#!{{ bash }} set -e APACHEDEX_FILE='{{ apdex_file }}/ApacheDex-'$(date +%Y-%m-%d)'.html' APACHEDEX_REPORT_JSON_FILE={{ apdex_status_file }} DESIRED_THRESHOLD={{ user_threshold }} # Check if the file is there if [ ! -s "$APACHEDEX_FILE" ]; then # If file doesn't exists create one # If it is empty check for modification time if [ ! -f "$APACHEDEX_FILE" ]; then touch $APACHEDEX_FILE else MODIFIED_DATE=`stat -c '%Z' $APACHEDEX_FILE` CURRENT_DATE=`date +%s` if [[ `echo "$CURRENT_DATE - $MODIFIED_DATE" | bc` -gt 108000 ]] then echo "File modification date is greater than 30 hours" JSON_CONTENT=`cat $APACHEDEX_REPORT_STATUS_FILE` MESSAGE=`echo $JSON_CONTENT | python -c 'import json,sys;obj=json.load(sys.stdin);print obj["message"]'` echo $MESSAGE exit 2 else echo "File is empty for now" fi fi else # Check if the result exists { REGEX="Overall<\/h2><table .*><tr>[[:space:]]<th>apdex<\/th><th>.*?<tr>[[:space:]]<td [^<]*>(.*?)%<\/td>" FILE_CONTENT=`cat $APACHEDEX_FILE` if [[ $FILE_CONTENT =~ $REGEX ]] then RESULT=${BASH_REMATCH[1]} RESULT=${RESULT:-0} if [[ `echo "$RESULT > $DESIRED_THRESHOLD" | bc` -eq 1 ]] then echo "Your score is $RESULT %, Thanks for keeping it all clean" else echo "Threshold is lower than exptected: Expected was $DESIRED_THRESHOLD % and we current is $RESULT %" exit 2 fi else echo "No threshold found in the result" fi } || { echo "Cannot parse the apdex result" } fi