULL,\n , \n NULL, \n NULL,\n NULL,\n NULL,\n NULL,\n NULL,\n NULL\n )\n \n \n \n INSERT INTO\n stock\n VALUES\n (\n ,\n , \n NULL, \n NULL, \n NULL,\n , \n NULL, \n NULL,\n NULL,\n NULL,\n NULL,\n NULL,\n NULL\n )\n \n \n \n \n ]]> title Products.ZSQLMethods.SQL SQL __ac_local_roles__ alex Owner _arg _data getDestinationPaymentUid getDestinationSectionUid getDestinationUid getInventoriatedQuantity getPortalType getPrice getResourceUid getSimulationState getSourcePaymentUid getSourceSectionUid getSourceUid getStartDate getStopDate getVariationText isAccountable isMovement uid _keys uid getResourceUid getInventoriatedQuantity getSourceUid getDestinationUid getSourceSectionUid getDestinationSectionUid isMovement getSourcePaymentUid getDestinationPaymentUid getSimulationState getPrice getStartDate getStopDate isAccountable getPortalType getVariationText allow_simple_one_argument_traversal arguments_src uid\r\n getResourceUid\r\n getInventoriatedQuantity\r\n getSourceUid\r\n getDestinationUid\r\n getSourceSectionUid\r\n getDestinationSectionUid\r\n isMovement\r\n getSourcePaymentUid\r\n getDestinationPaymentUid\r\n getSimulationState\r\n getPrice\r\n getStartDate\r\n getStopDate\r\n isAccountable\r\n getPortalType\r\n getVariationText cache_time_ 0 class_file_ class_name_ connection_hook connection_id erp5_sql_connection id z_catalog_stock_list max_cache_ 100 max_rows_ 1000 src \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n 0">\n INSERT INTO\n stock\n VALUES\n \n (\n ,\n , \n , \n , \n ,\n , \n ,\n \n \n \n \n \n \n )\n ,\n \n \n \n ]]> template __name__ ]]> _vars globals raw \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n 0">\n INSERT INTO\n stock\n VALUES\n \n (\n ,\n , \n , \n , \n ,\n , \n ,\n \n \n \n \n \n \n )\n ,\n \n \n \n ]]> title Products.ZSQLMethods.SQL SQL __ac_local_roles__ alex Owner _arg _data Subject uid _keys uid Subject allow_simple_one_argument_traversal arguments_src uid\n Subject cache_time_ 0 class_file_ class_name_ connection_hook connection_id erp5_sql_connection id z_catalog_subject max_cache_ 100 max_rows_ 1000 src \n INSERT INTO subject VALUES \n \n \n (, ),\n \n ;\n \n \n (, ),\n \n ;\n \n \n ]]> template __name__ ]]> _vars globals raw \n INSERT INTO subject VALUES \n \n \n (, ),\n \n ;\n \n \n (, ),\n \n ;\n \n \n ]]> title Products.ZSQLMethods.SQL SQL __ac_local_roles__ alex Owner _arg _data Subject uid _keys Subject uid allow_simple_one_argument_traversal arguments_src Subject\r\n uid cache_time_ 0 class_file_ class_name_ connection_hook connection_id erp5_sql_connection id z_catalog_subject_list max_cache_ 100 max_rows_ 1000 src \n ,\n \n \n \n ,\n (, )\n \n \n (, NULL)\n \n \n \n ]]> template __name__ ]]> _vars globals raw \n ,\n \n \n \n ,\n (, )\n \n \n (, NULL)\n \n \n \n ]]> title Products.ZSQLMethods.SQL SQL __ac_local_roles__ alex Owner _arg _data from_table_list select_expression selection_domain selection_report where_expression _keys from_table_list where_expression select_expression selection_domain selection_report allow_simple_one_argument_traversal arguments_src from_table_list\n where_expression\n select_expression\n selection_domain\n selection_report cache_time_ 180 class_file_ class_name_ ZSQLBrain connection_hook connection_id erp5_sql_connection id z_count_results max_cache_ 1000 max_rows_ 1 src We need subselect for better statistics\n \n , \n \n FROM\n AS ,\n , \n , \n WHERE\n 1 = 1\n \n AND \n \n \n AND \n \n \n AND \n \n \n ORDER BY\n \n \n ]]> template __name__ ]]> _vars globals raw We need subselect for better statistics\n \n , \n \n FROM\n AS ,\n , \n , \n WHERE\n 1 = 1\n \n AND \n \n \n AND \n \n \n AND \n \n \n ORDER BY\n \n \n ]]> title Products.ZSQLMethods.SQL SQL __ac_local_roles__ alex Owner _arg _data _keys allow_simple_one_argument_traversal arguments_src cache_time_ 0 class_file_ class_name_ connection_hook connection_id erp5_sql_connection id z_create_catalog max_cache_ 100 max_rows_ 1000 src # Host:\n # Database: test\n # Table: \'catalog\'\n #\n CREATE TABLE `catalog` (\n `uid` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,\n `security_uid` INT UNSIGNED,\n `path` varchar(255) NOT NULL default \'\',\n `relative_url` varchar(255) NOT NULL default \'\',\n `parent_uid` int(11) default \'0\',\n `id` varchar(30) default \'\',\n `CreationDate` datetime default \'0000-00-00 00:00:00\',\n `description` text,\n `title` varchar(255) default \'\',\n `meta_type` varchar(255) default \'\',\n `portal_type` varchar(255) default \'\',\n `opportunity_state` varchar(30) default \'\',\n `default_source_reference` varchar(30) default \'\',\n `default_destination_reference` varchar(30) default \'\',\n `default_source_title` varchar(30) default \'\',\n `default_destination_title` varchar(30) default \'\',\n `default_source_section_title` varchar(30) default \'\',\n `default_destination_section_title` varchar(30) default \'\',\n `default_causality_id` varchar(30) default \'\',\n `location` varchar(30),\n `ean13_code` varchar(30),\n `validation_state` varchar(30) default \'\',\n `simulation_state` varchar(30) default \'\',\n `causality_state` varchar(30) default \'\',\n `discussion_state` varchar(30) default \'\',\n `invoice_state` varchar(30) default \'\',\n `payment_state` varchar(30) default \'\',\n `event_state` varchar(30) default \'\',\n `order_id` varchar(30) default \'\',\n `reference` varchar(30) default \'\',\n `source_reference` varchar(30) default \'\',\n `destination_reference` varchar(30) default \'\',\n `string_index` varchar(30),\n `int_index` int(11),\n `float_index` real,\n PRIMARY KEY (`uid`),\n KEY `security_uid` (`security_uid`),\n KEY `Parent` (`parent_uid`),\n KEY `Path` (`path`),\n KEY `relative_url` (`relative_url`),\n KEY `Type` (`meta_type`,`portal_type`),\n KEY `Type1` (`portal_type`),\n KEY `Type2` (`meta_type`),\n KEY `opportunity_state` (`opportunity_state`),\n KEY `validation_state` (`validation_state`),\n KEY `simulation_state` (`simulation_state`),\n KEY `causality_state` (`causality_state`),\n KEY `discussion_state` (`discussion_state`),\n KEY `invoice_state` (`invoice_state`),\n KEY `order_id` (`order_id`),\n KEY `payment_state` (`payment_state`),\n KEY `event_state` (`event_state`)\n ) TYPE=InnoDB;\n template __name__ ]]> _vars globals raw # Host:\n # Database: test\n # Table: \'catalog\'\n #\n CREATE TABLE `catalog` (\n `uid` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,\n `security_uid` INT UNSIGNED,\n `path` varchar(255) NOT NULL default \'\',\n `relative_url` varchar(255) NOT NULL default \'\',\n `parent_uid` int(11) default \'0\',\n `id` varchar(30) default \'\',\n `CreationDate` datetime default \'0000-00-00 00:00:00\',\n `description` text,\n `title` varchar(255) default \'\',\n `meta_type` varchar(255) default \'\',\n `portal_type` varchar(255) default \'\',\n `opportunity_state` varchar(30) default \'\',\n `default_source_reference` varchar(30) default \'\',\n `default_destination_reference` varchar(30) default \'\',\n `default_source_title` varchar(30) default \'\',\n `default_destination_title` varchar(30) default \'\',\n `default_source_section_title` varchar(30) default \'\',\n `default_destination_section_title` varchar(30) default \'\',\n `default_causality_id` varchar(30) default \'\',\n `location` varchar(30),\n `ean13_code` varchar(30),\n `validation_state` varchar(30) default \'\',\n `simulation_state` varchar(30) default \'\',\n `causality_state` varchar(30) default \'\',\n `discussion_state` varchar(30) default \'\',\n `invoice_state` varchar(30) default \'\',\n `payment_state` varchar(30) default \'\',\n `event_state` varchar(30) default \'\',\n `order_id` varchar(30) default \'\',\n `reference` varchar(30) default \'\',\n `source_reference` varchar(30) default \'\',\n `destination_reference` varchar(30) default \'\',\n `string_index` varchar(30),\n `int_index` int(11),\n `float_index` real,\n PRIMARY KEY (`uid`),\n KEY `security_uid` (`security_uid`),\n KEY `Parent` (`parent_uid`),\n KEY `Path` (`path`),\n KEY `relative_url` (`relative_url`),\n KEY `Type` (`meta_type`,`portal_type`),\n KEY `Type1` (`portal_type`),\n KEY `Type2` (`meta_type`),\n KEY `opportunity_state` (`opportunity_state`),\n KEY `validation_state` (`validation_state`),\n KEY `simulation_state` (`simulation_state`),\n KEY `causality_state` (`causality_state`),\n KEY `discussion_state` (`discussion_state`),\n