############################################################################## # # Copyright (c) 2005 Zope Corporation and Contributors. # All Rights Reserved. # # This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License, # Version 2.1 (ZPL). A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution. # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND ANY AND ALL EXPRESS OR IMPLIED # WARRANTIES ARE DISCLAIMED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED # WARRANTIES OF TITLE, MERCHANTABILITY, AGAINST INFRINGEMENT, AND FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # ############################################################################## """Buildout main script $Id$ """ import logging import md5 import os import pprint import re import shutil import sys import ConfigParser import zc.buildout.easy_install import pkg_resources import zc.buildout.easy_install class MissingOption(KeyError): """A required option was missing """ class Options(dict): def __init__(self, buildout, section, data): self.buildout = buildout self.section = section super(Options, self).__init__(data) def __getitem__(self, option): try: return super(Options, self).__getitem__(option) except KeyError: raise MissingOption("Missing option", self.section, option) # XXX need test def __setitem__(self, option, value): if not isinstance(value, str): raise TypeError('Option values must be strings', value) super(Options, self).__setitem__(option, value) def copy(self): return Options(self.buildout, self.section, self) class Buildout(dict): def __init__(self, config_file, cloptions): config_file = os.path.abspath(config_file) self._config_file = config_file super(Buildout, self).__init__() # default options data = dict(buildout={ 'directory': os.path.dirname(config_file), 'eggs-directory': 'eggs', 'develop-eggs-directory': 'develop-eggs', 'bin-directory': 'bin', 'parts-directory': 'parts', 'installed': '.installed.cfg', 'python': 'buildout', 'executable': sys.executable, 'log-level': 'WARNING', 'log-format': '%(name)s: %(message)s', }) # load user defaults, which override defaults if 'HOME' in os.environ: user_config = os.path.join(os.environ['HOME'], '.buildout', 'default.cfg') if os.path.exists(user_config): _update(data, _open(os.path.dirname(user_config), user_config, [])) # load configuration files _update(data, _open(os.path.dirname(config_file), config_file, [])) # apply command-line options for (section, option, value) in cloptions: options = data.get(section) if options is None: options = self[section] = {} options[option] = value # The egg dire # do substitutions converted = {} for section, options in data.iteritems(): for option, value in options.iteritems(): if '$' in value: value = self._dosubs(section, option, value, data, converted, []) options[option] = value converted[(section, option)] = value # copy data into self: for section, options in data.iteritems(): self[section] = Options(self, section, options) # initialize some attrs and buildout directories. options = self['buildout'] links = options.get('find-links', '') self._links = links and links.split() or () self._buildout_dir = options['directory'] for name in ('bin', 'parts', 'eggs', 'develop-eggs'): d = self._buildout_path(options[name+'-directory']) options[name+'-directory'] = d options['installed'] = os.path.join(options['directory'], options['installed']) def _dosubs(self, section, option, value, data, converted, seen): key = section, option r = converted.get(key) if r is not None: return r if key in seen: raise ValueError('Circular references', seen, key) seen.append(key) value = '$$'.join([self._dosubs_esc(s, data, converted, seen) for s in value.split('$$') ]) seen.pop() return value _template_split = re.compile('([$]{\w+:\w+})').split def _dosubs_esc(self, value, data, converted, seen): value = self._template_split(value) subs = [] for s in value[1::2]: s = tuple(s[2:-1].split(':')) v = converted.get(s) if v is None: options = data.get(s[0]) if options is None: raise KeyError("Referenced section does not exist", s[0]) v = options.get(s[1]) if v is None: raise KeyError("Referenced option does not exist", *s) if '$' in v: v = self._dosubs(s[0], s[1], v, data, converted, seen) options[s[1]] = v converted[s] = v subs.append(v) subs.append('') return ''.join([''.join(v) for v in zip(value[::2], subs)]) def _buildout_path(self, *names): return os.path.join(self._buildout_dir, *names) def bootstrap(self, args): # Set up the actual buildout self.install(args) # Now copy buildout and setuptools eggs, amd record destination eggs: entries = [] for name in 'setuptools', 'zc.buildout': r = pkg_resources.Requirement.parse(name) dist = pkg_resources.working_set.find(r) if dist.precedence == pkg_resources.DEVELOP_DIST: dest = os.path.join(self['buildout']['develop-eggs-directory'], name+'.egg-link') open(dest, 'w').write(dist.location) entries.append(dist.location) else: dest = os.path.join(self['buildout']['eggs-directory'], os.path.basename(dist.location)) entries.append(dest) if not os.path.exists(dest): if os.path.isdir(dist.location): shutil.copytree(dist.location, dest) else: shutil.copy2(dist.location, dest) # Create buildout script ws = pkg_resources.WorkingSet(entries) ws.require('zc.buildout') zc.buildout.easy_install.scripts( ['zc.buildout'], ws, sys.executable, self['buildout']['bin-directory']) def