# Copyright (c) 2002 Nexedi SARL and Contributors. All Rights Reserved.
#          Sebastien Robin <seb@nexedi.com>
# WARNING: This program as such is intended to be used by professional
# programmers who take the whole responsability of assessing all potential
# consequences resulting from its eventual inadequacies and bugs
# End users who are looking for a ready-to-use solution with commercial
# garantees and support are strongly adviced to contract a Free Software
# Service Company
# This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.

from Globals import PersistentMapping
from time import gmtime,strftime # for anchors
from SyncCode import SyncCode
from AccessControl import ClassSecurityInfo
from Products.CMFCore.utils import getToolByName
from Acquisition import Implicit, aq_base
from Products.ERP5Type.Document.Folder import Folder
from Products.ERP5Type.Base import Base
from Products.ERP5Type import Permissions
from Products.ERP5Type import PropertySheet
from zLOG import LOG

import md5

#class Conflict(SyncCode, Implicit):
class Conflict(SyncCode, Base):
    object_path : the path of the obect
    keyword : an identifier of the conflict
    publisher_value : the value that we have locally
    subscriber_value : the value sent by the remote box

  def __init__(self, object_path=None, keyword=None, xupdate=None, publisher_value=None,\
               subscriber_value=None, subscriber=None):
    self.keyword = keyword
    self.subscriber = subscriber

  def getObjectPath(self):
    get the object path
    return self.object_path

  def getPublisherValue(self):
    get the domain
    return self.publisher_value

  def getXupdateList(self):
    get the xupdate wich gave an error
    xupdate_list = []
    if len(self.xupdate)>0:
      for xupdate in self.xupdate:
        xupdate_list+= [xupdate]
    return xupdate_list

  def resetXupdate(self):
    Reset the xupdate list
    self.xupdate = PersistentMapping()

  def setXupdate(self, xupdate):
    set the xupdate
    if xupdate == None:
      self.xupdate = self.getXupdateList() + [xupdate]

  def setXupdateList(self, xupdate):
    set the xupdate
    self.xupdate = xupdate

  def setLocalValue(self, value):
    get the domain
      self.publisher_value = value
    except TypeError: # It happens when we try to store StringIO
      self.publisher_value = None

  def getSubscriberValue(self):
    get the domain
    return self.subscriber_value

  def setRemoteValue(self, value):
    get the domain
      self.subscriber_value = value
    except TypeError: # It happens when we try to store StringIO
      self.subscriber_value = None

  def applyPublisherValue(self):
      after a conflict resolution, we have decided
      to keep the local version of this object
    p_sync = getToolByName(self,'portal_synchronizations')

  def applyPublisherDocument(self):
      after a conflict resolution, we have decided
      to keep the local version of this object
    p_sync = getToolByName(self,'portal_synchronizations')

  def getPublisherDocument(self):
      after a conflict resolution, we have decided
      to keep the local version of this object
    p_sync = getToolByName(self,'portal_synchronizations')
    return p_sync.getPublisherDocument(self)

  def getPublisherDocumentPath(self):
      after a conflict resolution, we have decided
      to keep the local version of this object
    p_sync = getToolByName(self,'portal_synchronizations')
    return p_sync.getPublisherDocumentPath(self)

  def getSubscriberDocument(self):
      after a conflict resolution, we have decided
      to keep the local version of this object
    p_sync = getToolByName(self,'portal_synchronizations')
    return p_sync.getSubscriberDocument(self)

  def getSubscriberDocumentPath(self):
      after a conflict resolution, we have decided
      to keep the local version of this object
    p_sync = getToolByName(self,'portal_synchronizations')
    return p_sync.getSubscriberDocumentPath(self)

  def applySubscriberDocument(self):
      after a conflict resolution, we have decided
      to keep the local version of this object
    p_sync = getToolByName(self,'portal_synchronizations')

