# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # vim: set et sts=2: # pylint: disable-msg=W0311,C0301,C0103,C0111,W0141,W0142 import logging import md5 import multiprocessing import re import shutil import os import time import urllib from xml.dom import minidom import xml_marshaller from flask import jsonify from slapos.runner.process import Popen, isRunning, killRunningProcess from slapos.htpasswd import HtpasswdFile import slapos.slap # Setup default flask (werkzeug) parser logger = logging.getLogger('werkzeug') html_escape_table = { "&": "&", '"': """, "'": "'", ">": ">", "<": "<", } def html_escape(text): """Produce entities within text.""" return "".join(html_escape_table.get(c, c) for c in text) def getSession(config): """ Get the session data of current user. Returns: a list of user information or None if the file does not exist. """ user_path = os.path.join(config['etc_dir'], '.users') if os.path.exists(user_path): return open(user_path).read().split(';') def saveSession(config, account): """ Save account information for the current user Args: config: Slaprunner configuration session: Flask session account: New session data to be save Returns: True if all goes well or str (error message) if fail """ # XXX Cedric LN hardcoded path for files user = os.path.join(config['etc_dir'], '.users') htpasswdfile = os.path.join(config['etc_dir'], '.htpasswd') backup = False try: if os.path.exists(user): #backup previous data data = open(user).read() open('%s.back' % user, 'w').write(data) backup = True if not account[1]: account[1] = data.split(';')[1] #save new account data open(user, 'w').write((';'.join(account)).encode("utf-8")) # Htpasswd file for cloud9 # XXX Cedric Le N order of account list values suppose to be fixed # Remove former file to avoid aoutdated accounts if os.path.exists(htpasswdfile): os.remove(htpasswdfile) passwd = HtpasswdFile(htpasswdfile, create=True) passwd.update(account[0], account[1]) passwd.save() return True except Exception as e: try: if backup: os.remove(user) os.rename('%s.back' % user, user) except: pass return str(e) def getCurrentSoftwareReleaseProfile(config): """ Returns used Software Release profile as a string. """ try: software_folder = open( os.path.join(config['etc_dir'], ".project")).read() return realpath( config, os.path.join(software_folder, config['software_profile'])) except: return False def requestInstance(config, software_type=None): """ Request the main instance of our environment """ software_type_path = os.path.join(config['etc_dir'], ".software_type.xml") if software_type: # Write it to conf file for later use open(software_type_path, 'w').write(software_type) elif os.path.exists(software_type_path): software_type = open(software_type_path).read() else: software_type = 'default' slap = slapos.slap.slap() profile = getCurrentSoftwareReleaseProfile(config) slap.initializeConnection(config['master_url']) param_path = os.path.join(config['etc_dir'], ".parameter.xml") xml_result = readParameters(param_path) partition_parameter_kw = None if type(xml_result) != type('') and 'instance' in xml_result: partition_parameter_kw = xml_result['instance'] return slap.registerOpenOrder().request( profile, partition_reference=getSoftwareReleaseName(config), partition_parameter_kw=partition_parameter_kw, software_type=software_type, filter_kw=None, state=None, shared=False) def updateProxy(config): """ Configure Slapos Node computer and partitions. Send current Software Release to Slapproxy for compilation and deployment. """ if not os.path.exists(config['instance_root']): os.mkdir(config['instance_root']) slap = slapos.slap.slap() profile = getCurrentSoftwareReleaseProfile(config) slap.initializeConnection(config['master_url']) slap.registerSupply().supply(profile, computer_guid=config['computer_id']) computer = slap.registerComputer(config['computer_id']) prefix = 'slappart' slap_config = { 'address': config['ipv4_address'], 'instance_root': config['instance_root'], 'netmask': '', 'partition_list': [], 'reference': config['computer_id'], 'software_root': config['software_root'] } for i in xrange(0, int(config['partition_amount'])): partition_reference = '%s%s' % (prefix, i) partition_path = os.path.join(config['instance_root'], partition_reference) if not os.path.exists(partition_path): os.mkdir(partition_path) os.chmod(partition_path, 0750) slap_config['partition_list'].append({ 