install(self, install_parts): # Create buildout directories for name in ('bin', 'parts', 'eggs', 'develop-eggs'): d = self['buildout'][name+'-directory'] if not os.path.exists(d): self._logger.info('Creating directory %s', d) os.mkdir(d) # Add develop-eggs directory to path so that it gets searched # for eggs: sys.path.insert(0, self['buildout']['develop-eggs-directory']) # Build develop eggs self._develop() # load installed data installed_part_options = self._read_installed_part_options() # get configured and installed part lists conf_parts = self['buildout']['parts'] conf_parts = conf_parts and conf_parts.split() or [] installed_parts = installed_part_options['buildout']['parts'] installed_parts = installed_parts and installed_parts.split() or [] # If install_parts is given, then they must be listed in parts # and we don't uninstall anything. Otherwise, we install # the configured parts and uninstall anything else. if install_parts: extra = [p for p in install_parts if p not in conf_parts] if extra: self._error('Invalid install parts:', *extra) uninstall_missing = False else: install_parts = conf_parts uninstall_missing = True # load recipes recipes = self._load_recipes(install_parts) # compute new part recipe signatures self._compute_part_signatures(install_parts) try: # uninstall parts that are no-longer used or who's configs # have changed for part in reversed(installed_parts): if part in install_parts: old_options = installed_part_options[part].copy() old_options.pop('__buildout_installed__') if old_options == self.get(part): continue elif not uninstall_missing: continue # ununstall part self._logger.info('Uninstalling %s', part) self._uninstall( installed_part_options[part]['__buildout_installed__']) installed_parts = [p for p in installed_parts if p != part] # install new parts for part in install_parts: self._logger.info('Installing %s', part) installed_part_options[part] = self[part].copy() del self[part]['__buildout_signature__'] installed_files = recipes[part].install() or () if isinstance(installed_files, str): installed_files = [installed_files] installed_part_options[part]['__buildout_installed__'] = ( '\n'.join(installed_files) ) if part not in installed_parts: installed_parts.append(part) finally: installed_part_options['buildout']['parts'] = ' '.join( [p for p in conf_parts if p in installed_parts] + [p for p in installed_parts if p not in conf_parts] ) self._save_installed_options(installed_part_options) def _develop(self): """Install sources by running setup.py develop on them """ develop = self['buildout'].get('develop') if develop: here = os.getcwd() try: for setup in develop.split(): setup = self._buildout_path(setup) if os.path.isdir(setup): setup = os.path.join(setup, 'setup.py') self._logger.info("Running %s -q develop ...", setup) os.chdir(os.path.dirname(setup)) os.spawnle( os.P_WAIT, sys.executable, sys.executable, setup, '-q', 'develop', '-m', '-x', '-N', '-f', ' '.join(self._links), '-d', self['buildout']['develop-eggs-directory'], {'PYTHONPATH': os.path.dirname(pkg_resources.__file__)}, ) finally: os.chdir(here) def _load_recipes(self, parts): recipes = {} if not parts: return recipes recipes_requirements = [] pkg_resources.working_set.add_entry( self['buildout']['develop-eggs-directory']) pkg_resources.working_set.add_entry(self['buildout']['eggs-directory']) # Gather requirements for part in parts: options = self.get(part) if options is None: options = self[part] = {} recipe, entry = self._recipe(part, options) recipes_requirements.append(recipe) # Install the recipe distros offline = self['buildout'].get('offline', 'false') if offline not in ('true', 'false'): self._error('Invalif value for offline option: %s', offline) if offline == 'true': ws = zc.buildout.easy_install.working_set( recipes_requirements, sys.executable, [self['buildout']['eggs-directory'], self['buildout']['develop-eggs-directory'], ], ) else: ws = zc.buildout.easy_install.install( recipes_requirements, self['buildout']['eggs-directory'], links=self._links, index=self['buildout'].get('index'), path=[self['buildout']['develop-eggs-directory']]) # Add the distros to the working set pkg_resources.require(recipes_requirements) # instantiate the recipes for part in parts: options = self[part] recipe, entry = self._recipe(part, options) recipe_class = pkg_resources.load_entry_point( recipe, 'zc.buildout', entry) recipes[part] = recipe_class(self, part, options) return recipes def _compute_part_signatures(self, parts): # Compute recipe signature and add to options base = self['buildout']['eggs-directory'] + os.path.sep for part in parts: options = self.get(part) if options is None: options = self[part] = {} recipe, entry = self._recipe(part, options) req = pkg_resources.Requirement.parse(recipe) sig = _dists_sig(pkg_resources.working_set.resolve([req]), base) options['__buildout_signature__'] = ' '.join(sig) def _recipe(self, part, options): recipe = options.get('recipe', part) if ':' in recipe: recipe, entry = recipe.split(':') else: entry = 'default' return recipe, entry def _read_installed_part_options(self): old = self._installed_path() if os.path.isfile(old): parser = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser() parser.read(old) return dict([ (section, Options(self, section, parser.items(section))) for section in parser.sections()]) else: return {'buildout': Options(self, 