diff --git a/product/ERP5/PropertySheet/Organisation.py b/product/ERP5/PropertySheet/Organisation.py
index afafec103da6638c3f023949cbe39995c934d0e6..1acc1d8d70591d00fc796af7940b120219754229 100755
--- a/product/ERP5/PropertySheet/Organisation.py
+++ b/product/ERP5/PropertySheet/Organisation.py
@@ -89,9 +89,15 @@ class Organisation:
       'type'        : 'string',
       'mode'        : 'w' },                       
     { 'id'          : 'creation_date',
-      'description' : 'Thedate of the creation of this organisation',
+      'description' : 'The date of the creation of this organisation',
       'type'        : 'date',
       'mode'        : 'w' },                          
+    # (Kev) This property is too banking-centric to appear here as a general organisation property. The following must be renamed to something more abstract like  "business_code", "domain_uid", "business_domain_special_organisation_id" or something like that.
+    { 'id'          : 'bic_code',
+      'description' : 'The Bank Identifier Code is a unique code that identifies individual banking and financial institution offices around the world.',
+      'type'        : 'string',
+      'mode'        : 'w' },
     # Acquisition
     { 'id'          : 'address',