############################################################################## # # Copyright (c) 2001, 2002 Zope Corporation and Contributors. # All Rights Reserved. # # This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License, # Version 2.0 (ZPL). A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution. # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND ANY AND ALL EXPRESS OR IMPLIED # WARRANTIES ARE DISCLAIMED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED # WARRANTIES OF TITLE, MERCHANTABILITY, AGAINST INFRINGEMENT, AND FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ############################################################################## import asyncore import select import sys import threading import types import ThreadedAsync from ZEO.zrpc import smac from ZEO.zrpc.error import ZRPCError, DisconnectedError, DecodingError from ZEO.zrpc.log import log, short_repr from ZEO.zrpc.marshal import Marshaller from ZEO.zrpc.trigger import trigger import zLOG from ZODB import POSException REPLY = ".reply" # message name used for replies ASYNC = 1 class Delay: """Used to delay response to client for synchronous calls When a synchronous call is made and the original handler returns without handling the call, it returns a Delay object that prevents the mainloop from sending a response. """ def set_sender(self, msgid, send_reply): self.msgid = msgid self.send_reply = send_reply def reply(self, obj): self.send_reply(self.msgid, obj) class MTDelay(Delay): def __init__(self): self.ready = threading.Event() def set_sender(self, msgid, send_reply): Delay.set_sender(self, msgid, send_reply) self.ready.set() def reply(self, obj): self.ready.wait() Delay.reply(self, obj) class Connection(smac.SizedMessageAsyncConnection): """Dispatcher for RPC on object on both sides of socket. The connection supports synchronous calls, which expect a return, and asynchronous calls, which do not. It uses the Marshaller class to handle encoding and decoding of method calls are arguments. Marshaller uses pickle to encode arbitrary Python objects. The code here doesn't ever see the wire format. A Connection is designed for use in a multithreaded application, where a synchronous call must block until a response is ready. The current design only allows a single synchronous call to be outstanding. A socket connection between a client and a server allows either side to invoke methods on the other side. The processes on each end of the socket use a Connection object to manage communication. The Connection deals with decoded RPC messages. They are represented as four-tuples containing: msgid, flags, method name, and a tuple of method arguments. The msgid starts at zero and is incremented by one each time a method call message is sent. Each side of the connection has a separate msgid state. When one side of the connection (the client) calls a method, it sends a message with a new msgid. The other side (the server), replies with a message that has the same msgid, the string ".reply" (the global variable REPLY) as the method name, and the actual return value in the args position. Note that each side of the Connection can initiate a call, in which case it will be the client for that particular call. The protocol also supports asynchronous calls. The client does not wait for a return value for an asynchronous call. The only defined flag is ASYNC. If a method call message has the ASYNC flag set, the server will raise an exception. If a method call raises an exception, the exception is propagated back to the client via the REPLY message. The client side will raise any exception it receives instead of returning the value to the caller. """ __super_init = smac.SizedMessageAsyncConnection.__init__ __super_close = smac.SizedMessageAsyncConnection.close __super_writable = smac.SizedMessageAsyncConnection.writable __super_message_output = smac.SizedMessageAsyncConnection.message_output protocol_version = "Z200" def __init__(self, sock, addr, obj=None): self.obj = None self.marshal = Marshaller() self.closed = 0 self.msgid = 0 self.