'address_list': [ { 'addr': config['ipv4_address'], 'netmask': '' }, { 'addr': config['ipv6_address'], 'netmask': 'ffff:ffff:ffff::' }, ], 'path': partition_path, 'reference': partition_reference, 'tap': {'name': partition_reference}}) computer.updateConfiguration(xml_marshaller.xml_marshaller.dumps(slap_config)) return True def updateInstanceParameter(config, software_type=None): """ Reconfigure Slapproxy to re-deploy current Software Instance with parameters. Args: config: Slaprunner configuration. software_type: reconfigure Software Instance with software type. """ if not (updateProxy(config) and requestInstance(config, software_type)): return False def startProxy(config): """Start Slapproxy server""" if isRunning('slapproxy'): return log = os.path.join(config['log_dir'], 'slapproxy.log') Popen([config['slapproxy'], '--log_file', log, config['configuration_file_path']], name='slapproxy', stdout=None) time.sleep(4) def stopProxy(config): """Stop Slapproxy server""" pass def removeProxyDb(config): """Remove Slapproxy database, this is use to initialize proxy for example when configuring new Software Release""" if os.path.exists(config['database_uri']): os.unlink(config['database_uri']) def isSoftwareRunning(config=None): """ Return True if slapgrid-sr is still running and false if slapgrid if not """ # XXX-Marco what is 'config' for? return isRunning('slapgrid-sr') def runSoftwareWithLock(config): """ Use Slapgrid to compile current Software Release and wait until compilation is done """ if isSoftwareRunning(): return False slapgrid_pid = os.path.join(config['run_dir'], 'slapgrid-sr.pid') if not os.path.exists(config['software_root']): os.mkdir(config['software_root']) stopProxy(config) removeProxyDb(config) startProxy(config) logfile = open(config['software_log'], 'w') if not updateProxy(config): return False # Accelerate compilation by setting make -jX # XXX-Marco can have issues with implicit dependencies or recursive makefiles. should be configurable. environment = os.environ.copy() environment['MAKEFLAGS'] = '-j%r' % multiprocessing.cpu_count() slapgrid = Popen([config['slapgrid_sr'], '-vc', '--pidfile', slapgrid_pid, config['configuration_file_path'], '--now', '--develop'], stdout=logfile, env=environment, name='slapgrid-sr') slapgrid.wait() #Saves the current compile software for re-use config_SR_folder(config) return True def config_SR_folder(config): """Create a symbolik link for each folder in software folder. That allows the user to customize software release folder""" list = [] # XXX-Marco do not shadow 'list' config_name = 'slaprunner.config' for path in os.listdir(config['software_link']): cfg_path = os.path.join(config['software_link'], path, config_name) if os.path.exists(cfg_path): cfg = open(cfg_path).read().split("#") if len(cfg) != 2: continue # there is a broken config file list.append(cfg[1]) folder_list = os.listdir(config['software_root']) if not folder_list: return current_project = open(os.path.join(config['etc_dir'], ".project")).read() projects = current_project.split('/') name = projects[-2] for folder in folder_list: if folder in list: continue # this folder is already registered else: if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(config['software_link'], name)): destination = os.path.join(config['software_link'], name) else: destination = os.path.join(config['software_link'], folder) source = os.path.join(config['software_root'], folder) cfg = os.path.join(destination, config_name) #create symlink os.symlink(source, destination) #write config file with open(cfg, 'w') as cf: cf.write(current_project + '#' + folder) def loadSoftwareRList(config): """Return list (of dict) of Software Release from symbolik SR folder""" list = [] config_name = 'slaprunner.config' for path in os.listdir(config['software_link']): cfg_path = os.path.join(config['software_link'], path, config_name) if os.path.exists(cfg_path): cfg = open(cfg_path).read().split("#") if len(cfg) != 2: continue # there is a broken config file list.append(dict(md5=cfg[1], path=cfg[0], title=path)) return list def isInstanceRunning(config=None): """ Return True if slapgrid-cp is still running and False otherwise """ # XXX-Marco what is 'config' for? return isRunning('slapgrid-cp') def runInstanceWithLock(config): """ Use Slapgrid to deploy current Software Release and wait until deployment is done. """ if isInstanceRunning(): return False slapgrid_pid = os.path.join(config['run_dir'], 'slapgrid-cp.pid') startProxy(config) logfile = open(config['instance_log'], 'w') if not (updateProxy(config) and requestInstance(config)): return False slapgrid = Popen([config['slapgrid_cp'], '-vc', '--pidfile', slapgrid_pid, config['configuration_file_path'], '--now'], stdout=logfile, name='slapgrid-cp') slapgrid.wait() return True def getProfilePath(projectDir, profile): """ Return the path of the current Software Release `profile` Args: projectDir: Slaprunner workspace location. profile: file to search into the workspace. Returns: String, path of current Software Release profile """ if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(projectDir, ".project")): return False projectFolder = open(os.path.join(projectDir, ".project")).read() return os.path.join(projectFolder, profile) def getSlapStatus(config): """Return all Slapos Partitions with associate information""" slap = slapos.slap.slap() slap.initializeConnection(config['master_url']) partition_list = [] computer = slap.registerComputer(config['computer_id']) try: for partition in computer.getComputerPartitionList(): # Note: Internal use of API, as there is no reflexion interface in SLAP partition_list.append((partition.getId(), partition._connection_dict.copy())) except Exception: pass if partition_list: for i in xrange(0, int(config['partition_amount'])): slappart_id = '%s%s' % ("slappart", i) if not [x[0] for x in partition_list if slappart_id == x[0]]: partition_list.append((slappart_id, [])) return partition_list def svcStopAll(config): """Stop all Instance process on this computer""" return Popen([config['supervisor'], config['configuration_file_path'], 'shutdown']).communicate()[0] def removeInstanceRoot(config): """Clean instance directory and stop all its running process""" if os.path.exists(config['instance_root']): svcStopAll(config) for root, dirs, _ in os.walk(config['instance_root']): for fname in dirs: fullPath = os.path.join(root, fname) if not os.access(fullPath, os.W_OK): # Some directories may be read-only, preventing to remove files in it os.chmod(fullPath, 0744) shutil.rmtree(config['instance_root']) def getSvcStatus(config): """Return all Softwares Instances process Information""" result = Popen([config['supervisor'], config['configuration_file_path'], 'status']).communicate()[0] regex = "(^unix:.+\.socket)|(^error:)|(^watchdog).*$" supervisord = [] for item in result.split('\n'): if item.strip() != "": if re.search(regex, item, re.IGNORECASE) is None: supervisord.append(re.split('[\s,]+', item)) return supervisord def getSvcTailProcess(config, process): """Get log for the specifie process Args: config: Slaprunner configuration process: process name. this value is pass to supervisord. Returns: a string that contains the log of the process. """ return Popen([config['supervisor'], config['configuration_file_path'], "tail", process]).communicate()[0] def svcStartStopProcess(config, process, action): """Send start or stop process command to supervisord Args: config: Slaprunner configuration. process: process to start or stop. action: current state which is used to generate the new process state. """ cmd = { 'RESTART': 'restart', 'STOPPED': 'start', 'RUNNING': 'stop', 'EXITED': 'start', 'STOP': 'stop' } return Popen([config['supervisor'], config['configuration_file_path'], cmd[action], process]).communicate()[0] def getFolderContent(config, folder): """ Read all file and folder into specified directory Args: config: Slaprunner configuration. folder: the directory to read. Returns: Html formated string or error message when fail. """ r = ['<ul class="jqueryFileTree" style="display: none;">'] try: folder = str(folder) r = ['<ul class="jqueryFileTree" style="display: none;">'] d = urllib.unquote(folder) realdir = realpath(config, d) if realdir: ldir = sorted(os.listdir(realdir), key=str.lower) else: r.append('Could not load directory: Permission denied') ldir = [] for f in ldir: if f.startswith('.'): # do not displays this file/folder continue ff = os.path.join(d, f) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(realdir, f)): r.append('<li class="directory collapsed"><a href="#%s" rel="%s/">%s</a></li>' % (ff, ff, f)) else: e = os.path.splitext(f)[1][1:] # get .ext and remove dot r.append('<li class="file ext_%s"><a