{% import 'parts' as parts %}
{% import 'replicated' as replicated with context %}

{% set number_of_instances = slapparameter_dict.get('resilient-clone-number', 1)|int %}

eggs-directory = {{ eggs_directory }}
develop-eggs-directory = {{ develop_eggs_directory }}

extends =
  {{ monitor_template }}

parts +=
# Generate the parts to request theia-export, pull-backup and theia-import
# See stack/resilient/template-parts.cfg.in and stack/resilient/template-replicated.cfg.in
# See below for the generation of the sections corresponding to the parts generated here
  {{ parts.replicate("theia", number_of_instances + 1) }}
# Also publish some connection parameters



# Generate sections to request theia-export, pull-backup and theia-import
# See stack/resilient/template-replicated.cfg.in
# In particular:
# [request-theia]
# <= ArgLeader
# software-type = export
# ...
# [request-theia-pseudo-replicating-1]
# <= ArgBackup
# software-type = import
# ...
# [request-pbs-theia-1]
# software-type = pull-backup
# ...
{{ replicated.replicate("theia", number_of_instances + 1,
                        "export", "import",
                        "ArgLeader", "ArgBackup",
                        slapparameter_dict=slapparameter_dict) }}

# Extend the list of return parameters for the export request
# The monitor parameters are only there to assert they are
# actually published by the export instance
return += url username password backend-url monitor-base-url monitor-setup-url

# Extend the list of return parameters for the import request
# with the monitor parameters to assert they are actually published
return += monitor-base-url monitor-setup-url

# Publish some parameters from the export instance
recipe = slapos.cookbook:publish
url = ${request-theia:connection-url}
username = ${request-theia:connection-username}
password = ${request-theia:connection-password}
backend-url = ${request-theia:connection-backend-url}

# Publish resiliency parameters fetched by the resilient stack
<= publish-connection-information