__super_init(sock, addr) # A Connection either uses asyncore directly or relies on an # asyncore mainloop running in a separate thread. If # thr_async is true, then the mainloop is running in a # separate thread. If thr_async is true, then the asyncore # trigger (self.trigger) is used to notify that thread of # activity on the current thread. self.thr_async = 0 self.trigger = None self._prepare_async() self._map = {self._fileno: self} self.__call_lock = threading.Lock() # The reply lock is used to block when a synchronous call is # waiting for a response self.__reply_lock = threading.Lock() self.__reply_lock.acquire() self.register_object(obj) self.handshake() def __repr__(self): return "<%s %s>" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.addr) def close(self): if self.closed: return self.closed = 1 self.close_trigger() self.__super_close() def close_trigger(self): # overridden by ManagedConnection if self.trigger is not None: self.trigger.close() def register_object(self, obj): """Register obj as the true object to invoke methods on""" self.obj = obj def handshake(self): # When a connection is created the first message sent is a # 4-byte protocol version. This mechanism should allow the # protocol to evolve over time, and let servers handle clients # using multiple versions of the protocol. # The mechanism replaces the message_input() method for the # first message received. # The client sends the protocol version it is using. self._message_input = self.message_input self.message_input = self.recv_handshake self.message_output(self.protocol_version) def recv_handshake(self, message): if message == self.protocol_version: self.message_input = self._message_input # otherwise do something else... def message_input(self, message): """Decoding an incoming message and dispatch it""" # XXX Not sure what to do with errors that reach this level. # Need to catch ZRPCErrors in handle_reply() and # handle_request() so that they get back to the client. try: msgid, flags, name, args = self.marshal.decode(message) except DecodingError, msg: return self.return_error(None, None, DecodingError, msg) if __debug__: log("recv msg: %s, %s, %s, %s" % (msgid, flags, name, short_repr(args)), level=zLOG.DEBUG) if name == REPLY: self.handle_reply(msgid, flags, args) else: self.handle_request(msgid, flags, name, args) def handle_reply(self, msgid, flags, args): if __debug__: log("recv reply: %s, %s, %s" % (msgid, flags, short_repr(args)), level=zLOG.DEBUG) self.__reply = msgid, flags, args self.__reply_lock.release() # will fail if lock is unlocked def handle_request(self, msgid, flags, name, args): if not self.check_method(name): msg = "Invalid method name: %s on %s" % (name, repr(self.obj)) raise ZRPCError(msg) if __debug__: log("%s%s" % (name, short_repr(args)), level=zLOG.BLATHER) meth = getattr(self.obj, name) try: ret = meth(*args) except (SystemExit, KeyboardInterrupt): raise except Exception, msg: error = sys.exc_info() log("%s() raised exception: %s" % (name, msg), zLOG.ERROR, error=error) error = error[:2] return self.return_error(msgid, flags, *error) if flags & ASYNC: if ret is not None: raise ZRPCError("async method %s returned value %s" % (name, repr(ret))) else: if __debug__: log("%s return %s" % (name, short_repr(ret)), zLOG.DEBUG) if isinstance(ret, Delay): ret.set_sender(msgid, self.send_reply) else: self.send_reply(msgid, ret) def handle_error(self): if sys.exc_info()[0] == SystemExit: raise sys.exc_info() self.log_error("Error caught in asyncore") self.close() def log_error(self, msg="No error message supplied"): log(msg, zLOG.ERROR, error=sys.exc_info()) def check_method(self, name): # XXX Is this sufficient "security" for now? if name.startswith('_'): return None return hasattr(self.obj, name) def send_reply(self, msgid, ret): msg = self.marshal.encode(msgid, 0, REPLY, ret) self.message_output(msg) self.poll() def return_error(self, msgid, flags, err_type, err_value): if flags is None: self.log_error("Exception raised during decoding") return if flags & ASYNC: self.log_error("Asynchronous call raised exception: %s" % self) return if type(err_value) is not types.InstanceType: err_value = err_type, err_value try: msg = self.marshal.encode(msgid, 0, REPLY, (err_type, err_value)) except self.marshal.errors: err = ZRPCError("Couldn't pickle error %s" % `err_value`) msg = self.marshal.encode(msgid, 0, REPLY, (ZRPCError, err)) self.message_output(msg) self.poll() # The next two public methods (call and callAsync) are used by # clients to invoke methods on remote objects def call(self, method, *args): self.