href="#%s" rel="%s">%s</a></li>' % (e, ff, ff, f)) r.append('</ul>') except Exception as e: r.append('Could not load directory: %s' % str(e)) r.append('</ul>') return jsonify(result=''.join(r)) def getFolder(config, folder): """ Read list of folder for the specified directory Args: config: Slaprunner configuration. folder: the directory to read. Returns: Html formated string or error message when fail. """ r = ['<ul class="jqueryFileTree" style="display: none;">'] try: folder = str(folder) r = ['<ul class="jqueryFileTree" style="display: none;">'] d = urllib.unquote(folder) realdir = realpath(config, d) if not realdir: r.append('Could not load directory: Permission denied') ldir = [] else: ldir = sorted(os.listdir(realdir), key=str.lower) for f in ldir: if f.startswith('.'): # do not display this file/folder continue ff = os.path.join(d, f) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(realdir, f)): r.append('<li class="directory collapsed"><a href="#%s" rel="%s/">%s</a></li>' % (ff, ff, f)) r.append('</ul>') except Exception as e: r.append('Could not load directory: %s' % str(e)) r.append('</ul>') return jsonify(result=''.join(r)) def getProjectList(folder): """Return the list of projet (folder) into the workspace Agrs: folder: path of the workspace Returns: a list that contains each folder name. """ project = [] project_list = sorted(os.listdir(folder), key=str.lower) for elt in project_list: if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(folder, elt)): project.append(elt) return project def configNewSR(config, projectpath): """Configure a Software Release as current Software Release Args: config: slaprunner configuration projectpath: path of the directory that contains the software realease to configure Returns: True if all is done well, otherwise return false. """ folder = realpath(config, projectpath) if folder: if isInstanceRunning(): killRunningProcess('slapgrid-cp') if isSoftwareRunning(): killRunningProcess('slapgrid-sr') stopProxy(config) removeProxyDb(config) startProxy(config) removeInstanceRoot(config) param_path = os.path.join(config['etc_dir'], ".parameter.xml") if os.path.exists(param_path): os.remove(param_path) open(os.path.join(config['etc_dir'], ".project"), 'w').write(projectpath) return True else: return False def newSoftware(folder, config, session): """ Create a new Software Release folder with default profiles Args: folder: directory of the new software release config: slraprunner configuration session: Flask session directory""" json = "" code = 0 basedir = config['etc_dir'] try: folderPath = realpath(config, folder, check_exist=False) if folderPath and not os.path.exists(folderPath): os.mkdir(folderPath) #load software.cfg and instance.cfg from http://git.erp5.org software = "http://git.erp5.org/gitweb/slapos.git/blob_plain/HEAD:/software/lamp-template/software.cfg" softwareContent = "" try: softwareContent = urllib.urlopen(software).read() except: #Software.cfg and instance.cfg content will be empty pass open(os.path.join(folderPath, config['software_profile']), 'w').write(softwareContent) open(os.path.join(folderPath, config['instance_profile']), 'w').write("") open(os.path.join(basedir, ".project"), 'w').write(folder + "/") #Clean sapproxy Database stopProxy(config) removeProxyDb(config) startProxy(config) #Stop runngin process and remove existing instance removeInstanceRoot(config) session['title'] = getProjectTitle(config) code = 1 else: json = "Bad folder or Directory '%s' already exist, please enter a new name for your software" % folder except Exception as e: json = "Can not create your software, please try again! : %s " % e if os.path.exists(folderPath): shutil.rmtree(folderPath) return jsonify(code=code, result=json) def checkSoftwareFolder(path, config): """Check id `path` is a valid Software Release folder""" realdir = realpath(config, path) if realdir and os.path.exists(os.path.join(realdir, config['software_profile'])): return jsonify(result=path) return jsonify(result="") def getProjectTitle(config): """Generate the name of the current software Release (for slaprunner UI)""" conf = os.path.join(config['etc_dir'], ".project") if os.path.exists(conf): project = open(conf, "r").read().split("/") software = project[-2] return '%s (%s)' % (software, '/'.join(project[:-2])) return "No Profile" def getSoftwareReleaseName(config): """Get the name of the current Software Release""" sr_profile = os.path.join(config['etc_dir'], ".project") if os.path.exists(sr_profile): project = open(sr_profile, "r").read().split("/") software = project[-2] return software.replace(' ', '_') return "No_name" def removeSoftwareByName(config, md5, folderName): """Remove all content of the software release specified by md5 Args: config: slaprunner configuration foldername: the link name given to the software release md5: the md5 filename given by slapgrid to SR folder""" if isSoftwareRunning() or isInstanceRunning(): raise Exception("Software installation or instantiation in progress, cannot remove") path = os.path.join(config['software_root'], md5) linkpath = os.path.join(config['software_link'], folderName) if not os.path.exists(path): raise Exception("Cannot remove software Release: No such file or directory") if not os.path.exists(linkpath): raise Exception("Cannot remove software Release: No such file or directory %s" % ('software_root/' + folderName)) svcStopAll(config) os.unlink(linkpath) shutil.rmtree(path) return loadSoftwareRList(config) def tail(f, lines=20): """ Returns the last `lines` lines of file `f`. It is an implementation of tail -f n. """ BUFSIZ = 1024 f.seek(0, 2) bytes = f.tell() size = lines + 1 block = -1 data = [] while size > 0 and bytes > 0: if bytes - BUFSIZ > 0: # Seek back one whole BUFSIZ f.seek(block * BUFSIZ, 2) # read BUFFER data.insert(0, f.read(BUFSIZ)) else: # file too small, start from begining f.seek(0, 0) # only read what was not read data.insert(0, f.read(bytes)) linesFound = data[0].count('\n') size -= linesFound bytes -= BUFSIZ block -= 1 return '\n'.join(''.join(data).splitlines()[-lines:]) def readFileFrom(f, lastPosition, limit=20000): """ Returns the last lines of file `f`, from position lastPosition. and the last position limit = max number of caracter to read """ BUFSIZ = 1024 f.seek(0, 2) # XXX-Marco do now shadow 'bytes' bytes = f.tell() block = -1 data = "" length = bytes truncated = False # True if a part of log data has been truncated if (lastPosition <= 0 and length > limit) or (length - lastPosition > limit): lastPosition = length - limit truncated = True size = bytes - lastPosition while bytes > lastPosition: if abs(block * BUFSIZ) <= size: # Seek back one whole BUFSIZ f.seek(block * BUFSIZ, 2) data = f.read(BUFSIZ) + data else: margin = abs(block * BUFSIZ) - size if length < BUFSIZ: f.seek(0, 0) else: seek = block * BUFSIZ + margin f.seek(seek, 2) data = f.read(BUFSIZ - margin) + data bytes -= BUFSIZ block -= 1 f.close() return { 'content': data, 'position': length, 'truncated': truncated } def isText(file): """Return True if the mimetype of file is Text""" if not os.path.exists(file): return False text_range = ''.join(map(chr, [7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 27] + range(0x20, 0x100))) is_binary_string = lambda bytes: bool(bytes.translate(None, text_range)) try: return not is_binary_string(open(file).read(1024)) except: return False def md5sum(file): """Compute md5sum of `file` and return hexdigest value""" if os.path.isdir(file): return False try: fh = open(file, 'rb') m = md5.md5() while True: data = fh.read(8192) if not data: break m.update(data) return m.hexdigest() except: return False def realpath(config, path, check_exist=True): """ Get realpath of path or return False if user is not allowed to access to this file. """ split_path = path.split('/') key = split_path[0] allow_list = { 'software_root': config['software_root'], 'instance_root': config['instance_root'], 'workspace': config['workspace'], 'software_link': config['software_link'] } if key not in allow_list: return False del split_path[0] path = os.path.join(allow_list[key], *split_path) if check_exist: if os.path.exists(path): return path else: return False else: return path def readParameters(path): """Read Instance parameters stored into a local file. Agrs: path: path of the xml file that contains parameters Return: a dictionary of instance parameters.""" if os.path.exists(path): try: xmldoc = minidom.parse(path) obj = {} for elt in xmldoc.childNodes: sub_obj = {} for subnode in elt.childNodes: if subnode.nodeType != subnode.TEXT_NODE: sub_obj[str(subnode.getAttribute('id'))] = subnode.childNodes[0].data # .decode('utf-8').decode('utf-8') obj[str(elt.tagName)] = sub_obj return obj except Exception, e: return str(e) else: return "No such file or directory: %s" % path