diff --git a/software/slapos-master/test/test/test_erp5.py b/software/slapos-master/test/test/test_erp5.py
index de0b6b6449ec8cbbfce9fc987bbe829fc81fba29..77e0191bb4689026b582571bfe7c3a51000f432e 100644
--- a/software/slapos-master/test/test/test_erp5.py
+++ b/software/slapos-master/test/test/test_erp5.py
@@ -47,11 +47,12 @@ class TestPublishedURLIsReachableMixin(object):
     # What happens is that instanciation just create the services, but does not
     # wait for ERP5 to be initialized. When this test run ERP5 instance is
     # instanciated, but zope is still busy creating the site and haproxy replies
-    # with 503 Service Unavailable.
+    # with 503 Service Unavailable, sometimes the first request is 404, so we
+    # retry in a loop.
     # If we can move the "create site" in slapos node instance, then this retry loop
     # would not be necessary.
     for i in range(1, 60):
-      r = requests.get(url, verify=False) # XXX can we get CA from caucase already ?
+      r = requests.get(url, verify=False)  # XXX can we get CA from caucase already ?
       if r.status_code in (requests.codes.service_unavailable,
         delay = i * 2
@@ -85,6 +86,102 @@ class TestDefaultParameters(ERP5InstanceTestCase, TestPublishedURLIsReachableMix
   __partition_reference__ = 'defp'
+class TestMedusa(ERP5InstanceTestCase, TestPublishedURLIsReachableMixin):
+  """Test ERP5 Medusa server
+  """
+  __partition_reference__ = 'medusa'
+  @classmethod
+  def getInstanceParameterDict(cls):
+    return {'_': json.dumps({'wsgi': False})}
+class TestApacheBalancerPorts(ERP5InstanceTestCase):
+  """Instanciate with two zope families, this should create for each family:
+   - a balancer entry point with corresponding haproxy
+   - a balancer entry point for test runner
+  """
+  __partition_reference__ = 'ap'
+  @classmethod
+  def getInstanceParameterDict(cls):
+    return {
+        '_':
+            json.dumps({
+                "zope-partition-dict": {
+                    "family1": {
+                        "instance-count": 3,
+                        "family": "family1"
+                    },
+                    "family2": {
+                        "instance-count": 5,
+                        "family": "family2"
+                    },
+                },
+            })
+    }
+  def checkValidHTTPSURL(self, url):
+    parsed = urlparse.urlparse(url)
+    self.assertEqual(parsed.scheme, 'https')
+    self.assertTrue(parsed.hostname)
+    self.assertTrue(parsed.port)
+  def test_published_family_parameters(self):
+    # when we request two families, we have two published family-{family_name} URLs
+    param_dict = self.getRootPartitionConnectionParameterDict()
+    for family_name in ('family1', 'family2'):
+      self.checkValidHTTPSURL(
+          param_dict['family-{family_name}'.format(family_name=family_name)])
+      self.checkValidHTTPSURL(
+          param_dict['family-{family_name}-v6'.format(family_name=family_name)])
+  def test_published_test_runner_url(self):
+    # each family's also a list of test test runner URLs, by default 3 per family
+    param_dict = self.getRootPartitionConnectionParameterDict()
+    for family_name in ('family1', 'family2'):
+      family_test_runner_url_list = param_dict[
+          '{family_name}-test-runner-url-list'.format(family_name=family_name)]
+      self.assertEqual(3, len(family_test_runner_url_list))
+      for url in family_test_runner_url_list:
+        self.checkValidHTTPSURL(url)
+  def test_zope_listen(self):
+    # we requested 3 zope in family1 and 5 zopes in family2, we should have 8 zope running.
+    with self.slap.instance_supervisor_rpc as supervisor:
+      all_process_info = supervisor.getAllProcessInfo()
+    self.assertEqual(
+        3 + 5,
+        len([p for p in all_process_info if p['name'].startswith('zope-')]))
+  def test_apache_listen(self):
+    # We have 2 families, apache should listen to a total of 3 ports per family
+    # normal access on ipv4 and ipv6 and test runner access on ipv4 only
+    with self.slap.instance_supervisor_rpc as supervisor:
+      all_process_info = supervisor.getAllProcessInfo()
+    process_info, = [p for p in all_process_info if p['name'] == 'apache']
+    apache_process = psutil.Process(process_info['pid'])
+    self.assertEqual(
+        sorted([socket.AF_INET] * 4 + [socket.AF_INET6] * 2),
+        sorted([
+            c.family
+            for c in apache_process.connections()
+            if c.status == 'LISTEN'
+        ]))
+  def test_haproxy_listen(self):
+    # There is one haproxy per family
+    with self.slap.instance_supervisor_rpc as supervisor:
+      all_process_info = supervisor.getAllProcessInfo()
+    process_info, = [
+        p for p in all_process_info if p['name'].startswith('haproxy-')
+    ]
+    haproxy_process = psutil.Process(process_info['pid'])
+    self.assertEqual([socket.AF_INET, socket.AF_INET], [
+        c.family for c in haproxy_process.connections() if c.status == 'LISTEN'
+    ])
 class TestDisableTestRunner(ERP5InstanceTestCase, TestPublishedURLIsReachableMixin):
   """Test ERP5 can be instanciated without test runner.
