Commit 11de6e45 authored by Tristan Cavelier's avatar Tristan Cavelier

erp5storage.js upgraded to JIO v2

parent 6021fe13
......@@ -3,9 +3,6 @@
* Released under the LGPL license.
/*jslint indent: 2, maxlen: 80, nomen: true */
/*global jIO: true, $: true, complex_queries: true */
// JIO Erp5 Storage Description :
// {
// type: "erp5"
......@@ -32,426 +29,416 @@
// secured_login: {string} (not implemented)
// }
jIO.addStorageType("erp5", function (spec, my) {
/*jslint indent: 2, maxlen: 80, nomen: true */
/*global define, jIO, jQuery, complex_queries */
(function (dependencies, module) {
"use strict";
if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
return define(dependencies, module);
module(jIO, jQuery);
}(['jio', 'jquery'], function (jIO, $) {
"use strict";
var priv = {}, that = my.basicStorage(spec, my), erp5 = {};
priv.url = null;
priv.mode = "generic";
priv.auth_type = "none";
priv.encoded_login = null;
function ERP5Storage(spec) {
var priv = {}, that = this, erp5 = {};
* Init the erp5 storage connector thanks to the description
* @method __init__
* @param {object} description The description object
priv.__init__ = function (description) {
priv.url = description.url || "";
priv.url = priv.removeSlashIfLast(priv.url);
if (description.mode === "erp5_only") {
priv.mode = "erp5_only";
if (description.encoded_login) {
priv.encoded_login = description.encoded_login;
} else {
if (description.username) {
priv.encoded_login =
"__ac_name=" + priv.convertToUrlParameter(description.username) +
"&" + (typeof description.password === "string" ?
"__ac_password=" +
priv.convertToUrlParameter(description.password) + "&" : "");
priv.url = null;
priv.mode = "generic";
priv.auth_type = "none";
priv.encoded_login = null;
* Init the erp5 storage connector thanks to the description
* @method __init__
* @param {object} description The description object
priv.__init__ = function (description) {
priv.url = description.url || "";
priv.url = priv.removeSlashIfLast(priv.url);
if (description.mode === "erp5_only") {
priv.mode = "erp5_only";
if (description.encoded_login) {
priv.encoded_login = description.encoded_login;
} else {
priv.encoded_login = "";
if (description.username) {
priv.encoded_login =
"__ac_name=" + priv.convertToUrlParameter(description.username) +
"&" + (typeof description.password === "string" ?
"__ac_password=" +
priv.convertToUrlParameter(description.password) + "&" : "");
} else {
priv.encoded_login = "";
that.specToStore = function () {
// TODO: secured password
// The encoded_login can be seen by anyone, we must find a way to secure it!
// secured_login = encrypt(encoded_login)
// encoded_login = decrypt(secured_login)
return {
"url": priv.url,
"mode": priv.mode,
"encoded_login": priv.encoded_login
that.validateState = function () {
if (typeof priv.url !== "string" || priv.url === "") {
return "The erp5 server URL is not provided";
if (priv.encoded_login === null) {
return "Impossible to create the authorization";
return "";
// TOOLS //
* Replace substrings to another strings
* @method recursiveReplace
* @param {string} string The string to do replacement
* @param {array} list_of_replacement An array of couple
* ["substring to select", "selected substring replaced by this string"].
* @return {string} The replaced string
priv.recursiveReplace = function (string, list_of_replacement) {
var i, split_string = string.split(list_of_replacement[0][0]);
if (list_of_replacement[1]) {
for (i = 0; i < split_string.length; i += 1) {
split_string[i] = priv.recursiveReplace(
// TOOLS //
* Replace substrings to another strings
* @method recursiveReplace
* @param {string} string The string to do replacement
* @param {array} list_of_replacement An array of couple
* ["substring to select", "selected substring replaced by this string"].