  def applySubscriberValue(self,object=None):
    get the domain
    p_sync = getToolByName(self,'portal_synchronizations')

  def setSubscriber(self, subscriber):
    set the domain
    self.subscriber = subscriber

  def getSubscriber(self):
    get the domain
    return self.subscriber

  def getKeyword(self):
    get the domain
    return self.keyword

  def getPropertyId(self):
    get the property id
    return self.keyword

class Signature(SyncCode,Folder):
    status -- SENT, CONFLICT...
    md5_object -- An MD5 value of a given document
    #uid -- The UID of the document
    id -- the ID of the document
    gid -- the global id of the document
    rid -- the uid of the document on the remote database,
        only needed on the server.
    xml -- the xml of the object at the time where it was synchronized

  # Constructor
  def __init__(self,gid=None, id=None, status=None, xml_string=None):
    self.status = status
    self.partial_xml = None
    self.action = None
    self.md5_string = None
    self.force = 0

  def setStatus(self, status):
      set the Status (see SyncCode for numbers)
    self.status = status
    if status == self.SYNCHRONIZED:
      temp_xml = self.getTempXML()
      if temp_xml is not None:
        # This happens when we have sent the xml
        # and we just get the confirmation
      if len(self.getConflictList())>0:
    if status == self.NOT_SYNCHRONIZED:
    elif status in (self.PUB_CONFLICT_MERGE,self.SENT):
      # We have a solution for the conflict, don't need to keep the list

  def getStatus(self):
      get the Status (see SyncCode for numbers)
    return self.status

  def getForce(self):
      get the force value (if we need to force update or not)
    return self.force

  def setForce(self, force):
      set the force value (if we need to force update or not)
    self.force = force

  def setXML(self, xml):
      set the XML corresponding to the object
    self.xml = xml
    if self.xml != None:
      self.setTempXML(None) # We make sure that the xml will not be erased

  def getXML(self):
      set the XML corresponding to the object
    return self.xml

  def setTempXML(self, xml):
      This is the xml temporarily saved, it will
      be stored with setXML when we will receive
      the confirmation of synchronization
    self.temp_xml = xml

  def getTempXML(self):
      get the temp xml
    return self.temp_xml

  def setSubscriberXupdate(self, xupdate):
    set the full temp xupdate
    self.subscriber_xupdate = xupdate

  def getSubscriberXupdate(self):
    get the full temp xupdate
    return self.subscriber_xupdate

  def setPublisherXupdate(self, xupdate):
    set the full temp xupdate
    self.publisher_xupdate = xupdate

  def getPublisherXupdate(self):
    get the full temp xupdate
    return self.publisher_xupdate

  def setMD5(self, xml):
      set the MD5 object of this signature
    self.md5_string = md5.new(xml).digest()

  def getMD5(self):
      get the MD5 object of this signature
    return self.md5_string

  def checkMD5(self, xml_string):
    check if the given md5_object returns the same things as
    the one stored in this signature, this is very usefull
    if we want to know if an objects has changed or not
    Returns 1 if MD5 are equals, else it returns 0
    return ((md5.new(xml_string).digest()) == self.getMD5())

  def setRid(self, rid):
      set the rid
    self.rid = rid

  def getRid(self):
      get the rid
    return self.rid

  def setId(self, id):
      set the id
    self.id = id

  def getId(self):
      get the id
    return self.id

  def setGid(self, gid):
      set the id
    self.gid = gid

  def getGid(self):
      get the id
    return self.gid

  def setPartialXML(self, xml):
    Set the partial string we will have to
    deliver in the future
    if type(xml) is type(u'a'):
      xml = xml.encode('utf-8')
    self.partial_xml = xml

  def getPartialXML(self):
    Set the partial string we will have to
    deliver in the future
    #LOG('Subscriber.getPartialXML',0,'partial_xml: %s' % str(self.partial_xml))
    if self.partial_xml is not None:
      self.partial_xml = self.partial_xml.replace('@-@@-@','--') # need to put back '--'
    return self.partial_xml