@@ -98,9 +195,114 @@ class TestDisableTestRunner(ERP5InstanceTestCase, TestPublishedURLIsReachableMix
     # self.computer_partition_root_path is the path of root partition.
     # we want to assert that no scripts exist in any partition.
-    bin_programs = [os.path.basename(path) for path in
-      glob.glob("{}/../*/bin/*".format(self.computer_partition_root_path))]
+    bin_programs = map(os.path.basename,
+      glob.glob(self.computer_partition_root_path + "/../*/bin/*"))
     self.assertTrue(bin_programs) # just to check the glob was correct.
     self.assertNotIn('runUnitTest', bin_programs)
     self.assertNotIn('runTestSuite', bin_programs)
+  def test_no_apache_testrunner_port(self):
+    # Apache only listen on two ports, there is no apache ports allocated for test runner
+    with self.slap.instance_supervisor_rpc as supervisor:
+      all_process_info = supervisor.getAllProcessInfo()
+    process_info, = [p for p in all_process_info if p['name'] == 'apache']
+    apache_process = psutil.Process(process_info['pid'])
+    self.assertEqual(
+        sorted([socket.AF_INET, socket.AF_INET6]),
+        sorted(
+            c.family
+            for c in apache_process.connections()
+            if c.status == 'LISTEN'
+        ))
+class TestZopeNodeParameterOverride(ERP5InstanceTestCase, TestPublishedURLIsReachableMixin):
+  """Test override zope node parameters
+  """
+  __partition_reference__ = 'override'
+  @classmethod
+  def getInstanceParameterDict(cls):
+    # The following example includes the most commonly used options,
+    # but not necessarily in a meaningful way.
+    return {'_': json.dumps({
+      "zodb": [{
+        "type": "zeo",
+        "server": {},
+        "cache-size-bytes": "20MB",
+        "cache-size-bytes!": [
+          ("bb-0", 1<<20),
+          ("bb-.*", "500MB"),
+        ],
+        "pool-timeout": "10m",
+        "storage-dict": {
+          "cache-size!": [
+            ("a-.*", "50MB"),
+          ],
+        },
+      }],
+      "zope-partition-dict": {
+          "a": {
+              "instance-count": 3,
+          },
+          "bb": {
+              "instance-count": 5,
+              "port-base": 2300,
+          },
+      },
+    })}
+  def test_zope_conf(self):
+    zeo_addr = json.loads(
+        self.getComputerPartition('zodb').getConnectionParameter('_')
+      )["storage-dict"]["root"]["server"]
+    def checkParameter(line, kw):
+      k, v = line.split()
+      self.assertFalse(k.endswith('!'), k)
+      try:
+        expected = kw.pop(k)
+      except KeyError:
+        if k == 'server':
+          return
+      self.assertIsNotNone(expected)
+      self.assertEqual(str(expected), v)
+    def checkConf(zodb, storage):
+      zodb["mount-point"] = "/"
+      zodb["pool-size"] = 4
+      zodb["pool-timeout"] = "10m"
+      storage["storage"] = "root"
+      storage["server"] = zeo_addr
+      with open('%s/etc/zope-%s.conf' % (partition, zope)) as f:
+        conf = map(str.strip, f.readlines())
+      i = conf.index("<zodb_db root>") + 1
+      conf = iter(conf[i:conf.index("</zodb_db>", i)])
+      for line in conf:
+        if line == '<zeoclient>':
+          for line in conf:
+            if line == '</zeoclient>':
+              break
+            checkParameter(line, storage)
+          for k, v in storage.iteritems():
+            self.assertIsNone(v, k)
+          del storage
+        else:
+          checkParameter(line, zodb)
+      for k, v in zodb.iteritems():
+        self.assertIsNone(v, k)
+    partition = self.getComputerPartitionPath('zope-a')
+    for zope in xrange(3):
+      checkConf({
+          "cache-size-bytes": "20MB",
+        }, {
+          "cache-size": "50MB",
+        })
+    partition = self.getComputerPartitionPath('zope-bb')
+    for zope in xrange(5):
+      checkConf({
+          "cache-size-bytes": "500MB" if zope else 1<<20,
+        }, {
+          "cache-size": None,
+        })