* @return {string} The replaced string
priv.recursiveReplace = function (string, list_of_replacement) {
var i, split_string = string.split(list_of_replacement[0][0]);
if (list_of_replacement[1]) {
for (i = 0; i < split_string.length; i += 1) {
split_string[i] = priv.recursiveReplace(
return split_string.join(list_of_replacement[0][1]);
return split_string.join(list_of_replacement[0][1]);
* Changes & to %26
* @method convertToUrlParameter
* @param {string} parameter The parameter to convert
* @return {string} The converted parameter
priv.convertToUrlParameter = function (parameter) {
return priv.recursiveReplace(parameter, [[" ", "%20"], ["&", "%26"]]);
* Changes & to %26
* @method convertToUrlParameter
* @param {string} parameter The parameter to convert
* @return {string} The converted parameter
priv.convertToUrlParameter = function (parameter) {
return priv.recursiveReplace(parameter, [[" ", "%20"], ["&", "%26"]]);
* Removes the last character if it is a "/". "/a/b/c/" become "/a/b/c"
* @method removeSlashIfLast
* @param {string} string The string to modify
* @return {string} The modified string
priv.removeSlashIfLast = function (string) {
if (string[string.length - 1] === "/") {
return string.slice(0, -1);
return string;
* Removes the last character if it is a "/". "/a/b/c/" become "/a/b/c"
* @method removeSlashIfLast
* @param {string} string The string to modify
* @return {string} The modified string
priv.removeSlashIfLast = function (string) {
if (string[string.length - 1] === "/") {
return string.slice(0, -1);
return string;
* Modify an ajax object to add default values
* @method makeAjaxObject
* @param {object} json The JSON object
* @param {object} option The option object
* @param {string} method The erp5 request method
* @param {object} ajax_object The ajax object to override
* @return {object} A new ajax object with default values
priv.makeAjaxObject = function (json, option, method, ajax_object) {
ajax_object.type = "POST";
ajax_object.dataType = "json"; = [
{"name": "doc", "value": JSON.stringify(json)},
{"name": "option", "value": JSON.stringify(option)},
{"name": "mode", "value": priv.mode}
ajax_object.url = priv.url + "/JIO_" + method +
"?" + priv.encoded_login + "_=" +;
ajax_object.async = ajax_object.async === false ? false : true;
ajax_object.crossdomain = ajax_object.crossdomain === false ? false : true;
ajax_object.headers = ajax_object.headers || {};
return ajax_object;
* Modify an ajax object to add default values
* @method makeAjaxObject
* @param {object} json The JSON object
* @param {object} option The option object
* @param {string} method The erp5 request method
* @param {object} ajax_object The ajax object to override
* @return {object} A new ajax object with default values
priv.makeAjaxObject = function (json, option, method, ajax_object) {
ajax_object.type = "POST";
ajax_object.dataType = "json"; = [
{"name": "doc", "value": JSON.stringify(json)},
{"name": "option", "value": JSON.stringify(option)},
{"name": "mode", "value": priv.mode}
ajax_object.url = priv.url + "/JIO_" + method +
"?" + priv.encoded_login + "_=" +;
ajax_object.async = ajax_object.async === false ? false : true;
ajax_object.crossdomain =
ajax_object.crossdomain === false ? false : true;
ajax_object.headers = ajax_object.headers || {};
return ajax_object;
* Runs all ajax requests for erp5Storage
* @method ajax
* @param {object} json The JSON object
* @param {object} option The option object
* @param {string} method The erp5 request method
* @param {object} ajax_object The request parameters (optional)
priv.ajax = function (json, option, method, ajax_object) {
return $.ajax(priv.makeAjaxObject(json, option, method, ajax_object || {}));
//.always(then || function () {});
* Runs all ajax requests for erp5Storage
* @method ajax
* @param {object} json The JSON object
* @param {object} option The option object
* @param {string} method The erp5 request method
* @param {object} ajax_object The request parameters (optional)
priv.ajax = function (json, option, method, ajax_object) {
return $.ajax(
priv.makeAjaxObject(json, option, method, ajax_object || {})
//.always(then || function () {});
* Creates error objects for this storage
* @method createError
* @param {string} url url to clean up
* @return {object} error The error object
priv.createError = function (status, message, reason) {
var error = {
"status": status,
"message": message,
"reason": reason
* Creates error objects for this storage
* @method createError
* @param {string} url url to clean up
* @return {object} error The error object
priv.createError = function (status, message, reason) {
return {
"status": status,
"message": message,
"reason": reason
switch (status) {
case 404:
error.statusText = "Not found";
case 405:
error.statusText = "Method Not Allowed";
case 409:
error.statusText = "Conflicts";
case 24:
error.statusText = "Corrupted Document";
error.error = error.statusText.toLowerCase().split(" ").join("_");
return error;
* Converts ajax error object to a JIO error object
* @method ajaxErrorToJioError
* @param {object} ajax_error_object The ajax error object
* @param {string} message The error message
* @param {string} reason The error reason
* @return {object} The JIO error object
priv.ajaxErrorToJioError = function (ajax_error_object, message, reason) {
var jio_error_object = {};
jio_error_object.status = ajax_error_object.status;
jio_error_object.statusText = ajax_error_object.statusText;
jio_error_object.error =
ajax_error_object.statusText.toLowerCase().split(" ").join("_");
jio_error_object.message = message;
jio_error_object.reason = reason;
return jio_error_object;
* Converts ajax error object to a JIO error object
* @method ajaxErrorToJioError
* @param {object} ajax_error_object The ajax error object
* @param {string} message The error message
* @param {string} reason The error reason
* @return {object} The JIO error object
priv.ajaxErrorToJioError = function (ajax_error_object, message, reason) {
var jio_error_object = {};
jio_error_object.status = ajax_error_object.status;
jio_error_object.statusText = ajax_error_object.statusText;
jio_error_object.error =
ajax_error_object.statusText.toLowerCase().split(" ").join("_");
jio_error_object.message = message;
jio_error_object.reason = reason;
return jio_error_object;
* Function that create an object containing jQuery like callbacks
* @method makeJQLikeCallback
* @return {object} jQuery like callback methods
priv.makeJQLikeCallback = function () {
var result = null, emptyFun = function () {}, jql = {
"respond": function () {
result = arguments;
"to_return": {
"always": function (func) {
if (result) {
func.apply(func, result);
jql.to_return.always = emptyFun;
} else {
jql.respond = func;
* Function that create an object containing jQuery like callbacks
* @method makeJQLikeCallback
* @return {object} jQuery like callback methods
priv.makeJQLikeCallback = function () {
var result = null, emptyFun = function () {
}, jql = {
"respond": function () {
result = arguments;
"to_return": {
"always": function (func) {
if (result) {
func.apply(func, result);
jql.to_return.always = emptyFun;
} else {
jql.respond = func;
return jql.to_return;
return jql.to_return;
return jql;
return jql;
* Use option object and converts a query to a compatible ERP5 Query.