KEY `invoice_state` (`invoice_state`),\n KEY `order_id` (`order_id`),\n KEY `payment_state` (`payment_state`),\n KEY `event_state` (`event_state`)\n ) TYPE=InnoDB;\n title Products.ZSQLMethods.SQL SQL __ac_local_roles__ alex Owner _arg _data _keys allow_simple_one_argument_traversal arguments_src cache_time_ 0 class_file_ class_name_ connection_hook connection_id erp5_sql_connection id z_create_category max_cache_ 100 max_rows_ 1000 src # Host: \n # Database: test\n # Table: \'category\'\n # \n CREATE TABLE `category` (\n `uid` int(11) default \'0\',\n `category_uid` int(11) default \'0\',\n `base_category_uid` int(11) default \'0\',\n `category_strict_membership` tinyint(1) default \'0\',\n KEY `uid` (`uid`),\n KEY `category_strict_membership` (`category_strict_membership`),\n KEY `Membership` (`category_uid`,`base_category_uid`),\n KEY `FuzzyMembership` (`category_uid`)\n ) TYPE = InnoDB; template __name__ ]]> _vars globals raw # Host: \n # Database: test\n # Table: \'category\'\n # \n CREATE TABLE `category` (\n `uid` int(11) default \'0\',\n `category_uid` int(11) default \'0\',\n `base_category_uid` int(11) default \'0\',\n `category_strict_membership` tinyint(1) default \'0\',\n KEY `uid` (`uid`),\n KEY `category_strict_membership` (`category_strict_membership`),\n KEY `Membership` (`category_uid`,`base_category_uid`),\n KEY `FuzzyMembership` (`category_uid`)\n ) TYPE = InnoDB; title Products.ZSQLMethods.SQL SQL __ac_local_roles__ alex Owner _arg _data _keys allow_simple_one_argument_traversal arguments_src cache_time_ 0 class_file_ class_name_ connection_hook connection_id erp5_sql_connection id z_create_compatibility max_cache_ 100 max_rows_ 1000 src # Host:\n # Database: test\n # Table: \'compatibility\'\n #\n CREATE TABLE `compatibility` (\n `uid` int(11) NOT NULL,\n `Creator` varchar(30) default \'\',\n `Date` datetime default \'0000-00-00 00:00:00\',\n `PrincipiaSearchSource` text,\n `SearchableText` text,\n `EffectiveDate` datetime default \'0000-00-00 00:00:00\',\n `ExpiresDate` datetime default \'0000-00-00 00:00:00\',\n `ModificationDate` datetime default \'0000-00-00 00:00:00\',\n `Type` varchar(30) default \'\',\n `bobobase_modification_time` datetime default \'0000-00-00 00:00:00\',\n `created` datetime default \'0000-00-00 00:00:00\',\n `effective` datetime default \'0000-00-00 00:00:00\',\n `expires` datetime default \'0000-00-00 00:00:00\',\n `getIcon` varchar(30) default \'\',\n `in_reply_to` varchar(255) default \'\',\n `modified` datetime default \'0000-00-00 00:00:00\',\n `review_state` varchar(30) default \'\',\n `summary` text,\n PRIMARY KEY (`uid`),\n KEY `Type` (`Type`),\n KEY `review_state` (`review_state`)\n ) TYPE=InnoDB; template __name__ ]]> _vars globals raw # Host:\n # Database: test\n # Table: \'compatibility\'\n #\n CREATE TABLE `compatibility` (\n `uid` int(11) NOT NULL,\n `Creator` varchar(30) default \'\',\n `Date` datetime default \'0000-00-00 00:00:00\',\n `PrincipiaSearchSource` text,\n `SearchableText` text,\n `EffectiveDate` datetime default \'0000-00-00 00:00:00\',\n `ExpiresDate` datetime default \'0000-00-00 00:00:00\',\n `ModificationDate` datetime default \'0000-00-00 00:00:00\',\n `Type` varchar(30) default \'\',\n `bobobase_modification_time` datetime default \'0000-00-00 00:00:00\',\n `created` datetime default \'0000-00-00 00:00:00\',\n `effective` datetime default \'0000-00-00 00:00:00\',\n `expires` datetime default \'0000-00-00 00:00:00\',\n `getIcon` varchar(30) default \'\',\n `in_reply_to` varchar(255) default \'\',\n `modified` datetime default \'0000-00-00 00:00:00\',\n `review_state` varchar(30) default \'\',\n `summary` text,\n PRIMARY KEY (`uid`),\n KEY `Type` (`Type`),\n KEY `review_state` (`review_state`)\n ) TYPE=InnoDB; title Products.ZSQLMethods.SQL SQL __ac_local_roles__ jp Owner _arg _data _keys _col _owner nexedi acl_users jp arguments_src connection_id erp5_sql_connection id z_create_delivery src CREATE TABLE `delivery` (\n `uid` int(11) default \'0\',\n `source_uid` int(11) default \'0\',\n `destination_uid` int(11) default \'0\',\n `source_section_uid` int(11) default \'0\',\n `destination_section_uid` int(11) default \'0\',\n `resource_uid` int(11) default \'0\',\n `start_date` datetime default NULL,\n `stop_date` datetime default NULL,\n KEY `uid` (`uid`),\n KEY `source_uid` (`source_uid`),\n KEY `destination_uid` (`destination_uid`),\n KEY `source_section_uid` (`source_section_uid`),\n KEY `destination_section_uid` (`destination_section_uid`),\n KEY `resource_uid` (`resource_uid`)\n ) TYPE=InnoDB template __name__ ]]> _vars globals raw CREATE TABLE `delivery` (\n `uid` int(11) default \'0\',\n `source_uid` int(11) default \'0\',\n `destination_uid` int(11) default \'0\',\n `source_section_uid` int(11) default \'0\',\n `destination_section_uid` int(11) default \'0\',\n `resource_uid` int(11) default \'0\',\n `start_date` datetime default NULL,\n `stop_date` datetime default NULL,\n KEY `uid` (`uid`),\n KEY `source_uid` (`source_uid`),\n KEY `destination_uid` (`destination_uid`),\n KEY `source_section_uid` (`source_section_uid`),\n KEY `destination_section_uid` (`destination_section_uid`),\n KEY `resource_uid` (`resource_uid`)\n ) TYPE=InnoDB title Products.ZSQLMethods.SQL SQL __ac_local_roles__ alex Owner _arg _data _keys _col _owner nexedi acl_users jp allow_simple_one_argument_traversal arguments_src cache_time_ 0 class_file_ class_name_ connection_hook connection_id erp5_sql_connection id z_create_item max_cache_ 100 max_rows_ 1000 src # Host:\n # Database: test\n # Table: \'item\'\n #\n CREATE TABLE `item` (\n `uid` int(11) default \'0\',\n `date` datetime,\n `node_uid` int(11) default \'0\',\n `section_uid` int(11) default \'0\',\n `resource_uid` int(11) default \'0\',\n `aggregate_uid` int(11) default \'0\',\n `variation_text` VARCHAR(100),\n KEY `uid` (`uid`),\n KEY `node_uid` (`node_uid`),\n KEY `section_uid` (`section_uid`),\n KEY `resource_uid` (`resource_uid`),\n KEY `variation_text` (`variation_text`)\n ) TYPE=InnoDB;\n template __name__ ]]> _vars globals raw # Host:\n # Database: test\n # Table: \'item\'\n #\n CREATE TABLE `item` (\n `uid` int(11) default \'0\',\n `date` datetime,\n `node_uid` int(11) default \'0\',\n `section_uid` int(11) default \'0\',\n `resource_uid` int(11) default \'0\',\n `aggregate_uid` int(11) default \'0\',\n `variation_text` VARCHAR(100),\n KEY `uid` (`uid`),\n KEY `node_uid` (`node_uid`),\n KEY `section_uid` (`section_uid`),\n KEY `resource_uid` (`resource_uid`),\n KEY `variation_text` (`variation_text`)\n ) TYPE=InnoDB;\n title Products.ZSQLMethods.SQL SQL __ac_local_roles__ alex Owner _arg _data _keys allow_simple_one_argument_traversal arguments_src cache_time_ 0 class_file_ class_name_ connection_hook connection_id erp5_sql_connection id z_create_movement max_cache_ 100 max_rows_ 1000 src # Host:\n # Database: test\n # Table: \'movement\'\n #\n CREATE TABLE `movement` (\n `uid` int(11) default \'0\',\n `delivery_uid` int(11) default \'0\',\n `source_uid` int(11) default \'0\',\n `destination_uid` int(11) default \'0\',\n `resource_uid` int(11) default \'0\',\n `quantity` real default \'0.0\',\n `inventory` real default NULL,\n `start_date` datetime,\n `stop_date` datetime,\n `target_quantity` real default \'0.0\',\n `target_start_date` datetime,\n `target_stop_date` datetime,\n `price` real,\n `total_price` real,\n `target_total_price` real,\n `has_cell_content` bool,\n `is_accountable` bool,\n `is_orderable` bool,\n `is_deliverable` bool,\n `variation_text` VARCHAR(100),\n KEY `uid` (`uid`),\n KEY `delivery_uid` (`delivery_uid`),\n KEY `source_uid` (`source_uid`),\n KEY `destination_uid` (`destination_uid`),\n KEY `resource_uid` (`resource_uid`),\n KEY `has_cell_content` (`has_cell_content`),\n KEY `is_accountable` (`is_accountable`),\n KEY `is_orderable` (`is_orderable`),\n KEY `is_deliverable` (`is_deliverable`),\n KEY `variation_text` (`variation_text`)\n ) TYPE=InnoDB;\n template __name__ ]]> _vars globals raw # Host:\n # Database: test\n # Table: \'movement\'\n #\n CREATE TABLE `movement` (\n `uid` int(11) default \'0\',\n `delivery_uid` int(11) default \'0\',\n `source_uid` int(11) default \'0\',\n `destination_uid` int(11) default \'0\',\n `resource_uid` int(11) default \'0\',\n `quantity` real default \'0.0\',\n `inventory` real default