  def getAction(self):
    Return the actual action for a partial synchronization
    return self.action

  def setAction(self, action):
    Return the actual action for a partial synchronization
    self.action = action

  def getConflictList(self):
    Return the actual action for a partial synchronization
    conflict_list = []
    if len(self.conflict_list)>0:
      for conflict in self.conflict_list:
        conflict_list += [conflict]
    return conflict_list

  def resetConflictList(self):
    Return the actual action for a partial synchronization
    self.conflict_list = PersistentMapping()

  def setConflictList(self, conflict_list):
    Return the actual action for a partial synchronization
    LOG('setConflictList, list',0,conflict_list)
    if conflict_list is None or conflict_list==[]:
      self.conflict_list = conflict_list

  def delConflict(self, conflict):
    Return the actual action for a partial synchronization
    LOG('delConflict, conflict',0,conflict)
    conflict_list = []
    for c in self.getConflictList():
      LOG('delConflict, c==conflict',0,c==aq_base(conflict))
      if c != aq_base(conflict):
        conflict_list += [c]
    if conflict_list != []:

def addSubscription( self, id, title='', REQUEST=None ):
        Add a new Category and generate UID by calling the
    o = Subscription( id ,'','','','','','')
    self._setObject( id, o )
    if REQUEST is not None:
        return self.manage_main(self, REQUEST, update_menu=1)
    return o

#class Subscription(SyncCode, Implicit):
class Subscription(SyncCode, Implicit, Folder):
    Subscription hold the definition of a master ODB
    from/to which a selection of objects will be synchronised

    Subscription defined by::

    publication_url -- a URI to a publication

    subsribtion_url -- URL of ourselves

    destination_path -- the place where objects are stored

    query   -- a query which defines a local set of documents which
           are going to be synchronised

    xml_mapping -- a PageTemplate to map documents to XML

    gpg_key -- the name of a gpg key to use

    Subscription also holds private data to manage
    the synchronisation. We choose to keep an MD5 value for
    all documents which belong to the synchronisation process::

    signatures -- a dictionnary which contains the signature
           of documents at the time they were synchronized

    session_id -- it defines the id of the session
         with the server.

    last_anchor - it defines the id of the last synchronisation

    next_anchor - it defines the id of the current synchronisation


  meta_type='ERP5 Subscription'
  portal_type='Subscription' # may be useful in the future...
  isPortalContent = 1
  isRADContent = 1
  icon = None

  # Declarative properties
  property_sheets = ( PropertySheet.Base
                    , PropertySheet.SimpleItem )

  allowed_types = ( 'Signatures',)

  # Declarative constructors
  constructors =   (addSubscription,)

  # Declarative security
  security = ClassSecurityInfo()

  # Constructor
  def __init__(self, id, title, publication_url, subscription_url, destination_path, query, xml_mapping, gpg_key):
      We need to create a dictionnary of
      signatures of documents which belong to the synchronisation
    self.id = id
    self.publication_url = (publication_url)
    self.subscription_url = str(subscription_url)
    self.destination_path = str(destination_path)
    self.xml_mapping = xml_mapping
    self.anchor = None
    self.session_id = 0
    #self.signatures = PersistentMapping()
    self.last_anchor = '00000000T000000Z'
    self.next_anchor = '00000000T000000Z'
    self.domain_type = self.SUB
    self.gpg_key = gpg_key
    Folder.__init__(self, id)
    self.title = title

