2010-04-06 yusuke
* Updated Base_viewSecurity to see what a user has any local roles on an object in context.

2010-03-31 yusei
* Add Security.py extension to this business template. It was moved from erp5_forge before, but this business template did not recognize the change.

2010-03-02 yusei
* Remove short title.

2010-01-05 nicolas
* Add alarm to check Conversion Tool availability (oood)

2009-10-16 rafael
* Update for the changes of new portal types of portal types.

2009-03-10 Luke
* add preview of consistency messages
* add configurable views for Simulation Tool, Simulation Movement and Applied Rule

2009-02-02 Kazuhiko
* add TemplateTool_deleteObsoleteTemplateList that removes all obsolete business templates.

2009-01-19 Seb
* moved script to check catalog from erp5_core to here
* merge code of checking stock and checking catalog

2008-11-20 Kazuhiko
* Add ERP5Site_dumpSkinProperty
* Add ERP5Site_dumpWorkflowChain

2008-10-30 Vincent Pelletier
* Add a ZSQLMethod to recreate roles_and_users from ZODB security cache. Requires ZSQLCatalog r24410 or later.

2008-10-01 thibaut
* Add an alarm. It checks which object in catalog table is into ZODB.