__call_lock.acquire() try: return self._call(method, args) finally: self.__call_lock.release() def _call(self, method, args): if self.closed: raise DisconnectedError("This action is temporarily unavailable") msgid = self.msgid self.msgid = self.msgid + 1 if __debug__: log("send msg: %d, 0, %s, ..." % (msgid, method)) self.message_output(self.marshal.encode(msgid, 0, method, args)) # XXX implementation of promises would start here self.__reply = None self.wait() # will release reply lock before returning r_msgid, r_flags, r_args = self.__reply self.__reply_lock.acquire() assert r_msgid == msgid, "%s != %s: %s" % (r_msgid, msgid, r_args) if type(r_args) == types.TupleType \ and type(r_args[0]) == types.ClassType \ and issubclass(r_args[0], Exception): raise r_args[1] # error raised by server return r_args def callAsync(self, method, *args): self.__call_lock.acquire() try: self._callAsync(method, args) finally: self.__call_lock.release() def _callAsync(self, method, args): if self.closed: raise DisconnectedError("This action is temporarily unavailable") msgid = self.msgid self.msgid += 1 if __debug__: log("send msg: %d, %d, %s, ..." % (msgid, ASYNC, method)) self.message_output(self.marshal.encode(msgid, ASYNC, method, args)) self.poll() # handle IO, possibly in async mode def _prepare_async(self): self.thr_async = 0 ThreadedAsync.register_loop_callback(self.set_async) # XXX If we are not in async mode, this will cause dead # Connections to be leaked. def set_async(self, map): self.trigger = trigger() self.thr_async = 1 def is_async(self): if self.thr_async: return 1 else: return 0 def wait(self): """Invoke asyncore mainloop and wait for reply.""" if __debug__: log("wait() async=%d" % self.is_async(), level=zLOG.TRACE) if self.is_async(): self.trigger.pull_trigger() self.__reply_lock.acquire() # wait until reply... else: # Do loop until asyncore handler unlocks the lock. assert not self.__reply_lock.acquire(0) while not self.__reply_lock.acquire(0): try: asyncore.poll(10.0, self._map) except select.error, err: log("Closing. asyncore.poll() raised %s." % err, level=zLOG.BLATHER) self.close() if self.closed: raise DisconnectedError() self.__reply_lock.release() def poll(self, wait_for_reply=0): """Invoke asyncore mainloop to get pending message out.""" if __debug__: log("poll(), async=%d" % self.is_async(), level=zLOG.TRACE) if self.is_async(): self.trigger.pull_trigger() else: asyncore.poll(0.0, self._map) class ServerConnection(Connection): """Connection on the server side""" # The server side does not send a protocol message. Instead, it # adapts to whatever the client sends it. class ManagedServerConnection(ServerConnection): """A connection that notifies its ConnectionManager of closing""" __super_init = Connection.__init__ __super_close = Connection.close def __init__(self, sock, addr, obj, mgr): self.__mgr = mgr self.__super_init(sock, addr, obj) self.obj.notifyConnected(self) def close(self): self.obj.notifyDisconnected() self.__super_close() self.__mgr.close_conn(self) class ManagedConnection(Connection): """A connection that notifies its ConnectionManager of closing. A managed connection also defers the ThreadedAsync work to its manager. """ __super_init = Connection.__init__ __super_close = Connection.close def __init__(self, sock, addr, obj, mgr): self.__mgr = mgr self.__super_init(sock, addr, obj) self.check_mgr_async() def close_trigger(self): # the manager should actually close the trigger del self.trigger def set_async(self, map): pass def _prepare_async(self): # Don't do the register_loop_callback that the superclass does pass def check_mgr_async(self): if not self.thr_async and self.__mgr.thr_async: assert self.__mgr.trigger is not None, \ "manager (%s) has no trigger" % self.__mgr self.thr_async = 1 self.trigger = self.__mgr.trigger return 1 return 0 def is_async(self): if self.thr_async: return 1 return self.check_mgr_async() def close(self): self.__super_close() self.__mgr.notify_closed(self)