[main] host = %(mmc_host)s port = %(mmc_port)s # Credentials for HTTP basic authentication login = mmc password = s3cr3t # RPC Session timeout in seconds. # If unset default to Twisted hardcoded 900 seconds. #sessiontimeout = 900 # Multi-threading support (enabled by default) #multithreading = 1 #maxthreads = 20 # SSL support enablessl = 1 localcert = %(ssl_localcert)s cacert = %(ssl_cacert)s # Certificate check # verifypeer = 0 # Path to the file containing the Certificate Authority (PEM format) # cacert = # Path to the file containing the local key and certificate (PEM format) # localcert = [daemon] user = %(daemon_user)s group = %(daemon_user)s umask = 0077 pidfile= %(daemon_pidfile)s # user = mmc # group = mmc # umask = 0007 # pidfile= /var/run/mmc-agent.pid [loggers] keys=root [handlers] keys=hand01,hand02 [formatters] keys=form01 [logger_root] level=NOTSET handlers=hand01 [handler_hand01] class=FileHandler level=INFO formatter=form01 args=("%s" % %(mmc_log)s,) [handler_hand02] class=StreamHandler level=DEBUG args=(sys.stderr,) [formatter_form01] format=%(asctime)s #%(thread)d %(levelname)s %(message)s