############################################################################## # # Copyright (c) 2002 Nexedi SARL and Contributors. All Rights Reserved. # Guillaume Michon <guillaume.michon@e-asc.com> # # WARNING: This program as such is intended to be used by professional # programmers who take the whole responsability of assessing all potential # consequences resulting from its eventual inadequacies and bugs # End users who are looking for a ready-to-use solution with commercial # garantees and support are strongly adviced to contract a Free Software # Service Company # # This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # ############################################################################## from Globals import InitializeClass from AccessControl import ClassSecurityInfo from Products.ERP5Type import Base, Permissions, PropertySheet, Constraint, interfaces from Products.ERP5Type.XMLObject import XMLObject from Products.ERP5.Document.Amount import Amount from Products.ERP5.Document.Movement import Movement from Products.ERP5Type.DateUtils import millis from string import capitalize from zLOG import LOG UNIMMOBILISING_METHOD = "unimmobilise" NO_CHANGE_METHOD = "no_change" AMORTISATION_METHOD_PREFIX = "portal_skins/erp5_accounting_" IMMOBILISATION_NEEDED_PROPERTY_LIST = [ ("date", "stop_date", "Date"), ("method", "amortisation_method", "Amortisation Method"), ] IMMOBILISATION_UNCONTINUOUS_NEEDED_PROPERTY_LIST = [ ("main_price", "amortisation_start_price", "Immobilised Price"), ("disposal_price", "disposal_price", "Disposal Price"), ("duration", "amortisation_duration", "Amortisation Duration"), ("vat", "immobilisation_vat", "VAT"), ("input_account", "input_account", "Input Account"), ("output_account", "output_account", "Output Account"), ("immobilisation_account", "immobilisation_account", "Immobilisation Account"), ("amortisation_account", "amortisation_account", "Amortisation Account"), ("depreciation_account", "depreciation_account", "Depreciation Account"), ("vat_account", "immobilisation_vat_account", "VAT Account"), ("extra_cost_account", "extra_cost_account", "Extra Costs Account"), ] IMMOBILISATION_FACULTATIVE_PROPERTY_LIST = [ ("monthly_amortisation_account", "monthly_amortisation_account", "Monthly Amortisation Account"), ("extra_cost_price", "extra_cost_price", "Extra Costs Price"), ("durability", "durability", "Durability"), ] class ImmobilisationMovement(Movement, XMLObject): """ An ImmobilisationMovement is a generic object representing an immobilisation and optional amortisation decision for any item. It holds information about an accounting immobilisation (in order to amortise an object) """ meta_type = 'ERP5 Immobilisation Movement' portal_type = 'Immobilisation Movement' add_permission = Permissions.AddPortalContent isPortalContent = 1 isRADContent = 1 # Declarative security security = ClassSecurityInfo() security.declareObjectProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation) # Declarative properties property_sheets = ( PropertySheet.Base , PropertySheet.XMLObject , PropertySheet.CategoryCore , PropertySheet.DublinCore , PropertySheet.Task , PropertySheet.Arrow , PropertySheet.Movement , PropertySheet.Delivery , PropertySheet.Reference , PropertySheet.Amount , PropertySheet.Price , PropertySheet.Amortisation ) def _checkImmobilisationConsistency(self, fixit=0, mapped_value_property_list=(), to_translate=1): """ If to_translate is set, the method may return a dictionary {'msg':'...', 'mapping':{} } """ relative_url = self.getRelativeUrl() def checkValuesAreNotNone(property_list): errors = [] for key, value, name in property_list: value = 'get' + ''.join(map(capitalize, value.split('_'))) value = getattr(self, value, None) if value is not None: value = value() if key == 'method' and not value: value = NO_CHANGE_METHOD errors.extend(checkValue(variable=value, forbidden_value_list=[None], error_message=["Property value inconsistency", 0, "%s property is empty" % name] ) ) return errors def checkValue(variable, forbidden_value_list=None, authorized_value_list=None, error_message=["Error Type", 0, "Error message"]): if forbidden_value_list is not None: if type(forbidden_value_list) != type([]): forbidden_value_list = [forbidden_value_list] if variable in forbidden_value_list: return [ tuple([relative_url] + error_message) ] if authorized_value_list is not None: if type(authorized_value_list) != type([]): authorized_value_list = [authorized_value_list] if variable not in authorized_value_list: return [ tuple([relative_url] + error_message) ] return [] errors = [] # Check absolutely needed values method = self.getAmortisationMethod() or NO_CHANGE_METHOD errors.extend(checkValuesAreNotNone(IMMOBILISATION_NEEDED_PROPERTY_LIST)) property_list = self.getNeededSpecificParameterListForItem(None) errors.extend(checkValuesAreNotNone(property_list)) # Check if the date of this movement is unique date_error = 0 for item in self.getAggregateValueList(): same_date_list = item.getUnfilteredImmobilisationMovementValueList( from_date = self.getStopDate(), to_date = self.getStopDate(), include_to_date = 1) error_found = 0 for other_movement in same_date_list: if other_movement != self and other_movement.getRootDeliveryValue().getImmobilisationState() == 'valid': error_found = 1 date_error = 1 if error_found: if to_translate: msg = {'msg':"An other movement already exists at the same date for item ${item}", 'mapping': {'item':item.getRelativeUrl()} } else: msg = "An other movement alreay exists at the same date for item %s" % item.getRelativeUrl() errors.append([self.getRelativeUrl(), "Property value inconsistency", 0, msg ]) # Return to avoid infinite loops in case of date errors if date_error: return errors item_list = self.getAggregateValueList() if len(item_list) == 0: # No item aggregated, so the movement is considered as valid #errors.append([self.getRelativeUrl(), # "Property value inconsistency", 0, # "No item aggregated"]) return errors # Check values needed if the amortisation method is not continuous check_uncontinuous = 0 if self.getStopDate() is not None: if method not in [None, "", NO_CHANGE_METHOD, UNIMMOBILISING_METHOD]: get_amo_method_parameter = self.getAmortisationMethodParameter("continuous") continuous = get_amo_method_parameter["continuous"] if not continuous: check_uncontinuous = 1 # We need to check if the preceding movement is in the same period, and valid # This check must be done on each item else: # We need to check if the preceding movement is in the same period, and if it is valid # This check must be done on each item def checkPreviousMovementForItem(movement, item): previous_movement = item.getLastImmobilisationMovementValue(at_date=movement.getStopDate()) if previous_movement is None: return 0 if previous_movement.getImmobilisationState() == 'valid': if previous_movement.getAmortisationMethod() not in ("", NO_CHANGE_METHOD): return 1 return checkPreviousMovementForItem(previous_movement, item) return checkPreviousMovementForItem(previous_movement, item) for item in self.getAggregateValueList(): if not checkPreviousMovementForItem(self,item): check_uncontinuous = 1 else: # The last movement which is not a NO_CHANGE is valid # Now check if the method is the same, then if the period is really continuing from previous movement previous_movement = item.getLastImmobilisationMovementValue(at_date=self.getStopDate()) previous_movement_method = previous_movement.getActualAmortisationMethodForItem(item) if previous_movement_method != method: check_uncontinuous = 1 # If the previous method is the same, it means the previous movement did # not stop the immobilisation, because stopping is a particular method if check_uncontinuous: errors.extend(checkValuesAreNotNone(IMMOBILISATION_UNCONTINUOUS_NEEDED_PROPERTY_LIST)) property_list = self.getUncontinuousNeededSpecificParameterListForItem(None) errors.extend(checkValuesAreNotNone(property_list)) # Do not check facultative properties (of course) # Check owner change for each aggregated item # XXX Checking it here would be inadequate, since the owner can change by multiple ways : # adding a new movement for this item, changing it, modifying related organisation, etc... # It is not compatible with a validity workflow approach since the causalities are too numerous # The actual check is done in ImmobilisableItem.getImmobilisationPeriodList() return errors security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'checkImmobilisationConsistency') def checkImmobilisationConsistency(self, *args, **kw): """ Checks the consistency about immobilisation values """ return self._checkImmobilisationConsistency(*args, **kw) security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'getAmortisationMethodParameter') def getAmortisationMethodParameter(self, parameter_list, **kw): """ Returns a dictionary containing the value of each parameter whose name is given in parameter_list. Warning : can only be used on a movement whose amortisation_method is not in (None, NO_CHANGE_METHOD) """ if self.getAmortisationMethod() in (None, "", NO_CHANGE_METHOD): return None return self.getAmortisationMethodParameterForItem(None, parameter_list, **kw) security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'getAmortisationMethodParameterForItem') def