diff --git a/product/ERP5/tests/testInteractionWorkflow.py b/product/ERP5/tests/testInteractionWorkflow.py
index d4edd8a8c816a7441d9791f2bf704506975dd891..9e07b9e266ebc64b1fe20c21ba6e23a64cbcbbe5 100644
--- a/product/ERP5/tests/testInteractionWorkflow.py
+++ b/product/ERP5/tests/testInteractionWorkflow.py
@@ -560,6 +560,75 @@ context.setTitle('Bar')
     self.assertEquals(organisation.getTitle(), 'Bar')
+  def test_18_no_temp_object(self, quiet=0, run=run_all_test):
+    if not run: return
+    if not quiet:
+      self.logMessage('Skips Temp Objects')
+    self.createInteractionWorkflow()
+    self.interaction.setProperties(
+            'editObject',
+            temporary_document_disallowed=False,
+            method_id='_setGroup.*',
+            after_script_name=('afterEdit',))
+    params = 'sci, **kw'
+    body = """\
+context = sci['object']
+    self.script.ZPythonScript_edit(params, body)
+    self.createData()
+    organisation = self.organisation
+    temp = organisation.asContext()
+    temp.setTitle('Foo')
+    # interaction workflows can affect temp objects
+    temp.setGroupValue(organisation)
+    self.assertEqual(temp.getTitle(), 'Bar')
+    # but not if it has been forbidden
+    temp.setTitle('Foo')
+    self.interaction.setProperties(
+            'editObject',
+            temporary_document_disallowed=True,
+            method_id='_setGroup.*',
+            after_script_name=('afterEdit',))
+    temp.setGroupValue(None)
+    self.assertEqual(temp.getTitle(), 'Foo')
+  def test_19_temp_object_doesnt_skip_normal(self, quiet=0, run=run_all_test):
+    if not run: return
+    if not quiet:
+      self.logMessage('Skips Temp Objects, but run in normal objects in the same transaction')
+    self.createInteractionWorkflow()
+    self.interaction.setProperties(
+            'editObject',
+            once_per_transaction=True,
+            temporary_document_disallowed=True,
+            method_id='_setGroup.*',
+            after_script_name=('afterEdit',))
+    params = 'sci, **kw'
+    body = """\
+context = sci['object']
+    self.script.ZPythonScript_edit(params, body)
+    self.createData()
+    organisation = self.organisation
+    organisation.setTitle('Foo')
+    temp = organisation.asContext()
+    # temp and organisation have the same path
+    self.assertEqual(temp.getPath(), organisation.getPath())
+    # which means that a transactional variable key based on path would
+    # match both the organisation and the temp object, but triggering the
+    # workflow on the temp object should not change it:
+    temp.setGroupValue(organisation)
+    self.assertEquals(temp.getTitle(), 'Foo')
+    # nor should it change the normal object
+    self.assertEquals(organisation.getTitle(), 'Foo')
+    # however, it should allow triggering the normal object later on the same
+    # transaction
+    organisation.setGroupValue(organisation)
+    self.assertEquals(organisation.getTitle(), 'Bar')
+    # while still not changing the temp object
+    self.assertEquals(temp.getTitle(), 'Foo')
   def test_regular_expression(self):
     # test that we can add an interaction by defining methods using regular
diff --git a/product/ERP5Type/Base.py b/product/ERP5Type/Base.py
index b4ab7de463b497d2f35f4e92151c834a24284442..9492007e9e6da904ae8246f165813fbf922005a9 100644
--- a/product/ERP5Type/Base.py
+++ b/product/ERP5Type/Base.py
@@ -181,17 +181,14 @@ class WorkflowMethod(Method):
     invoke_once_dict = self._invoke_once.get(portal_type, {})
     valid_invoke_once_item_list = []
     # Only keep those transitions which were never invoked
+    once_transition_dict = {}
     for wf_id, transition_list in invoke_once_dict.iteritems():
       valid_transition_list = []
       for transition_id in transition_list:
         once_transition_key = ('Products.ERP5Type.Base.WorkflowMethod.__call__',
                                 wf_id, transition_id, instance_path)
-        try:
-          already_called_transition = transactional_variable[once_transition_key]
-        except KeyError:
-          already_called_transition = 0
-          transactional_variable[once_transition_key] = 1
-        if not already_called_transition:
+        once_transition_dict[(wf_id, transition_id)] = once_transition_key
+        if once_transition_key not in transactional_variable:
       if valid_transition_list:
         valid_invoke_once_item_list.append((wf_id, valid_transition_list))
@@ -216,6 +213,12 @@ class WorkflowMethod(Method):
       for transition_id in transition_list:
         if candidate_workflow.isWorkflowMethodSupported(instance, transition_id):
+          once_transition_key = once_transition_dict.get((wf_id, transition_id),
+                                                         None)
+          if once_transition_key is not None:
+            # a run-once transiction, prevent it from running in the
+            # same transaction again
+            transactional_variable[once_transition_key] = 1
         elif candidate_workflow.__class__.__name__ == 'DCWorkflowDefinition':
           raise UnsupportedWorkflowMethod(instance, wf_id, transition_id)
           # XXX Keep the log for projects that needs to comment out