Commit 0f2403f9 authored by Guillaume Bury's avatar Guillaume Bury

Big TODO update

parent 8f1a9bbb
For Ulysse : useful is spelled with only ONE l and not two.....
+ ALL files should now respect a maximum 80 rows convention
Bugs :
When no peer is avalaible, the setup crash without the --no-boot option => see below
When no peer is avalaible, the setup crash without the --no-boot option
=> see below
To be done :
Use an algorithm to choose which connections to keep and/or establish instead or pure randomness
Find a name for the project : the projet is ( or should be ) independant from vifib, openvpn, babel,
and so should the name; btw we aim to build a distributed, scalable, resilient VPN....
Replace comments at the beginning of functions with docstrings & give all fn docstrings
Use the server events ( client connection/deconnection ) to do something useful
In peers DB, remove some peers when they are too many of them -> remove the dead peers
Use an algorithm to choose which connections to keep and/or establish
instead of pure randomness
Find a name for the project : the projet is ( or should be ) independant
from vifib, openvpn, babel, and so should the name; btw we aim to build a
distributed, scalable, resilient VPN.... ( if it helps with the name )
Replace comments at the beginning of functions with docstrings & give all
fn docstrings
Use the server events ( client connection/deconnection ) to do something
In peers DB, remove some peers when they are too many of them -> remove the
dead peers
Use a timeout for the peersDB -> ?, removing the dead peers should be enough
Specify a lease duration in ForwardViaUPnP
Handle LAN internally in order not to have catastrophic results ....
To be discussed:
U : Babel seems to be very long to establish the routes : maybe we should tell him thant we are not on a wired network but on a mobile network ?
G : babel establish routes quickly enough i'd say. There are two new options : hello and wireless, for hello_interval and
treating all interfaces as wireless. However, treating an interface as wireless doesn't lessen the hello_interval, it only
changes how babel estimates quality link, and cost.
G : To get traffic stats ( bytes in/out ), you can use
/sys/class/net/interface/statistics/rx_bytes, etc...
or /proc/net/dev/snmp6/interface ( all in one file ). This can be enough
if used as follows: get traffic diff from last time we checked in order
to choose which connection is significantly unused compared to others,
and close it. Of course, too recent connections (i.e. those for which we
have no previous stat) would be always kept.
U : Contact the server using vifibnet and not the underlying network when possible
G : done by giving the vifibnet address of the server. Anyways, if you give the 'internet' address of the server,
it CANNOT be reached via vifib, as there isn't yet a border vpn through which the internet traffic would be routed
U : Babel seems to be very long to establish the routes : maybe we should
tell him thant we are not on a wired network but on a mobile network ?
G : babel establish routes quickly enough i'd say. There are two new
options : hello and wireless, for hello_interval and treating all
interfaces as wireless. However, treating an interface as wireless
doesn't lessen the hello_interval, it only changes how babel estimates
quality link, and cost.
U : The peer DB size should depend on the number of connection and the refresh time
G : ?! I don't agree, the db size should be proportional ( with a factor like 0.01 or less ) to the total number of peers in the entire network, with maybe a max size.
U : Contact the server using vifibnet and not the underlying network when
G : done by giving the vifibnet address of the server. Anyways, if you give
the 'internet' address of the server, it CANNOT be reached via vifib,
as there isn't yet a border vpn through which the internet traffic
would be routed
U : The peer DB size should depend on the number of connection and the
refresh time
G : ?! I don't agree, the db size should be proportional ( with a factor
like 0.01 or less ) to the total number of peers in the entire network,
with maybe a max size.
U : Remove the --no-boot option since we know when no node is avalaible
G : the no-boot option is only useful when the server knows no peer,
irl it should never happen, no-boot is a debug option
U : Ok, but the server knows when no peers is avalaible, doesn't he ?
G : Well when no peer is available the SQL request ( + next() method ) raise a StopIteration exception
G : Well when no peer is available the SQL request ( + next() method ) raise
a StopIteration exception
G : don't reconnect to server each time we repopulate in peers_db ?
U : From what I've read on the internet, when you create a server object, you don't connect to the server,
You only connect to the server once you send a request for a methode and then you can automatically use the same connection for 15sec
G : ok, it justs need testing ( for when some requests for the server will require to be plugged in the network )
U : From what I've read on the internet, when you create a server object,
you don't connect to the server, You only connect to the server once you
send a request for a methode and then you can automatically use the same
connection for 15sec
G : ok, it justs need testing ( for when some requests for the server will
require to be plugged in the network )
U : Use more than one boostrap node
G : we'll use the server as a bootstrap node
......@@ -68,3 +68,11 @@ def router(network, internal_ip, interface_list,
utils.log(str(args), 5)
return subprocess.Popen(args, **kw)
def watch(interface):
return (['ip6tables', '-I', 'INPUT', '-i', interface]) and['ip6tables', '-I', 'OUTPUT', '-o', interface]))
def unwatch(interface):
return (['ip6tables', '-D', 'INPUT', '-i', interface]) and['ip6tables', '-D', 'OUTPUT', '-o', interface]))
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