Commit 9c9e243a authored by Romain Courteaud's avatar Romain Courteaud 🐸

[erp5_core] Use Base_redirect to jump to a module

This improve the compatibility with ERP5JS
parent 383fdb19
......@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ portal = context.getPortalObject()
Base_translateString = portal.Base_translateString
checkPerm = portal.portal_membership.checkPermission
redirect_context = context
if jump_from_relative_url is None:
relation = context
......@@ -39,7 +41,6 @@ related_list = search_method(portal_type = portal_type)
relation_found = 0
if len(related_list) == 0:
url = context.absolute_url()
message = Base_translateString(
'No %s Related' % portal_type[0],
default=Base_translateString('No ${portal_type} related.',
......@@ -58,7 +59,7 @@ elif len(related_list) == 1:
form_id = target_form_id
form_id = 'view'
url = related_object.absolute_url()
redirect_context = related_object
message = Base_translateString(
# first, try to get a full translated message with portal types
"%s related to %s." % (related_object.getPortalType(), context.getPortalType()),
......@@ -68,7 +69,6 @@ elif len(related_list) == 1:
"that_portal_type": context.getTranslatedPortalType(),
"that_title": context.getTitleOrId() }),)
else :
url = context.absolute_url()
message = Base_translateString("You are not authorised to view the related document.")
relation_found = 0
......@@ -105,25 +105,18 @@ else:
if obj is not None and checkPerm("View", obj):
if len(related_object_list) == 0 :
url = context.absolute_url()
message = Base_translateString("You are not authorised to view any related document.")
relation_found = 0
else :
selection_uid_list = [x.getUid() for x in related_object_list]
kw = {'uid': selection_uid_list}
'Base_jumpToRelatedObjectList', kw)
request.set('object_uid', context.getUid())
request.set('uids', selection_uid_list)
return getattr(context, relation_form_id)(
uids=selection_uid_list, REQUEST=request)
return context.Base_redirect(relation_form_id,
query_params = dict(portal_status_message=message)
if selection_name and not relation_found:
query_params['selection_name'] = selection_name
query_params['selection_index'] = selection_index
redirect_url = '%s/%s?%s' % (url, form_id, make_query(query_params))
return context.REQUEST[ 'RESPONSE' ].redirect(redirect_url)
return redirect_context.Base_redirect(
form_id, keep_items=query_params)
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