'buildout', {'parts': ''})} def _installed_path(self): return self._buildout_path(self['buildout']['installed']) def _uninstall(self, installed): for f in installed.split(): f = self._buildout_path(f) if os.path.isdir(f): shutil.rmtree(f) elif os.path.isfile(f): os.remove(f) def _install(self, part): options = self[part] recipe, entry = self._recipe(part, options) recipe_class = pkg_resources.load_entry_point( recipe, 'zc.buildout', entry) installed = recipe_class(self, part, options).install() if installed is None: installed = [] elif isinstance(installed, basestring): installed = [installed] base = self._buildout_path('') installed = [d.startswith(base) and d[len(base):] or d for d in installed] return ' '.join(installed) def _save_installed_options(self, installed_options): f = open(self._installed_path(), 'w') _save_options('buildout', installed_options['buildout'], f) for part in installed_options['buildout']['parts'].split(): print >>f _save_options(part, installed_options[part], f) f.close() def _error(self, message, *args, **kw): self._logger.error(message, *args, **kw) sys.exit(1) def _setup_logging(self): root_logger = logging.getLogger() handler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout) handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter(self['buildout']['log-format'])) root_logger.addHandler(handler) self._logger = logging.getLogger('buildout') level = self['buildout']['log-level'] if level in ('DEBUG', 'INFO', 'WARNING', 'ERROR', 'CRITICAL'): level = getattr(logging, level) else: try: level = int(level) except ValueError: self._error("Invalid logging level %s", level) verbosity = self['buildout'].get('verbosity', 0) try: verbosity = int(verbosity) except ValueError: self._error("Invalid verbosity %s", verbosity) level -= verbosity root_logger.setLevel(level) if level <= logging.DEBUG: sections = list(self) sections.sort() print 'Configuration data:' for section in sections: _save_options(section, self[section], sys.stdout) print def _save_options(section, options, f): print >>f, '[%s]' % section items = options.items() items.sort() for option, value in items: print >>f, option, '=', str(value).replace('\n', '\n\t') def _open(base, filename, seen): """Open a configuration file and return the result as a dictionary, Recursively open other files based on buildout options found. """ filename = os.path.join(base, filename) if filename in seen: raise ValueError("Recursive file include", seen, filename) base = os.path.dirname(filename) seen.append(filename) result = {} parser = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser() parser.readfp(open(filename)) extends = extended_by = None for section in parser.sections(): options = dict(parser.items(section)) if section == 'buildout': extends = options.pop('extends', extends) extended_by = options.pop('extended-by', extended_by) result[section] = options if extends: extends = extends.split() extends.reverse() for fname in extends: result = _update(_open(base, fname, seen), result) if extended_by: for fname in extended_by.split(): result = _update(result, _open(base, fname, seen)) seen.pop() return result def _dir_hash(dir): hash = md5.new() for (dirpath, dirnames, filenames) in os.walk(dir): filenames[:] = [f for f in filenames if not (f.endswith('pyc') or f.endswith('pyo')) ] hash.update(' '.join(dirnames)) hash.update(' '.join(filenames)) for name in filenames: hash.update(open(os.path.join(dirpath, name)).read()) return hash.digest().encode('base64').strip() def _dists_sig(dists, base): result = [] for dist in dists: location = dist.location if dist.precedence == pkg_resources.DEVELOP_DIST: result.append(dist.project_name + '-' + _dir_hash(location)) else: if location.startswith(base): location = location[len(base):] result.append(location) return result def _update(d1, d2): for section in d2: if section in d1: d1[section].update(d2[section]) else: d1[section] = d2[section] return d1 def _error(*message): sys.syderr.write(' '.join(message) +'\n') sys.exit(1) def main(args=None): if args is None: args = sys.argv[1:] config_file = 'buildout.cfg' verbosity = 0 options = [] while args: if args[0][0] == '-': op = orig_op = args.pop(0) op = op[1:] while op and op[0] in 'vq': if op[0] == 'v': verbosity += 10 else: verbosity -= 10 op = op[1:] if op == 'd': op = op[1:] import pdb; pdb.set_trace() if op[:1] == 'c': op = op[1:] if op: config_file = op else: if args: config_file = args.pop(0) else: _error("No file name specified for option", orig_op) elif op: _error("Invalid option", '-'+op[0]) elif '=' in args[0]: option, value = args.pop(0).split('=', 1) if len(option.split(':')) != 2: _error('Invalid option:', option) section, option = option.split(':') options.append((section.strip(), option.strip(), value.strip())) else: # We've run out of command-line options and option assignnemnts # The rest should be commands, so we'll stop here break if verbosity: options.append(('buildout', 'verbosity', str(verbosity))) buildout = Buildout(config_file, options) buildout._setup_logging() if args: command = args.pop(0) if command not in ('install', 'bootstrap'): _error('invalid command:', command) else: command = 'install' try: getattr(buildout, command)(args) finally: logging.shutdown() if sys.version_info[:2] < (2, 4): def reversed(iterable): result = list(iterable); result.reverse() return result