    #self.signatures = PersitentMapping()

  def getTitle(self):
    getter for title
    return getattr(self,'title',None)

  def setTitle(self, value):
    setter for title
    self.title = value

  # Accessors
  def getRemoteId(self, id, path=None):
      Returns the remote id from a know local id
      Returns None if...
      path allows to implement recursive sync

  def getSynchronizationType(self, default=None):
    # XXX for debugging only, to be removed
    dict_sign = {}
    for o in self.objectValues():
      dict_sign[o.getId()] = o.getStatus()
    LOG('getSignature',0,'signatures_status: %s' % str(dict_sign))
    code = self.SLOW_SYNC
    if len(self.objectValues()) > 0:
      code = self.TWO_WAY
    if default is not None:
      code = default
    LOG('Subscription',0,'getSynchronizationType: %s' % code)
    return code

  def checkCorrectRemoteSessionId(self, session_id):
    We will see if the last session id was the same
    wich means that the same message was sent again

    return 1 if the session id was not seen, 0 if already seen
    last_session_id = getattr(self,'last_session_id',None)
    if last_session_id == session_id:
      return 0
    self.last_session_id = session_id
    return 1

  def getLastSentMessage(self):
    This is the getter for the last message we have sent
    return getattr(self,'last_sent_message','')

  def setLastSentMessage(self,xml):
    This is the setter for the last message we have sent
    self.last_sent_message = xml

  def getLocalId(self, rid, path=None):
      Returns the local id from a know remote id
      Returns None if...

  def getId(self):
      return the ID
    return self.id

  def getDomainType(self):
      return the ID
    return self.domain_type

  def setId(self, id):
      set the ID
    self.id = id

  def getQuery(self):
      return the query
    return self.query

  def getGPGKey(self):
      return the gnupg key name
    return getattr(self,'gpg_key','')

  def setGPGKey(self, value):
      setter for the gnupg key name
    self.gpg_key = value

  def setQuery(self, query):
      set the query
    if query in (None,''):
      query = 'objectValues'
    self.query = query

  def getPublicationUrl(self):
      return the publication url
    return self.publication_url

  def getLocalUrl(self):
      return the publication url
    return self.publication_url

  def setPublicationUrl(self, publication_url):
      return the publication url
    self.publication_url = publication_url

  def getXMLMapping(self):
      return the xml mapping
    xml_mapping = getattr(self,'xml_mapping','asXML')
    return xml_mapping

  def setXMLMapping(self, xml_mapping):
      return the xml mapping
    self.xml_mapping = xml_mapping

  def setGidGenerator(self, method):
    This set the method name wich allows to find a gid
    from any object
    if method in (None,''):
      method = 'getId'
    self.gid_generator = method

  def getGidGenerator(self):
    This get the method name wich allows to find a gid
    from any object
    return self.gid_generator

  def getGidFromObject(self, object):
    o_base = aq_base(object)
    o_gid = None
    LOG('getGidFromObject',0,'gidgenerator : %s' % repr(self.getGidGenerator()))
    gid_gen = self.getGidGenerator()
    if callable(gid_gen):
    elif hasattr(o_base, gid_gen):
      LOG('getGidFromObject',0,'there is the gid generator')
      generator = getattr(object, self.getGidGenerator())
      o_gid = generator()
      LOG('getGidFromObject',0,'o_gid: %s' % repr(o_gid))
    return o_gid

  def getObjectFromGid(self, gid):
    This tries to get the object with the given gid
    This uses the query if it exist
    signature = self.getSignature(gid)
    # First look if we do already have the mapping between
    # the id and the gid
    object_list = self.getObjectList()
    destination = self.getDestination()
    LOG('getObjectFromGid',0,'gid: %s' % repr(gid))
    if signature is not None:
      o_id = signature.getId()
      o = None
        o = destination._getOb(o_id)
      except (AttributeError, KeyError, TypeError):
      if o is not None and o in object_list:
        return o
    for o in object_list:
      LOG('getObjectFromGid',0,'working on : %s' % repr(o))
      o_gid = self.getGidFromObject(o)
      if o_gid == gid:
        return o
    LOG('getObjectFromGid',0,'returning None')
    return None

  def getObjectList(self):
    This returns the list of sub-object corresponding
    to the query
    destination = self.getDestination()
    query = self.getQuery()
    query_list = []
    if type(query) is type('a'):
      query_method = getattr(destination,query,None)
      if query_method is not None:
        query_list = query_method()
    if callable(query):
      query_list = query(destination)
    return filter(lambda x: x.id.find('conflict_copy')<0,query_list)