* @param {Object} option The command options
priv.convertToErp5Query = function (option) {
option.query = complex_queries.QueryFactory.create(option.query || "");
if (option.wildcard_character === undefined ||
(option.wildcard_character !== null &&
typeof option.wildcard_character !== 'string')) {
option.wildcard_character = '%';
} else {
option.wildcard_character = option.wildcard_character || '';
option.query.onParseSimpleQuery = function (object) {
if (option.wildcard_character.length === 1 &&
object.parsed.operator === '=') {
object.parsed.operator = 'like';
if (option.wildcard_character === '%') {
object.parsed.value =
object.parsed.value.replace(/_/g, '\\_');
} else if (option.wildcard_character === '_') {
object.parsed.value =
object.parsed.value.replace(/%/g, '\\%').replace(/_/g, '%');
} else {
object.parsed.value =
* Use option object and converts a query to a compatible ERP5 Query.
* @param {Object} option The command options
priv.convertToErp5Query = function (option) {
option.query = complex_queries.QueryFactory.create(option.query || "");
if (option.wildcard_character === undefined ||
(option.wildcard_character !== null &&
typeof option.wildcard_character !== 'string')) {
option.wildcard_character = '%';
} else {
option.wildcard_character = option.wildcard_character || '';
option.query.onParseSimpleQuery = function (object) {
if (option.wildcard_character.length === 1 &&
object.parsed.operator === '=') {
object.parsed.operator = 'like';
if (option.wildcard_character === '%') {
object.parsed.value =
object.parsed.value.replace(/_/g, '\\_');
} else if (option.wildcard_character === '_') {
object.parsed.value =
object.parsed.value.replace(/%/g, '\\%').replace(/_/g, '%');
} else {
object.parsed.value =
new RegExp(complex_queries.stringEscapeRegexpCharacters(
), 'g'),
new RegExp(complex_queries.stringEscapeRegexpCharacters(
), 'g'),
option.query = option.query.parse();
option.query = option.query.parse();
* Sends a request to ERP5
* @method erp5.genericRequest
* @param {object} doc The document object
* @param {object} option The option object
* @param {string} method The ERP5 request method
erp5.genericRequest = function (json, option, method) {
var jql = priv.makeJQLikeCallback(), error = null;
priv.ajax(json, option, method).always(function (one, state, three) {
if (state === "parsererror") {
* Sends a request to ERP5
* @method erp5.genericRequest
* @param {object} doc The document object
* @param {object} option The option object
* @param {string} method The ERP5 request method
erp5.genericRequest = function (method, json, option) {
var jql = priv.makeJQLikeCallback(), error = null;
priv.ajax(json, option, method).always(function (one, state) {
if (state === "parsererror") {
return jql.respond(priv.createError(
"Cannot parse data",
"Corrupted data"
), undefined);
if (state !== "success") {
error = priv.ajaxErrorToJioError(
"An error occured on " + method,
if (one.status === 404) {
error.reason = "Not Found";
return jql.respond(error, undefined);
if (one.err !== null) {
return jql.respond(one.err, undefined);
if (one.response !== null) {
return jql.respond(undefined, one.response);
return jql.respond(priv.createError(
"Cannot parse data",
"Corrupted data"
), undefined);
return jql.to_return;
* The ERP5 storage generic command
* @method genericCommand
* @param {object} command The JIO command object
* @param {string} method The ERP5 request method
priv.genericCommand = function (method, command, param, option) {
if (complex_queries !== undefined &&
method === 'allDocs' &&
option.query) {
if (state !== "success") {
error = priv.ajaxErrorToJioError(
"An error occured on " + method,
if (one.status === 404) {
error.reason = "Not Found";
).always(function (err, response) {
if (err) {
return command.error(err);
return jql.respond(error, undefined);
if (one.err !== null) {
return jql.respond(one.err, undefined);
if (one.response !== null) {
return jql.respond(undefined, one.response);
return jql.respond(priv.createError(
"Cannot parse data",
"Corrupted data"
), undefined);
return jql.to_return;
if (['get', 'getAttachment', 'allDocs'].indexOf(method) === -1) {
return command.success(response);
return command.success({"data": response});
* The ERP5 storage generic command
* @method genericCommand
* @param {object} command The JIO command object
* @param {string} method The ERP5 request method
