{ "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#", "extends": "./schema-definitions.json#", "required": ["tcpv4-port"], "properties": { "tcpv4-port": { "allOf": [{ "$ref": "#/definitions/tcpv4port" }, { "description": "Start allocating ports at this value, going downward" }] }, "database-list": { "description": "Databases to create and respective user credentials getting all privileges on it", "default": [{ "name": "erp5", "user": "user", "password": "insecure" }], "minItems": 1, "items": { "required": ["name", "user", "password"], "properties": { "name": { "description": "Database name", "type": "string" }, "user": { "description": "User name", "type": "string" }, "password": { "description": "User password", "type": "string" } }, "type": "object" }, "type": "array" }, "test-database-amount": { "description": "The number of test databases to create, adding auto-generated entries to database-list", "default": 0, "minimum": 0, "type": "integer" }, "catalog-backup": { "description": "Backup control knobs", "properties": { "full-retention-days": { "description": "How many days full backups must be retained, -1 meaning full backups are disabled and 0 meaning no expiration", "default": 7, "minimum": -1, "type": "integer" }, "incremental-retention-days": { "description": "How many days incremental backups (binlogs) must be retained, -1 meaning incremental backups are disabled and 0 meaning no expiration", "minimum": -1, "default": "full-retention-days' value", "type": "integer" } }, "type": "object" }, "innodb-buffer-pool-size": { "description": "See MariaDB documentation on innodb_buffer_pool_size", "minimum": 0, "default": "MariaDB's default", "type": "integer" }, "innodb-log-file-size": { "description": "See MariaDB documentation on innodb_log_file_size", "minimum": 0, "default": "MariaDB's default", "type": "integer" }, "innodb-log-buffer-size": { "description": "See MariaDB documentation on innodb_log_buffer_size", "minimum": 0, "default": "MariaDB's default", "type": "integer" }, "long-query-time": { "description": "Number of seconds above which long queries are logged", "minimum": 0, "default": 1, "type": "number" }, "relaxed-writes": { "description": "When enabled, sets innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit = 0, innodb_flush_method = nosync, innodb_doublewrite = 0 and sync_frm = 0 - RTFM, those options are dangerous", "default": false, "type": "boolean" }, "ssl": { "description": "Enable and define SSL support for network connections", "default": {}, "properties": { "ca-crt": { "description": "Certificate Authority's certificate, in PEM format", "type": "string", }, "crt": { "description": "Server's certificate, in PEM format (mandatory to enable SSL support)", "type": "string" }, "key": { "description": "Server's key, in PEM format (mandatory to enable SSL support)", "type": "string" } }, "type": "object" } } }