NULL,\n `start_date` datetime,\n `stop_date` datetime,\n `target_quantity` real default \'0.0\',\n `target_start_date` datetime,\n `target_stop_date` datetime,\n `price` real,\n `total_price` real,\n `target_total_price` real,\n `has_cell_content` bool,\n `is_accountable` bool,\n `is_orderable` bool,\n `is_deliverable` bool,\n `variation_text` VARCHAR(100),\n KEY `uid` (`uid`),\n KEY `delivery_uid` (`delivery_uid`),\n KEY `source_uid` (`source_uid`),\n KEY `destination_uid` (`destination_uid`),\n KEY `resource_uid` (`resource_uid`),\n KEY `has_cell_content` (`has_cell_content`),\n KEY `is_accountable` (`is_accountable`),\n KEY `is_orderable` (`is_orderable`),\n KEY `is_deliverable` (`is_deliverable`),\n KEY `variation_text` (`variation_text`)\n ) TYPE=InnoDB;\n title Products.ZSQLMethods.SQL SQL __ac_local_roles__ yo Owner _arg _data _keys _col _owner nexedi acl_users yo arguments_src connection_id erp5_sql_connection id z_create_predicate src CREATE TABLE predicate (\n uid INT,\n `quantity` real ,\n `quantity_min` real ,\n `quantity_max` real ,\n KEY `uid` (`uid`)\n ) TYPE=InnoDB;\n template __name__ ]]> _vars globals raw CREATE TABLE predicate (\n uid INT,\n `quantity` real ,\n `quantity_min` real ,\n `quantity_max` real ,\n KEY `uid` (`uid`)\n ) TYPE=InnoDB;\n title Products.ZSQLMethods.SQL SQL __ac_local_roles__ yo Owner _arg _data _keys _col _owner nexedi acl_users yo arguments_src connection_id erp5_sql_connection id z_create_predicate_category src CREATE TABLE `predicate_category` (\n `uid` int(11) default \'0\',\n `category_uid` int(11) default \'0\',\n `base_category_uid` int(11) default \'0\',\n `category_strict_membership` tinyint(1) default \'0\',\n KEY `uid` (`uid`),\n KEY `category_strict_membership` (`category_strict_membership`),\n KEY `Membership` (`category_uid`,`base_category_uid`),\n KEY `FuzzyMembership` (`category_uid`)\n ) TYPE = InnoDB template __name__ ]]> _vars globals raw CREATE TABLE `predicate_category` (\n `uid` int(11) default \'0\',\n `category_uid` int(11) default \'0\',\n `base_category_uid` int(11) default \'0\',\n `category_strict_membership` tinyint(1) default \'0\',\n KEY `uid` (`uid`),\n KEY `category_strict_membership` (`category_strict_membership`),\n KEY `Membership` (`category_uid`,`base_category_uid`),\n KEY `FuzzyMembership` (`category_uid`)\n ) TYPE = InnoDB title Products.ZSQLMethods.SQL SQL __ac_local_roles__ alex Owner _arg _data _keys allow_simple_one_argument_traversal arguments_src cache_time_ 0 class_file_ class_name_ connection_hook connection_id erp5_sql_connection id z_create_roles_and_users max_cache_ 100 max_rows_ 1000 src CREATE TABLE roles_and_users (\n uid INT,\n allowedRolesAndUsers VARCHAR(40),\n KEY `uid` (`uid`),\n KEY `allowedRolesAndUsers` (`allowedRolesAndUsers`)\n ) TYPE=InnoDB; template __name__ ]]> _vars globals raw CREATE TABLE roles_and_users (\n uid INT,\n allowedRolesAndUsers VARCHAR(40),\n KEY `uid` (`uid`),\n KEY `allowedRolesAndUsers` (`allowedRolesAndUsers`)\n ) TYPE=InnoDB; title Products.ZSQLMethods.SQL SQL __ac_local_roles__ alex Owner _arg _data _keys _col allow_simple_one_argument_traversal arguments_src cache_time_ 0 class_file_ class_name_ connection_hook connection_id erp5_sql_connection id z_create_stock max_cache_ 100 max_rows_ 1000 src # Host:\n # Database: test\n # Table: \'stock\'\n #\n CREATE TABLE `stock` (\n `uid` int(11) NOT NULL default \'0\',\n `node_uid` int(11),\n `section_uid` int(11),\n `payment_uid` int(11),\n `mirror_section_uid` int(11),\n `resource_uid` int(11),\n `quantity` real ,\n `date` datetime,\n `price` real ,\n `is_accountable` bool,\n `portal_type` VARCHAR(30),\n `simulation_state` varchar(30) default \'\',\n `variation_text` VARCHAR(100),\n KEY `uid` (`uid`),\n KEY `quantity` (`quantity`),\n KEY `section_uid` (`section_uid`),\n KEY `mirror_section_uid` (`mirror_section_uid`),\n KEY `node_uid` (`node_uid`),\n KEY `payment_uid` (`payment_uid`),\n KEY `resource_uid` (`resource_uid`),\n KEY `simulation_state` (`simulation_state`),\n KEY `resource_node_uid` (`resource_uid`, `node_uid`),\n KEY `resource_section_node_uid` (`resource_uid`, `section_uid`, `node_uid`, `simulation_state`)\n ) TYPE = InnoDB;\n template __name__ ]]> _vars globals raw # Host:\n # Database: test\n # Table: \'stock\'\n #\n CREATE TABLE `stock` (\n `uid` int(11) NOT NULL default \'0\',\n `node_uid` int(11),\n `section_uid` int(11),\n `payment_uid` int(11),\n `mirror_section_uid` int(11),\n `resource_uid` int(11),\n `quantity` real ,\n `date` datetime,\n `price` real ,\n `is_accountable` bool,\n `portal_type` VARCHAR(30),\n `simulation_state` varchar(30) default \'\',\n `variation_text` VARCHAR(100),\n KEY `uid` (`uid`),\n KEY `quantity` (`quantity`),\n KEY `section_uid` (`section_uid`),\n KEY `mirror_section_uid` (`mirror_section_uid`),\n KEY `node_uid` (`node_uid`),\n KEY `payment_uid` (`payment_uid`),\n KEY `resource_uid` (`resource_uid`),\n KEY `simulation_state` (`simulation_state`),\n KEY `resource_node_uid` (`resource_uid`, `node_uid`),\n KEY `resource_section_node_uid` (`resource_uid`, `section_uid`, `node_uid`, `simulation_state`)\n ) TYPE = InnoDB;\n title Products.ZSQLMethods.SQL SQL __ac_local_roles__ alex Owner _arg _data _keys allow_simple_one_argument_traversal arguments_src cache_time_ 0 class_file_ class_name_ connection_hook connection_id erp5_sql_connection id z_create_subject max_cache_ 100 max_rows_ 1000 src CREATE TABLE subject (\n uid INT,\n subject VARCHAR(255),\n KEY `uid` (`uid`),\n KEY `allowedRolesAndUsers` (`Subject`)\n ) TYPE=InnoDB; template __name__ ]]> _vars globals raw CREATE TABLE subject (\n uid INT,\n subject VARCHAR(255),\n KEY `uid` (`uid`),\n KEY `allowedRolesAndUsers` (`Subject`)\n ) TYPE=InnoDB; title Products.ZSQLMethods.SQL SQL __ac_local_roles__ alex Owner _arg _data table_0 _keys table_0 arguments_src table_0 connection_id erp5_sql_connection id z_related_mirror_section_uid_from_stock src .uid = stock.mirror_section_uid ]]> template __name__ ]]> _vars globals raw .uid = stock.mirror_section_uid ]]> title Products.ZSQLMethods.SQL SQL __ac_local_roles__ alex Owner _arg _data table_0 _keys table_0 arguments_src table_0 connection_id erp5_sql_connection id z_related_node_uid_from_stock src .uid = stock.node_uid ]]> template __name__ ]]> _vars globals raw .uid = stock.node_uid ]]> title Products.ZSQLMethods.SQL SQL __ac_local_roles__ alex Owner _arg _data table_0 _keys table_0 arguments_src table_0 connection_id erp5_sql_connection id z_related_payment_uid_from_stock src .uid = stock.payment_uid ]]> template __name__ ]]> _vars globals raw .uid = stock.payment_uid ]]> title Products.ZSQLMethods.SQL SQL __ac_local_roles__ yo Owner _arg _data table_0 _keys table_0 _owner nexedi acl_users yo arguments_src table_0 connection_id erp5_sql_connection id z_related_predicate src .uid = catalog.uid ]]> template __name__ ]]> _vars globals raw .uid = catalog.uid ]]> title Products.ZSQLMethods.SQL SQL __ac_local_roles__ alex Owner _arg _data table_0 table_1 _keys table_0 table_1 arguments_src table_0\r\n table_1 connection_id cmf_activity_sql_connection id z_related_resource src .uid = catalog.uid\n AND .uid = .resource_uid ]]> template __name__ ]]> _vars globals raw .uid = catalog.uid\n AND .uid = .resource_uid ]]> title Products.ZSQLMethods.SQL SQL __ac_local_roles__ alex Owner _arg _data table_0 _keys table_0 arguments_src table_0 connection_id erp5_sql_connection id z_related_resource_uid_from_stock src .uid = stock.resource_uid ]]> template __name__ ]]> _vars globals raw .uid = stock.resource_uid ]]> title Products.ZSQLMethods.SQL SQL __ac_local_roles__ alex Owner _arg _data table_0 _keys table_0 arguments_src table_0 connection_id erp5_sql_connection id z_related_section_uid_from_stock src .uid = stock.section_uid ]]> template __name__ ]]> _vars globals raw .uid = stock.section_uid ]]> title Products.ZSQLMethods.SQL SQL __ac_local_roles__ alex Owner _arg _data table_0 _keys table_0 allow_simple_one_argument_traversal arguments_src table_0 cache_time_ 0 class_file_ class_name_ connection_hook connection_id erp5_sql_connection id z_related_security max_cache_ 100 max_rows_ 1000 src .uid = catalog.security_uid ]]> template __name__ ]]> _vars globals raw .uid = catalog.security_uid ]]> title Products.ZSQLMethods.SQL SQL __ac_local_roles__ alex Owner _arg _data table_0 _keys table_0 arguments_src table_0 connection_id erp5_sql_connection id z_related_uid src .uid = catalog.uid ]]> template __name__ ]]> _vars globals raw .uid = catalog.uid ]]> title Products.ZSQLMethods.SQL SQL __ac_local_roles__ alex Owner _arg _data parent_uid query sort_on _keys sort_on query parent_uid allow_simple_one_argument_traversal arguments_src sort_on\r\n query\r\n parent_uid cache_time_ 10 class_file_ class_name_ ZSQLBrain connection_hook connection_id erp5_sql_connection id z_search_folder max_cache_ 100 max_rows_ 1000 src \n \n SELECT DISTINCT catalog.