Commit 1a17e80c authored by Tres Seaver's avatar Tres Seaver was reporting spurious 'missing' classes.

parent eacc32c9
......@@ -74,6 +74,10 @@ Testing
- (3.7b2) Fixed bug in '' which caused it to report erroneous
"missing" classes.
- (3.7a1) The changeover from zLOG to the logging module means that some
tools need to perform minimal logging configuration themselves. Changed
the zeoup script to do so and thus enable it to emit error messages.
......@@ -129,11 +129,8 @@ def main(path):
data, serial = fs.load(oid, "")
refs = get_refs(data)
missing = [] # contains 3-tuples of oid, klass-metadata, reason
for info in refs:
ref, klass = info
for ref, klass in refs:
if klass is None:
# failed to unpack
ref = info
klass = '<unknown>'
if ref not in fs._index:
missing.append((ref, klass, "missing"))
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