getAmortisationMethodParameterForItem(self, item, parameter_list, split_char=None, split_qty=3, **kw): """ Returns a dictionary containing the value of each parameter whose name is given in parameter_list. The value is get from the amortisation method parameter folder (e.g. portal_skins/erp5_accounting_eu/linear) This folder has specifical parameters needed for calculation 'item' can be None to access parameters on a movement whose method is not NO_CHANGE_METHOD nor None """ parameter_dict = {} if type(parameter_list) == type(""): parameter_list = [parameter_list] for parameter in parameter_list: parameter_dict[parameter] = None amortisation_method = self.getActualAmortisationMethodForItem(item, **kw) if amortisation_method not in (None, NO_CHANGE_METHOD, UNIMMOBILISING_METHOD, ""): parameter_object = self.getPortalObject().unrestrictedTraverse(AMORTISATION_METHOD_PREFIX + amortisation_method) if parameter_object is not None: for parameter in parameter_list: parameter_dict[parameter] = getattr(parameter_object, parameter, None) if (split_char is not None) and (split_qty != 0): new_parameter_dict = {} for key in parameter_dict.keys(): param_list = parameter_dict[key] if param_list is None: new_parameter_dict[key] = [] if type(param_list) != type([]) and type(param_list) != type(()): param_list = [param_list] new_param_list = [] for param in param_list: if param is not None: if param.find(split_char) != -1: param = param.split(split_char) param = [x.strip() for x in param] if type(param) != type([]) and type(param) != type(()): param = [param] if len(param) > split_qty: param = param[:split_qty] while len(param) < split_qty: param.append(param[-1]) new_param_list.append(param) new_parameter_dict[key] = new_param_list parameter_dict = new_parameter_dict return parameter_dict security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'getActualAmortisationMethodForItem') def getActualAmortisationMethodForItem(self, item, **kw): """ Returns the actual amortisation method by getting the previous movement method if the current one is NO_CHANGE_METHOD """ method = self.getAmortisationMethod() if method not in (None, "", NO_CHANGE_METHOD): return method stop_date = self.getStopDate() if stop_date is None or item is None: return None previous_movement_list = item.getPastImmobilisationMovementValueList(at_date=stop_date, **kw) if previous_movement_list is None: return None for i in range(len(previous_movement_list)-1, -1, -1): movement = previous_movement_list[i] if movement.getAmortisationMethod() not in (None, "", NO_CHANGE_METHOD): return movement.getAmortisationMethod() return None security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'getNeededSpecificParameterListForItem') def getNeededSpecificParameterListForItem(self, item, **kw): """ Returns the list of specific parameters which are needed for the amortisation calculation for the given item """ return self.getAmortisationMethodParameterForItem(item=item, parameter_list="needed_specific_parameter_list", split_char = '|', split_qty = 3, **kw)["needed_specific_parameter_list"] security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'getUncontinuousNeededSpecificParameterListForItem') def getUncontinuousNeededSpecificParameterListForItem(self, item, **kw): """ Returns the list of specific parameters which are needed for the amortisation calculation for the given item when the amortisation is not continuing the previous period """ return self.getAmortisationMethodParameterForItem(item=item, parameter_list="uncontinuous_needed_specific_parameter_list", split_char = '|', split_qty = 3, **kw)["uncontinuous_needed_specific_parameter_list"] security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'getFacultativeSpecificParameterListForItem') def getFacultativeSpecificParameterListForItem(self, item, **kw): """ Returns the list of specific parameters which are facultative for the amortisation calculation for the given item """ return self.getAmortisationMethodParameterForItem(item=item, parameter_list="facultative_specific_parameter_list", split_char = '|', split_qty = 3, **kw)["facultative_specific_parameter_list"] security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'isUsingAmortisationMethod') def isUsingAmortisationMethod(self, method): """ Return true if this item is using the given method """ return self.getAmortisationMethod() == method security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'getImmobilisationState') def getImmobilisationState(self): """ Return root delivery immobilisation state """ return self.getRootDeliveryValue().getImmobilisationState()