* FROM catalog, category, roles_and_users WHERE catalog.uid=category.uid AND catalog.uid=roles_and_users.uid AND AND ORDER BY \n \n SELECT * FROM catalog WHERE ORDER BY \n \n \n \n SELECT DISTINCT catalog.* FROM catalog, category, roles_and_users WHERE AND catalog.uid=category.uid AND catalog.uid=roles_and_users.uid AND \n \n SELECT * FROM catalog WHERE \n \n ]]> template __name__ ]]> _vars globals raw \n \n SELECT DISTINCT catalog.* FROM catalog, category, roles_and_users WHERE catalog.uid=category.uid AND catalog.uid=roles_and_users.uid AND AND ORDER BY \n \n SELECT * FROM catalog WHERE ORDER BY \n \n \n \n SELECT DISTINCT catalog.* FROM catalog, category, roles_and_users WHERE AND catalog.uid=category.uid AND catalog.uid=roles_and_users.uid AND \n \n SELECT * FROM catalog WHERE \n \n ]]> title Products.ZSQLMethods.SQL SQL __ac_local_roles__ alex Owner _arg _data from_table_list type list limit_expression select_expression selection selection_domain selection_report sort_on where_expression _keys selection selection_domain selection_report where_expression select_expression from_table_list sort_on limit_expression allow_simple_one_argument_traversal arguments_src selection\r\n selection_domain\r\n selection_report\r\n where_expression\r\n select_expression\r\n from_table_list:list\r\n sort_on\r\n limit_expression cache_time_ 0 class_file_ class_name_ ZSQLBrain connection_hook connection_id erp5_sql_connection id z_search_results max_cache_ 100 max_rows_ 0 src , \n \n FROM\n AS ,\n , \n , \n \n WHERE \n 1 = 1 \n \n AND \n \n \n AND \n \n \n AND \n \n \n ORDER BY\n \n \n \n LIMIT \n \n LIMIT 1000\n \n ]]> template __name__ ]]> _vars globals raw , \n \n FROM\n AS ,\n , \n , \n \n WHERE \n 1 = 1 \n \n AND \n \n \n AND \n \n \n AND \n \n \n ORDER BY\n \n \n \n LIMIT \n \n LIMIT 1000\n \n ]]> title Products.ZSQLMethods.SQL SQL __ac_local_roles__ alex Owner _arg _data _keys allow_simple_one_argument_traversal arguments_src cache_time_ 0 class_file_ class_name_ connection_hook connection_id erp5_sql_connection id z_show_category_columns max_cache_ 100 max_rows_ 1000 src show columns from category template __name__ ]]> _vars globals raw show columns from category title Products.ZSQLMethods.SQL SQL __ac_local_roles__ alex Owner _arg _data uid _keys uid _owner nexedi acl_users jp allow_simple_one_argument_traversal arguments_src uid cache_time_ 0 class_file_ class_name_ connection_hook connection_id erp5_sql_connection id z_uncatalog_delivery max_cache_ 100 max_rows_ 1000 src ]]> template __name__ ]]> _vars globals raw ]]> title Products.ZSQLMethods.SQL SQL __ac_local_roles__ alex Owner _arg _data uid _keys uid allow_simple_one_argument_traversal arguments_src uid cache_time_ 0 class_file_ class_name_ connection_hook connection_id erp5_sql_connection id z_uncatalog_object max_cache_ 100 max_rows_ 1000 src ]]> template __name__ ]]> _vars globals raw ]]> title Products.ZSQLMethods.SQL SQL __ac_local_roles__ jp Owner _arg _data getDestinationSectionUid getDestinationUid getResourceUid getSourceSectionUid getSourceUid getStartDate getStopDate insert_catalog_line isDelivery uid _keys isDelivery uid getSourceUid getDestinationUid getSourceSectionUid getDestinationSectionUid getResourceUid getStartDate getStopDate insert_catalog_line _owner nexedi acl_users jp arguments_src isDelivery\r\n uid\r\n getSourceUid\r\n getDestinationUid\r\n getSourceSectionUid\r\n getDestinationSectionUid\r\n getResourceUid\r\n getStartDate\r\n getStopDate\r\n insert_catalog_line connection_id erp5_sql_connection id z_update_delivery src \n INSERT INTO delivery(uid) VALUES ();\n \n \n \n \n \n UPDATE delivery SET\n uid=,\n source_uid=,\n destination_uid=,\n source_section_uid=,\n destination_section_uid=,\n resource_uid=,\n start_date=,\n stop_date=\n WHERE \n ]]> template __name__ ]]> _vars globals raw \n INSERT INTO delivery(uid) VALUES ();\n \n \n \n \n \n UPDATE delivery SET\n uid=,\n source_uid=,\n destination_uid=,\n source_section_uid=,\n destination_section_uid=,\n resource_uid=,\n start_date=,\n stop_date=\n WHERE \n ]]> title Products.ZSQLMethods.SQL SQL __ac_local_roles__ alex Owner _arg _data CreationDate causality_state discussion_state event_state getDefaultCausalityId getDefaultDestinationReference getDefaultDestinationSectionTitle getDefaultDestinationTitle getDefaultSourceReference getDefaultSourceSectionTitle getDefaultSourceTitle getDescription getDestinationReference getEan13Code getFloatIndex getIntIndex getLocation getOrderId getParentUid getPath getPortalType getReference getRelativeUrl getSimulationState getSourceReference getStringIndex getTitle id insert_catalog_line invoice_state meta_type opportunity_state payment_state security_uid uid validation_state _keys uid security_uid getPath getRelativeUrl getParentUid id CreationDate getDescription getTitle meta_type getPortalType opportunity_state getDefaultSourceReference getDefaultDestinationReference getDefaultSourceTitle getDefaultDestinationTitle getDefaultSourceSectionTitle getDefaultDestinationSectionTitle getDefaultCausalityId getLocation getEan13Code getSimulationState causality_state discussion_state invoice_state getOrderId validation_state payment_state event_state getReference getSourceReference getDestinationReference getStringIndex getIntIndex getFloatIndex insert_catalog_line allow_simple_one_argument_traversal arguments_src uid\r\n security_uid\r\n getPath\r\n getRelativeUrl\r\n getParentUid\r\n id\r\n CreationDate\r\n getDescription\r\n getTitle\r\n meta_type\r\n getPortalType\r\n opportunity_state\r\n getDefaultSourceReference\r\n getDefaultDestinationReference\r\n getDefaultSourceTitle\r\n getDefaultDestinationTitle\r\n getDefaultSourceSectionTitle\r\n getDefaultDestinationSectionTitle\r\n getDefaultCausalityId\r\n getLocation\r\n getEan13Code\r\n getSimulationState\r\n causality_state\r\n discussion_state\r\n invoice_state\r\n getOrderId\r\n validation_state\r\n payment_state\r\n event_state\r\n getReference\r\n getSourceReference\r\n getDestinationReference\r\n getStringIndex\r\n getIntIndex\r\n getFloatIndex\r\n insert_catalog_line cache_time_ 0 class_file_ class_name_ connection_hook connection_id erp5_sql_connection id z_update_object max_cache_ 100 max_rows_ 1000 src \n INSERT INTO catalog(uid) VALUES ();\n \n \n \n \n UPDATE catalog SET uid=,\n security_uid=,\n path=,\n relative_url=,\n parent_uid=,\n id=,\n CreationDate=,\n description=,\n title=,\n meta_type=,\n portal_type=,\n opportunity_state=,\n default_source_reference=,\n default_destination_reference=,\n default_source_title=,\n default_destination_title=,\n default_source_section_title=,\n default_destination_section_title=,\n default_causality_id=,\n location=,\n ean13_code=,\n validation_state=,\n simulation_state=,\n causality_state=,\n discussion_state=,\n payment_state=,\n event_state=,\n invoice_state=,\n order_id=,\n reference=,\n source_reference=,\n destination_reference=,\n string_index=,\n int_index=,\n float_index=\n WHERE \n ]]> template __name__ ]]> _vars globals raw \n INSERT INTO catalog(uid) VALUES ();\n \n \n \n \n UPDATE catalog SET uid=,\n security_uid=,\n path=,\n relative_url=,\n parent_uid=,\n id=,\n CreationDate=,\n description=,\n title=,\n meta_type=,\n portal_type=,\n opportunity_state=,\n default_source_reference=,\n default_destination_reference=,\n default_source_title=,\n default_destination_title=,\n default_source_section_title=,\n default_destination_section_title=,\n default_causality_id=,\n location=,\n ean13_code=,\n validation_state=,\n simulation_state=,\n causality_state=,\n discussion_state=,\n payment_state=,\n event_state=,\n invoice_state=,\n order_id=,\n reference=,\n source_reference=,\n destination_reference=,\n string_index=,\n int_index=,\n float_index=\n WHERE \n ]]> title