priv.genericCommand = function (command, method) {
var option = command.cloneOption();
if (complex_queries !== undefined &&
method === 'allDocs' &&
option.query) {
).always(function (err, response) {
if (err) {
return that.error(err);
return that.success(response);
* Creates a new document
* @method post
* @param {object} command The JIO command
*/ = function (command, metadata, options) {
priv.genericCommand("post", command, metadata, options);
* Creates a new document
* @method post
* @param {object} command The JIO command
*/ = function (command) {
priv.genericCommand(command, "post");
* Creates or updates a document
* @method put
* @param {object} command The JIO command
that.put = function (command, metadata, options) {
priv.genericCommand("put", command, metadata, options);
* Creates or updates a document
* @method put
* @param {object} command The JIO command
that.put = function (command) {
priv.genericCommand(command, "put");
* Add an attachment to a document
* @method putAttachment
* @param {object} command The JIO command
that.putAttachment = function (command, param, options) {
priv.genericCommand("putAttachment", command, param, options);
* Add an attachment to a document
* @method putAttachment
* @param {object} command The JIO command
that.putAttachment = function (command) {
priv.genericCommand(command, "putAttachment");
* Get a document
* @method get
* @param {object} command The JIO command
that.get = function (command, param, options) {
priv.genericCommand("get", command, param, options);
* Get a document
* @method get
* @param {object} command The JIO command
that.get = function (command) {
priv.genericCommand(command, "get");
* Get an attachment
* @method getAttachment
* @param {object} command The JIO command
that.getAttachment = function (command, param, options) {
priv.genericCommand("getAttachment", command, param, options);
* Get an attachment
* @method getAttachment
* @param {object} command The JIO command
that.getAttachment = function (command) {
priv.genericCommand(command, "getAttachment");
* Remove a document
* @method remove
* @param {object} command The JIO command
that.remove = function (command, param, options) {
priv.genericCommand("remove", command, param, options);
* Remove a document
* @method remove
* @param {object} command The JIO command
that.remove = function (command) {
priv.genericCommand(command, "remove");
* Remove an attachment
* @method removeAttachment
* @param {object} command The JIO command
that.removeAttachment = function (command, param, options) {
priv.genericCommand("removeAttachment", command, param, options);
* Remove an attachment
* @method removeAttachment
* @param {object} command The JIO command
that.removeAttachment = function (command) {
priv.genericCommand(command, "removeAttachment");
* Gets a document list from a distant erp5 storage
* Options:
* - {boolean} include_docs Also retrieve the actual document content.
* @method allDocs
* @param {object} command The JIO command
that.allDocs = function (command, param, options) {
priv.genericCommand("allDocs", command, param, options);
* Gets a document list from a distant erp5 storage
* Options:
* - {boolean} include_docs Also retrieve the actual document content.
* @method allDocs
* @param {object} command The JIO command
that.allDocs = function (command) {
priv.genericCommand(command, "allDocs");
* Checks a document state
* @method check
* @param {object} command The JIO command
that.check = function (command, param, options) {
priv.genericCommand("check", command, param, options);
* Restore a document state to a coherent state
* @method repair
* @param {object} command The JIO command
*/ = function (command, param, options) {
priv.genericCommand("repair", command, param, options);
* Checks a document state
* @method check
* @param {object} command The JIO command
that.check = function (command) {
priv.genericCommand(command, "check");
if (typeof priv.url !== "string" || priv.url === "") {
throw new TypeError("The erp5 server URL is not provided");
if (priv.encoded_login === null) {
throw new TypeError("Impossible to create the authorization");
* Restore a document state to a coherent state
* @method repair
* @param {object} command The JIO command
*/ = function (command) {
priv.genericCommand(command, "repair");
jIO.addStorage("erp5", ERP5Storage);
return that;
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