#     if query is not None:
#       query_list = query()
#    return query_list

  def generateNewIdWithGenerator(self, object=None,gid=None):
    This tries to generate a new Id
    LOG('generateNewId, object: ',0,object.getPhysicalPath())
    id_generator = self.getIdGenerator()
    LOG('generateNewId, id_generator: ',0,id_generator)
    if id_generator is not None:
      o_base = aq_base(object)
      new_id = None
      if callable(id_generator):
        new_id = id_generator(object)
      elif hasattr(o_base, id_generator):
        generator = getattr(object, id_generator)
        new_id = generator()
      LOG('generateNewId, new_id: ',0,new_id)
      return new_id
    return None

  def setIdGenerator(self, method):
    This set the method name wich allows to generate
    a new id
    self.id_generator = method

  def getIdGenerator(self):
    This get the method name wich allows to generate a new id
    return self.id_generator

  def getSubscriptionUrl(self):
      return the subscription url
    return self.subscription_url

  def setSubscriptionUrl(self, subscription_url):
      set the subscription url
    self.subscription_url = subscription_url

  def getDestinationPath(self):
      return the destination path
    return self.destination_path

  def getDestination(self):
      return the destination object itself
    return self.unrestrictedTraverse(self.getDestinationPath())

  def setDestinationPath(self, destination_path):
      set the destination path
    self.destination_path = destination_path

  def getSubscription(self):
      return the current subscription
    return self

  def getSessionId(self):
      return the session id
    self.session_id += 1
    return self.session_id

  def getLastAnchor(self):
      return the id of the last synchronisation
    return self.last_anchor

  def getNextAnchor(self):
      return the id of the current synchronisation
    return self.next_anchor

  def setLastAnchor(self, last_anchor):
      set the value last anchor
    self.last_anchor = last_anchor

  def setNextAnchor(self, next_anchor):
      set the value next anchor
    # We store the old next anchor as the new last one
    self.last_anchor = self.next_anchor
    self.next_anchor = next_anchor

  def NewAnchor(self):
      set a new anchor
    self.last_anchor = self.next_anchor
    self.next_anchor = strftime("%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ", gmtime())

  def resetAnchors(self):
      reset both last and next anchors
    self.last_anchor = self.NULL_ANCHOR
    self.next_anchor = self.NULL_ANCHOR

  def addSignature(self, signature):
      add a Signature to the subscription
    self._setObject( signature.getGid(), signature )

  def delSignature(self, gid):
      add a Signature to the subscription
    #del self.signatures[gid]

  def getSignature(self, gid):
      add a Signature to the subscription
    o = None
    if gid in self.objectIds():
      o = self._getOb(gid)
    return o

  def getSignatureList(self):
      add a Signature to the subscription
    return self.objectValues()

  def hasSignature(self, gid):
      Check if there's a signature with this uid
    #return self.signatures.has_key(gid)
    return gid in self.objectIds()

  def resetAllSignatures(self):
      Reset all signatures
    #self.signatures = PersistentMapping()
    for o in self.objectValues():

  def getGidList(self):
    Returns the list of ids from signature
    return self.objectIds()

  def getConflictList(self):
    Return the list of all conflicts from all signatures
    conflict_list = []
    for signature in self.getSignatureList():
      conflict_list += signature.getConflictList()
    return conflict_list

  def startSynchronization(self):
    Set the status of every object as NOT_SYNCHRONIZED
    for o in self.objectValues():
      # Change the status only if we are not in a conflict mode
      if not(o.getStatus() in (self.CONFLICT,self.PUB_CONFLICT_MERGE,